HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1994-07-12Town off Estes Park,Larimer County, Colorado,..July . 12 . ..,19 .9 4 Minutes of a ..Regular ..meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town o f Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado . Meeting held in the Municipal Building i n said Town of Estes Park on the . 12th . day of July ..., A .D .,19 ..9 4 at regular meeting hour . H . Bernerd Dannel s Meeting called to order by Mayor Present : Mayor Trustees :H . B . Dannels Robert L . Dekker , Mayor ProTem Susan L . Doylen , Stephen W . Gillette , William J . Marshall , Also Present : Michael E . Miller , Gary F . Klaphake, J . Donald Paule y Town Administrato r Gregory A . White , Town Attorne y Vickie O'Connor , OrycA Town Cler k Absent : None Mayor Dannels called the meeting to order at 7 :30 P .M . PUBLIC INPUT . There was no public comment . CONSENT CALENDAR : 1 . Town Board minutes dated June 14, and Special Meeting June 20 , 1994 . 2 . Bills . 3 . Committee Minutes : A.Public Safety, June 16, 1994 . B.Planning Commission, June 21, 1994 (acknowledgemen t only). 4 . Liquor Licenses : A.Special Event Liquor Permit Application filed by James A . Durward/Long's Peak Scottish-Irish Highland Festival - Motion to post premises (consideration of the applicatio n will be held July 26, 1994). B.Resolution #12-94 - Setting public hearing date of Augus t 9, 1994 for New Hotel and Restaurant License filed b y Johnathan V . & Amy E . Lyreman dba COWPOKE CAFE OF ESTE S PARK, 165 Virginia Ave . Trustee Doylen requested that portion of the June 16, 1994 Publi c Safety Committee minutes on the recommendation that the existin g yield signs be converted to stop signs for a portion of Countr y Club Manor Addition be removed from the consent calendar fo r additional discussion . It was moved and seconded (Doylen/Gillette ) the consent calendar, with the item removed as described above, b e approved and it passed unanimously . Pursuant to prior discussions on the installation of additiona l stop signs in the Carriage Hills area with Chief Racine, Truste e Doylen questioned why the sign conversion was recommended fo r approval without benefit of a warrant study and associate d supporting documentation . Administrator Klaphake reported that, in Board of Trustees - July 12, 1994 - Page 2 this particular instance (mature subdivision), citizen petition , and the unlikely event that the existing yield signs could b e removed altogether, it was concluded that the conversion proceed a t this time . Based upon the citizen petition, and stating that an y additional concerns on this subject be brought to the Public Safet y Committee, it was moved and seconded (Gillette/Dekker) th e conversion of yield signs to stop signs for a portion of Countr y Club Manor Addition be approved,and it passed by the followin g votes : Those voting "Yes" Trustees Dekker, Gillette, Marshall , Miller and Pauley . Those voting "No" Trustee Doylen . ACTION ITEMS : 1.Public Safety Committee, June 16, 1994 : A .Cooperative Agreement with Rocky Mountain National Par k for Fire Facility - Fire Department .RMNP Chief o f Maintenance Steve Iobst briefed the Trustees on thi s project and presented a drawing of the building whic h will be constructed in an area between Mills Drive an d Chiefs Head Road . Fire Chief Rumley stated the structur e will be a tremendous asset to the Department as well a s the west end, and that funding is being provided by th e National Park and the Fire Department (not Town subsidy). The term of the Agreement is 5 years and the Fir e Department is equipping the building . Noting th e importance of and potential for additional suc h public/public partnerships, it was moved and seconde d (Gillette/Marshall) the Cooperative Agreement betwee n Rocky Mountain National Park and the Town/Fire Departmen t be approved,and it passed unanimously . 