HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Community Development Committee 2003-07-03RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, July 3, 2003 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the COMMUNITY' DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Municipal Building in said Town of Estes Park on the 3rd day of July, 2003. Committee: Attending: Also Attending: Absent: Chairman Doylen, Trustees Barker and Habecker All Assistant Town Administrator Repola, Director Kilsdonk, Managers Hinze and Marsh, Clerk O’Connor Director Pickering Chairman Doylen called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENTS. Advertising. Mgr. Marsh noted an RMNP Article and contact story on the Chamber Website, and reviewed the Bi-Monthly Report: > Requests for Information - as of 5/31/03, requests are down 30%, an improvement from March and April. Although an increase is anticipated, staff does not expect to recover from the impact of the war in Iraq. > E-mailed requests improved significantly with June requests running 66.3% ahead of June, 2002; year to date is ahead by 20%. > WATS line calls are down 28%. > Work in Progress: • 2004 Ad Program • The August 17th Insert, specifically supporting the Scottish Festival, Auto Extravaganza, Classic Rock Concert, Fall in Rocky, and fall festivals, will be inserted in front-range cities. • Developing an RFP for Program Creative Review. • Continuing development with the CRA Vacation Planner Committee, and the CRA Web Committee. Special Events. Reports. Mqr. Hinze presented a critique on the following events: 1 Jazz Fest & Art Walk Weekend, May 17-18, 13-yr. event. The audience (±4,000) was most appreciative of the entertainment lineup. Participating galleries indicated good traffic for the entire weekend. This year’s sole sponsor was Poppy’s Pizza & GnU and they were commended for their participation. This event will be relocated to Performance Park in 2004.2 Wool Market June 11-15, 13-yr. event. Estes Parks event is stil considered one of the top three fiber festivals in the u-s- C°|J?^erc!f1 vendors and alpacas were at maximum due to current facilities. All rhairmen were commended.June Rodeo Series, 2nd-yr. event. Due to inclement weather attendance was fair. Entrants for this amateur rodeo attempt to earn their way into the PRCA; the Rooftop Rodeo Committee and Police Volunteers provided excellent assistance Park Auto Mall, Optical Perspectives, Inn at Estes Park, Marys Lake Campground, Stage Western, and Prudential Team Realty sponsored 3. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Community Development Committee - July 3, 2003 - Page 2 4. 5. the event and they were commended. Miniature Horse Show June 18-22, 19th-yr. event. Show growth (exhibitors and animals) is not expected to change over the next couple of years; however, it is non-taxing for staff. New Show Office Building. The Top Hands Organization funded this building and it was initiated for the 12 night rodeos and worked extremely well. Pursuant to Trustee Habecker’s suggestion, a porch was added to improve the architecture. Appreciation was expressed to Top Hands for their motivation in improving the fairgrounds site. Action. Assistant Town Administrator Repola presented the Stanley Park Revitalization Plan Report dated June, 2003. One of the Town Board’s 2002-2004 Goals was a review of the Stanley Park Master Plan. The Goal Team, consisting of Trustees Habecker and Newsom, and staff members Brandjord, Hinze, Joseph, Marsh, Pickering and Repola, conducted an evaluation of the various reports and plans written on the fairgrounds over the years, including the operations and market (both current and potential). Minor recommendations were recommended in the Plan by Attorney White to ensure compliance with the Stanley Park Deed. Concerning budget, staff will manage the majority of the master planning process. However, the need to retain professional services such as an engineer to assist with drafting a plan to address existing surface drainage issues is anticipated. This portion can likely be delayed until the 2004 Budget based upon progress made in the planning process. Staff noted that ±$2.5 Million has already been invested in the site. The report addressed the following: > Revitalization Plan > Operation Description > Vision > Objectives > Services/Product > Market Analysis > Strategy/Implementation > Summary > Attachments. Chairman Doylen noted that the Town has been a good steward of this property and ^investment should be continued. Trustee Habecker noted his pleasure in working on this Goal Teaim, where th® T®a focused on the Stanley Park Deed, desired a Plan for the benefit of the entire community, noted that this site is a 9ahte;j/JthPJJ)Peertye’tu^^^ should be developed in an attractive manner, belief that the reJVr" investment should be tremendous—a unique, holistic approach was utilfzed in preparing this Plan. Following review, the Comn[*,t|ee acknowledged receipt of the Report, and recommends approval of the Stanley Park Revitalization Plan as presented, understanding the budget implications thereof. