HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2003-04-08Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado,April 8,2003 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Municipal Building in said Town of Estes Park on the 8th day of April,2003. Meeting called to order by Mayor John Baudek. Present:John Baudek,Mayor Susan L.Doylen,Mayor ProTem Trustees Jeff Barker David Habecker Lori Jeffrey-Clark G.Wayne Newsom Also Present:Rich Widmer,Town Administrator Vickie O’Connor,Town Clerk Gregory A.White,Town Attorney Absent:Stephen W.Gillette,Trustee Mayor Baudek called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT None. TOWN BOARD COMMENTS None. 1.CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of): 1.Town Board Minutes dated March 25,2003. 2.Bills. 3.Committee Minutes: A.Community Development,April 3,2003: Museum Dept.: 1.Revision to Museum Policy Manual —Collections Management Policy for the Museum and Historic Fall River Hydroplant. Special Events Dept.: 1.Estes Valley Productions,Inc.Music Festival Agreement,August 23- 24,2003. 2.Top Hands Agreement for Show Secretary’s Office/Storage Building. 4.Estes Park Housing Authority,February 12,2003 (acknowledgment only). 5.Estes Valley Board of Adjustment,March 4,and April 1,2003 (acknowledgement only). 6.IGA with the Estes Park Recreation and Park District —Financial Services. Board of Trustees —April 8,2003 -Page 2 Trustee Barker requested both Agreements under the Special Events Dept.be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion/clarification.Granting the request,it was moved and seconded (Doylen/Newsom)the Consent Agenda be approved, and it passed unanimously. 1.Estes Valley Productions,Inc.Music Festival Agreement,August 23- 24,2003.Attorney White has reviewed the Agreement,and clarifications were made to Paragraph 7;Paragraph 15 was added and this item confirms the 10:00 p.m.curfew both days,and that control of the volume is with the Special Events Manager.It was moved and seconded (Barker/Newsom)the Agreement be approved,and it passed unanimously. 2.Top Hands Agreement for Show Secretary’s Office/Storage Building. Trustee Barker reported that this item was also discussed at the Community Development Committee.Top Hands has offered to build a show secretary/storage building.Attorney White has reviewed the agreement,and questions remain pertaining to design improvements.Due to time constraints,Trustee Habecker has been unable to assist in design improvements for the 14’x30’building. Rooftop Rodeo President Kitchen and Top Hands President Adams reported that a 6’concrete pad and decorative gable could be added to the porch for approximately $2,195,plus electrical if needed for these improvements.However,Top Hands has committed $20,000 for this building and cannot afford the additional expense at this time.Trustee Habecker noted his annoyance that due to time constraints in placing the order for the building,insufficient time was allowed for discussion on this project.Discussion followed on availability of discretionary Town funds;the completed building should be available for Town uses the vast majority of year;and other design improvements.It was moved and seconded (Habecker/Barker)the Top Hands Agreement for the Show Secretary’s OfficelStorage Building be approved,including the following:(1)the Town funding up to $3,000 for architectural improvements,to be expended from the Contingency Fund;(2) Town Attorney White re-drafting the Agreement to include the additional design improvements,warranties,construction,etc.; (3)Top Hands applying for the Building Permit,with the permit fee to be waived;and (4)Trustee Habecker and Town Administrator Widmer to review a sketch of the structure design,and it passed unanimously. IA.PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA (Approval of): Mayor Baudek opened the Public Hearing for all Consent Agenda Items.lithe Applicant,Public or Town Board wish to speak to any of these consent items,they will be moved to the “Action Item”Section. 1.CONSENT ITEMS: AMENDED PLATS: A.Tackman/Bishop Amended Plat of Lots 26-28,Fort Morgan Colony Addition,Lloyd and Jolene Tackman and Karen Bishop. Consolidation of five portions of said lots into three lots to be known a Lots 26A,27A and 26A.The plat consolidates the various parcels into lots appropriate for the existing land use and development.Staff suggests a condition be added Board of Trustees —April 8,2003 -Page 3 correcting the name of the property owners in the dedication statement. 2.FINAL CONDOMINIUM MAPS: A.Park Rivet West Supplemental Condominium Map VIII,Richard H.Wille/Applicant.Phase VIII consists of Units 634 and 636, and staff suggests approval contingent upon the condominium map and/or the development plan be revised so the finished floor elevations are the same;same to be revised/approved by staff. 3.MISCELLANEOUS: A.Private Street Name Change:From Delmar Drive to Fall River Court,Dale Jobe/Applicant.The Community Development Committee considered and approved the private street name change April 3,2003.. Trustee Habecker cited a potential ‘conflict of interest”and stated he would not participate in discussion nor vote on Item 2A. There being no testimony,Mayor Baudek closed the public hearing,and it was moved and seconded (Newsom/Doylen)Consent Items I and 3 be approved, and it passed unanimously. It was moved and seconded (Doylen/Barker)Item 2 be approved,and it passed with Trustee Habecker Abstaining. 2.ACTION ITEMS: 1.MISCELLANEOUS: A.Landscape Guarantee Waiver —Development Plan #02-17, Vista Ridge,Lot 1,Wildfire Addition,Estes Investors, LLC/Applicant.Investors are seeking a waiver of the required financial guarantee for this development land landscaping. Investors have provided an estimate of $153,703.30 for landscaping.Pursuant to the Applicant’s request,this item was removed from the Agenda. 2.ACTION ITEMS: 1.ESTES PARK HOUSING AUTHORITY —UPDATE.Rita Kureija,Estes Park Manager gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Authority: Mission Statement. •Projects: V Talons Pointe.Apartment Homes;44 two and three-bedroom units;rents will vary according to income;begin moving families June 1 and July 1,with 2-BR units ranging from $529- $727/mo.,and 3-BR units ranging from $61 3-$950;financing; and Town funding donations. V Vista Ridge.61 Condominiums—31 units will be affordable offering residents an opportunity to purchase a home,deed restricted;formal public “roll out”April 25th;and Town funding donations. V Cleave Street (existing building).Ten rental units. V Section 8 Voucher Program.Offers assistance to 44 families. •Audit dated December 31,2002. Board of Trustees —April 8,2003 -Page 4 •Commissioner Resignation.With sadness,the Board has accepted the resignation of Lee Kundtz.Applications have been posted and the submittal deadline is April 18,2003. •New office space.When the State closed the Driver’s License Office, this space was made available to the Estes Park Housing Authority. Manager Kurelja expressed the Authority’s appreciation to the Trustees and Town Attorney White for their commitment to affordable housing. 2.TOWN ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT. A.HGW “RESTORE AMERICA”Series —Fall River Hydroplant.The Board viewed a segment of this series pertaining to the Historic Fall River Hydroplant Restoration,with narrative provided by Mike Mangelsen/Assistant to the Elec.Engineer,and former Mayor Bob Dekker.The program was nationally aired on the HGW network March 26th Former Mayor Dekker, Mangelsen,Matzke,Kilsdonk (and Museum staff members)were publicly acknowledged for their effort on this project. B.Big Elk Fire Report —Financial.Finance Officer Brandjord reported on recoverable costs (overtime and benefits)submitted to FEMA and confirmed that the Town has received for $8,763.00.Finance Officer Brandjord and Commander Filsinger were commended their accurate record-keeping efforts. Completing all agenda items,Mayor Baudek adjourned the meeting at 7:47 p.m. ó%’ohn Baudek,Mayor O ec1 Vickie O’Connor,Town Clerk