HomeMy WebLinkAboutREPORT 2024 Strategic Plan Progress1 2024 Town of Estes Park Strategic Plan Progress Report September KEY OUTCOME AREAS Party Responsible On Track Behind Schedule Hold/ Tabled Done*% Complete Comments EXCEPTIONAL GUEST SERVICES - We are a preferred Colorado mountain destination providing an exceptional guest experience. Produce a new event in January of 2024 (First People's Festival).Rob Hinkle 100%First Peoples Festival was held January 12-14, 2024. Implement a new user-friendly and robust ticketing system for events.Rob Hinkle 100%FareHarbor Ticketing is being used presently for all of our events in 2024. Design a new user friendly Events Division website using a different website platform.Rob Hinkle 70%Staff are training on how to build the website on Creative Cloud. On track to be completed this Fall/Early Winter. Develop and implement a more robust social media program.Rob Hinkle 70%Staff is in the process of working on Instagram and Tiktok for our Fall Events along with maintaining our Facebook accounts. Visitor Services will implement a plan to cross promote Town signature events.Rob Hinkle 100%Visitor Services staff will work with the Events Department on promoting each signature event. These events will be promoted on the TV screen along with displays in the Visitor Center. Continue to work with the Fine Arts Guild to evaluate the feasibility of a performing arts center in Stanley Park.Rob Hinkle 70% Working with Design Concepts to review the Master Plan and the feasibilitiy of a performing arts center. Initial costs for relocation were presented to the Town Board on April 9 and the Town Board directed staff to continue. Encore will be meeting with the Museum about the possiblity of partnering with the Museum on their possible future expansion. Enhance the visitor experience in the Visitor Center through Estes Park imagery and artifacts.Rob Hinkle 50% Met with Rebecca from Visit Estes Park and with Mikaela from EP Museum. Both are enthusiastic and supportive of the project. Discussed potential "Then and Now" style imagery & the process for obtaining permission to use images from Museum library. Discussions also held with the Rocky Mountain Conservancy about potential projects to enhance the visitor experience. Update the conceptual design and cost estimates for the Stall Barns and develop a plan to fund the improvement. (2022 CARRYOVER)Rob Hinkle 65%Study to update the conceptional design with cost estimates of the stall barns is in the 2024 budget. Derek Pastor is working on an RFP for this project. GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES AND INTERNAL SUPPORT - We provide high quality support for all municipal services. Implement supervisor training for all Town employees with direct reports.Jackie Williamson 70%Training to begin in October and be completed in November. This will be ongoing training moving forward. Complete 2024 Organizational Culture Survey and develop an action plan based on the findings.Jackie Williamson 80% The 2024 Organizational Culture Survey completed by staff and report completed by Graves Consulting has been shared with all employees. Action plan key elements identified by Employee Engagement team have been shared with the managers. Next step is a meeting with ELT to help solidify the plan. Meet with ELT to solidify plan and have final plan by December 1, 2024. Refresh the Human Resources Strategic Plan and share next steps with the Town Board. Jackie Williamson 50% Staff has begun to updated the plan with input from the organizational culture survey. This item will care over to 2025 due to the need for the Org Culture Action Plan to be completed to build a solid HR Strategic Plan. A report on items addressed in 2024 will be produced and provided to the Board. Complete a benchmark study of employee benefit packages.Jackie Williamson 60%A number of resources have been identified to support the project and review has begun. Create a public-facing dashboard to share performance measurement data.Kate Miller 30%Research phase is almost complete. Staff expect to complete a draft with all departments this fall and a final draft by the end of 2024. Posting will take place in early 2025. INFRASTRUCTURE - We have reliable, efficient, and up-to-date infrastructure serving our community and customers. Complete a draft Big-Thompson raw water supply line route analysis.Reuben Bergsten 30%Request for Qualifications (RFQ) published on issued Sept 12 and due Sept 30. Establish a baseline water loss record using our new Water Audits and Loss Control Program.Reuben Bergsten 100%Baseline AWWA M36 Audit is completed. Submit funding application(s) for the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act program and determine if in-house labor will be an eligible expense.Reuben Bergsten 100%DOLA asked us to combine Spruce Knob Water Company with Carriage Hills to increase our competative $1M grant request, which worked. This will combine with a $1.5M principle forgivness on a $5M State Revolving Fund Loan. Explore joint funding options for storage and intermittent renewables with PRPA.Reuben Bergsten 90%This is ongoing work and will remain at 90%. The GRIP grant application is moving forward. A DOLA grant was awarded to P&C with PRPA as the lead in the purchase and installation of a grid scale battery. Complete a Zero-Emission Transit Fleet Transition Plan.Paul Fetherston 5% Based on the July 23, 2024 Board approval, the Grant Agreement has been executed. A Request for Proposals (RFP) to secure a third party consultant to conduct the study was released with proposals due by October 2. A vendor will be secured and in place by 2024 Q4, with completion of the Plan anticipated by Q3 2025. This Plan will cover only the Town's Transit Fleet - not the entire Town fleet. 