HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 139-541.4 STITE 07 COLOROO COUNTY OF LIiR Tr’N 0!ETS PtU ) ) )as. ) ) The 3ord of Trustes of the Town of stes Thirk,Lri— meT ounty,:o1ort3o,t in meeting in full con— foriity with i ?and the or1inunc ani ru1s of said Tovn,.t the Th”n :i1l,in said Town,the regulnr plnoe of meeting of said Board,on the day o December,1.953,at %3O o’clock at which i’etinr there were present anö n— swering at roll call: yo r: Trustees: Clarence A.T’leS 3.3.LcConne11 C.L.derzog Henry ;nnels )li.3.To1ing George U.!YRtson Treaeurer:aty Town Clerk:V.H.Fanton b a ..3nt: ___ Thereupon intro’1uced and thore ci read in full the ‘ollowin rne: L1 /a7 V/. —1— -••••: . ORDINNC NO. ______ AN OAJINANC TO CO1t&A)T N IflDBTDNSS ON BEHALF OP TO’N 0?JTS PARK, COLOR JO,IN)UPON t1 Oi1’T’TNLUO?BY ISSUING B(’CT $AID rOWN IN Tfl P LI PAL SUM OF 2OQ,OOO POR CTNDING AN!)i;: PROVING ITS WL Y!PSCUE ING Tfl FORk OP IID BOND,PflOI”1 FOR T LEVY O TMC1S TO ‘tAY ‘Hi /VS, AIW DGLAING AN RAS,a jorit of tb voters of th Town of ?stes— E’srk,Lriiaer Qount,Oolorsio,‘vho er tzpayers under t’i law, voti on the queation at a .fliCpi e.ection hr,tofor.held in [acid Town,by their Yot3 oj)protr’d aiM BuoriZed the Boart of Trustees of sid Tovin to erect a system of wterworks for fire end on.estio pu.rpo9es,the saiae to be o ied and opcrited by the Town;end %IEIUAE,the town did erect an ever since sai 1ia iis ovned,operMted and xi.aintained 3ysta of waterwor for ‘iie puroae of aupp1yin.said rows and ts inhebitnts with wstr for such urposes;and it is necessary to t3nd and improve said •weterworks ayteu in order to supply the said Town,and the in habitants thereof,with a proper an4.adequto supply of wter; and •WRI,there o’e not uft’icient func1 in the treasury of the Town to provide for the ooste nd expenses of extendin€ .nd ircvin said wterworks system,nd the oer of Trustees deerns it advisable end nry to issue coupon bonds of s.d To’nr fr r that purposO;•.V V V IT OAIZ BY TTP?%)O1 Tt1E O .V ‘V ?fl rowN oi zr::R ory,;)LoRo: V. V V V :,V,VV..V VV•V V VV VV••• V V V V V ‘: ‘4” VV .. to end $ection 1.That for the purpose of “r’;viding funds for extoi in aJ improving the stes Pric Weterworkn ystet,the Town shT1 isue the n•otiab1?coupon bnn’s thereof,in the ::rin cipel sum of :200,000,dated Deeeniber 1,1953,coneistir of 20O bonds in the denoaination of l,000 each,nwibared 1 to 200,:n— c1uaiv,payable in 1fu1 money of th Tnited t:’te8 of Aierica, bearing interest peyablo semi-nnua1ly on h’1st clay of 1Tune and the let day o Deceibor each year,evi’ienoecl by interest cou pons attached to eid bond,end irturin on Decerbr let as follows: Interest 4,000 19L4 and 1955 2 6,000 1956 and 1957 2. 