HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2011-10-25Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, October 25, 2011 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 25th day of October, 2011. Meeting called to order by Mayor Pinkham. Present: Also Present: William C. Pinkham, Mayor Chuck Levine, Mayor Pro Tem Trustees Eric Blackhurst Mark Elrod John Ericson Wendy Koenig Jerry Miller Lowell Richardson, Deputy Town Administrator Greg White, Attorney Jackie Williamson, Town Clerk Absent: Jacquie Halburnt, Town Administrator Mayor Pinkham called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and all desiring to do so, recited the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATION - WEDDING ASSOCIATION. Candice Carnahan/Wedding Association President for 2011/2012 reviewed the history of the association established to grow the wedding industry in Estes Park. The 80 member group provides all the required needs of a bride to conduct a wedding and offers 15 comprehensive services. The Association's Marketing committee works closely with the LMD to market events and bring additional business to Estes Park not only for the wedding industry but for all the other businesses in town. Gordon Peterson/Wedding Association member spoke to the impact of weddings to the local economy, stating wedding are a year-round business in Estes Park with an average of $23,700 per wedding and 800-1,000 weddings held in Estes per year. Guests attending the weddings bring additional revenue with an average of 121 guest per wedding. He stated the number of weddings performed has plateaued; however, they could double with additional funding for marketing, thereby increase sales tax revenues. The current funding for marketing is limited by membership dues. Lindsay Lamson/Accommodation owner and LMD Board member stated weddings have helped expand the shoulder season and reinforces the existing businesses and fosters entrepreneurial businesses that thrive in the Estes Park community. Weddings bring guests from all over the country and introduce them to Estes Park as a destination/vacation location. PUBLIC COMMENT. Charley Dickey/Town citizen questioned the change to the public comment policy which places a time limit on comments and limits the discussion to one topic. He understands the time limit; however, questioned the need to limit comments to one topic. He requested clarification on the new policy and would recommend the Board consider allowing any topic not on the agenda to be discussed during public comment. TOWN BOARD COMMENTS / LIAISON REPORTS. Trustee Blackhurst encouraged the community to apply for the two current openings on the Local Marketing District Board by applying with the Town Clerk. Board of Trustees — October 25, 2011 — Page 2 Trustee Elrod stated the November Estes Valley Planning Commission meeting has been rescheduled to 11:00 a.m. on November 15, 2011 in order to accommodate the Triangle meeting with the County Commissioners, Town Board and Planning Commission at 2:00 p.m. that day. Trustee Ericson commented the citizen survey would be reviewed at the next Town Board Study Session on November 8, 2011. He thanked staff for the completion of the proposed 2012 budget and presentations of the individual departments during the Budget Study Sessions. The 2012 budget would be presented to the Board and public at the next two Town Board meetings. Mayor Pro Tem Levine stated the Town Board would review the meeting procedures including public comment process at the November 8th Town Board Study Session. Trustee Koenig congratulated the Rooftop Rodeo for winning medium rodeo for the mountain states. Kellsie Purdey would attend the Ms. Rodeo America contest in November held in Las Vegas and wished her luck. Trustee Miller started the Transportation Visioning Committee continues to work on the final report and has removed any timeframe for completing the document in an effort to incorporate all public comment. The LMD Marketing Community continues to see increases in Internet hits for the visitor guide. Mayor Pinkham provided an update on the Town's recruitment process to fill the Town Administrator position with the departure of Town Administrator Halburnt at the end of the year. He stated a nationwide search would be conducted utilizing a consultant to help the Board determine the process, evaluation criteria, and the evaluation and selection process. The Town has contacted CML and identified three firms with local offices in Colorado including EMS, Mercer Group and KRW & Associates. The Board would hold a Study Session to determine a consultant, process and timeframe for filling the position. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR REPORT. None. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: 1. Town Board Minutes dated October 11, 2011, Town Board Study Session Minutes dated October 11, 2011. 