HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 91-40V VV’ V ...•‘ S V5VS 5 - V.V 4 -5’ V ORDiNANCE 110.CfJ Al ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ThE ISSUIfCE BY THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,IN THE STATE OF COLORADO,OF ITS NEGOTIABLE COUPON BONDS IN THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $EVENTY-flVE ThSAND DOLLARS f$7s,000.oo)BE DESIGNATED RZFUNDfl3 WATER EXTENSION BONDS’,7()1 THE PURPOSE OP REEJN DING A LIKE AMOUNT OF THE OUT STANDING BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID Tt)WN,PRESCRIB ING THE POI OP SAID REFUNDING WATER EXTENSION BONDS, PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF AN ANNUAL TAX AND THE PLEDGE OF WATER REVENUES TO PA!THE SAME, PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST;REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS,OR PARTS THEREOF,IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND DECLARING AN ENERGENC! WHEREAS,The Town of Sates Pa*,in the County of Larimer, and Stat.of Colorado,has hr•tofore isued,and there i now out standing and unpaid,its negotiable coupon bond,designated: To*i of Sates Park,Colorado,Water Ext1sIon Bond, dated September 15,1940,due Septbsr ic,1950, redeemable at any Use prior to maturity,bearing interest at the rate of Two and Three—Quarters Per Centum (2 3/4%)per annum,payable semi—annually, and consisting of one (1)bond in the denomination of Seventy—Five Thousand r)ollars fS75,000.OO), numbered One (I); and WHEREAS,There are no funds in the treasury of the 3aid Town available for the redemption of all or any part of said bond; and WHEREAS,By a resolution duly adopted on the /day of September,A.D.1940,the Board of Trustees of the Town of Eatoi Park determined to issue,in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado,new bonds to be denominated Rafundi Water Extension Bonds”,the ass,to 5.exchanged dollar for dollar for th.bond to be refunded;the amount of bonds so determined upon to be issued as aforesaid being the sum of Seventy—Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00); th.certificate of suoh determination having been heretofore duly -9- o In - made and entered in and upon the records of said Town as required by law;and WHEREAS,The Board of Trustees heretofore has determined that said Refund.ng Water ztansion Bonds to be so issued in the aggregate amount of Seventy—Five Thousand Dollars (75,QOO.OO)shall be exchanged dollar for dollar for the bond to be refunded,and said Board of Trustees believes it to be their duty to issue said Refund ing Water extension Bonds and cause the saie to be exchanged for the bond to be refunded as aforesaid,as and in the manner provided by law: NOW,THEREFORE,U IT ORDAINED BY THE SAID BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF E$TZS PA!K,IN THE STATE Of COLOfADO Section 1.That by virtue and in pursuance of an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Color&do,entitled “M Act to enable cities and towns to refund their bonded indebtedness’t,ap proved March 16,1921,and appearing as Sections 259 to 267,inclu sire,Chapter 163,Colorado Statutes Annotated,1935,and all acts amandatory thereof and supplsiaantal thereto,there shall be issued bonds of said Town of Esta Part,to be designated ‘tRafunding Water 1xtenaion Bonds”,to the amount of SaventrFf vs Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00)for th.purpose of refunding the outstanding indebted ness of said Town to that amount. Section 2.That the Mayor end Teen Clerk of said Town of Estee Park he,and thq are hereby,authorized and directed to have prepared the negotiable coupon bonds of the Town in said aggregate amount of Seventy—Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00). —10- Section 3.That saId bonds hereby authorized shall be negotiable in fora,payable to bearer,shall hear date the First day of October,A.V.1940,shall bear interest at the rate of Two and Threa-Qiiarters Per O.ntue (2 3/4%)per &nnurn,payable seii-amiuafly on the First day of April and the Tirst day or October in each year, shall consist of eighty—nine (g9)bonds,nusbered froB one (1)to eigh—niae (89),inclusive,in denominations of Oa Thousand Dollars ($1,ooo.oO)and Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00),aaturing as follows: Bond Nuabere 1,2 3 4,5 6 7,8 9 10,11 12 13,14 15 16,17 18 19,20 22,23 24 25,26 27 28,29 30 31,32 33 3%,35 36 Denomintjon e,000 •00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,000 •00 OO .00 1,000 •00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000 •00 500.00 1,000 •00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,000 •00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 $aturit Ite October 1,1942 October 1,1943 October 1,1941, October 1,19L5 October 1,1946 Dotober 1,1947 October 1,1948 October 1,1949 October 1,1950 October 1,1951 October 1,192 October 1,1953 Total Amount $2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 ,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 :: -U- • I ..