HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority 2000-04-19BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS ^own of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, April 19, 2000 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the ESTES PARK URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Municipal Building in said Town of Estes Park on the 19th day of April, 2000. Commissioners: Attending: Absent: Also Attending: Carl Henderson, Tamara Jarolimek, Richard S. Putney, Paula Steige, Gerald W. Swank, Al Wasson, Rich Widmer Henderson, Jarolimek, Putney, Steige, Swank, and Wasson Widmer Executive Director Smith, Deputy Town Clerk van Deutekom Chairman Putney called the regular meeting to order at 8:07 a.m. On behalf of the Mayor, Trustees, and citizens. Trustee Jeffrey expressed appreciation for the efforts of each Commissioner in observance of Volunteer Recognition Month. AGENDA It was moved and seconded (Steige/Jarolimek) to approve the agenda, and it passed unanimously. MINUTES The February 16, 2000 meeting minutes were approved as presented. FINANCIAL REPORT Commissioner Henderson presented the January, February, and March Cash Flow Reports. COMMISSIONER AND COMMITTEE REPORTS r°ri=,.VyaS!0n commended the efforts of the Estes Park Internet Computer Users .,r.ouP (E;)CUUGU) who was instrumental in encouraging Intermountain CableComm to provide citizens with high-speed broadband access to the Internet. P ChaSraLPUtne,y’ Commj^sioner Wasson, and Executive Director Smith recently met with DiannimA fS.8, nC" ®z''manf l/Ra''’ and Design Studios West to discuss transportation planning. Efforts are underway to determine the best use of their services to develoo a comprehensive transportation plan. The efforts of all agencies should be coordinated. Executive Director Smith reported that the Sunrise Symposiums have been productive The next Symposium will be held Wednesday, May 17th at 7:00 a.m. in the Board Annex. COMMUNITY COMMENTS None PROJECT REPORTS/ACTinN.q Executive Director’s Report. Executive Director Smith reported that the work currentiv UStsnZal ! vy Hptel iS n0t Part 0f the Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority/New ?‘a ®y!s^® daa es Parkin9 lot project. Agreement has been reached on ali but severai minor details and construction will begin shortly. Electronic packet distribution was successful and will continue for future meetings. Design Studios West is preparing to begin field work for the Riverwalk West project. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority, April 19, 2000 - Page 2 The blight study of the area near the Hwy. 34/36 intersection is approximately 80% complete and work will resume and be completed over the next several months. A workshop on the effects of climate and land use change on Rocky Mountain National Park and the Estes Valley will be held May 1st at the Conference Center. Staff members will attend. STANLEY PARKING AND ROAD CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT UPDATE. Executive Director reported that subsequent to the Joint Development Agreement between New Stanley Associates, L.P. (NSA) and the Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority (EPURA) to construct a paved parking area to the rear of the Stanley Hotel, the Manor House, and Stanley Hall, several considerations were raised which required additional work that resulted in changes and additions to the project. These changes and additions included storm water routing, detention and discharge; pedestrian walkway connections from the parking area to the buildings; and landscaping scheduling. A financial summary of the project is as follows: Current bank balance for project $ 275,927.68 Current cost estimate from Connell 271.418.75 Difference +4,508.93 Additional costs not included in above estimate: Concrete walk connections 15,000.00 Re-vegetation of disturbed areas 3,200.00 Design fees accrued, DSW 10.592.01 Total 28,792.01 Shortfall: ($24,283.08) It is agreed that the cost of the concrete walk connections between the parking area and the buildings will be borne separately by NSA. The cost of re-vegetation will be paid from the current bank balance. The accrued design fees will be borne separately by EPURA. Executive Director Smith read Resolution #285 amending the Joint Development Agreement between NSA and EPURA dealing with the parking area and improved access to serve Stanley Hall and the Stanley Hotel. It was moved and seconded (Wasson/Jarolimek) Resolution #285 be approved, and it passed unanimously. Executive Director will prepare a memorandum of understanding (with advice from Jim Windholz) that will include a statement that the Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority will not spend any additional funds on the Stanley parking project. INTERMODAL TRANSPORTATION - DISCUSSION. Executive Director Smith reported that EPURA will take the lead as appropriate to coordinate the efforts of the Park Service, County, Town, and EPURA regarding intermodal transportation. There being no further business. Chairman Putney adjourned the meeting at 8:39 a.m. next regular meeting will be May 17, 2000 at 8:00 a.m. The Rebecca van Deutekom, Deputy Town Clerk