2. Bills. 3. Committee Minutes: A. Public Safety, Utilities and Public Works Committee, October 13, 2011: 1. Park R-3 School District Resource Officer Agreement 2011/2012. 2. 2011 Halloween Street Closure. 3. 2012 GMC 3500 HD Truck with Snowplow, Weld County Garage, $31,469 — Budgeted. 4. 2012 Ford F350 4x4 with Utility Body and Crane, Spradley Barr Ford, $42,512 - Budgeted. 4. Estes Valley Planning Commission Minutes dated September 20, 2011 (acknowledgement only). It was moved and seconded (Levine/Miller) the Consent Agenda be approved, and it passed unanimously. Board of Trustees — October 25, 2011 — Page 3 2. LIQUOR ITEMS: 1. RENEWAL APPLICATION FILED BY BOWL FORT COLLINS LLC DBA CHIPPER LANES ESTES PARK CENTER 555 S. ST. VRAIN AVENUE. Town Clerk Williamson stated the licensee failed a state compliance check in January 2011; therefore, the Board requested the renewal application be reviewed rather than administratively approved. The licensee completed T.I.P.S. training and has sent numerous staff to Town sponsored training this spring. Mr. Hoeven/Managing Member and Mr. Morgan/VP of Food & Beverage were present and stated this was the first time in 8 years the business has failed a compliance check. He confirmed his commitment to training the staff. The business completes a nationwide background check, requires T.I.P.S. training within 90 days of being hired, internal training and the incentive program continues to be in place for the passing of a compliance check and the confiscation of fake ids. The Estes Park center also has a new liquor license manager. Johanna Darden/Town citizen commented the establishment has done a good job addressing the issue and stated the responsibility lies with the employee who violated the liquor laws. After further discussion, it was moved and seconded (Blackhurst/Miller) to approve the renewal of Bowl Fort Collins LLC dba Chipper Lanes Estes Park Center, and it passed unanimously. 3. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS. Items reviewed by Planning Commission or staff for Town Board Final Action. 1. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Amended Plat, Lot 1, Sundance Mountain Subdivision, 1531 Fish Hatchery Road, Jeff Moreau/Applicant. Item continued from August 23, 2011 meeting. Director Chilcott stated staff has received a letter of continuance from the property owner to the December 13, 2011 meeting in an effort to discuss the L&P request for an overhead aerial easement. It was moved and seconded (Miller/Levine) to continue the Amended Plat, Lot 1, Sundance Mountain Subdivision to the December 13, 2011 Town Board meeting, and it passed unanimously. 2. REPORT ITEMS: A. Discussion Items for the Triangle Meeting — November 15, 2011: i. Estes Valley Development Code Amendments - 2012 Work Plan. Director Chilcott presented the Town Board with a draft agenda for the upcoming Triangle meeting between the County Commissioners, Town Board and the Estes Valley Planning Commission to establish a 2012 work plan for the Planning Commission related to Development Code amendments, and updates to the Comprehensive Plan and a brief review of the action plan outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. Staff reviewed the items prioritized during the November 2009 Triangle meeting which have not been addressed including Accessory Dwelling Units, Planned Unit Developments, RM and A standards, and Appendix D. Staff would recommend these items be prioritized during the upcoming meeting. Board of Trustees — October 25, 2011 — Page 4 Trustee Miller stated concerns related to land use regulations that place roadblocks for workforce/affordable housing, such as the proposed ADU regulations. He would recommend a review of the Development Code to identify code requirements that negatively impact affordable housing and to review the possibility of including ADUs in other zoning districts with a neighborhood review. Inclusionary zoning has been reviewed by other communities such as Longmont, which has recently considered eliminating the practice. Director Chilcott stated the community would be supportive of incentives rather than inclusionary zoning, and staff would recommend removing it from the code amendments. ii. Estes Valley Comprehensive Plan. Director Chilcott stated staff recommends community outreach and engagement to discuss the value of comprehensive planning and the validity of the current plan; utilize the annual Triangle meeting to review the action plan; and continue to research ways to update portions of the plan with community engagement without using paid consultants. B. Accessory Dwelling Unit Problem Statement. Item was not discussed and would be added to the November 8, 2011 agenda. 