HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2003-08-26Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado,August 26,2003 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Municipal Building in said Town of Estes Park on the 26th day of August,2003. Meeting called to order by Mayor John Baudek. Present:John Baudek,Mayor Susan L.Doylen,Mayor ProTem Trustees Jeff Barker Stephen W.Gillette David Habecker Lori Jeffrey-Clark G.Wayne Newsom Also Present:Rich Widmer,Town Administrator Rebecca van Deutekom,Deputy Town Clerk Gregory A.White,Town Attorney Absent:None Mayor Baudek called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.and presented the 2003 Communicator Award for Distinction to J.J.Rutherford/Museum and Rae Todd/Platte River Power Authority for the Historic Fall River Hydro plant Booklet detailing the historical and statistical data of F.O.Stanley and electricity in the Estes Valley and the Town of Estes Park. PUBLIC COMMENT None. TOWN BOARD COMMENTS Trustee Newsom responded to citizen comments regarding the number of special events scheduled this past weekend (Estes Park Rock -The Festival with Altitude,Auto Extravaganza,and Estes Cycling Challenge).He noted that event organizers were aware of the scheduled events and all felt that their individual events would benefit from the activity.The events were well organized and well received by the public.Citizens were encouraged to contact their Trustees with questions regarding Town activities. Trustee Habecker commented on 1)the quality of cars displayed at the Auto Extravaganza,noting that the show was exceptional;2)two Rocky Mountain News articles regarding bark beetle damaged trees and the U.S.Forest Service’s tree management plan and the effects of salt-based de-icers on trees along Colorado’s highways,explaining that the tree management plan may contradict the fire mitigation plan;and 3)a letter submitted by Mr.Craig Bigler that appeared in the Trail Gazette regarding the issue of accommodation tax rates.Discussion ensued regarding room taxes,the marketing/advertising programs,and annexation.He requested and received clarification of an agenda item for the Fulfillment Task Force regarding the “strawperson”exercise and Task Force goals. Trustee Barker agreed with previous comments regarding the rock concert and success of their event organization. Board of Trustees —August 26,2003 -Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of): Town Board Minutes dated August 12,2003. 2.Bills. 3.Committee Minutes: A.None. 4.Re-appointment —EPURA Commissioners Paula Steige and Gerry Swank,5- yr.terms,expiring September 14,2008. It was moved and seconded (Doylen/Gilleffe)the consent agenda be approved,and it passed unanimously. 2.ACTION ITEMS: THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ESTES PARK URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY (EPURA)&THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK.Town Administrator Widmer presented the Third Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA)between the Town and Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority. The purpose of the Amendment it to maintain payment and security for the proposed EPURA Bonds (Series 2003),facilitate the continued implementation of the Estes Park Downtown Redevelopment Program, and provide the Town with funds for efficient municipal operations. Adoption of this IGA is critical to accomplishment of Town Board Goal #1: Expedite EPURA’s Walkway Westward Program. The Amendment requires EPURA to transfer all revenues each year except $750,000 retained for administrative,capital lease/purchase expenditures,and bond payments (including the Series 2003 bonds).This amount is sufficient for EPURA to bond for $3,000,000 over the next five years.With the existing EPURA fund balance,this should enable EPURA to construct approximately $6,000,000 in projects,including the Wiest Plaza,Wiest parking expansion,and related development of the Bob’s Amoco site.The EPURA Board approved the IGA on August 20,2003. According to conservative projections,the IGA should result in the transfer of approximately $2.5 million to the Town each year.It was moved and seconded (Gillette/Newsom)the IGA between the Town and EPURA be approved as presented,and it passed unanimously.Trustee Habecker requested that EPURA Board minutes contain greater detail relative to project costs. 2.2003 BUDGET —PRESENTATION OF PROPOSED BUDGET CUTS.Town Administrator Widmer noted that sales tax receipts have not kept pace with budget projections;therefore,cuts totaling approximately $500,000 in General Expenses must occur to return the 2003 Budget to its adopted state. Town Administrator Widmer presented a listing of proposed departmental cuts to achieve this goal,yet maintain service at existing levels.The proposed cuts total $503,551 and represent a 4.4%reduction in the 2003 Budget.Cuts in the following areas were discussed:equipment,supplies, utilities,maintenance,printing,education/training,dues/subscriptions, salaries,home ownership,mileage,uniforms,and furniture/fixtures. Additional issues addressed includ.e advertising,marketing,and budget impacts beyond 2003. Board of Trustees —August 26,2003 -Page 3 The Board commended Town Administrator Widmer and staff for their efforts. Concluding all discussion,it was moved and seconded (Newsom/Gilleffe) the proposed 2003 Budget cuts be approved,and it passed unanimously. 3.COLORADO MUNICIPAL LEAGUE (CML)POLICY COMMITTEE - 200312004 APPOINTMENT.The CML Policy Committee is responsible for reviewing legislative proposals and recommending to the League Executive Board positions of support,opposition,no position,or amendment to a wide variety of legislation affecting cities and towns.The Committee also proposes revisions to the League’s Policy Statement that guides League positions on public policy issues affecting municipalities. Mayor Baudek announced that Trustee Barker expressed his desire to continue the Town’s representation by serving on the 2003/2004 Policy Committee;therefore,it was moved and seconded (Doylen/Gillette)that Trustee Barker be appointed to serve on the CML’s 200312004 Policy Committee,and it passed unanimously.Attorney White noted that the driver’s license revocation issue has been placed on the Policy Committee’s Agenda and will be discussed at their next meeting. 4.TOWN ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT.1)The Town’s leading economic indicators include traffic counts and Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) visits.Town Administrator Widmer reported that RMNP visits in July were up 3.6%and traffic counts were up 10.6%.2)Town Administrator Widmer agreed with the positive comments regarding the special events this past weekend.Everyone appeared to be having a great time and organizers and Town staff were commended for a job well done. There being no further business,Mayor Baudek adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m. % Zohn Baudek,Mayor Rebecca van Deutekom,Deputy Town Clerk