2 Start design efforts and pursue land acquisition necessary to relocate the Police Department out of Town Hall.Paul Fetherston 15% The Town's discussions with the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) regarding potential use of BOR land for a multi- jurisdictional emergency operations center recently resulted in a shift in the Town's focus to considering a number of site options including privately owned parcels. Town staff continues to look into options - along with options related to financing, communications and timelines - with an update to and request for direction from Town Board tentatively scheduled for an Executive Session in December. Concurrently, staff has drafted a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a consultant to deliver design services that could be transferable to different property locations, as needed. An application for Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) grant funding for project design was submitted to Senators Bennet and Hickenlooper. Proposed grant funding in the amount of $1.3M is currently included in draft legislation. A new Police Facility, consisting of 15,000 square feet, is estimated to cost $1.5 million in design, $15 million in construction, and 10% contingency ($1.5 million) for a total of $18 million. Renovations to the current facility to meet present and future needs is estimated to cost $26 million. We are in the process of determining how we might fund a project of this magnitude, from design through completion. Pursue grant funding for private and/or public flood mitigation and stormwater projects.Greg Muhonen (JB)Ongoing PW continues to monitor grant announcements for potential stormwater project funding. GEI Consultants started work in August 2023 on the Project Scoping for Capacity Improvements on the Big Thompson River and Fall River. Scoping completion is expected by the end of 2024 with a final report expected in early 2025. This effort will establish a solution concept for use in applying for future stormwater infrastructure design and construction grant funding. An initial public meeting regarding river design concepts was held on May. The second public meeting was held on June 12 with good but somewhat lighter attendence than the first meeting. At the request of the Transportation Advisory Board, Jennifer presented a shortened version of the meeting presentation at the TAB's June meeting. Complete at least one stormwater CIP project from the list included in the Stormwater Drainage System Maintenance Policy.Greg Muhonen (JB)0% Progress on this objective is paused until the Stormwater Maintenance Policy is completed and the Stormwater Engineer is hired. The advertisement for the Stormwater Engineer was posted June 7 and no qualified applicants have responded. In an effort to keep moving stormwater improvements forward while the Engineer recruitment is underway, Engineering, Streets and Stormwater staff will begin installing a new culvert system along and across the middle section of Old Ranger Drive in early September. This effort will relocate an historic drainage channel that significantly impacts the residence at 845 Old Ranger, and work is expected to take less than 2 weeks Complete construction of Trailblazer Broadband system for customers in the electric service area.Reuben Bergsten 90%This is fiscally constrained. Construction is complete to 90% of our electric customers. The remaining 10% is our highest- cost construction and lowest density of customers. We recieved BEAD application assistance through the State. Conduct a feasibility study and take-rate report on a Trailblazer Broadband program to help provide access at a reduced or free rate to economically challenged families within the Trailblazer service area. Reuben Bergsten 60% The BEAD Grant requirements include offering an equitable, low-cost program. Since we do not qualify for Lifeline and there is no ACP successor, staff is working through updated take rate and cost information to offer a self-funded program. Staff is developing a cost analysis to best determine how Trailblazer can ultimately fund and sustain this subsidized low-cost program and continues to work through the best ways for vetting and verifying program eligibility. Develop, fund, and implement a stormwater drainage system maintenance program. (2023 CARRYOVER)Greg Muhonen (JB)65% PW staff met on April 24 to review the draft Stormwater Maintenance