HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2003-10-14Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado,October 14,2003 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Municipal Building in said Town of Estes Park on the J4th day of October,2003. Meeting called to order by Mayor John Baudek. Present:John Baudek,Mayor Susan L.Doylen,Mayor ProTem Trustees Jeff Barker David Habecker Lori Jeffrey-Clark Also Present:Rich Widmer,Town Administrator Vickie O’Connor,Town Clerk Gregory A.White,Town Attorney Absent:Stephen W.Gillette and G.Wayne Newsom,Trustees Mayor Baudek called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT None. TOWN BOARD COMMENTS Trustee Jeffrey-Clark commented that the National League of Cities has designated October 19-25 as Little Kids,Big Plans Week’to focus nationwide attention on theimportanceofqualityearlycareandeducationforyoungchildren.Toward that end,aBreakfastRoundtableisplannedOctober22ndat7:30 a.m.at the Senior Center,and the public was encouraged to attend. 1.CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of): 1.Town Board Minutes dated September 23,2003. 2.Bills. 3.Committee Minutes: A.Community Development,October 2,2003: 4.Estes Park Housing Authority,September 10,2003 (acknowledgment only). 5.Estes Valley Board of Appeals,September 5,2003 (acknowledgement only). 6.Estes Valley Board of Adjustment,September 9,2003 (acknowledgement only). 7.Estes Valley Planning Commission,September 16,2003 (acknowledgement only). 8.Resolution #10-03 -Approving Contract #04 HA4 00030 and #04 HA4 00032 between CDOT (80%)and the Town (20%)for the Hike/Bike Trail along Fish Creek Rd.,from Country Club Dr.to Carriage Dr.,and the Fall River Hike/Bike Trail,Phase Ill along Fall River Rd.from Valley Rd.to the Sleepy Hollow Subdivision area. Board of Trustees —October 14,2003 —Page 2 It was moved and seconded (Doylen/Jeifrey-Clark)the consent agenda be approved, and it passed unanimously. IA.PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA (Approval of): Mayor Baudek opened the Public Hearing for all Consent Agenda Items,and announced that if the Applicant,Public or Town Board wish to speak to any of these consent items,they will be moved to the “Action Item”Section. 1.CONSENT ITEMS: 1.FINAL SUBDIVISION PLATS. A.Pawnee Meadow,Second Filing,Lots 4 and 5,Pawnee Meadow Subdivision,First Filing,Scott &Kim Miller/Applicants. CONTINUED TO NOVEMBER 11,2003 -APPLICANT’S REQU EST. 2.FINAL CONDOMINIUM MAPS: A.Solitude Condominiums III,Supplemental Map II,Lot 3,Solitude Subdivision,Crystal Creek Development,Inc/Applicant. B.Solitude Condominiums IV,Supplemental Map II,Lot 4,Solitude Subdivision,Crystal Creek Development,Inc/Applicant. C.Cedar Ridge Condominiums Ill,Supplemental Map I,Portion of Lot 4,Beaver Point Third Addition,Cedar Ridge at Estes, L LC/Applica nt. As there was no testimony,Mayor Baudek closed the public hearing and it was moved and seconded (Habecker/Doylen)Item l.A.be continued to November 11,2003 and Items 2.A —C.be approved,and it passed unanimously. 2.ACTION ITEMS: A.Portion of Block 7 Amendments,modifying Chapter 9,Planned Unit Developments.Mayor Baudek opened the Public Hearing, and Community Development Dir.Joseph reviewed the proposed modifications.The one-sentence change in the PUD process is under the number of units allowed/density section—”Any unit that is less than or equal to 800 s.f.in size shall be considered a guest unit,regardless of kitchen configuration,for purposes of density calculations of a commercial accommodations use in a Mixed Use PUD.”Town Attorney White read the Ordinance,and there being no public testimony,it was moved and seconded (Doylen/Habecker)Ordinance #17-03 be approved,and it passed unanimously. 2.ACTION ITEMS: 1.RESOLUTION #11-03 —INTRODUCTION OF PRELIMINARY 2004 BUDGET. Finance Officer Brandjord read the Resolution summarizing expenditures and revenue for each fund,introducing the preliminary budget for 2004.The public hearing for adoption of the 2004 Budget is scheduled November 11,2003.It was moved and seconded (Barker/Jeffrey-Clark)Resolution #11-03 be approved,and it passed unanimously. 2.A.SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE CONFERENCE CENTER LEASE PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ESTES PARK URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY &THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,ORDINANCE Board of Trustees —October 14,2003 —Page 3 #18-03.Finance Officer Brandjord stated that due to the debt financing EPURA is undertaking,a Second Amendment to the Conference Center Lease Purchase Agreement is required.The lease payment schedule was reviewed,and Town Attorney White noted that due to the multi-year lease, an Ordinance is atso required.Attorney White read the Ordinance,and it was moved and seconded (Habecker/Barker)Ordinance #18-03 be approved,and it passed unanimously. B.FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ESTES PARK URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY &THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK.Finance Officer Brandjord reported that the Fourth Amendment is necessary to reflect the change in the sizing of the bond issue.Total debt service for the Refunding and improvement Bonds is estimated ±$900,000Iyr.through 2007,with a final payment of ±$500,000 in 2008. C.SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ESTES PARK URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY &THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK.Officer Brandjord stated that the Second Amendment revises the original agreement to provide for the flow of excess funds fro the increment area,and brings the agreement in line with the conditions of the current bond agreements and conditions. It was moved and seconded (Habecker/Barker)the Fourth Amendment to the IGA,and the Second Amendment to the Cooperation Agreement, both between EPURA and the Town be approved,and it passed unanimously. 3.TOWN ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT. A.Sales Tax Update.August sales tax revenues are up 4.5%from 2002, bringing the year-to-date figure to +1.3%.August is the largest August ever,being second only to last month in size.The year-to-date figure for the budget is +1.5%. B.Kayak Course Construction.This EPURA project is now underway,and the Board was encouraged to tour the worksite. C.Knoll-Willows Pedestrian Trail.Construction has begun on this trail,and work will be performed following the Public Works Committee’s procedure to minimize the impact to the natural environment. D.Lienemann/Fall River Estates Lawsuit.Town Attorney White reported that Mr.Lienemann had sued the Town based on his 1971 Agreement for water service to his development.Mr.Lienemann claimed the Town was prohibited from connecting additional properties to the water system.The judge has ruled in the Town’s favor stating the Deed was given to the Town without reservation. Following completion of all agenda items,Mayor Baudek adjourned the meeting at 7:23 p.m. Baudek,Mayor f&L Vickie O’Connor,Town Clerk