HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Community Development Committee 2007-10-04RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, October 4, 2007 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 4th day of October 2007. Committee: Attending: Also Attending: Absent: Chairman Pinkham, Trustees Eisenlauer and Levine All Town Administrator Repola, Deputy Town Administrator Halburnt, Directors Pickering, Kilsdonk, and Joseph, Managers Marsh, Mitchell, and Winslow, and Deputy Clerk Deats None Chairman Pinkham called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENT. None CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU. ROOFTOP RODEO COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP AND OFFICERS - REQUEST APPROVAL. Each year the Rodeo Committee Membership and Officers are approved by the Town Board. Staff has provided a complete 2007-2008 membership listing with the following members being elected to serve as officers: President — Howell Wright Vice President - Joyce Kitchen Secretary — Michelle Purdy Treasurer - Steve Juedes Mgr. Winslow stated that discussion is underway regarding the Committee Treasurer position, who will most likely serve on the Top Hands Board and liaison back to the Rooftop Rodeo Committee. Staff requests approval of the 2007-2008 Rooftop Rodeo Officers and Membership. Mqr. Winslow acknowledged the increase in membership as being evidence of continued energy, interest, and enthusiasm for the Rooftop Rodeo, and rePorted that- for the fifth year in a row, the Rooftop Rodeo has been selected to vie for the honor of 2007 Small Outdoor Rodeo of the Year. Administrator Repola requested a press release be prepared and sent to the media regarding this selection. The Committee recommends approval of the 2007-2008 Rooftop Rodeo Committee Membership and Officers as presented. STANLEY PARK FAIRGROUNDS MARQUEE REMODEI AND RELOCATION.^ Sp^laf Evenfe3^^^requests that the marquee at the Fairgrounds at Stanley Park be relocated and refurbished, as part of the Fairgrounds remodeling Pr°Jetcr^p^h®v^ha is outdated in need of repair, and not as visible as it once was due to tree growth in the area. A request for bid was sent to seven sign companies, with three bids received. Gardner Signs..................................................$^9«nn Shaw Sign and Awning..................................... 7 rS DaVinci Sign Systems.........................................7-652 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Community Development - October 4, 2007 - Page 2 Staff requests approval to contract with DaVinci Sign Systems, Inc., to remodel and relocate the marquee. Moving the sign 75 yards to the east will improve visibility, and the existing pylons and portions of the cabinet/framework of the sign will be repaired and reused. Consideration will be given to night lighting issues when selecting sign color and design. The Committee recommends approval to contract with DaVinci Sign Systems, Inc. for the repair and relocation of the Fairgrounds at Stanley Park marquee at a cost of $7,652 from account #201-5400-544-32-22 budgeted. REPORTS. Reports provided for informational purposes and made a part of the proceedings. • Marketing • Media & Public Relations • Group Sales Report MUSEUM/SENIOR CENTER SERVICES DEPARTMENT. CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS 2008 CONTRACT - REQUEST APPROVAL. Catering for All Occasions (CAO) has been the food service provider at the Senior Center since the privatization of food services in July of 2003. The program is monitored closely with client response being measured in several areas including: are the meals healthy and delicious; are the meals of value to the client; are the meajs something the client could not normally prepare at home; and does the clients participation in the meal program allow them to restore or maintain health, and improve their overall well-being. Most recent data indicates an overall satisfaction rate of 95.8% with this being the fourth year in a row that satisfaction has remained above 90%. The Senior Center Meal Committee met several times during the summer to examine meal prices and discuss quality issues resulting in a recommendation to retain Catering for All Occasions as the food service provider for 2008. The budget contains $22,400 for the 2008 CAO contract. The annual amount has not increased since 2003, ^d tor 2008 the amount actually decreases by $2600 from $25,000 annually. Senior Center expenses have increased and grant-funded programs have shown a awards related to the meal programs. These amounts combined are aPP.lJxim.^t® ^ $2600 for 2008. Meal prices will be increased and the senior meal subsidy will be decreased to offset the reduction in revenue and increase in expenses as per information presented at the September CDC meeting. Under the terrns of the dininq room meals for Senior Center members of any age and Meals on Wheels are subsidized at a cost of $1.80 per meal. Meals on Wheels f additional subsidies. This is a reduction in the per meal subsidy of .20 cents per meal from 2007 Staff recommends approval of the 2008 contract be^een ® °^?17 Estes Park and Catering for All Occasions at a cost of $22,400 from account #217- 5304-453-22-71 budgeted. In response to a question from Chairman Pinkham regarding the food s®nf'ce Equipment in the kitchen at the Senior Center, Mgr. Mitchell stated that the Town has rriaint^nance agreements on most of the large items and a maintenance budget to address repairs Although the Town makes no promise to replace equi^pment, necessary the cost of replacement may be considered in order to mamtain the curr ievel of services. The Committee also discussed liability insurance, quality checks, health department reports. budgeted. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Community Development - October 4, 2007 - Page 3 REPORTS. Reports provided for informational purposes and made a part of the proceedings. • Museum Monthly Report • Senior Center General Report Dir. Kilsdonk stated that information related to the oral history project has been included in a new brochure that Museum staff has created. Staff will prepare a press release to inform the public that oral history DVDs and transcripts are available for viewing at the Museum and the Public Library. The Committee discussed the Hydroplant Picnic Grounds, its usage during this summer season, the deposit and rental fees, the revenue and expenses related to the rental of the picnic grounds, the wear and tear on the area by renters of the facility, and whether its use should be expanded. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. DEVELOPMENT AND BUILDING FEE WAIVER POLICY - REQUEST APPROVAL. The Town Board has requested a revision and clarification of the Community Development Department Fee Waiver Policy. Staff made recommendations based on past practice, and noted that, although fees would not be assessed for qualifying projects, submittals, permits and inspections would be required. After discussion, the Committee identified the following as entities that may be exempted from Building Permit fees and Planning Review fees (except for direct expenses incurred in outsourcing): innaiv H 1. Public funded government construction (federal, state, county, local), 2. TaxUScts/special districts ( e.g. hospital, library, parks and recreation): 3. Private non-profit organizations providing low income health and human services or low income housing. proposal to the October 23,!l Town Board meeting. S!^vided for informational purposes and made a part of the proceedings. • Community Development Financial • Monthly Building Permit Summary The Community Development D-P3"™-‘ planning dePartmen? ®"d*5'oew greeted levels. Administrator Repola stated that for and expenses are )ust °" Pfed lain personnel costs have been re-assigned to reUrLSg SaPZe°nteSto ™re°Uurate& reflect where the cost of sennoes are incurred. administration.. SPACE - REQUEST APPROVAL. concf^rvation easement for Tract B, The in 2002, the Town assigned the de®d “vaUey Land Trust (EVLT). By creating Reserve, Second Filing °Pfn 3Pade *he a reSponsible for enforcement and lirnited ZainTeZZfofVeleZrZfco^diti^ of the easement. The 2002 agreement allows RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Community Development - October 4, 2007 - Page 4 the Town to assign its rights and responsibilities as Grantor to a third party. Given the location and strict limitations of the parcel, it would be appropriate for the Reserve at Estes Park Homeowners Association (HOA) to take responsibility for the property. The EVLT is supportive of the transfer to the HOA with the stipulation that the Town of Estes Park resume responsibility for the easement if the HOA were to, at some point, be dissolved. Staff requests approval of the transfer and the authorization to have Attorney White prepare the necessary documents to execute such. Kirk Wiggins/The Reserve Lot 42, an officer of The Reserve at Estes Park Homeowners Association, stated that easement violations are not committed by The Reserve property owners, but rather people who are not aware of the restrictions on the parcel. He stated that in the past activities such as camping, flying model airplanes, and walking have occurred on the property that was set aside exclusively as an open space for wildlife. He stated that the HOA is willing to take on these maintenance and enforcement duties and is in a better position to identify and deal with a violation than the Town of Estes Park. After discussion the Committee recommends approval of the process to move forward with the transfer of the easement as outlined above and authorizes the preparation of the necessary documents, with final approval at a future Town Board meeting. REPORTS. Reports provided for informational purposes and made a part of the proceedings. • Transportation Discussion/End of the Season Report Deputy Town Administrator Halburnt presented statistics related to the operation of the shuttle system for the summer season. This is the second year of a three year agreement with MacDonald Transit Associates/Rocky Mountain Transit to provide transportation in Estes Park. Dep. Administrator Halburnt provided statistics related to hours of operation, ridership numbers, costs per passenger, planning for future transit service needs, and comparisons with the previous year’s data. Discussion followed and included: improved shuttle routes; complaints received regarding the shuttles; the sizes and capacities of the equipment currently being utilized; shuttle loading zones; the benefits of a shuttle system versus more parking in the downtown area; and seeking federal monies to fund shuttle projects to alleviate congestion and pollution in Rocky Mountain National Park. There being no further business. Chairman Pinkham adjourned the meeting at 9:30 a.m Jynmia Deats, Deputy Town Clerk APPROVED OCT 1 0 2007 TOWN OF ESTES PARK BOARD OF TRUSTEES