policy and project list. A Town Board study session is proposed to discuss options for resolving drainage issues along roadways (ie retrofitting streets with concrete curb and gutter, eliminating or upsizing driveway culverts, etc). Staff will focus on hiring a new Stormwater Engineer to lead this planning effort. The advertisement for the Stormwater Engineer was posted June 7. So far, there have been 5 applicants, but no viable candidates Update the Water Master Plan. (2023 CARRYOVER)Reuben Bergsten 75% The scope of work to compile a final document is under development. An added excercise to detirme the recommended number of future plants is still under development. Consultants completed six of eleven technical memos (TM) that feed into the master plan. Make funding and staffing plan for a capital construction projects crew. (2023 CARRYOVER)Reuben Bergsten 50% Several capital construction projects are being supported by the project crew Supervisor. The Federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (a.k.a. the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act) requires contractors, not forced account (staff) labor. This may change our approach on developing a capital construction projects crew. Assist the Town Board with determination of a guiding policy regarding the Town and private-sector roles in implementing the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure & Readiness Plan. (2023 CARRYOVER) Travis Machalek 95% A Study Session was held on June 11th to discuss the Board's guiding policy regarding the relative roles of the Town and the private sector in implementing the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure & Readiness Plan. The Town Board indicated a preference for the Town to provide the parking infrastructure and access to electric infrastructure necessary for a private provider to own and operate the charging stations. A private provider will be selected through a Request for Proposal (RFP) process when the Town's charging data indicates that more electric vehicle charging infrastructure is needed. Management Analyst Simpson will record this direction in an implementation document for future reference. Install Phase 1 & 2 Town Hall Variable Refrigerant Flow cooling units. (2022 CARRYOVER)Paul Fetherston 10% With the availability of grant funding for this project through the Colorado Energy Office's Public Building Electrification Grant (PBEG), the Town submitted an application for up to 75% of the cost of this project on August 30, 2024. Information regarding grant awards will be available in October 2024. The top vendor secured through the Invitation to Bid has agreed to honor the bid through December 1, 2024 pending the grant awards. OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY SERVICES - Estes Park is an exceptionally vibrant, diverse, inclusive, and active mountain community in which to live, work, and play, with housing avaialble for all segments in our community. Review data on needs of senior community in Estes Park and evaluate actions that the Town could take to address these needs.Travis Machalek 15% Staff are reviewing data from the Larimer County Community Health Survey (2022), the Larimer County Office on Aging Report on Community Conversations (2022), and the Larimer County Office on Aging Community Assessment Survey for Older Adults (2023). Establish a timeline and funding strategy for a Parks and Open Space Master Plan.Greg Muhonen (BB)100% PW estimates this plan will cost 150k. Staff will research grant funding opportunities in 2024 and submit a 2025 budget Decision Package as needed for funding. Pending approval of this funding in the 2025 budget, PW will develop an RFP to hire a consultant and start the Master Plan process in Q1 2025. Continue rewriting the Estes Park Development Code. (Multi-Year Objective)Steve Careccia 5%Three proposals were received in response to the RFP. Staff is evaluating proposals and preparing to interview respondents. 3 Establish a timeline and funding strategy to implement the recommendations identified in the ADA Transition Plan.Paul Fetherston 5% The updated ADA Transition plan, adopted by the Town Board on February 13, 2024, identifies high priority/ low cost facility items that were to be addressed in 2024 were unable to be completed. Funding is included to support action on the ADA Transition Plan in 2025. Impacted Town Divisions will annually review the deficiencies lists and submit proposed budget Decision Packages for corrective action funding. Expand the greenhouse footprint and production capacity to service expanding planting demands on public properties. (2023 CARRYOVER)Greg Muhonen (BB)15%The building design is complete. Bidding is complete. Construction contract was presented to the Town Board on August 13, 2024. Explore an annexation policy with Larimer County after the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. (2023 CARRYOVER)Steve Careccia 5%Town and County executive leadership will meet to discuss policy objectives. Formal discussion should start fall of 2024. PUBLIC SAFETY, HEALTH, AND ENVIRONMENT - Estes