HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Community Development Committee 1993-09-02BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS y Community Development Committee September 2, 1993 Committee; Attending: Also Attending: Chairman Dekker, Trustees Hix and Doylen Chairman Dekker, Trustee Doylen Absent: Ass't. Administrator Widmer, Community Development Director Stamey, Advertising Manager Marsh, Conference Services Coordinator Thomas, Museum Director Swain, Clerk O'Connor Trustee Hix Chairman Dekker called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M. TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY SUB-COMMITTEE - REPORT. Chairman Dekker reported on a recent meeting of the Transportation Advisory Sub-Committee: • The mode of transportation used for visitors should be in character with the community. • The 1993 Park and Ride modified schedule did not meet employees' needs as anticipated. • The Avon bus offer will be explored to include costs of maintenance, etc. • Possibility of creating a transportation system dedicated for employees; appearance of these unit(s) would not necessarily be that required for the visitor transportation system. • The possibility exists for a public/private partnership should an employee system be created. Additional discussion included "overload" periods where the schedule could be improved to manage large groups, particularly at the YMCA; effort be given to determine the correct number of transportation units to suit the Town's needs; and a request that consideration be given for permanent signage for visiting buses. The next Sub-Committee meeting is scheduled September 15. 1993 ADVERTISING REPORT. The Department responded to the recent rock slide on Highway 34 by providing information that the canyon would be open for the Folks Festival and that an alternate route via Highway 36 was available. The advertising campaign "open all year" has been introduced to the front-range resident. This campaign will be an on-going, off­ season advertising effort utilizing 4-6 different ads promoting various aspects of the recreational and non-recreational activities in and around the Estes Valley. The two ads were displayed. The Denver Post Weekend Magazine contained a cover photo and article on the Folks Festival, plus a one-page listing of events. CONFERENCE CENTER UPDATE. Coordinator Thomas advised that he has implemented the "Estes Park Meetings Express" Program which is intended to assist meeting planners in coming to Estes Park. Following leads that come to Conference Services, immediate contact is made with a meeting planner. Information about the meeting is faxed/called to area BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Conmunity Development Committee - September 2, 1993 - Page 2 accommodations. Accommodations contact the client ASAP with rates and availability. Conference Services then follows-up with the meeting planner and provides further assistance if necessary. This program, which has already resulted in improving Estes Park's reputation as an exceptional destination, generally works with corporate meeting groups containing 80± people. Thus far, 20 accommodations establishments have joined this program—staff welcomed others to join. To date, 44 leads have been received and of those, 80% have been booked. Due to the Town's diversity of accommodations and on-going renovation/upgrading, most groups have been served. Coordinator Thomas confirmed that this program also assists in negating the stigma that the conference center is taking business away from the private sector. The Committee commended Coordinator Thomas for the implementation of this progr2im. MUSEUM REPORT. Director Swain presented copies of the Architectural Assessment Report prepared by Long Hoeft Architects. The report recommended a study be prepared for micro-analysis of the structures, detailed historic analysis, and research as to what furniture is appropriate; funding for this study has been included in the 1994 Budget. The Committee reviewed monthly statistics for July. As reported in August, Director Swain has resigned, and Betty Kilsdonk, Curator will serve as Interim Director until such time as a Director has been named. Due to the workload, Lynda Vogel has been hired on a short-term contract, working as a temporary exhibits technician. Director Swain reviewed the IMS (Institute of Museum Services) Federal Grant Application which was submitted in January. The Museum did not receive a funding award for 1993 and detailed review comments were presented. Funding is awarded on excellence and the Museum's score was competitive. Application results/comments will assist staff in submitting a grant application in 1994. A special reception for Longs Peak Reunion participants drew 135 people on Saturday, August 28. This exhibit has received tremendous support. 1994 Exhibit Plans include renovation of the permanent exhibits which will incorporate some of the research and materials from recent temporary exhibits. A women's clothing exhibit will open Memorial Day and continue throughout the summer. The holiday season will focus on model trains. As directed by the Advisory Board, staff will pursue an exhibition of Charlie Eagle Plume's collection relating to his contributions to the appreciation of Native American Arts. An update on the Reichardt family wigwam tea house and cabin located at Lily Lake was unavailable at this time. MISCELLANEOUS. David Czapp, News Director with KRKI, announced that approximately 20-45 minutes is available Monday through Friday beginning at 11:00 A.M. for community events, and he invited Town participation. There being no further business. Chairman Dekker adjourned the meeting at 11:01 A.M. I f UI SEP 1 5 1993 II Vickie O'Connor, CMC, Town Clerk i 'iUVv,. j,: ESTES PARK i i BCAKD or TKUS'KES f