HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2012-06-12Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, June 12, 2012 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 12`h day of June, 2012. Meeting called to order by Mayor Pinkham. Present: Also Present: William C. Pinkham, Mayor Eric Blackhurst, Mayor Pro Tem Trustees Mark Elrod John Ericson Wendy Koenig Ron Norris John Phipps Greg White, Town Attorney Frank Lancaster, Town Administrator Cynthia Deats, Deputy Town Clerk Absent: Lowell Richardson, Assistant Town Administrator Mayor Pinkham called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and all desiring to do so, recited the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENTS. Charley Dickey, Town resident, updated the Board on activities of the Estes Valley Partners for Commerce (EVPC) including: EVPC membership continues to increase; May "Business After Hours" was well attended and was co -hosted by a dozen businesses; the next "Business After Hours" will be held in September; EVPC dinner will be held on June 21st at the Twin Owls Steakhouse at which time a local business will be honored for contributions to the community; and educational offerings include workshops on effective advocacy, strategic planning, and utilizing social media. Dick Spielman, Town resident, urged the Board to address traffic congestion and transportation issues. He suggested the Board set priorities and look at changes to signage that could be done quickly and have a positive impact on congestion. TOWN BOARD COMMENTS 1 LIAISON REPORTS. Trustee Ericson said the assistance of Community Service Officers is helping to keep busy weekend traffic moving at the intersection of Moraine and Elkhorn Avenues; the shuttle system will be operating soon to help with traffic congestion; and that programs are being planned with community organizations to present the recommendations of the Transportation Visioning Committee. He noted that the percentage of sales tax collected by Larimer County will decrease from .8% to .6% on July 1, 2012; the Town's Audit Committee will meet on Thursday, June 14th to review the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) which will be brought to the Board for adoption on June 26, 2012; and said that Trustee Phipps will be the Town's representative on the Larimer County Open Lands Advisory Board. Trustee Phipps read an announcement related to the closure of open space lands due to the High Park Fire; and said he is looking forward to serving on the Open Lands Advisory Board and working with its small grants program. Board of Trustees — June 12, 2012 — Page 2 Mayor Pro Tem Blackhurst reminded the public of the regular Estes Park Housing Authority meeting to be held on Wednesday, June 13, 2012; and the Public Safety, Utilities, and Public Works Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 14, 2012. Trustee Koenig said that preparations are underway for the Rooftop Rodeo Parade and said information about rodeo events can be found on the Town's website. She said the Sister Cities group will have a booth at the fairgrounds during the Geoblitz in August. Trustee Norris reported that the Visit Estes Park Board met on June 5th and discussed the budget cycle, updating board governance policies, and strategic planning; and received an update from Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) Public Information Officer Kyle Patterson about plans for the 100th anniversary celebration of RMNP in 2015. Trustee Norris will be attending the Colorado Municipal League (CML) Annual Conference in Breckenridge June 19th through June 22nd Mayor Pinkham reported that fire danger is extremely high and in light of the High Park Fire urged everyone to be exercise caution. In addition, he noted that he recently spoke with a resident who gave accolades to Town departments and thanked staff for their efforts to provide service to the citizens of the Estes Valley. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR REPORT. • The Town of Estes Park provided four staff members and portable stalls to The Ranch to help with the large number of animals that have been evacuated from the High Park Fire area. • Estes Park is not being threatened by the High Park Fire, air quality remains good, and guests are encouraged to visit. • The CML Annual Conference will be held in Breckenridge next week with Town Administrator Lancaster, and Trustees Ericson and Norris attending. • The Broncos Caravan will be in Estes Park on Wednesday, June 13th and Ride the Rockies on Thursday, June 14th 1. CONSENT AGENDA: 1. Town Board Minutes dated May 22, 2012, and Town Board Study Session Minutes dated May 22, 2012. 2. Bills. 3. Committee Minutes: a. Community Development/Community Services, May 24, 2012. 4. Resolution #06-12 Setting Monthly Wireless Communication Services Stipend for the Town Administrator. Trustee Ericson requested that Item #1 — Town Board Meeting and Study Session Minutes dated May 22, 2012, be removed from the consent agenda. Trustee Elrod requested that Item #4 — Resolution #06-12, be removed from the consent agenda. It was moved and seconded (Blackhurst/Koenig) to approve Consent Agenda Items #2 and #3, and it passed unanimously. Trustee Ericson requested the Town Board Meeting minutes related to Action Item #2 — Platte River Power Authority (PRPA) Water Lease to Oil and Gas Industry, be amended to include a statement clarifying that the Town is not an official shareholder nor does it have any ownership in PRPA. The Trustees' discussion of the water lease was to Board of Trustees — June 12, 2012 — Page 3 provide the Town's representatives on the PRPA Board, Mayor Pinkham and Director Bergsten, with their opinions regarding the lease, and was not intended to instruct them as to how to vote on the issue. It was moved and seconded (Ericson/Koenig) to amend the minutes to reflect the addition as discussed, and it passed unanimously. Trustee Elrod stated that he had no objections related to Resolution #06-12, but preferred the item be handled as an action item. As there was no discussion, it was moved and seconded (Norris/Ericson) to approve Resolution #06-12 Setting Monthly Wireless Communication Services Stipend for the Town Administrator, and it passed unanimously. Mayor Pro Tem Blackhurst requested that the First Quarter Financial Report be heard prior to addressing the action items on the agenda. 