2.Planning Commission : A.Final Plat of Lots 1 and 2, Stanley Village Subdivision , Stanley Commercial Development/Applicant - Continued fro m May10,1994 ,.Mayor Dannels opened the public hearing . Community Development Director Stamey reviewed the pla t which proposes enlarging existing Lot 1 (Park Nationa l Bank), by including a vacant area to the west of th e bank . The bank will have ownership and will construc t the subsequent building on Lot 1 . Planning Commissio n comments have been added to the Plat and property pin s set . Of a technical matter, the attorney's certificat e was dated July 8, 1994--the certificate should be date d July 12, 1994 . A letter from the Applicant stating tha t no change in common ownership has occurred will meet thi s requirement . Bill Van Horn, Applicant's representative , confirmed that no new or additional ownership is bein g created by this proposal . Concerning the origina l approval of maximum floor area, Mr . Van Horn confirme d that if, in the future, Stanley Village Developmen t desires increase the combined area, approval must firs t be obtained from EPURA and the Planning Commission . A s there were no persons speaking in opposition to the plat , Mayor Dannels closed the public hearing . It was move d and seconded (Doylen/Dekker) the Final Plat of Lots lan d 2, Stanley Village Subdivision be approved,and it passe d unanimously . B.Final Plat of Lot 3, Stanley Historic District, FHK Co . Partnership/Applicant Request 10-day extension fo r submittal of Improvement Guarantee .Director Stamey presented the Applicant's request for a 10-day tim e extension for submittal of the Improvement Guarantee . At their meeting June 20, the Town Board conditionall y approved the final plat with the stipulation that th e Improvement Guarantee be submitted by July 5, 1994 . Final Homeowners Association documents have bee n received . It was moved and seconded (Pauley/Doylen) the =oard of Trustees July 12, 1994 - Page 3 request be continued to July 26, 1994 ; however, if th e Guarantee is received prior to 7/26/94, staff i s authorized to record the plat,and it passed unanimously . 3.Rocky Mountain National Park Wilderness Act of 199 4 "Wilderness Bill" - Discussion with Representatives from RMNP , and the Offices of Hank Brown . David Ska••s and Wane Allard . Steve Smith, District Field Representative/David Skagg s Office, briefed the Trustees on Representative Skaggs (th e Bill's sponsor) position on the Wilderness Bill . Such a designation would stipulate where human imprints would no t occur (roads, permanent structures and the like). In Mr . Smith's opinion, the inclusion of water rights language doe snotconflictwithexisting (municipal) users . RMN P Superintendent Homer Rouse reported that RMNP endorses th e Bill which will ratify how the Park has been managed for th e past 20 years . Areas for future structures will be preserved . Supt . Rouse presented a fact sheet on the "Impacts of th e Wilderness Designation on Managing a Park ." Discussio n included the perception of an additional "layer o f bureaucracy", concern of the inclusion of water right s language (Pg . 2, line 14 (3) existing rights and Pg . 4, lin e 13 (b) reserved water rights) particularly, protection of th e Town's water rights and how federal control could endanger Colorado water rights, Park visitation "caps", and use o f motorized vehicles, particularly for trail maintenance . Mr . Smith confirmed that a detailed map will be available fo r inspection at RMNP . Diane Hopper/Senator Hank Brown's Office , reiterated Senator Brown's concerns : potential restriction o n recreational use, water rights implications, introduction o f the Bill with little or no consultation with members o f Congress whose districts contain the majority of the land, an d the primary mission of the National Park Service . For thes e reasons, Senator Brown is not supporting the Bill . Mik e ennett, District Director/Representative Wayne Allard's Office, expressed concern with water rights/federal reserv e water rights, urged the Bill be treated with caution due t o the watershed, and commented that he was pleased with th e public comment opportunity . Mayor Dannels expressed th e Board's appreciation to all three representatives . It wa s moved and seconded (Miller/Marshall) the Board of Trustees no t support the Wilderness Bill - Wilderness Act of 1994 in it s present form due to the major concern with the water right s language and why such has been included,and it passe d unanimously . 4.1993 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report .Finance Office r Vavra and Steve Jackson/CPA presented the Annual Financia l Report for the fiscal year ended December 3, 1993 and reviewe d graphs depicting 1993 Revenues and Other Sources of Funds , Expenditures, Revenues and Expenditures, and General Fixe d Assets and Equity . The Trustees expressed their appreciatio n to staff and Mr . Jackson for the presentation and acknowledge d receipt of the Audit . 