HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Public Safety, Utilities, and Public Works Committee 2014-11-13RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, November 13, 2014 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the PUBLIC SAFETY, UTILITIES & PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the13th day of November 2014. Committee: Chair Norris, Trustees Koenig and Nelson Attending: All Also Attending: Town Administrator Lancaster, Chief Kufeld, Commander Rose, Director Muhonen, Superintendent Boles and Lockhart, Manager Fraundorf, Finance Officer McFarland and Clerk Williamson Absent: None Chair Norris called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENT None. PUBLIC SAFTEY REPORTS Elk Hunting on Sombrero Ranch. Brianna Furnish/Town citizen, Radoslaw Kokoszka/Town citizen, Alice Palmer/Town citizen, and Gary and Kris Hazelton/Town citizen spoke to the hunting practices on the Sombrero Ranch property across from the Meadowview Condominiums as presented at the Town Board meeting on November 11, 2014. The property owners at the condominiums have witnessed a number of questionable hunting practices on the property for a number of years. The neighbors would request the ranch hunt on the other side of the property away from Dry Gulch Road and the neighboring properties. The property owners have witnessed hunters shooting in the direction of the nearby homes in which a stray bullet could hit something on the other side of the road. They stated concern for their safety. The Hazelton's, who do not live near the ranch, are concerned citizens that do not want to view hunting activities along the roadway. The hunting near the roadway has caused emotional distress, is a safety concern, and could affect tourism as many visitors come to see the elk. Chief Kufeld stated the issue is complex as it involves the Town, County and Colorado Parks and Wildlife. He commented a meeting has been held with the ranch in the past to discuss hunting a certain distance from the roadway; however, there were exceptions made for handicap hunters. He stated concern that hunting has been taking place near the roadway and toward the condominiums. Staff would contact Larry Rogstad and Rick Spowart of the Colorado Parks and Wildlife to discuss the current situation. The Town's mediation may be a method of developing a resolution to the situation. Administrator Lancaster stated Larimer County Commissioners have little to no authority over hunting as the regulatory authority is with the Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The state law allows the Commissioners to establish a no hunting zone under certain population density. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Public Safety, Utilities & Public Works Committee — November 13, 2014 — Page 2 AM Emergency Radio Report. Commander Rose informed the Committee the antenna was installed with the help of the Light and Power crews on Prospect Mountain. A building located on the mountain contains equipment for the 800 mhz radios, FM and AM radio stations, and a backup generator. Software has been installed on the Public Information Officer's computer to update communication on the station. The only difficulty staff has run into at this point in time is the grounding of the system. A grounding system would be installed, the antenna extended, retune the antenna, signal strength test and complete transmitter installation in the next week. Staff would begin training on the programming and broadcasting with the system is anticipated to be complete and active in January 2015. Verbal Update. The Auxiliary Police completed 318 hours of litter patrol this year, issued 61 written warning letters, and 4 violations were written by Police Officers. The program has had a positive effect on reducing litter and promoted the education of the issue related to bears. The patrols have been discontinued with bears entering hibernation. UTILITIES RECOMMENDATIONS Intergovernmental Agreement with Platte River Power Authority (PRPA) and PRPA Municipal Members for Mutual Aid for Power Operations. Superintendent Lockhart presented the IGA that formalizes current practices between the PRPA members to provide mutual aid amongst the members. All costs incurred by the assisting municipality would be reimbursed by the PRPA member municipality and with no liability between the parties. The committee recommended the IGA be placed on the consent agenda for the November 25, 2014 Town Board agenda. REPORTS Seasonal Decorations./ Staff from Light and Power and Parks have been working together to develop a new holiday lighting scenario downtown, including the addition of more lights to the tree trunks and up into the branches for the first few feet. New colors are also being introduced. The tree canopies would continue to be lit; however, fewer lights will be used in the canopy due to high winds. Light and Power Update. Superintendent Lockhart stated the repairs in the Glen Haven area are proceeding with the North Fork half completed. The crews have been pulled out of the area due to road work. Staff would begin repairs in the Fox Creek area next. He also stated the customers in the Glen Haven area that lost electricity would not be charge reconnect fees. A Resolution was passed after the 2013 flood waiving all reconnect fees in the Glen Haven area for homeowners and businesses which expired in October 2014, therefore, a new Resolution would be brought forward for the Board's consideration to continue the waiver. Water Update. Superintendent Boles stated staff continues to work with the Prospect Mountain Water Company on a permanent agreement; however, a number of issues have surfaced preventing a final agreement. A line item has been added to the 2015 budget to include the properties in the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District. The Town would pay the fee upfront and be reimbursed by the property owners. Information Technology Update. Manager Fraundorf informed the Committee that a new firewall has been installed and testing has taken place over the past few weeks. Employees should see little difference when using the network; however, new content filters may limit them from accessing certain sites. Staff has implemented a new communication path for the Police car RECORD mFPROCEEDINGS Public Safety, Utilities & Public Works Committee — November 13, 2014 — Page 3 radios with Vurizun that is bettor, faster (25times) and cheaper. Over$40O month in fees would be eliminated. PUBLIC WORKS Verbal Update. DinsotoryWuhonen stated the pre -bid meeting for the Estes Park Transit Hub Parking Structure had a good showing of 13 to 15 potential bidders with over 30 attendees. The bid opening would take place onNovember 25.2014ot3:ODp.m. The Downtown Estes Loop open house demonstrated the scarcity of signage and alternate routes 0oaccess the Park; therefore, staff has been incontact with CDOT0o discuss a sign at the intersection of Highways 34 and 36. As there continues tobeconcern that the removal ofthe barnes dance at the intersection ofMoraine and Elkhorn has increased oongostion. CD0T has agreed hn perform ananalysis. |nJuly for atwo week period, CODTwould implement the bamea dance to determine if the change in signaling aids the congestion downtown. Mayor Pro Tom Koenig recommended the C8[} and/or Auxiliary Police assist with the possible confusion with the change intraffic patterns. Park staff continues hmwork on the km rink and should have the rink up and running on Wednesday prior to the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Director Muhonen and the Street staff visited Fort Collins and Loveland to get a demonstration of the pothole pahcher discussed during the budget study session and discussed features of the equipment. The equipment would extend the life of the roadways by repairing cracks that appear before water can seep into the cracks creating potholes. There being nufurther business, Chair Norris adjourned the meeting at0`30a.m. x