‘ ., b I Bond Nub,rs Dácjnption 37,38 39 40,41 42 43,4.4 45 46,47 49,50 51 52,53 54 55,56, 60,61, 65,66, 70,71, 75,76, 80,81, 85,86, $1,000.00 O0.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,000,00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,000 •00 500 00 57,58,59 1,000.00 62,63,64, 67,68,69 72,73,74 1,000.00 77,78,79 1,000.00 82,*3,84 1,000.00 87,88,89 1,’00.0O MatiritLy Date October 1,1954 October 1,1955 October 1,1956 0cober 1,1957 October 1,1958 October 1,1959 October 1,1960 October 1,1963. October 1,1962 October 1,1963 October 1,1964 October 1,1965 Total Aso’unt Due Per Year $2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 ,5O0.00 2,500.00 5,000 •00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 The princ1pal of said honda and th.interest accruing thereon ehail be payable in lawful soaey of the United States of .merI.oa,at the Office of the Town Treasurer in Estea Park,Colorado,or at the First Kational Bank of D&wer,in Denver,Oolorado,at the option of the holder thereof. Said bonds shail be signed by the Mayor,countersigned by the Treasurer,with the seal of the Town affixed thereto,and attested by the Clerk of said Town.The interest accruing on said honda will —12— ‘:4 ‘ be *videnoed by 3eat—annua1 interest coupons theretc attaoh.d,bear— ing the eigraved facsimile signature of the Treasurer of said Town, and whi so executed uoh coupons shall be the binding obligations of the Toni according to their iaport. 3.ction 4.5aid bonds and coupons to be attached shall b. in substantially the following fori: —U— Q USTTfl STATZS OF JZtCA STATS 0?COLORADO COUNT!0?LIRtSER TOWS OF STZS ?AZ RflUWDhEO WATER EXTESION %ID So. _____ •i,ooo 500 The Town of Site.Park,in th.County of Lariser,and State of Colorado,ror value received,hereby aakaoW3.dgea itself indebted and prceisea to pay to the bearer herenf the ms of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS in lawful .ouy of the United States of An.rica,on the First day of October,A.D.19 •with interest thr.ou fros the date here of at the rate or and Thr.a-art.rs ?,r Centun (2 /4%)per annua,payable aoui-annuall.y on the First day of April and the First day of October in each year,as evidenced by interest coupons hereto attachd,both principal interest being payable at the Offie. of the Town Treasurer in Sates Park,Colorado,or at the First National Bank of Dearer,in Denver,Colorado,at the optice of the holder,ou presentation of said coupons and this bond respectively. This bond ii issued by the Town of Sates Park for the pur pos,of paing,rdeiag end refunding a like seount of outstanding, ‘unpaid,payable,lawful and valid bonded iadebtedn.ss of said Town, and in exchange thrafor;under,by virtue of and in full onfor*i’ with the provisions of an Act of the General Assbly of the State of Colorado,entitled,‘An Act to enable cities and towns to refund their banded indebtedness’,approved March 16,1921,and appearing 5___ r kI. as sections 259 to 2(1?,inclusive,Ciapt.r 163,Colorado Statutes Annotated,193,and all acts arandatory thereof end auppioneatal thereto,end pursuant to an ordinance duly adopted by th•I3oard at Trustees of 3aic Town at a 1*wful seating thereof,held prier to the jsezaso.of this bond;and it is hereby oeztjfi4 end recited that eli acts and things required to bi done and conditions and things required to exist precedent to and in the issuing of this bond to render the sane lawful and valid,bay happened,been prep.ri..y don.and perfora.d,end did exist in regular and due ti, fox’s sad aanasr as required by law;that th.total debt of said Town at Est•s Park,including that of this bond,exceeds neither the statutory nor the constitutional imitations of the State ef Colorado,that said total debt is not increasd by the issuance hereof,and that p ovisicu ha#bean sad.for the levy and collection