Park is a safe place to live, work, and visit within our extraordinary natural environment. Continue to enact the Implementation Plan developed from the Environmental Sustainability Task Force recommendations. (Multi-Year Objective)Jason Damweber Ongoing See ESTF Implementation tracking sheet. Explore collaboration on sustainability management with partner entities and evaluate what sustainability actions the Town Board wants to accomplish.Jason Damweber Ongoing Town and VEP staff have met to discuss opportunities to collaborate, especially in light of their Sustainability position and approach to marketing sustainable tourism. Larimer County Climate Smart and Future Ready Plan implementation phase started, with an interactive dashboard available here. The Town Board adopted a muliti-year goal to "Establish the Town's role in environmental stewardship and sustainable practices" in the 2025 Provisional Strategic Plan, with a specific 2025 objective to "Evaluate the creation of a Climate Action Plan specific to Estes Park." The County received a grant in August 2024 that will be used in part to assist the Town with its efforts in developing a Climate Action Plan. This work is expected to take 2-3 years to complete. Complete updates to the Intergovernmental Agreement for Solid Waste Programming and Infrastructure Improvements.Travis Machalek 20% 4 out of the 5 original parties to the IGA for Solid Waste Programming and Infrastructure Improvements have placed the IGA into abeyance (Fort Collins is the only member of the original IGA who has not). Renewed IGA conversations are expected to start soon. The Town and County will continue meeting to discuss Estes Park's specific solid waste needs. Review and update the Town's Emergency Management function.Travis Machalek 20%Chief Stewart and TA Machalek have begun discussing potential future approaches to Emergency Management. Implement Phase 3 of the Security Camera project to address the needs of the Event Center and the associated parking area. (2022 CARRYOVER)Paul Fetherston 15% IT, in cooperation with Facilities and the Police Department, is leading this effort to expand the security of high traffic Town facilities and areas. IT is focused on identifying an appropriate technological platform that can support a network of cameras. The selection of the platform is anticipated to be complete in 2024 Q3 with installation of Phase III measures in the Events Center, Fairgrounds and Museum in 2024 Q4 and 2025 Q1. ROBUST ECONOMY - We have a diverse, healthy, year-round economy. Work with the Estes Chamber of Commerce and Downtown businesses to evaluate implementation options for the Downtown Plan. Travis Machalek 5% Town Administrator Machalek had an initial meeting with Chamber Executive Director DePasquale to begin these conversations. The first step in this process will be working through how to best engage all of the downtown businesses in the discussion. No additional progress to report at this time. TOWN FINANCIAL HEALTH - We will maintain a strong and sustainable financial condition, balancing expenditures with available revenues, including adequate cash reserves for future needs and unanticipated emergencies. Implement a new Enterprise Resource Planning system. (Multi-Year Objective)Duane Hudson 35%Implementation has begun on the core financials with Tyler. Will schedule asset management (Fleet Maint module) and utility billing module implementation to begin later this Fall. TRANSPORTATION - We have safe, efficient, and well-maintained multi-modal transportation systems for pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, and transit riders. Complete the construction of the Cleave Street Improvements.Greg Muhonen (JB)35% The construction contract with ABC Asphalt, Inc, was approved by the Town Board at the June 11th meeting. All work in the corridor was halted on June 28th. As the utility relocations were incomplete on June 28, Power and Communications estimates that another 6 weeks of work remains when work resumes on October 21. Unfortunately this will likely delay the start of the roadway work until early December. It is currently unclear what this delay means for the original completion date of May 23, 2025. In early to mid-September, Engineering staff will be meeting with ABC Asphalt and Power and Communications to determine if there will be the ability for their respective work to overlap in October or November. Complete the street rehabilitation of 1st Street, 2nd Street, 3rd Street, North Court, and South Court and provide ADA compliant pedestrian facilities following the water main and service installation project. Greg Muhonen (JB)45% Phase 1 construction (3rd Street, North & South Courts) has been awarded to Wagner Construction and construction has begun. Milestone completion for paving is October 15th. Due to funding constraints, roadway and sidewalk work on 1st and 2nd Streets will be delayed until 2025.. Complete rehabilitation of West Elkhorn Avenue from Moraine Avenue to Far View Drive. Greg Muhonen (JB)25% This project is included in the 2024 STIP. This work has been paused until