HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2002-04-09Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado,April 9,2002 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Municipal Building in said Town of Estes Park on the 9th day of April,2002. Meeting called to order by Mayor John Baudek. Present:John Baudek,Mayor Susan L.Doylen,Trustee Elect Trustees Jeff Barker Stephen W.Gillette David Habecker,Trustee Elect Lori Jeffrey-Clark,Trustee Elect G.Wayne Newsom Also Present:Rich Widmer,Town Administrator Vickie O’Connor,Town Clerk Gregory A.White,Town Attorney Absent:None Mayor Baudek called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT None. TOWN BOARD COMMENTS None. 1.CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of): 1.Town Board Minutes dated March 26,2002. 2.Bills. 3.Committee Minutes: A.Community Development,March 28,2002: Special Events Dept.: 1.Standard Agreements a.Lions Club,Concession Stand b.Copper Penny Hunter-Jumper Horse Show c.Rky.Mtn.Team Penning Show U.Int’l.Arabian Cutting Horse Show e.June Rodeo Series Stock Contractor,Powder River Productions 2.Standard Parade Permits a.Rooftop Rodeo,July gth b.Scottish Festival,September 7th c.Christmas,November 29th 3.Construction Contract for Announcer’s Stand —Emerson &Simpson, $46,160 ÷ a 10%Contingency;Electrical,$500;and Design,$1,500 —for a total of $48,160. Board of Trustees —April 9,2002 -Page 2 4.Vehicle Purchase (Used)—From Water Dept.,$7,500 Fund Transfer. Senior Center: 1.Standard Agreements a.Larimer County on Aging (2)—Services and Nutrition Program. B.Public Safety,April 4,2002. 4.Estes Park Housing Authority,February 13,and Special Meeting February 22,2002 (acknowledgment only). 5.Estes Valley Board of Adjustment,April 2,2002 (acknowledgement only). 6.Estes Valley Planning Commission,March 19,2002 (acknowledgement only). It was moved and seconded (Gillette/Doylen)the consent agenda be approved,and it passed unanimously. IA.PLANNING COMMISSION CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of): Mayor Baudek stated that if the Town Board,Applicant(s),Staff or the Public wish to speak on either item listed below,a formal Public Hearing would be conducted as follows: A.Mayor —Open Public Hearing B.Staff Report C.Public Testimony D.Mayor —Close Public Hearing E.Motion to Approve/Deny 1.AMENDED PLAT.Country Club Manor,408 Columbine Ave.and 750 Prospect Ave.:Combine Lot 1 and North 25’of Lot 2 into one lot &combines Lot 3 and the S.25’of Lot 2 into one lot.Anthony & Tanya Rowley,and Virginia Taulane/Applicants. 2.BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT.Lots 2 &3,Ten Brook Resubdivision.Correct existing encroachment.Stephen P. Chamberlain/Applicant -CONTINUED TO MAY 14,2002. As there were no persons desiring a public hearing,it was moved and seconded (Habecker/Doylen)Item I be approved,and Item 2 be continued to May 14,2002, and it passed unanimously. 2.ACTION ITEMS: 1.SWEARING-IN CEREMONY —TRUSTEES ELECT.Municipal Judge Brown conducted a Swearing-In Ceremony for Trustees-Elect Sue Doylen,David Habeckec,and Lori Jeffrey-Clark,each for 4-yr.terms,expiring 4/06. 2.APPOINTMENTS.The following official appointments were presented: (A)Board of Trustees:Mayor John Baudek Trustee Jeff Barker Trustee Elect Sue Doylen Trustee Stephen W.Gillette Trustee Elect David Habecker Trustee Elect Lori Jeffrey-Clark Trustee C.Wayne Newsom Board of Trustees —April 9,2002 -Page 3 (B)2.1 6.010 -Mayor ProTem -Sue Doylen Intergovernmental Agreements Liaison -Sue Doylen f C)Colorado Municipal League Policy Committee —Jeff Barker (D)2.08.010 COMMITTEES: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DOYLEN,Sue -Chairman BARKER,Jeff HABECKER,David Museum Liaison —Sue Doylen Rooftop Rodeo Liaison —Jeff Barker LIGHT &POWER JEFFREY-CLARK,Lori -Chairman HABECKER,David NEWSOM,Wayne PUBLIC SAFETY GILLETTE,Stephen -Chairman JEFFREY-CLARK,Lori NEWSOM,Wayne Youth Advisory Council —Lori Jeffrey-Clark Fire Code Review Committee (International Fire Code Review): Scott