of a direct,annual tax on all the taxabis property in said Tw sufficient to pay the interest on and the principal of this bond whac,th.sane becos•due,and in addition,the net water revenues of said Town,as the us.are defined in the ordinance anthorising the issuance of this bc*d,hav,likewise bean pladgsd for such pay santa. Th*Lull faith and credit of the Town of Estee Park are hereby pledged for th.punctual pement of tb.principal øf and the interest on this bond. 1)ITSEU IflERE7,The Town .f Zst.m Park has caused this bod to be signed by its Mayor,comtrsigned by the Treasurer, sealed with its corporate seal,and attested by its Clerk,and has S = * •S 55 As • caused the azznezsd iat.rss’b coupons to be executed with the igrared facplLa Lie signature of it.said Tr.asur.r,as of this First day of Ootobr,A.D.19h0. (sm) 4::-‘. •;:.•. -A 4 • •••.•- :•- so sxI 1a70r Cro NDT SIGs) Town CltTk — --•---•_r•-•- - •;: : ,1 4. . (Fcr Of Coupon) No, ______ ($1,ooo beads)—t)3.75 f$500 bonds)—6.S 6.7 On the First day of L 1).19 ,,the Tows of metes Park,in the State of Oearade,prosius to pay to barsr: HIR?UW AND 75/100 D(LLARS SIX AND S*/W0 tOLLAR8 311 AND 1/10O DDLIAR$ lgwtul aonay of the United Staten of A*erioa at the Offies of the Town Treamirer n Estee Perk,Co1ordo,or at the First National $snk of Denver,in Denr,Colorado,at the option of the holder,being iz soothe’interest on its Iefunding Water t.nsiao bond,dated October 1,A.I).l9%), No. _____ flaosisil.Simatvq Town r.esurer —17— 7 •2• .7 Section 5.That when issued,the Refunding Water Extension Bonds hereby authorised shall be exchanged dollar for dollar for the indebtedness to be refunded,but said bonds shall not be issued until th.outstanding bond to be rfunded has been surrendered and cancelled, and all accrued iatar.st on said bond to be refunded shall be paid before uoh Refunding Water Extension Bonds ar,issued. Section 6.That for the purpose of meeting th.interest accruing on said bonds as the same shall bacon.due,and in order to pay the principal of said bonds as it beconee due aerially in the years 1942 to 1965,inoluaive,thar.shall be levied on .11 of the taxable prop.r17 in said Teen,in addition to all other taxes,direct, annual taxes sufficient to produc.net axounts as follows at the following tines,to—wit: 4 leer of Levy 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 or Inter t2,062.50 2,062.50 1,993.75 1,925.00 1,856.25 1,787.50 1,718.75 1,650.00 1,581 •25 1,512.50 1,443.75 1,375.00 1,306.25 1,237.50 1,168.7 1,130.00 1,031.25 962.50 893.75 825.00 687.50 550.00 412.50 27 .3D 337.50 For 1rLnoit’i. *2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 c,500.00 2,500.00 ‘,500a00 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000 •00 5,000.00 5,000 •00 Total Levy er tear *2,062.50 4,562.50 4,493.75 4,425.00 L,3c6..25 4,287.50 4,218.75 4,150.00 h.,081.25 4,012.50 3,943.75 3,875.00 3,80625 3,737.50 3,668.75 3,600.00 3,531.25 3,462.50 3,393.75 5,825.00 5,6!7.50 5,550.00 5,412.50 5,275.00 5,137.50 And said t,axee wha*collected shall be placsd in a fund to be celled the “Redemption Fund to Pay Reftmdiag Water Extension Ponds,dated October 1,1940w,and said taxes shall be applied solily for the purpose of the payment of said interest and principal of said bouds respectively,and for no ether purpose whatever until th@ bonds authorized under this ordinance,principal and iatersai,shall have been fully paid,sstiøfied and discharged,hut nothing herein con tained shall be so construed as to prevent said Teen from applying any other funds that say be in the treasury of said Town and aail— able for that purpose,to the payment of the said interest or prin cipal as the san.respectively mature,and it any other funds should be so applied,the levy or levies harem prescribed ay thereupon to that extent be diminished, Section 7.AU revenues derived by the Town from the operation of its wat.r,rorks systsn,after paying the cost and expense of operation,necessary repairs,and maintenance,shall be deemed and considered net revenues,and such net revenues shall be and the sane ar,hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the indebtedness evidenced by said bonds a*d the interest thereon.Upon such use of said net revenues,the tax levies hereinbefore requizid may be re duced as provided in Section 6 of this ordinance. Section 8.At least ten fio)days before installments of interest;and principal boccaa due on