1. ESTES VALLEY LIBRARY DISTRICT APPOINTMENTS: The Estes Valley Library District has requested the following appointments to the Board: reappointment of John Kamprath for a 4-year term expiring December 31, 2015; appointment of Jo -Ann Mullen for a 4 —year term expiring December 31, 2015; and appointment of Donald Bryson completing a 4-year term vacated by Jack Ford expiring on December 31, 2014. It was moved and seconded (Levine/Koenig) to recommend the appointments to the Estes Valley Library District as outlined above, and it passed unanimously. 2. REAPPOINTMENT (NOMINATION) OF CHIEF KUFELD TO THE LARIMER EMERGENCY TELEPHONE AUTHORITY (LETA) BOARD. On December 31, 2011, Chief Kufeld's appointment to the LETA Board will expire. The Chief represents the small towns in Larimer County on the LETA Board. The LETA Board has requested the Town of Estes Park submit the names of individuals it would like the LETA Board to consider filling the upcoming vacancy. The LETA Board will consider all applicants at its November 2, 2011 meeting. The Town of Estes Park has always nominated a representative for the LETA Board and has been successful at maintaining a position for numerous years. Staff finds this appointment important because the Town houses one of the dispatch centers. It was moved and seconded (Blackhurst/Miller) to recommend the reappointment (nomination) of Chief Wes Kufeld to the LETA Board for a two-year term expiring on December 31, 2013, and it passed unanimously. 3. RESOLUTION #12-11 ESTES PARK LOCAL MARKETING DISTRICT BUSINESS AND OPERATING PLAN FOR 2012. Trustee Blackhurst recused himself from the discussion. Deputy Town Administrator Richardson stated the Town has an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Larimer County and the Local Marketing District (LMD) that requires Town Board approval of the LMD's operating plan annually. Cory Blackman/LMD Chair thanked the Town for the continuing support. The Town Board thanked the LMD/Destination Marketing Organization for their efforts and Board of Trustees — October 25, 2011 — Page 5 looks forward to the continuing partnership between the Town and the LMD. Peggy Campbell/Executive Director stated the LMD would continue to shift focus on social media such as Facebook, Flicker, You Tube, etc. in the coming year. Johanna Darden/Town citizen stated she would not support the Town providing the LMD with an additional $175,000 in funding for the 2012 budget. Mayor Pinkham stated the approval of the operating plan does not include Town funding, and proposed funding for the LMD would be discussed during the 2012 budget review during the month of November. After further discussion, it was moved and seconded (Miller/Koenig) to approve Resolution #12-11 approving the 2012 Local Marketing District operating plan, and it passed with Trustee Blackhurst recusing himself. 5. REPORT AND DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. BLACK CANYON REALIGNMENT PROJECT. Director Zurn stated the item was reviewed at the October 13`h Public Safety, Utilities and Public Works Committee meeting. The project would mitigate the risks associated with the rockfall from the Knoll-Willow/Black Canyon cliff area immediately north of the Town Hall parking lot. Town staff and equipment would be utilized during the project; however, an excavator would be required for a portion of the work. The main objective would be to create a two island buffer with boulders and native plant material to stabilize the banks and dissipate the high flows during runoff. Staff solicited bids from three contractors for time and material with quotes ranging from $100/hr to $150/hr and a construction timeframe of 1-2 weeks. Staff negotiated with the low bidder, Kearney & Sons Excavating, for a not -to -exceed amount of $12,000. Engineer Ash stated the project requires a permit from the Corp of Engineers in order to make changes to the river channel. The process of receiving the permit could take 2 to 3 months. The total project costs of $30,000 include the excavator, material and landscaping for the project with staff providing the labor. The Board stated the plan is a creative solution to a safety issue and eliminates the need for a fence in the area. 6. REQUEST TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION: It was moved and seconded (Ericson/Levine) to enter Executive Session for the purpose of a conference with the Town Attorney to receive legal advice on specific legal questions under C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(b) and for determining positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations, and/or instructing negotiators under C.R.S. 24-6- 402(4)(e) related to the Bond Park Project, and it passed unanimously. Mayor Pinkham called a 10 minute break at 8:50 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 9:00 p.m. where the Board entered into Executive Session. Mayor Pinkham reconvened the meeting at 9:40 p.m.,;,whereupon he�adjourned the meeting at 9:40 p.m. William C. Pinkham, Mayor Williamson, Town Clerk