HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2000-11-14Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado,November 14,2000 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Municipal Building in said Town of Estes Park on the j4th day of November,2000. Meeting called to order by Mayor John Baudek. Present:John Baudek,Mayor Susan L.Doylen,Mayor Prolem Trustees Jeff Barker Stephen W.Gillette David Habecker Lori Jeffrey G.Wayne Newsom Also Present:Rich Widmer,Town Administrator Vickie O’Connor,Town Clerk Gregory A.White,Town Attorney Absent:None Mayor Baudek called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT None. TOWN BOARD COMMENTS Mayor Pro Tem Doylen expressed her appreciation to the community for voting in favor of the Town’s Measure 2A Ballot Question to permanently reinvest in the community.Special mention was given to staff members Scott Dorman and the Fire Dept.,Rich Widmer,Vickie O’Connor,and Shawn Kraft in providing their personal time to work on this issue,Mr.and Mrs.Jon Sypher and the Board of Realtors for their donations,Mayor Baudek and fellow Trustees.The citizens of Estes Park have laid a foundation for a strong infrastructure. Mayor Baudek also thanked everyone,adding that the ballot question passed by over 70%. 1.CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of): 1.Town Board Minutes dated October 24,2000. 2.Bills. 3.Committee Minutes: A.Community Development,October 26,2000: 1.Estes Park Cycling Weekend Event,June 23-24,2001. B.Public Safety,November 2,2000: 1.Resolution #23-00 —Ratifying L.E.T.A.Surcharge for Year 2001. 2.“Outdoor Buddies”Hunting Program for Handicapped —Approve hunting in Kiowa Ridge Addition from November 2,000 through January 2001. C.Light &Power,November 9,2000: 1.Compressor Truck Replacement,$63,937.00. 2.Olympus Dam Project —Letter of Support. 3.Fall River Hydro Restoration Project —Phase II Contract. 4.Estes Park Housing Authority,September 13,2000 (acknowledgment only). 5.Estes Valley Planning Commission,October 17,2000 (acknowledgement only). 6.Estes Valley Board of Adjustment,November 7,2000 (acknowledgement only). Board of Trustees —November 14,2000 -Page 2 It was moved and seconded (Doylen/Newsom)the Consent Agenda be approved,and it passed unanimously. IA.PLANNING COMMISSION CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of): It was moved and seconded (Doylen/Gillette)the following plats be continued to December 12,2000,and it passed unanimously. 1.SUBDIVISION.Amended Plat of the Amended Plat of Lot 20,Amended Plat of Peak View Subdivision,and Lot 16,S.St.Vtain Addition,Harold B. Millet Estate/Applicant;subdivide one lot into two lots. 2.MINOR SUBDIVISION.Lot 2,Mountain Technology Center Subdivision, H.D.Dannels &Sons/Applicant;subdivision divides one lot in the heavy commercial zoning district into four lots. 2.ACTION ITEMS: PUBLIC HEARING:YEAR 2001 BUDGET.Mayor Baudek opened the public hearing,and Assistant Town Administrator Repola presented the following: A.Highway User’s Trust Fund. B.Resolution 24-00 Setting the Mill Levy of 2.22193 mills. C.Resolution 25-00 Adopting the Budget of $27 ,223.877. D.Resolution 26-00 Appropriating Sums of Money. Although a 2-yr.Budget is prepared,each year’s budget must be adopted separately. Town Administrator Widmer reported that the 2001 Budget includes no change in the mill levy and a projected 4.5%increase in sales tax for 2001 and 2002.Most expense line items include a 4-5%inflation factor,except for medical insurance. The budget incorporates funding for many of the goals adopted by the Board in May,2000.Funding is proposed as follows: V Improve the utilization of downtown parking.$10,000 in 2001 and 2002 for parking lot equipment.Revenue from paid parking is also included. V Continue the Trustee Outreach Program.$17,250 in 2001 and $18,400 in 2002 for Volunteer Recognition,Community and Neighborhood Meetings, and the OurFest celebration. V Continue a Public Information Program.$35,000 in 2001 and $15,600 in 2002 for public information services and communication. V Support the goals of the Estes Park Housing Authority.$298,858 in 2001 and $306,940 in 2002 for employee housing,water and sewer taps, Housing Authority staff,pre-development activities,land acquisition and habitat Homes 6 and 7. V Stanley Park Recreation/Events Facility.$30,000 in 2001 for design work and $25,000 in 2001 for legal work. Significant funding levels for Community Services include: Estes Valley Public Library -$27,600. Arts and Education -$8,000 (not including Stanley Hall construction). Transportation (Special Transit increase to 3 days/wk.). Youth -$16,500 in 2001 and $18,000 in 2002. Human Services -$38,100 in 2001 and $38,750 in 2002. Board of Trustees —November 14,2000 -Page 3 Capital improvements include: •$140,000 for Hwy.7/Stanley Ave.intersection improvements in 2001. •$1,034,000 for trails ($617,000 in 2001 and $417,000 in 2002). •$885,000 for Municipal Building Remodeling ($355,000 in 2001 and $530,000 in 2002). •$3.7 Million in the Light &Power Fund Capital Improvements. •$2.1 Million in Water Fund Capital Improvements. Proposed staffing levels include 0.25 Full Time Equivalent (FTE)for Human Resource staffing,I FTE Police Chief,0.25 FTE increase to take the Fire Chief to full time status,0.25 FTE for a Fire Chief secretary in 2002,0.25 FTE Assistant Museum Curator,and 1 FTE Lineman in the Light &Power Dept. Public testimony was heard from:Kathryn Speer/Crossroads Board Member, who expressed the Board’s appreciation for the budgeted support.Crossroads