said bonds,the Town Treasurer shall forward to The First National Bank of Denver,in Denver, Colorado,an amount of money sufficient to meet said installments and the Bank’s charges for handling the sane. I -19- 3ection 9.That the provisions of this ordinance and .aoh of the bonds and the i*terest coupons issued pursuant thereto shall constitute and the same are hereby declared to be a binding and ir revocable contract between said Town and the holder from time to time ‘of each of said bonds and the interest coupons thereto apper— taiT*ILX. Section 10.That after said bonds are issued this ordinaio. sh*ll not be altered or rep.aled until the bonds hereby authori3ed shall hav,been fully paid,bath principal and interest. Section U.AU ordinances or resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions hereof be and the sane are hereby repealed. Section 12.That this ordinance being for the purpose of preserving and maintaining th credit of said Town,it is hereby declared that an enargeny exists,that this ordinance is neceasa to the i.diata preservation of the public pea,health and safet-, and shall be in full force and effect five (5)days after pu1’lcation. Section 13.That this ordinance iviediat.ly upon its passage shall be roordnd in the book of ordinances of said Town kept for that purpoa.,authenticated by the signatures of the Uayor and Clerk,and shall be published in the wEatas ?ark Trail,a nupper of general circulation in said Town. PASSED AND ADOPTED,SIGNED ND APPCVED,This l,9 dq of September,A.L.1940. (SEAL)i or % Town Glerk _,_ ‘I It wag then moved by Trustee CA S anc seconded by Trustee /N P€that all rules of this Board which might prevent,unless suspended,the final passage and adoption of this ordinance at this meeting,be and the same are hereby suspended ror the purpose of permitting the final passing and adopting of said ordinance at this meeting. The question being upon the adoption of said motion and the suspension of the rules,the roll was called with the following result: Those voting Aye:Trustees A/V17 2 r’‘€, (%Wey..lA/i YD7 1A7’Cf7V Those voting Hay:Trustees /VCfA/ /X .members of the Board of Trustees having voted in favor of said motion,the presiding officer declared said motion carried and the rules suspended. Trustee /A b thea moved that.said ordinance heretofore introduced and read in full at this meeting,be now placed upon its passage.Trustee frA 11 tc34/seconded the motion, and the question being upon the placing of said ordinance upon its pas sage,the roil was called with the following result: Those voting re:Trustees )L1 Q2/6-.%-7 /1?ra.z / £%cv.ii c1/1 iDr 7ov’j fl/,+T%S’o’/iI Those voting Nay:Trustees _____________________________ The presiding officer declared placed upon its passage. Trustee T dinance be passed and adopted as read. .. 1’/ ordinance -A%’A7&- the motion carried and the then moved that said or— -21- Trustee )4 4 .j C.-ftT seconded the motion. The question being upon the passage and adoption of said ordinance,th.roil was called with the following result: Those voting Aye:Trustees A2//’/,/‘J’?d,O/6, s7cii ,‘,j-,V Those voting Nay:Trustee.— The presiding officer thereupon declared that three—fourth. of all the Trustees elected having voted in favor thereof,the said motion was carried and the said ordinance duly passed and adopted. On motion duly adopted,it raa ordered,that said ordinance be numbered _________ and after approval by the mayor,be published s in aaid ordinance provided,and be recorded according to law. (SEAL)Mayor ATTEST: V owu C1k —22— STATE OF cOLoRADo ) ) COUNTY OF LAIMER ) TON Of ESTES PABK I,Verne H.Fanton,Town Clerk of the Town of Estee Park, Colorado,do hereby certify that the foregoing pages nunbered one Ci)to twenty—two (22),tnc1iie,are a full,true and correct copy of the record of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees of said Town,taken at a -F c°C,/4 1—meeting held on t.he 1,9’ day of S.pteuber,A.1.).1940,so far as said ainutes relate to tha adoption of a reo1ution and an ordinance,copies of which are therein set forth;that said copies of said resolution and ordinance contained in eaid minutes are full,tnto,and corr€ct copies of the originals of said resolution and ordinance as introduced,read, passed and adopted at said meeting;that said original resolution end ordinan’e have been duly authenticated by the signatures of the presiding officer of the Board of Trustees