6,000 196 2 6,000 1959 2 1/2 7,000 1960 1982,iLolusive 2 1/2 3,000 1963 2 1/2L 8,000 1964 2 5/4Z 9,000 1966 2 3/4 14,000 1966 2 3/4% 15,000 1968 2 5/4 1,000 19ô9 16,000 1970 and 1971 3 11,000 1972 and 1973 3 Bon’i turin in the years 1964 and thereafter sh11 be re’eib1e at the option of the town on ecc’..br 1,1963,and on mt roet payient dates theraftir In Inverse mi;rie’1 order. ;‘iid bonds aed the coupons thereto attiehed shell he payable at the ofrice of the ovn rreaaurer,in •stes Park,oiorado.said bonds she be signe3 by the yo:,counters ined by the Town Treesurer,sealed with the Toin seal,attested by the Town Clerk, and shall be recorded in a kept by said Town Clerk for that purpose..U1 hel1 5eT the faosimiln signature of the Treasurer of id Town eotion 2.That the said bonds and the coupons attached tbsreto shall be in eutsnbia11y the ro11ovin fcrm,to—’itt 1967 rI044o0Cs94‘.306C’.I-’4‘4PS4oCs00Cs44•9d44w40Ifr•Cs-SCs‘004p_aa900c’.“4•‘1PS•0P.”I.-PSQC’.*oi44I-”96Cs9*4“.1o4444a’0-rCs3.-•r•Cs0maC.00tp_a44‘1t0PSJ;)_‘.Ca0:ii-”Cr0ta•Csp_hj.3P.40Cs0‘0*g.4Cs0of_hCsl-014*4o0‘0iPS4g$1CsCsCsCs0L0Cf04—09P.”I•*C9ctaCr;‘-0440I’o‘.4CsCs‘4p_a—S*4C.00:Sfp_aPSe00c•44aCsP.3,00Cal•)_hOifr-•QQ‘._atç4*1-’‘-1940’CsPSaace9,4PS00149‘4Cs040•00P.4:4c.;’‘0Cs44I420*4II4U’I9044•0‘S0’0‘Ia49,Z—o;0II99*4IIICsCII*40..Ca4PS0’‘4•P-sf_soa*44400(0I3PS.iCs•pAP1I’ea*49II—’—0’CsCsaPS00CsIO0a0*4Ub0Cso‘.4“44•Cs0’0•0ZCsr4:5P.”CsPS9,If_h4CsP.’Cs4toa4tI0’44aPS-39‘-ie.‘3.,f_s6rc0’‘0oPSP.”000.0’9o0f_h49,900•*49,f-s.0’‘1CsCsaCsIPS•f46Cs909.04PS*400obPS0Cs44CsP.”4CsCs•:3.944PS0p.40CaP1Cs4Csp..pPSf_hf_h-V:3*4994PS4o0P.-’0.)..‘;PS:39,•C’9PSCaaPS0’P46‘3Cs4CsPS-a(50‘3.Cs90PS:3Cs000.“4Cs:3.Ia’0pooICsPS4Cf•aCa00I-,‘.4000PS,I.,.0‘V0Cs‘5:3’4P.4f_h0a0Cs‘.30:3PSaa4:3s-S0Cs9p.0CsaP.3‘0Cs9,0Cs4400‘.4:3.4Io(09PSa’.a•.-siPSPS•cx0PS•-•60•P.-’(5•#raI4a0‘.40p_s0PSaU‘Va0$p_a49,‘0CaCs‘0p_a“4P.”aCs99,9t39,PSI0’*4PS00—P4IPS•L2.Cs:3’40.4Cs*40“4Cf-b:30C-.PSi‘.30.3l.a.,-‘—••._ 4344033431-43’0.443a140o04443.44343431-400.4,043S14$4S4343.4a.14e$4a43044q43$41-4oascco4-J0•1043V440434304’$443*$4as$4r443as430.443$4C)043Cc431•MC43V$4043$4w4S43I...043a4344430$•0.4as04,4,4)‘a144)—0*as.c434)o--‘11.43434,444343430.4o4)434343E-44,43$44,434).414434)—*a•aa.14cC4343IC).14f’430as43$41-4.1or414‘t.04)43•4.0C;444343430.14C)43430çr4i444341-404343.4.0aie.4434’0T,4343E444).-44,43z.‘r;214Ti4$44,4343.1.44343asaoaV0•04304.434343434343444.443—.009.—‘-‘,.-$4143Ig‘4301T44343.s.141.1-444431.4•$41434)0.44343.•43.0>s43a$4444344343V$4c_.141Vas14.144__.0430430’r4Vr4444343144343.40431443434314430043.o00V434)1-404’W43.0431-443434343..—.-43043,L4).1444443434)04)43043043.4434)43.4343043.04)4343.144’43.b.,.4434343.40VV.040as4343£4•043430434343.0r443VC4343-43..•0*-43V044.44’43004344q414.00.4434344..043.144304)V4343a434-‘‘.04304’44431-4.4‘-.0.0.1400;43.4V4)V434343434304443434)4$40.1.4oo44.fl.4043440*4.4431.1443144343V43—04’04344434314443C4343043aC443*4434443431443Er444304433)asa•‘.4.0*44300.14434)043443VCS4414.043V43Cl4304343140*44).4434)r4V0*414r4.043—43p.431443aa404344C*4.43sn.1-4,04343*443.4144’43•44r-p4343)E-4-:..r443..043£4043a....44E444*‘000V04343F4)4343-‘-.‘43b443tO0:..V433’..,_.-.a4343--.....43434444*4.443430l43-4C14I..C1-4I14a-.:- • in lwfti1 ney c the,TThited te of Ainerf,at the off ice of the Town rvurer,in Tates ier]c,Co1oreo,bI.n six nxntbs’ nteret on its WItef zteaaion Bonl,teted Debr 1,A..193, bearing •. — ••. 