recognizes Trustee Barker’s accountability concerns,and Crossroads does have a process to determine service need.They have added a second goal to their mission —to promote self-sufficiency,and they will implement programs to increase life skills of clients,such as job interviewing skills,writing resumes, computer skills,etc.Crossroads Exec.Dir.Rex Roax was also present. As there were no other public comments,Mayor Baudek closed the public hearing.Mayor ProTem Doylen noted the Board does realize the increase in Crossroads clients,thus this particular funding was increased in the budget. Trustee Barker commented that although the 2002 Budget has been prepared it is not final,and all community service agencies are encouraged to follow the application process for funding.Town Administrator Widmer added that funding support continuance is based on statistical reports from the various agencies that confirm how the Town’s funding from the previous year was expended.This report is due prior to the budget preparation for the next year.Staff will notify recipients of their funding contributions for 2001,and the tentative funding level for 2002. Mayor Baudek commented on the Town’s 4-month±budget process that included two Town Board study sessions,and numerous hours of effort.Mayor ProTem Doylen added that the budget was also prepared during the transition of the Finance Officer resignation,and she commended Widmer,Repola and Parrack. Trustee Habecker noted that funding has been included in the Election Line Item, and in light of the election difficulties in Florida,he is appreciative of the system implemented by the Town Clerk. It was moved and seconded (Habecker/Gillette)the Highway User’s Trust Fund and Resolutions 24-00,25-00,and 26-00 be approved,thus approving the Year 2001 Budget as submitted,and it passed unanimously.Town Administrator Widmer thanked all Town Board Members for their participation also. 2.ORDINANCE #14-00 MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK SALARY.Town Administrator Widmer presented an Ordinance that increases the annual Municipal Court Clerk salary to $6,988.00.Salary increases for the Municipal Judge and Court Clerk are individually submitted on alternating years.Town Attorney White read the Ordinance,and it was moved and seconded (Newsom/Doylen)Ordinance #14-00 be adopted,effective with the pay period beginning December 24,2000,and it passed unanimously. 3.APPOINTMENT OF DEBORAH PARRACK AS “INTERIM”TREASURER, FINANCE OFFICER AND TOWN CLERK PRO TEM.Town Administrator Widmer noted that with the resignation of Monte Vavra,an Interim Treasurer, Finance Officer,and Town Clerk ProTem must be named.It was moved and seconded (Gillette/Barker)Assistant Finance Officer Parrack be so named, Board of Trustees —November 14,2000 -Page 4 effective November 9,2000,and it passed unanimously.Mayor Baudek thanked Ms.Parrack for assuming these duties. Town Administrator Widmer reported that the September Sales Tax Report indicates a 7% increase from September,1999.Although sales tax revenues remain relatively flat in June and July,an overall increase for the year as compared to 1999 is 5.25%. Mayor Baudek noted that the Town Board meeting scheduled December 26,2000 has been cancelled. 4.REQUEST TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS AND ATTORNEY CONFERENCE.It was moved and seconded (Habecker/Newsom)the Board enter Executive Session as noted above,and it passed unanimously. Whereupon,Mayor Baudek adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 7:40 p.m.noting that the Board may return to open session. Mayor Baudek reconvened the meeting at 8:58 p.m. 5.ESTES VALLEY LAND TRUST (EVLT)-FUNDING REQUEST.Administrator Widmer briefed the Board on a $20,000 funding request from the Land Trust. The EVLT has committed to the purchase of the Mills/Kiley Conservation Easement.Larimer County has committed $45,000,the Rky.Mtn.Nature Assn./GoCo will commit $200,000,and neighbors will be asked to contribute approximately $100,000 as well.It was moved and seconded (Gillette/Jeffrey) the $20,000 funding request be approved.Trustee Habecker stated he will vote against this funding as the site is too far outside Town Limits,and although there is potential goodwill that could be derived,there are more demands for in- town support.Trustee Barker concurred with Trustee Habecker adding that the County receives the lion’s share of open space monies,thus the County is in a more favorable position to support this funding request.Additionally,an emphasis on the Town’s open space monies has been designated for trails. Trustee Jeffrey,who serves on the Larimer County Open Lands Board,believes Estes Park’s heritage includes areas outside Town Limits.There are potential benefits that include education uses.Trustee Newsom stated the site is located too far outside Town Limits and not in the Town’s best interest.Those voting “Yes”,Trustees Doylen,Gillette and Jeffrey.Those voting “No”,Trustees Barker, Habecker,and Newsom.The resultant vote was a tie.Mayor Baudek commented that there are arguments on both sides,adding that a conservation easement on this approach to Estes Park is preferable to development,there are future returns if the property is owned by the Land Trust,and the Town could ask the EVLT for their support on certain Town issues.Mayor Baudek cast his vote in favor of the request,thus the EVLT funding contribution of $20,000 was approved. Concluding all agenda items,Mayor Baudek adjourned the meeting at 9:04 p.m. Baudek,Mayor U Vickie O’Connor,Town Clerk