5.Town Administrator's Report .Administrator Klaphake reporte d on staff's examination of the Town's raw water supply wit h regard to a potential shortfall in August/September an d confirmed that Attorney White has successfully negotiated th e rental of an additional 200 ac . ft . of water through th e Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District (NCWCD) fro m Eastman Kodak . Although the Town may not require th e additional water, it will be used in some fashion (perhaps th e EVRPD). Staff is continuing to research creative ideas t o lower consumptive use . Attorney White confirmed that sinc e NCWCD's record keeping, 1994 is the driest year in history . Sales Tax statistics for May, 1994 over May, 1993 hav e increased 11 .91%. Year-to-date through May is up 14 .3%. Board of Trustees - July 12, 1994 - Page 4 Following completion of the above agenda items concerning the Boar d of Trustees, Mayor Dannels adjourned the meeting at 9 :30 P .M . Board of Trustees Convene as Estes Park Housing Authorit y Chairman Dannels called the meeting to order at 9 :31 P .M . 1 .Appointment - Vice Chairman .Current Officers include H . B . Dannels/Chairman and Robert L . Dekker/Secretary . It was move d and seconded (Gillette/Pauley) Susan L .Doylen be appointe d Vice Chairman,and it passed unanimously . 2 .A .Re-introduction of Mission Statement and Strategic Plan . Ass°t . Administrator Widmer presented a draft copy of th e Mission Statement which defines how the Authority wil l operate . Following revision, the Statement will read a s follows : "The mission of the Estes Park Housing Authority is t o generate, through public and private cooperation, housin g at affordable cost to serve the housing needs of locally - employed persons who live within the Estes Park area an d who have incomes below 80% of the median family income o r who are seasonally employed ." B .Long-Term Objectives .These objectives include the following : 1.Assist in the development of at least 310 new o r rehabilitated units of affordable housing (th e number was taken from the recent housing study). 2.Periodically review and update the Housing Need s Assessment . 3.Adopt regulations that require new developments t o provide affordable housing . C .Annual Goals .These goals include the following : 1.Complete the purchase of land for affordabl e housing located at Community Dr ./Manford Ave ., including a municipal election . 2.Initiate site planning, building design, an d prepare preliminary cost estimates for the projec t at Community Dr ./Manford Ave . 3.Establish a partnership agreement with Rock y Mountain National Park and other appropriat e partners . Median family income figures are supplied by HUD . Estes Par k must use the figures from the Fort Collins/Loveland base area . Examples of the 80% maximum calculation are : single/$24,750 ; 2 people/$28,300 ; 4 people/$35,350 ; and 8 people/$46,650 . Discussion followed, with staff confirming : the definition o f "affordable" may change depending on the project ; the recen t Marys Lake Housing Project is compatible with the Missio n Statement ; and locally employed persons must first establis h residency prior to applying for affordable housing . There were no changes in the Long-Term Objectives ; however , the word "Annual" Goals will be revised to "First Year" Goals . All of the above revisions will be formally presented to th e Trustees at the next quarterly meeting scheduled in September . Administrator Klaphake reported that committees have bee n established to assist Trustees Doylen and Gillette . Board of Trustees - July 12, 1994 - Page 5 Discussions are taking place in three areas : (1) the physica l development of the site, (2) finance, and (3) how t o communicate project(s) to the public . Information on th e housing plan, site and financing options with the RMNP will b e shared by Trustees Doylen and Gillette . Housing Plan -Trustee Doylen reported that pursuant t o community workshops, it was believed housing is a seriou s need, however, the design is critical in terms of integratin g the structure into the community - the project should b e "village scale ." The plan should be flexible to accommodat e various types of