4••-4-..V., — . TUD 8, On th 1t ey of eoembar,A,D,1_,‘(unless th bo.d to hicti tIi ooupon Is ettahed hte been ciUed for prior r,deLp!tnr,Thwzz of .!ste’P’rk,ifl the County of t.e’rier ,nd St*to of v’j11.pa to bsrr V.V. (fcia of .oupon) o. __________ 3. V.V•V V V josil ejncre1 wfl ae sure: *(This clause to be inserted in coupons urf.n runi 1,1964,an thr.after.) !. V. 3V V V V ::.j,.:- 4.;•,•V 4”’V • 3ection .That inn sai bonds :iave been d1.y exe— outed as aforesaid,they s:.U be sold and delivered to the pur— chasers thereof,end the proceeds,thereof eba be used tor the purpose of extending and improin the weterworks yst;of said Town1 and for no otir purpose whatoever,but neither the pur chasers of si’1 bonds nor the subsequent holder of any of them shallbe reeonsible for the app1iction or isposal by said Town,or any of its of floere,of any of i’e funds derived from the sale thereof. 3sotion 4.The interest and prIncipal to become due on esid bonds in te year 1954 shell be advnoed fron the general or :ter fund of said town.For the purpose of r:LbursIng such fund,and of meet1n the interest t reeftor aocruin on said bonds pro,nptly as the same boooxs due,ind for th purpose of providing far the ultimate payont and redemption of said bonds, there shall be levied on all the taxable property in reid Town, in ddiIio to all other tsxes,direct anra1 taxes in each of the yera 194 to 1972,frc1usive,sufficient to produce net janOunts to pay such interest and principal as the same become due and payable,resçectfe1y. $ald taxes,when colleoted,shall he deposited in a special fu’to he mown as “Estes PrL tar 1ond Fund,1933,” and such fund shall be applied solely to the purpose of the pay ment of the interest on and the priiclpal of said bonds,respec tively,and for no other purpose wbtver until the indebtedness so contracted under this Ordinance,both principal and interest, shall have been fully prdd,satisfied end dIschsred,but nothing Irin contained :‘U be so oonst.’usd as 4o prevent said Town from applying,any ohsr funds or rsvenue thit y he in the “n I •. 4; ii 17_ A . F A’ ‘) treasury en av’iileble for thct urpoe,to the psyiuent of said intcrest or principtl,as the same respctively mature,and upon cny such pyents thø levy or levies herein provided may there upon to tht extent be diminished. And the surs bereInhfore provided to nie’t t Interest on said bonds,cnd to dicharge the principal thereof hon due, are hereby nproprited for tast purpose,end said anunt for each yr shell also be 1nc1u.ed In the annual budget and the appropriation bills to be od and passed by th oard of H Trustees of said Town in each yex’respectiv.ly. Section .it shell be the duty oV the Boe of ru— tees of sIc1 2own,annually,t the tIrie and in the nner “ro— vidc by law for levying other Toin taxes,if such action shall be necessary to effeotuate the pz’o’visinns of this Ordininee,to ratify end erry out th provisions hreof with referucs to the levying end oo1loion taxes;and said Th,rd shell levy,cer tify and collect auch taxes in the r poided by law for the purpose of ratin€a funi for the payaet of the principal of id bonds and the Interact thereon,and such taxes,whim aol— 1etd,shall be $:t for sad applied only to the payment of the int.’est on and principal of said bcne as hereinabove specified. SectIon 6.All ordinanc*or psrt thereof,in conflict with this Ordintinee,ere hereh:’repealed.