and ayaelf as Clerk and Recorder of said Town,and sealed ‘th the corporate seal of said Town,and signed and approved by the Mayor thereof;that said or inanoe has been recorded in the book of ordinances of said Town kept for that purpose in y office,which record has been duly signed by the said officers and aealed with the aesi of said Town; and that said ordinance was on Septber 2-0 •1940,published in full in the “Estes Park Trail”,a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Estee Park,Colorado. I further certify that the Mayor and ‘/X nemb era of the Board of Trustees were pres.nt at said meeting,and that —23— members of aaid Board voted on the passage of said resolution enr ordinance as in said minutes set forth. IN WIT!4E88 WHER?,I have hereunto et *y hans and affixed the sea].of said To’sn,this 2-0 day of Septeaber,A.1).1940. (sEAL) /_ Toin Clerk N cc. •- -• t•”, • S., -5,’ ‘ ‘•,:‘•‘•• S S •S S “-5- S. ;.- •••,-•.• .• — N S -•• ,••••, ‘S 2 “-:• .5.5 - ‘S.-. S 5_S -i: ‘.5 k -24- t’N 4 .4 & 4 S’S ,1. STATE Of I1OBADO ) ) OUJY OF LAIIIMER )SS. ) TOTSOPESTESPARK ) The Board of Trustees of the Town of Eete Park,Colorado, met in SP LC /A-1—session,in full conformity with law and the ordinances and rules of the said Town,at €7W?v’1L.%L-I-,in said Town,being the reg.lar place of meeting of said Board,on 7)uIs Ot%V the ,‘7 dey of September,A.D.1940,at //0 o’clock ‘.M.,at which meeting there were present and answering at roll call: Mayor:C.N.Rockwell Trustees:Guy W.ilbright H.C.Brodie G.E.Casey H.H.Lindley Glen H.?rc.ton George H.Watson Also Present:Verne H.Fenton,Town Clerk Absent: —A/a /Y ‘E.. Thereupon,the following proceedings,among others,were had and taken,to—wit: Trustee 4L-’,Q /7’/7 introduced a resolution with reference to the refunding of the outst&iding bonded indebtedness of the Town in the aggregate amount of $eventy—Pive Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00),described as follows: —1— C —, Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars (75,0OO.0O)Torn of Estes Park,Colorado,Water Fxtenaion Bond,dated September 15,l9ID,due Septb.r 15,1950,redeem able at any time prior to maturity,bearing in terest at the rate of Two and Three—Quarters Per Centus (2 3/4%)per annum,payable semi—annually, and consisting of one (1)bond in the denomination of Seventy—Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00), numbered One (1); which resolution wee thereupon read in full,and is in words and figures as followe,to—wit: RESOLUTION WHEREAS,The Town of Estee Park has outstanding end unpaid a bonded indebtedness to the amount of Seventy—Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00),particularly described as follows,to—wit: Town of Eates Park,Colorado,Water Extension Bond, dated September 15,1940,due September 15,1950, redeemable at any time prior to maturity,bearing interest at the rate of Two and Three—Quarters Per Oentum (2 3/4%)per anm,payable semi—annually, and consisting of one (1)bond in the denoination of Seventy—Five Thousand Dollars f$7s,ooo.o)), numbered One Ci); and WHEREAS,Said bond may be refunded under the laws of the State of Colorado,and thus the time for the payment of the said in debtedness extended;and WHEREAS,There are no funds in the treasury of said Town available for the redemption of said bond;end WHEREAS,The Board of Trustees is of the opinion,and so finds,orderm,certifies and determines,that said indebtedness may and should be refunded and the time for payment thereof extended by the issuance of refunding bonds of said Town,in pursuance of the (-, provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Colorado, entitled:“An Act to enable cities and towns to refund their bonded indebtedness”,approved tAarch 16,1921,and appearing as Sections 259 to 267,inclusive,Chapter 163,Colorado Statutes Annotated,1935, and all acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, NOW,ThEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,that the said Town of Estes Park shall issue and cause to 5.exchanged dollar for dollar for the bond to be re funded under the provisions of the Act hereinbefore referred to,new bond of the Town to be denominated “Refunding Water Extension Bonds”, in the aggregate principal amount of Seventy—Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00),bearing date October 1,A.D.1940,bearing Interest at the rate of Two and Three—Quarters Per Centum (2 3/4%)per