HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Firemen's Pension Board 1986-10-27M BRAD FOR D PUBLISHING CO. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Firemen's Pension Board October 27, 1986 Board: Mayor Dannels, Town Treasurer Graves, Clerk O'Connor, Fire Chief Rumley Attending: Mayor Dannels, Clerk O'Connor, Fire Chief Rumley Also Attending: Town Administrator Hill, Town Attorney White, Finance Officer Vavra, 1st Assistant Chief Watson, 2nd Assistant Chief McCracken, Secretary/Treasurer Dike ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Town Attorney White advised three (3) members of the Estes Park Volunteer Fire Department and three officers of the Town are eligible to serve on the Firemen's Pension Board. The Fire Department advised the Pension Board their three members to the Board are Jack T. Rumley, James Watson and Gary McCracken. By law, the Mayor, Treasurer and Clerk are the three members representing the Town. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the following are Pension Board Officers: President - Jack T. Rumley Treasurer - Monte L. Vavra Secretary - Vickie O'Connor DISABILITY PENSION FOR FIREMEN - REVIEW OF LEGAL OPINION: Town Attorney White submitted a legal opinion concerningdisabil- ity pension for Estes Park Volunteer Firemen. A medical disabil- ity is defined as follows: A disability from any cause resulting in permanent incapacity to perform assigned duties as a volunteer fireman by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to be of long continued and indefinite duration. The Firemen's Pension Board would make the determination of disability The Board could (1) grant a medical disability pension or (2) grant a deferred retirement plan. The following requirements would apply in granting a deferred retirement plan: (1) any fireman who had completed all training hours for the last three years prior to seeking retirement; and (2) to those firemen serving a total of ten (10) years. Retirement would be granted on a "pro-rata" basis. Following discussion, Mayor Dannels moved the Firemen's Pension Board disregard adoption of the disability pension in favor of the deferred retirement plan. Member Watson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. With regard to calculating the deferred retirement plan on a pro-rata basis, the Board stated retirement will be based upon the last completed year of service. APPLICATIONS FOR PENSION: HOFF, Donald - Mr. Hoff submitted his application for pension. Mr. Hoff entered the Department September 6, 1966 and has served 20 years. Chief Rumley confirmed all equipment had been re- turned, the required number of training hours had been obtained, w BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Firemen's Pension Board - October 27, 1986 - Page two and he was over the age of 50. Member Watson moved the applica- tion be approved. Member McCracken seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. SEYBOLD, Jim - Mr. Seybold also submitted his application for pension. Mr. Seybold entered the Department July 7, 1970 and served a total of 16 years. Chief Rumley confirmed all equipment had been returned and the required number of training hours had been obtained, however, Mr. Seybold was not over the age of 50. Mr. Seybold's pension will be deferred four (4) years. Member Watson moved the application be approved. Member McCracken seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. MOORE, Louis - Mr. Moore submitted his application for pension following 15 years of service (entered March 2, 1971). All equipment had been returned, the required number of training hours had been met, and he was over the age of 50. Member Dannels moved the application be approved. Member Watson second- ed the motion and it passed unanimously. STEELE, Marvin - Mr. Steele submitted his application following 18 years of actual service as of January 1, 1984 (entered 1974). Mr. Steele requested and received two (2) 6-month furloughs and did not meet the training requirements. Chief Rumley advised Mr. Steele would have been eligible for retirement if he had complet- ed all training. Following discussion, the Board stated no further action will be taken at this time, directing Secre- tary/Treasurer Dike to provide all records documenting Mr. Steele's years of service, including the Department's Bylaws, to Town Attorney White. Following Attorney White's opinion, the Board will reconvene. REPORTS: Upon the Board's request, Town Attorney White will submit a legal opinion concerning death benefits to spouses. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Vickie O'Connor, Secretary