Dorman,Fire Chief Wayne Newsom,Trustee Will Birchfield,Building Official PUBLIC WORKS BARKER,Jeff -Chairman DOYLEN,Sue GILLETTE,Stephen Town Administrator Widmer presented the following appointments.It was moved and seconded (Doylen/Gillette)all appointments listed below be approved,and it passed unanimously: fE)ADMINISTRATION 2.68.010 RICHARD WIDMER,Town Administrator 2.20.010 VICKIE O’CONNOR,Town Clerk 2.20.060 REBECCA van DEUTEKOM,Dep.Town Clerk 2.24.010 PETE BRANDJORD,Treasurer/Clerk ProTem 2.28.010 GREGORY A.WHITE,Town Attorney JOHN P.FREY,Assistant Town Attorney 2.32.010/2.48.020 LOWELL RICHARDSON,Police Chief 2.32.010 GARY R.BROWN,Municipal Judge JOHN W.EASLEY,JR.,Ass’t.Muni.Judge 2.44.010 SCOTT DORMAN,Fire Chief DARYL MCCOWN,1Assistant Fire Chief LARRY PETTYJOHN,2’Assistant Fire Chief (F)ESTES VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION HABECKER,David,Liaison -4-Year Term Board of Trustees —April 9,2002 -Page 4 (G)FIREMEN’S PENSION BOARD BAUDEK,John,Mayor DORMAN,Scott,President BRANDJORD;Pete,Treasurer LANDKAMER,Jon,EPVFD O’CONNOR,Vickie,Secretary DEATS,Doug,EPVFD (H)POLICEMEN’S PENSION BOARD BAUDEK,John,Mayor BRANDJORD,Pete,Treasurer O’CONNOR,Vickie,Secretary RICHARDSON,Lowell,Police Chief (I)TREE BOARD,4-yr.Term,expiring 4/06 SEIFERT,Bob (replacing Member Lang) Presentation of Plaque to outgoing member Dick Lang. (J)LARIMER EMERGENCY TELEPHONE AUTHORITY BOARD RICHARDSON,Lowell (K)LARIMER COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD FILSINGER,Gregg,term expires 12/31/02 fL)LARIMER COUNTY OPEN LANDS ADVISORY BOARD JEFFREY-CLARK,Lori,term expires 6/30/02 (M)NORTH FRONT RANGE WATER QUALITY PLANNING ASSN. LINNANE,Bill GOEHRING,Bob/Alternate (N)WINDY GAP WHITE,Gregory A. LINNANE,Bill/Alternate 3.PUBLIC HEARING:PRELIMINARY &FINAL CONDOMINIUM MAP,PHASE I,PARK RIVER WEST,LOT S I AND 2,PARK RIVER WEST SUBDIVISION, RICH H.WILLE TRUSTIAPPLICANT.Mayor Baudek opened the public hearing.Trustee Habecker cited a conflict of interest and stated he would not participate in discussion or vote.Bob Joseph,Community Development Director,presented the Staff Report.The final condominium map includes an addition to the 10’permanent pedestrian trail easement along the Big Thompson River,and this easement will be dedicated by a separate document. The purpose •of the easement is to allow for improvement of the water infiltration by the river.Dir.Joseph noted his intention to place remaining units on the Planning Commission Consent Agenda when they are consistent with the approved Development Plan.As there was no public testimony,Mayor Baudek closed the public hearing,and it was moved and seconded (Newsom/Gillette)the Preliminary and Final Condominium Map for Phase I, Park River West Subdivision be approved,and it passed with Trustee Habecker Abstaining. 4.THE KNOLL PROPERTIES MASTER PLAN PROCESS —REVIEW AND APPROVAL.Town Administrator Widmer reported that closing the Knoll properties with Beefit Corporation occurred on March 28th The agreements require the preparation of a Master Plan before any improvements can be made.Staff recommendations include the formation of a Citizen’s Advisory Board of Trustees —April 9,2002 -Page 5 Council to provide oversight for the master planning process,and that it be composed of the following members: •Four Citizens-at-large,appointed by the Mayor •Three Town Staff members (Bob Joseph,Bill Linnane and Betty Kilsdonk) •One Downtown Business Representative,selected by the Business Advocates •One Representative from the League of Women Voters •One Town Trustee •EPURA Exec.Dir.Smith Staff is also recommending Community Development Dir.Joseph serve as the Chairman. The group would meet as needed to oversee and guide the preparation of the Knoll Master Plan,and it is possible the group would shift into subcommittees to work on detailed portions of the Plan.Potential subcommittees include: •Wetlands •Trails,access and active elements •Parking •Cabin and ruins. The Town budgeted $30,000 for this project in 2002,and Dir.Joseph confirmed he intends to get underway within the next month to gather various committee members and contact consultants.It was moved and seconded (Newsom/Jeffrey-Clark)the Knoll Citizen’s Advisory Council,as specified above,be approved,and it passed unanimously. 