2. ACTION ITEMS. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: ORDINANCE #06-12 ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE MODEL TRAFFIC CODE FOR COLORADO, REVISED 2010 AND APPENDIX. In 2003 the Town Board adopted the Model Traffic Code which has been used by Town staff for regulation and enforcement purposes. A newer, revised version of the Code has been published by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and staff is recommending that the Model Traffic Code, Revised 2010 be adopted, along with an appendix to the Code. Chief Kufeld stated that the Code is widely used by Colorado municipalities for parking, speed regulation, and traffic control regulation; and said that the appendix contains regulations specific to Estes Park. The proposed appendix is easier to follow and more consistent with existing signage and current practices in Estes Park related to parking and speed limits. Chief Kufeld noted that in order for regulations to be enforceable, they must be included in the appendix. Attorney White is familiar with the Model Traffic Code and has reviewed the proposed changes to the appendix. Trustee Elrod asked that the list of parking lots be updated to include all of the parking lots mentioned in the appendix, and that the names of the lots be consistent throughout the document. Staff will make the requested changes and ensure consistency throughout the document. Attorney White read Ordinance #06-12 into the record. It was moved and seconded (Norris/Koenig) to approve Ordinance #06-12 adopting by reference the Model Traffic Code for Colorado, Revised 2010 and Appendix, and it passed unanimously. Mayor Pro Tem Blackhurst noted that a box for parking maps is located in each designated parking lot, however, there are no maps in the boxes. Chief Kufeld said he would look into obtaining more maps and making sure the boxes are full. 2. ORDINANCE #07-12 AMENDING MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 9.10 — FIREWORKS. An amendment to the Municipal Code related to fireworks was brought forward by Fire Marshal Tim Spears. In 2011, the Estes Valley Fire Protection District (EVFPD) adopted the 2009 International Fire Code which authorizes the fire code official to issue operational permits for fireworks. Currently, the Town Board of Trustees may grant permits for public displays of fireworks. The proposed change to the code includes amending Section 9.10.0101 Definitions, and makes the Estes Valley Fire Protection District responsible for granting permits within the Town for supervised public displays of fireworks. Trustee Koenig requested that the address of the Fire Station be included in the ordinance so that people know where to go to obtain an application for a permit. Attorney White noted that the purpose of the ordinance is to transfer responsibility to EVFPD, however, the section remains in the Municipal Code Board of Trustees — June 12, 2012 — Page 4 for enforcement purposes which allows for violations to be heard in Municipal Court rather than District Court. Attorney White read Ordinance #07-12 into the record. It was moved and seconded (Blackhurst/Phipps) to approve Ordinance #07-12 amending Municipal Code Chapter 9.10 — Fireworks, adding the Fire Station address as discussed, and it passed unanimously. In response to a question about a possible fire ban to be announced by Governor Hickenlooper, Chief Dorman said it will be up to the Governor to determine what type of ban to put in place. He said at this time, there are no plans to cancel public municipal firework displays in Estes Park or other Colorado communities. He said the media continues to report on the High Park Fire which is approximately 5% contained. 3. STALL BARN DESIGN AND FAIRGROUND MASTER PLAN FOR THE NORTHWEST QUADRANT. The Town received four responses to a Request for Proposal (RFP) that was issued for the design of a 100-stall facility at Stanley Park. The scope of work in the RFP included programming uses and master planning for the northwest quadrant of the fairgrounds which, based on potential uses, may include additional infrastructure, buildings, additional stalls and integration of temporary tent structures in the complex. A consultant selection committee reviewed the submissions, and based on its evaluation of the proposals is recommending a contract with high -bidder Norris Design due to the firm's equestrian knowledge and expertise, and background in land planning. Manager Winslow said the scope of the work is more than designing a stall barn, it is designing the NW corner of the property, and in order to do that it is necessary to understand how the entire property will be developed and utilized. He said the 2005 Master Plan for the fairgrounds was an overview, and said it is time to get down to ground -level details related to buildings, grades, elevations, and infrastructure so that, for example, electric and water service will be correctly positioned and appropriate for future construction projects on the property. Discussion is summarized: need to work out the basis of the design first and return to the Board for approval before a detailed design is started; a stall barn is necessary due to liability issues but other needs of the facility are not as clear; immediate need is for 100-stall barn, how close are we to meeting that need?; is this becoming a mini -Multi -Purpose