households (1, 2, and 3 bedroom units) whic h should consider future needs as well . Approximately 52 unit s are being proposed on the Community Dr ./Manford Ave . site . Phasing of the housing plan depends on financing . The curren t goal, relative to planning and design, is to publicly presen t conceptual plans in late August . Fite -The Town recently expended $15,000 on an option t o purchase the Community Dr ./Manford Ave . site which contain s 4 .74 acres . Total cost of the site is $397,072 . Concern ha s been expressed on the cost of this land . The committe e contends that the Town could not financially make th e infrastructure improvements to this land if they did no t already exist, and that public goodwill to launch this projec t could not be created without a site that has the followin g attributes : central location (existing pedestrian/vehicula r access) close to services i .e . day care, grocery stores , recreation, etc ., and resident acceptability which avoids th e "Not-In-My-Back-Yard" philosophy . This site has the highes t level of infrastructure available and current zoning allow s the desired density . If other land is available that meets the aforementione d criteria, the citizenry was encouraged to so advise the Town . Finance -Trustee Gillette reported that this committee i s comprised of members from the banking institutions , consultants, staff, and RMNP . The housing plan is based o n support from sales tax revenues, not property taxes . A ballo t question for approval of the expenditure for this site will b e included in the general election scheduled in November . Al l meetings are open to the public and residents were encourage d to attend . Partnership -The Town and RMNP are exploring options to hel p solve the housing needs of the community . Public/publi c partnerships will become the "wave of the future" and RMNP Superintendent Rouse was applauded for his efforts on thi s project . Supt . Rouse commented that the Park is faced with a critical housing dilemma . The Park currently meets 50% o f their housing needs and the Park does share in this valley - wide problem . Supt . Rouse reported that $27 .4 Million woul d be necessary to bring all of their housing up to curren t standard ; 68% of their housing does not meet current standard s - these facts were presented to Washington Officials . Supt . Rouse discussed the housing problem with the Town and wa s informed of the opportunity to meet 20% of their needs via th e proposed affordable housing project on the Communit y Dr ./Manford Ave . site . The Secretary of the Interior an d Director of the National Park Service were advised an d resources and labor have been committed to the Town's project . Alan McReynolds of Bruce Babbit°s Office (Secretary of th e Interior) was introduced and he confirmed that Washingto n Officials are extremely excited about the opportunity t o participate in the housing plan . Jack McAllister/Nationa l Park Foundation has adopted this project and the Park Servic e offers design services, guaranteed occupancy, and hopefull y funding to retain the affordable housing concept . RMNP Board of Trustees - July 12, 1994 - Page 6 supports the Estes Park Housing Authority, Mission Statement , Objectives and Goals as presented . The next meeting of the Housing Authority is scheduled Septembe r 13, 1994 . Mayor Dannels adjourned this meeting and reconvened the Board o f Trustees meeting at 10 :09 P .M . Mayor Dannels commented on the recent CIRSA Report which containe d a photograph of the Coffee Bar Restaurant and the July 4, 199 4 issue of the National Cities publication that included a photograp h of the Small Cities Steering Committee (Mayor Dannels has served o n this Committee a number of years). Trustee Doylen commented that it is "Western Week" and sh e encouraged the community to attend the rodeo performances an d dances . Many energetic volunteers help produce this special event . Following conclusion of all agenda items, it was moved and seconde d (Doylen/Gillette) the Board enter executive session to discus s property interest . Lou Canaiy questioned how much land the Town currently owns - Administrator Klaphake will research the questio n and report his findings to Mr . Canaiy . There being no further business, Mayor Dannels adjourned th e meeting to Executive Session at 10 :14 P .M . Mayo r Town Clerk