annum, which rate of interest does not exceed the rate upon the bond to be refunded,payable sei—annua1ly on the First day of April and the First day of October in eoh year,said bonds maturing as follows: Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00)thereof in consecutive order on the First day of October in each of the years 1942 to 1959,inclusive;and Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.90)thereof in consecutive order on the First day of October in each of the years 1960 to 1965,inclusive; said R.fimding Water Extension Bonda to be exchanged dollar for dol lar for the bond to be refunded,as provided by the Act authorizing the issuance of the same;and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,That said Board of Trustees of the Town of Eates Park deterrnine,and it does hereby determine,that the amount of the said Refunding Water Extension !onds to be issued as -3- 4)$4...44)J4)$4)otoob•o::s00oq$4a)a).4).a)•d0a)r11•4•T$a)0i-.1r-4oC)‘.0•4)C)0a)goMa4)a)•0•0,,.4.r40I$4a)‘C)$4a)0a)0)0•a)•+0I-IC)a)r4a)‘C)4.0+i0•4)144‘C)a)0r4000••0••$4144)0oo334-a)0:1..—.-.,..,,..-..-_1A---L - STATE OF coioao ) ) COUNT!OF LABIMER )$5.CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION ) TOfl OF ESTES PARK ) WHEREAS,The Town of Estea Park,in pursuance of proceed ings lawfully had and taken,proposes to issue its Refunding Water Extension Bonds in the aggregate amount of Seventy—Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00)to refund certain outstanding bonded indebted— ness of said Town,and to pay which there are no funds In the treasury of said Town available,to—wit: Town of Estee Park,Colorado,Water Extension Bond, dated September 15,1940,due September 15,1950, redeemable at any time prior to maturity,Iring interest at the rate of Two and Three—Quarters Per Centum (2 3/4%)per annum,payable semi-annuaily, and consisting of one (1)bond in the denomination of Seventy—Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00), numbered One (1); and WHEREAS,The law under which said Refunding Water Exten sion Bonds must be issued requires the Board of Trustees to determine the amount of Refunding Water Extension Bonds to he issued and to make and enter upon the records of the Town &certificate of such determination prior to the issuance of #aid bonds: NOW,THEREFORE,IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PR!21ISE$, IT IS HERI CERTIFIED AND RECITED 3!THE BOARD OF TRtT$TEE$OF THE TOWN OF ESTER PARK,IN THESTATEOFCOLORADO,AS FOLLOWS,TO-WIT: 1.That such Refunding Water Extension Bonds have as yet not been issued. 2.That the amount of said Refunding Water Extension Bonds to be issued for the purpose of refunding a like amount of the -5- •n (Th ‘ outstending lawful bonded indebtcdncs of the said Town above de— scribed i hereby deteriiiined to be the m of Seventy—Five Thousand Doflara ($75,000.00). IN WITNESS WHEREOF,The Board of Trustees of the Town of Estea Park has caused this Certificate of Detertntion to be signed by the Mayor and attostd by the Town Clerk,under the seal of said Town,this 1 9 day of Septeeiber,A.D.1940. (SEAL) ATTEST Mayor Town Cler]k / -0- ______________ 3, -,., -- , 2 .i’’. — SEAL) ATTEST: Town C1erk ADOPTE])AND A??ROv Thj day of September A.D. 1940. U ‘ I. 1 :— The question being upon the adoption of said resolution as read,the roil was called with the following result: Thos.voting Aye:Trustees ,,&/2 //‘/6,) Cey. 7.7 Those voting lay: _______________________________________ The Mayor,as presiding officer,thereupon declared the resolution adopted. Thereupon Trustee rr -introduced an ordinance entitled: WAn Ordinance providing for the issuance by the Town of Estee Park,in the State of Colorado,of its negotiable coupon bonds in the aggregate amount of $eventy—Fivo Thousand Doilare ($75,000.00)to be designated tRefunding Water xtension Bonds’,for the purpose of refunding a like amount of the out standing bonded indebtedness of said Town,prescrib ing the form of said Refunding Water tension Eonda, providing for the levy and coileotion of an annual tax and the pledge of water revenues to pay the same,principal and interest;repealing all ordinances, resolutions,or parts thereof,in conflict here with and declEiTing an ergencyu; which ordinaace was thereupon read in full,and is as follows,to—wit: a Pgy-c:tiqItwasthereuponmovedbyTrustee and seconded by Trustee /k 1)/- be adopted as read. that said resolution —8—