5.PILOT PROGRAM:EMPLOYEE HOME OWNERSHIP PROGRAM -REVIEW AND APPROVAL.Assistant Town Administrator Repola stated that in an effort to make home ownership more attainable for Town employees,thereby reducing turnover and improving municipal services,an Employee Home Ownership Program is being proposed.Town resources include 6 rental units: 4 houses (1/Fall River Hydro Plant,3/Fish Hatchery)and one duplex (Riverside Dr.)Ass’t.Administrator Repola reviewed the major points of the Program,including eligibility.The Town’s cost of the Program would range between $1,800-$10,800/year,depending upon the number of employees participating in the Program,and the funding source would be the revenue generated by the Town’s rental properties. A summary of Trustee questions/comments include:support of the program, inclusion of a repayment clause,confirmation that the resources are limited to the Town’s 6 rental units,revenues will collected in the General Fund,whether or not the Program should be mandatory,how employees currently in the Town’s housing would be dealt with and whether phasing was considered, instituting a maximum rental period of 5 years,ensuring equity in the selection process,study of other municipalities with similar programs to ascertain pros/cons,confirmation that if the base is expanded to include any Town employee renting housing,that a survey must be conducted,encumbering funds when they are set-aside,and that the benefit of such a Program is a benefit to Town employees,Town government,and the community.Town Attorney White noted that State Statute limits the payback (repayment clause) to two years. Board of Trustees —April 9,2002 -Page 6 Concluding discussion,it was moved and seconded (Doylen/Newsom)staff refine the Program to address Town Board concerns,returning to the Town Board May 14th for approval,and it passed unanimously.Assistant Administrator Repola urged the Board to contact him directly with any additional questions/comments. 6.LIQUOR LICENSE:TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP,F &I,INC.(Gonzo’s Mexican Food)TO BISTRO’S OF ESTES PARK,INC.,dba GRANDMAISON’S BISTRO ON 7,HOTEL &RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE,401 S.ST.VRAIN AVE.Clerk O’Connor confirmed that the application is complete and that required T.I.P.S.Training is not yet scheduled. The tentative opening date is mid-May.Trustee Barker stated the Board does hold licensees accountable,particularly pertaining to the underage drinking, and Mr.Sypher confirmed all three partners will attend T.I.P.S.Training.It was moved and seconded (Habecker/Doylen)the Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License application filed by Bistro’s of Estes Park,Inc.be approved,and it passed unanimously. 7.TOWN ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT. A.Estes Park Housing Authority —Grant Approval.Members of the EPHA and Town staff attended a hearing on the Authority’s grant application for the Dry Gulch and Wildfire Projects,and the application for $1.5 Million was approved.This is the largest award the Division of Housing has awarded and $900,000 was granted for a “forgivable loan”,and $600,000 for a 4-yr. loan at 5%.The Division of Housing were impressed with the Town Board’s political and financial support of these projects.Mayor Baudek acknowledged the continual effort put forth by Housing Authority staff members Sam Betters/Exec.Dir,and Jean Michaelson and Housing Authority Chairman Doylen. B.Town Board Remodeling Prolect —Update.Construction should be completed the end of next week,followed by the installation of all AV equipment. Following completion of all agenda items,Mayor Baudek adjourned the meeting at 7:55p.m. hn Baudek,Mayor ____________ Vickie O’Connor,Town Clerk