HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2022-11-08Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, November 8, 2022 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 8th day of November, 2022. Present: Also Present: Wendy Koenig, Mayor Scott Webermeier, Mayor Pro Tem Trustees Marie Cenac Kirby Hazelton Barbara MacAlpine Patrick Martchink Cindy Younglund Travis Machalek, Town Administrator Jason Damweber, Assistant Town Administrator Dan Kramer, Town Attorney Kimberly Disney, Recording Secretary Absent: None Mayor Koenig called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and all desiring to do so, recited the Pledge of Allegiance. YEARS OF SERVICE RECOGNITION. Mayor Koenig recognized staff which met service milestones with the Town, including Deb Holgorsen and Tonya Ziegler — 15 years; Kimberly Disney, Talia Filsinger, Mikaela Fundaun, Laura Garcia, David Hook, Karen Johnson, Maria Jonoska, and Jeffrey Woeber — 5 Years. Additionally, the Town Board recognized Town Administrator Machalek for his service during the COVID-19 Emergency Declaration from March 19, 2020 to October 31, 2022, as well as the October 2020 wildfire evacuation. AGENDA APPROVAL. It was moved and seconded (Hazelton/Younglund) to approve the Agenda, and it passed unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENTS. None. TRUSTEE COMMENTS. Trustee comments were heard and have been summarized: Several Trustees attended the annual Dia de los Muertos event. The Estes Park Board of Adjustment met and approved a variance request for a Cleave Street business. The Estes Park Planning Commission would be held November 15, 2022 to review the final Comprehensive Plan. The Larimer County Behavioral Health Policy Council met and elected Commissioner Shadduck-McNally as the new chair and received a presentation from the CSU Social Work — Yarrow Collective and The Family Center. The Regional Air Quality Council met and reviewed the budget and support options for individuals and local municipalities. The Parks Advisory Board reported completion of the 2021-2022 goals and have begun identifying 2023 goals. Family Advisory Board listening sessions would begin November 13, 2022 with interaction limited to 20 people. Blue Santa has begun and the last day for donations would be December 4, 2022. The Economic Development Corporation met and discussed the Estes Park High School Business & Management Class second-hand clothing fundraiser and the need for a code development committee. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR REPORT. Town Administrator Machalek thanked the Town Board for their recognition and acknowledged staff and other entities for their efforts during the COVID-19 Emergency Declaration and October 2020 wildfires. Board of Trustees — November 8, 2022 — Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA: 1, Bills. 2. Town Board Minutes dated October 25, 2022. 3. Parks Advisory Board Minutes dated September 15, 2022 (acknowledgement only). 4. Transportation Advisory Board Minutes dated September 21, 2022 (acknowledgement only). 5. Resolution 87-22 Intergovernmental Agreements with the Estes Valley Fire Protection District and Park Hospital District dba Estes Park Health for Dispatch Services. 6. Appointment of Phil Frank to the Estes Park Housing Authority to complete the term of Dan Centurione, expiring April 30, 2024. It was moved and seconded (Webermeier/MacAlpine) to approve the Consent Agenda, and it passed unanimously. ACTION ITEMS: 1. RESOLUTION 91-22 DECLARING THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK'S DECISION TO DECLINE ALL PARTICIPATION IN THE COLORADO PAID FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE INSURANCE PROGRAM (FAMLI). Mayor Koenig opened the public hearing and Director Williamson presented Resolution 91-22 to formally decline the Town's participation in the FAMLI program. She highlighted the history of the insurance program, its components, associated costs, timeline for the program, level of employee interest in the program, and advantages and disadvantages of the Town opting into or out of the program. The Board discussed how often the Town would need to declare its participation, financial impacts to the employees and the Town, and the ability of the Town to opt out. Mayor Koenig closed the public hearing and it was moved and seconded (Younglund/Martchink) to approve Resolution 91-22, and it passed unanimously. 2. PUBLIC HEARING — 2023 BUDGET. Mayor Koenig reopened the public hearing continued from October 25, 2022. Director Hudson presented the proposed 2023 budget of approximately $87 million. The budget outlines the intended uses of the Highway User Trust Fund revenues received from the State of Colorado estimated at $277,106, used to offset costs in the Streets division of Public Works. Resolution 88-22 would set the mill levy for 2023 at 1.822 mills for a total of approximately $454,394 in property tax revenues. Resolution 89-22 would adopt the 2023 budget as presented. Resolution 90-22 would appropriate sums of money to be expended as outlined in the proposed budget. The 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan would provide guidance to the Board, staff, and citizens on upcoming projects and funding needs. Mayor Koenig closed the public hearing and it was moved and seconded (Webermeier/Cenac) to approve the Highway User's Trust Fund for expenditures for striping, snow plowing, traffic signs, street lights, and other related road and street costs as proposed for 2023, and it passed unanimously. It was moved and seconded (Webermeier/Younglund) to approve Resolution 88- 22, Resolution 89-22, and Resolution 90-22, and it passed unanimously. It was moved and seconded (Hazelton/Younglund) to approve the Capital Improvements Plan for 2023-2027, and it passed unanimously. 3. CHANGE ORDER AND CONTRACT AMENDMENT FOR CLEAVE STREET IMPROVEMENTS WITH KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES FOR $250,000 BUDGETED. Engineer Bailey presented the Change Order and Contract Amendment with Kimley-Horn and Assoiciates. He highlighted the history of the Board ofTrustees — November 8.2O22—Page % pnojoot, new redevelopment proposals along Cleave Stnaet, community outreach, the increased costs of $235.000. and scope updates for Cleave Street Improvements. The Board discussed the project completion date and it was moved and seconded (Young |und/Haze|hon) to approve Change Order No. 7 and Contract Amendment No. 1tothe Professional Services Contract with Kim|ay' Horn and Associates, Inc. for design and engineering of the Cleave Street Improvements project, and itpassed unanimously. 4, ORDINANCE 18-22 EXPANDING THE BOARD OFCOMMISSIONERS OFTHE ESTES PARK HOUSING AUTHORITY. Mayor Koenig opened the public hearing and Town Attorney Kramer presented Ordinance 18-22hoexpand the Estee Perk Housing Authority Board of Commissioners. He highlighted the request for membership increase previously submitted by the Board of Commissioners, and current membership restrictions. Estes Park Housing Authority BoandofCommisoionerChairB|aokhuetthankedtho Town Board for their consideration of the Ordinance and stated the intention of the expansion would be to allow for different demographics on the board. The Board discussed posting requirements for available poaitiona, the interviewing prooeon, and term lengths. Mayor Koenig closed the public hearing and it was moved and seconded (Hazelton/Martchink) to approve Ordinance 18-22, and it passed unanimously. 6 2U23STRATEGIC PLAN ADOPTION. Town Administrator Machalek presented the 2023 Strategic Plan and highlighted the Strategic Planning Sessions held May 17. 2022 and Juno 13. 2022. and minor changes since the last planning session including: moving Outstanding Community Services Goal &A to the Infrastructure Outcome Area in order to group it with similar efforts; adding more specific dates toTransportation Objuotive7A.1; and adding more specific dates to Transportation Objective 7. B. 1. It was moved and seconded (Young|und/Haza|ton) to approve the 2023 Strategic P|on, and it passed unanimously. Town Clerk Williamson announced the preliminary 2022Coordinated Election results with 63% in favor of Ballot Issue 6E. Whereupon Mayor Koenig adjourned the meeting at 7:58 p.m. ~,".` mbedyD"isney. Recording Secretary