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Community Development Committee - July 3, 2003 - Page 3 MUSEUM/SENIOR CENTER DEPARTMENTS. Museum Building Expansion - Request Approval to Award Contract. Director Kilsdonk acknowledged those in attendance: Steve Lane, Susan Quinnell and Nancy Schiaffo, and reported that funds were budgeted $175,000 in 2003 and $175,000 2004 for the expansion of the Museum by adding a meeting room, new fagade, reception area, outdoor sign, and larger shop area, plus minor changes to exhibit spaces. The overall size of the expansion is ±2,500 sq. ft. Construction could begin no later than 12/03, but could begin as early as 10/03, with a completion date of June, 2004. An RFP was given to all three local, licensed architects, and two proposals were received by the bid due date of June 6th (Beck/Westover, $67,450 and Basis/Cornerstone, $62,000). A Selection Committee consisting of Museum Advisory Board members Nancy Schiaffo, Joan Palmer and Mike Oline, Friends Board President Susan Quinnell, and staff members Repola, Linnane, Sievers, Stitzel and Kilsdonk conducted interviews. Considering both the written proposal and the presentation, the Selection Committee unanimously recommended the Beck/Westover Team be selected. Although the Beck proposal is $5,450 higher than Basis, the proposal included a museum interpretive specialist. The Selection Committee based their recommendation on intrinsic elements as well as the fact that they believed the Beck Team would utilize more local contractors. Mr. Lane and Mike Todd assured the Committee that they would provide a high-quality job. When questioned on proposed budget cuts. Assistant To^n DAdm''n<!fr^^tn0.r Repola responded that this project is funded frotri Community Reinvestment current cuts are from the General Fund, and would, therefore, not affect this project This is part one and when completed, staff will return for authorization to proceed. TrustL Barker noted that Committee do consider recomnJe,;d^ns’ however, the Town Board is solely responsible and may not follow recommendation. Following discussion, the Committee recommends 3«arding Part I of the Museum Expansion (Preliminary Design and Construction Est.ima^® Preliminary Guaranteed Maximum Price) to the BeckMestover Team>in amount oUlOJOO, returning to the Committee for approval to proceed with Pa miscellaneous. Board Agenda. ^atj^ritrd ?hXe^w^rr^rbe rrddeflrdrgnain contmi over their own RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Community Development Committee - July 3, 2003 - Page 4 fulfillment functions. If outside businesses desire leads, a fee will be attached. With control, ownership of the leads will be certain. In reality, the Agreement is not to be re­ negotiated: the Town’s position is being re-evaluated. Chairman Doylen stated that as elected officials, it is the Town Board’s responsibility to serve the citizens by being responsible fiduciaries to ensure expected services and provide the quality of life the Town Board is committed to. The Committee recommends terminating the existing Agreement expiring 9/30/03 based on: certain performance criteria (marketing leads) not being met, adhered to and enforced, new opportunities to reconstruct the Agreement to better meet expectations are at hand, and that the Committee is hereby acting upon the intent of the Town Board from their Retreat. (2) Trustee Barker quoted from the Municipal Code: Section 2.08.030 Special committees. “Special committees may be appointed as the needs of the Board of Trustees may require. The Mayor shall appoint all members of any special committee of the Town.” Trustee Habecker stated that appointment to the existing Committee (Barker and Habecker) would be acceptable, and that additional input would be appreciated. However, he is unsure that if, at the Retreat, the Board said the Mayor should appoint a new committee to advise the Town Board. Also, he finds it completely unacceptable that he (Habecker) is not on the Task Force appointment list. All task forces in the past have included two Trustees; both he and Trustee Barker have expended much time and effort working on this project. To remove him (Habecker) and add a representative from the YMCA (an outside competitor) is an affront to everything the existing Committee has so diligently been working on. He was elected to serve the people and he will not give this responsibility away to anyone else. Trustee Barker commented that people who know the most about a particular subjec^ should be appointed to serve on that particular committee, and he called to mind Trustee Gillette’s previous comments regarding the Cardboard Recycling project where Trustee Gillette welcomed being a part of any future discussions due to his expertise in this area. He (Barker) concurred that two Town Board members serve on every committee. Chairman Doylen expressed her concern with the appointment list; Trustee Barker confirmed that the Mayor does have sole authority to appoint sPecl^' members, and that the Town Board may certainly provide comment, add ng tha he does appreciate the appointees for their willingness to serve^ The memo dated July 2 prepared by Town Administrator Widmer for submittal to the Town Board on Ju y 8 was read, in particular, #5 Town Board Consensus, “The advert,f'"9 - recipients must pay their fair share.” It must be made very clear to the Task Force that the Town owns \he leads, pursuant to the Agreement, and this was agreed to at the Retreat this item is not for discussion by the Task Force. The intentions and expectations of the Task Force must be made very clear. Concluding all discussion, the Committee recommendsaffirmingtheconsens^^ arrived by the Town Board at the Retreat...The advertising leads are not free recipients must pay their fair share, and that this item will not be included m fulfillment activities discussed by the Task Force. There being no further business. Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:03 a.m. APPROVED JUL - 8 2003 TOWN OF ESTES PARK BOARD OF TRUSTEES ^ jicJhJLy O’ Vickie O’Connor, CMC, Town Clerk