HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Community Development Committee 1989-07-13BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS •^Community Development Committee July 13, 1989 Committee: Attending: Also Attending: Absent: Chairman Dickinson, Trustees Barker and Garrett All Mayor Dannels, Trustee Hix, Town Admin­ istrator Klaphake, Community Development Director Stamey, Clerk O'Connor None Chairman Dickinson called the meeting of the Community Develop­ ment Committee to order at 2:01 P.M. INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT - ESTES VALLEY RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT. Pending receipt of pertinent information concerning this item, the Committee referred the proposed Agreement to the August 10th meeting. ARTS PROGRAM - UPDATE. Discussion concerning an Estes Park Arts Program was held, with various State and Local personnel attending. As the Town's role in this program is primarily that of support, the Committee i( recommends Russell Kurth be appointed as the liaison between the Arts Council and the Town. Mr. Kurth will be charged with ensur­ ing the program continues to move forward, bringing this program to fruition. HIGHWAY 34 ENTRY - REVIEW. Funds are being budgeted to fund the purchase and placement of Estes Park Entrance Signs. In this regard. Community Development Director Stamey presented a slide program of the entry into Estes Park from Highway 34. The Committee will also review the remain­ ing entrances. No further action was taken at this time; howev­ er, the Committee suggested the sign location should include adequate parking space to provide photo opportunities. REPORTS. Chairman Dickinson briefed the Committee on the recent Economic Developers' Council of Colorado Conference held in Durango. Sessions included Capitalizing on the Prospect Potential of Tourism, Working with Foreign Prospects, Culture, the Arts and Economic Development, and Professional Development. Chairman Dickinson presented various brochures and miscellaneous informa­ tion to Director Stamey. As requested by the Committee, Second Wind Ltd. submitted a report stating their "committee purpose", which included informa­ tion on each member. Suzy Blackhurst has resigned from the Board of Directors of Second Wind. The Committee recommends Mayor Dannels submit a letter to Ms. Blackhurst expressing the Town's gratitude for her efforts. The Larimer County Planning Division has scheduled an orga­ nizational meeting July 20th to discuss future program options relating to economic development grants and loans through the Economic Development Administration. Director Stamey will be attending; any Committee member available, was also encouraged to attend. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Community Development Committee - July 13, 1989 - Page two The Committee reviewed various news articles relating to economic development. The Committee recognized and welcomed the Director of the Arts Center, Alice Sullivan. Chairman Dickinson adjourned the meeting at 3:04 P.M. to Execu­ tive Session to review testimony given in confidence. Vickie O'Connor, Town Clerk ■/^s7^7 ^ (2?^. - ^ (Si T" n |«4 »"'v * » if4 t JUL 2 5 1989 'iOVi'M OF EoTES PARK BOARD OF TRUSTEES r:- a L»' 4a' I XI