after October 20, 2024 at the request of W. Elkhorn business owners and direction from the Town Administrator. If weather conditions are not favorable in the Fall, this Objective may need to be carried over to the 2025 Strategic Plan. 4 Deliver technical support and public communication assistance for construction of the Downtown Estes Loop by FHWA. (Multi-Year Objective)Greg Muhonen Ongoing Town staff continue to work with Central Federal Lands, the Federal Highway Administration, and CDOT on the construction of the Downtown Estes Loop. Project weekly updates can be viewed at downtownestesloop.com. Seek funding and create an implementation timeline for the year-one recommendations from the Transit Development Plan.Greg Muhonen (DK)60% The consultant team presented results of community engagement efforts, existing conditions assessment and preliminary recommendations to the public at an open house on May 21, 2024 in coordination with the 2045 Transportation Plan. The Transit Development Plan is expected to be completed by the end of 2024. This is too late to seek grant funding and establish an implementation timeline to inform the 2025 budget. This Objective will need to be carried over to the 2025 Strategic Plan. Select specific recommendations from the Multimodal Transportation Plan for budgeting and implementation in 2025.Greg Muhonen (JB)25% Kimley-Horn is currently working through the input received via the secound round of public input and prioritizing the list of future projects, which will be discussed with the Transportation Advisory Board at their August 21st meeting. The Mutimodal Transportation Plan is expected to be completed by the end of 2024. This is too late to inform the 2025 budget. Implementation of recommedations will need to be delayed to the 2026 budget. Construct a single-deck parking structure above the Big Horn parking lot.Greg Muhonen (DP)6% The design was delayed by staff changes and the need to discuss expanded scope with the Town Board. Three level parking structure is estimaed to cost $5M. Funding is not budgeted. Construction will not be completed in 2024. The RFP for design services was advertised June 14, 2024. Fee proposal from 5 firms were received July 10 and two firms have been selected for interviews. Proposed completion date on the design is February 2025. Bidding could commence shortly thereafter if construction funding is in place. Seek funding to construct the Visitor Center Parking Lot Improvements and the first phase of the US 34 Corridor Improvements.Greg Muhonen (JB)90% Due to funding shortfalls, it was necessary to eliminate the US34 Corridor study from the project. Approximately $1.1 million has been appropriated for the parking lot construction through CDOT grants and Town matching funds. Currently awaiting the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) from CDOT. Actively participate in the US34 Coalition and Transportation Management Organization planning and project implementation.Greg Muhonen (DK)ongoing P&T Manager Klein attended the monthly US34 Coalition meetings and GoNoCo Board meetings on June 6, 2024. Pursue CDOT Safe Routes to School grant funding for the design of the segment of the Community Drive Multi-Use Trail between Brodie Ave and Graves Ave.Greg Muhonen (JB)0% A call for proposed SRTS Grant projects is currently open with a November 15th deadline for submission. However, with current staff capabilities, we believe that this relatively short segment of trail can be designed in-house and built using 1A funds. Staff believes that the segment from Manford to US 36 along Community Drive will be a better, more attractive project for SRTS funding. Complete the design of the Fall River Trail.Greg Muhonen (JB)35% Staff was successful in acquiring a $45K design grant from CPW for this project. The $203,539 design contract with Otak, Inc. was approved by the Town Board on March 26th. Notice to Proceed was issued on March 28th and design is expected to be complete by December 2024. Develop, fund, and implement a public trail maintenance program. (2022 CARRYOVER) Greg Muhonen (JB)25%Staff is evaluating whether to develop this plan in-house or make it a part of the overall design of the US34 and Hwy 7 trails redesign. Further discussions are forthcoming.1A funds are expected to be the revenue source for this effort. Complete the construction of the roundabout improvements on US 36 at Community Drive. (2022 CARRYOVER)Greg Muhonen 100%The new intersection opened to unrestricted traffic flow on October 5, 2023. The new street light poles are installed and guard rail corrections completed. Landscaping is complete. Utilize SB267 grant funds to design transit & parking improvements in the Visitor Center Parking Lot. (2023 CARRYOVER)Greg Muhonen (JB)40% PW Staff have selected two schematic design alternatives that Kimley-Horn has developed into conceptual designs. These designs were discussed with the TAB at the August 21 meeting and will next be presented to the Town Board at a Study Session. * for multi-year projects, DONE refers to the portion of the project planned for the current year.