HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2022-04-12Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado,April 12,2022 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held Virtually in said Town of Estes Park on the 12th day of April,2022. Present:Wendy Koenig,Mayor Patrick Martchink,Mayor Pro Tem Trustees Carlie Bangs Marie Cenac Barbara MacAlpine Cindy Younglund Scott Webermeier Also Present:Travis Machalek,Town Administrator, Jason Damweber,Assistant Town Administrator Dan Kramer,Town Attorney Kimberly Disney,Recording Secretary Absent:None. Mayor Koenig called the regular meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. REQUEST TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION: It was moved and seconded (Younglund/MacAlpine)to enter into executive session to discuss a personnel matter -Section 24-6-402(4)(f)C.R.S.,and not involving:any specific employees who have requested discussion of the matter in open session; any member of the Town Board;the appointment of any person to fill an office of the Town Board;or personnel policies that do not require discussion of matters personal to particular employees -regarding Town Attorney and Municipal Judge Annual Evaluation,and it passed unanimously. The Board entered into executive session at 5:20 p.m.and concluded the executive session at 6:28 p.m. Mayor Koenig called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.and all desiring to do so,recited the Pledge of Allegiance. PROCLAMATION -VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION MONTH. Mayor Koenig presented a proclamation recognizing the dedication of volunteers of the Town of Estes Park. AGENDA APPROVAL. It was moved and seconded (Martchink/Webermeier)to approve the Agenda as presented,and it passed unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENTS. John Meissner/Town citizen made a point of clarification regarding the attendance of Commissioner Shadduck-McNaIIy previous Estes Park Community Conversations and stated advertisement in the local newspapers might increase attendance.He also spoke regarding the Isabella Bird documentary filming project and issues obtaining filming locations,interviewees for the documentary,and restrictions of Rocky Mountain National Park staff being filmed. TRUSTEE COMMENTS. Trustee comments were heard and have been summarized:Excitement in the proposed Family Advisory Board appointments and the continuation of the advisory board. Congratulated Trustee Cenac,Trustee Elect Nelson,and Trustee Webermeier on their recent elections to the Town Board and thanked all candidates for running.Visit Estes Park (VEP)received a grant to place an informational kiosk at the Visitor’s Center and the 2021 VEP Annual report has been completed.Construction has begun on the Larimer County Behavioral Health Crisis Services Facility.The Platte River Power Authority has Board of Trustees —April 12,2022 —Page 2 issued a list of “100 things you can do for renewable energy”as part of their commitment to have a 100%noncarbon energy mix by 2030.The Estes Park Board of Adjustment met April 5,2022 and heard two variance requests.The Rooftop Rodeo would be held July 6- 11,2022 and would be streamed on The Cowboy Channel. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR REPORT. Town Administrator Machalek presented his policy governance report for policies 3.3 and 3.7 and reported full compliance. CONSENT AGENDA: 1.Bills. 2.Town Board Minutes dated March 22,2022. 3.Transportation Advisory Board Minutes dated February 16,2022 (acknowledgment only). 4.Parks Advisory Board Minutes dated February 17,2022 (acknowledgment only). 5.Estes Park Planning Commission Minutes dated February 15,2022 (acknowledgment only). 6.Resolution 28-22 Intergovernmental Agreement for Fiscal Year 2022 American Rescue Plan Funding to Support Estes Transit Administration and Operating Expenses with CDOT,P0 491002884,$51,481 —Budgeted. 7.Resolution 29-22 Intergovernmental Agreement for Fiscal Year Certifications and Assurances as required for Federal Transit Administration Funding for Public Transportation with CDOT. 8.Resolution 30-22 Approving the USDA Loan Resolution for the Prospect Mountain Water Distribution Project. 9.Ordinance 03-22 Amendments to Chapter 17.66 of the Estes Park Municipal Code Regarding Signs.Request to continue to May 10,2022. 10.Appointments to the Family Advisory Board: •Jessica Moffett,1-year term expiring April 30,2023 •Debra Avezzano and Nicole White,2-year term expiring April 30,2024 •Deanna Ferrell,Rut Miller,and Susan Yowell,3-year term expiring April 30, 2025 11 .Acceptance of Town Administrator Policy Governance Monitoring Report. It was moved and seconded (Webermeier/Bangs)to approve tKe Consent Agenda, and it passed unanimously. ACTION ITEMS: 1.RESOLUTION 31-22 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS #1 TO THE 2022 BUDGET.Director Hudson presented Resolution 31-22 to approve budget appropriations including uncompleted 2021 purchase orders to complete the acquisition of goods,services ordered in 2021 but not received by the end of the year,roll-over uncompleted projects underway but not completed in 2021,and additional items not included in the original 2022 budget.Manager Solesbee clarified the transportation grant funding roll-over must be used in 2022 and staff intends to use it for reinstatement of the YMCA brown transit route.It was moved and seconded (Webermeier/Bangs)to approve Resolution 31-22,and it passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 32-22 AMENDING RESOLUTION 81-21 AND APPROVING PROPOSED UPDATES TO PUBLIC WORKS POLICY 842—PARKING PERMITS. Board of Trustees —April 12,2022 —Page 3 Manager Solesbee presented Resolution 32-22 to amend Resolution 81-21 and update Policy 842—Parking Permits.Amendments to Resolution 81-21 consisted of reduced daily hours of paid parking to end at 5 p.m.and adding the volunteer and temporary guest permit types.Changes to Policy 842 consisted of eligibility requirements for the new permit types,minor adjustments to two existing permit types,and edits to the General Rules section.Manager Solesbee highlighted cooperation with local entities,the stakeholder working group,and outreach to downtown businesses.The Board discussed community outreach,parking lot capacity of the 9-10 a.m.hour compared to the 5-6 p.m.hour,and the Study Session discussion on April 12,2022 which provided further information regarding the presented changes.Town Attorney Kramer clarified a motion to approve Resolution 32-22 would approve both the resolution and policy. Ann Finley/Town citizen spoke regarding her involvement on downtown parking, citizen support of the paid parking program,and the efforts of staff and the Transportation Advisory Board to provide parking options for the Town. John Meissner/Town citizen spoke regarding gas prices,encouraged maintaining free parking at the parking garage,and public outreach. It was moved and seconded (Younglund/Bangs)to approve Resolution 32-22, and it passed unanimously. 2 REVISIONS TO POLICY 225 —CHILDCARE FUNDING GUIDELINES.Assistant Town Administrator Damweber presented revised Policy 225 —Childcare Funding Guidelines.The Town Board reviewed the policy on February 8,2022 and March 1, 2022,and staff has incorporated discussed revisions on the Town’s role,creation of a reserve fund for expenditures,and an explanation of funding uses.The Board discussed clarifications of grant repayment should a receiving entity no longer provide childcare services within 24 months,and staff identified disadvantages of the policy. Laurie Dale-Marshall/Town citizen thanked the Board for approving the new FAB members and spoke regarding the benefit of this policy and funding reserve for families and the broadened opportunities which would come from the policy. It was moved and seconded (Bangs/Younglund)to approve Policy 225- Childcare Funding Guidelines,and it passed unanimously. REPORTS AND DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1.MUSEUM’S 2021 ANNUAL REPORT.Director Fortini provided the Museum’s 2021 Annual Report and highlighted the 2021 strategic initiatives of the museum which were met and not met,museum attendance,2021 collaborations,outside funding sources,artifact updates,volunteer usage,2021 oral history interview highlights,and 2022 strategic initiatives. Whereupon Mayor Koenig adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m. ing Secretary