Event Center (MPEC) in a different location?; this is not an MPEC, however, auxiliary uses should be considered; it is important at this stage to know all the pieces of the puzzle so proper planning for the property can be done; it would be short-sighted not to support a plan for this portion of the property and look at all potential uses of the facility; the contract contains a defined scope of service which includes guiding the Board through the decision -making process, and community involvement in a public process to come up with a project the Board can support; stakeholders group will include show managers and users of the facility, as well as community members and staff; the contract is for the scope of work only and does not include a promise of further work; and Norris Design can start work as soon as contract is signed and is willing to work with staff to accommodate the Town's schedule. Mayor Pro Tem Blackhurst said if this is a master plan for the NW quadrant it should not be presented as a design for a 100-stall barn. He said he supports building new horse barns, but perceives this as project creep, going from a $600,000 stall barn project to a building with ventilation, heat, lighting, and bathrooms that may cost over $1 million to construct. He said a "Yes" vote would be voting for project creep and a "No" vote would be voting against long- range planning. He said the Board has been talking about the same project for six years and without continuity from one Board to the next, long-range planning does not make sense. He said if a master plan is needed, call it what Board of Trustees — June 12, 2012 — Page 5 it is and budget for it, and consider the needs of the Museum and the Senior Center as well. Town Administrator Lancaster said it is important to make the facility as flexible as possible and to look at function and design the form around it. He said with planning the needs of the community can be met, mistakes related to traffic patterns and flow can be eliminated, and said the experience of Norris Design can accomplish this for the Town. It was moved and seconded (Koenig/Norris) to award a contract for work on the design of a stall barn and master plan of the NW quadrant of the Fairgrounds at Stanley Park to Norris Design at a cost of $154,920 from the Community Reinvestment Fund, and it passed. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Elrod, Ericson, Koenig, Norris, and Phipps. Mayor Pro Tem Blackhurst abstained. 4. ESTES VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS. Two vacant positions on the seven -member Estes Valley Planning Commission (EVPC) were advertised in the Estes Park Trail -Gazette resulting in four applications being received. Interviews of the candidates were performed by a four -member interview team made up of Trustee Norris, EVPC Chair Klink, Community Development Director Chilcott, and Planner Shirk. The team recommends appointing Tom Gresslin to complete the term vacated by Alan Fraundorf which will expire December 31, 2012; and Kathryn Bowers to complete the term vacated by Ron Norris which will expire on December 31, 2014. Dir. Chilcott said that both candidates have had previous board experience and said that during their interviews, they spoke about long range ideas and planning for the future. It was moved and seconded (Blackhurst/Phipps) to appoint Tom Gresslin to complete the term of former commissioner Alan Fraundorf expiring December 31, 2012; and Kathryn Bowers to complete the term vacated by Ron Norris expiring on December 31, 2014, and it passed unanimously. 5. ESTES VALLEY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPOINTMENT. The alternate member position on the Estes Valley Board of Adjustment (EVBOA) is jointly appointed by the Town Board and the Larimer County Board of Commissioners. This position was previously held by Jeff Moreau, who became a regular member of the EVBOA in March 2012. An interview team consisting of Trustee Elrod, EVBOA Chair Lynch, Creative Sign Design Board Chair Blume, and Director Chilcott interviewed three candidates and is recommending the appointment of Robert (Chris) Christian as alternate member for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2012, and expiring June 30, 2015. It was moved and seconded (Blackhurst/Koenig) to approve the appointment of Robert Christian as alternate member to the Estes Valley Board of Adjustment for a three-year term expiring June 30, 2015, and it passed unanimously. 3. REPORTS AND DISCUSSION ITEMS. 1. FIRST QUARTER FINANCIAL REPORT. Assistant Finance Officer McDougall reported that expenditures in the General Fund are within budgeted parameters coming in at 25.7% of budget expended with 33% of the year completed. First quarter sales tax is 9.2% ahead of budget for 2012 and 12.1% ahead of 1st quarter 2011, however, January through March sales tax historically represents only 13% of the total for the fiscal year. The Food category accounts for 38% of the sales tax revenue, with lodging, retail, and construction sectors beginning to rise. Enterprise Fund expenditures are also within budgeted parameters, however, expenditures will Board of Trustees — June 12, 2012 — Page 6 increase as capital projects get underway during the spring/summer month. Light and Power revenues are currently less than expected, with warm winter weather resulting in lower demand. Due to recent legislation, municipalities are once again allowed to invest in government -backed securities that were prohibited when the US Government rating was downgraded in 2010. The Town has increased its investment in US instrumentalities for the short-term. Staff is in the process of completing the 2011 CAFR which will be presented to the Board at the June 26, 2012, Town Board meeting. Whereupon Mayor Pinkham adjourned the meeting at 9:22 p.m. Za?---- illiamC. Pinkham, Mayor Cynthia A. Deats, Deputy Town Clerk