- Section 7.After id bonds are issued,this OrdinanCe shell be rind remrün irrapclabie until ai4 bont a:the inter est therecn shall been fully paid,satisfi end dichargsd. ..ection 8.This Or’Innce,imzuediately on Its passae, Shli be in the Toiin iOoE of Ordindnoes kept for thut purpose,athentlcated by the sInaturms of the 1ayør nd clerk anI shell be published as ruird by 1;. .:. .1 • Section c.fly reason of the feat hat the Tom en it inbabitnts are not properly or adequately 3upplied with rter, it 18 erb deolarel that an emerenoy exists,that thia Ord nenoe iL neceary to tLe i2aiuedfte preeervetion of the public peace,health an u’foty,and thBt iz hl1 be in full force and effect five ya after publioit1on. ADOP?nD TD AP?ROV1D this of ecrtber, 1955. sEAL It was then ncve by TruBtee seconded y that ell..rules of th1 Boer;i vhich,unless su3pended,rihtrevent the finil passage arv3 aaoption of this Ordinance at this meetinp,be and the same are hereby uependo The uetion beirg upon adoption o1 saic motion an te suspension of th rules,tLe roll w ‘i cai1a with the follo:ing result T’ne vàting AYE: Trusteo:-—‘- B.r.Y’onne11. C.L.Herzog . :Henry rnes •.Poling George Ti.‘etson Thos e yr tine NY meLbei bf th io8r c Trutaes haring voted in f’avor of i1d rnot3cn,the presiding office.r deelred ic1 wotion o8rri3d nd tie rui€s suspended. Tru3tee,&.Jt-then nove.that said Cr11- nnoe be pesscl nnd adopted i rod The question being upon the passa€e end.a1option of said Crdfnmce,the roll was oallcd with the foLlowing rsu1t: Those roting AY: Tii.za toes _________ . 4: k , £ B.;.1cConll C.L.1!orzog Henry )anneis 1.J.Poling George H.‘at3on Those voting NIY: —10— •I The presiding officer thereupon declared of all the Trustees elected having voted in f’avor thereof,the said motion was caried and the said Ordinance was auly passed and ado2ted. On motirn duly adopted,it was crdered that said Ord— nnoe be numbered 13!.,awl after appov*.by the ?yor,be published in, ____ und be recorded accord ing to law. fEAL) PESP: : 0 .‘ . 1• . VV.,VJ V f,.,.. V. * STATE F C(L0.RADO )V V ). CCUNTY OF LPNIIR ) ) TOV..N OF ISTS PARK ) I,V.H.Fanton,ciwn Cler!:of the Town of stes Park, Lnrimer County,Cnlorido,do hereby certify that the fore going poges numbered 1 to 11,inclusive,contain a full and cor reot copy of the record of prooredings of the Board of Trustees of Id jo taken at a JliGO44jt.ineetin thereof,held at the Town Hall,the regular fLeeting place of said Boerd,in said Town,on the ____ fir!y of ece!ber,1g55,insofar as id proceedings relate to tn passage and adoption of the Ordi nance therein ret forth. That atached hereto,r;iarked xhibit A,u Is an aff’i— Thvit of publication of said OrdInnce e passed and adopted by said Boari of Trustees at raid menting;tlwt said original C,r1i nnnce has been duly authenticted by the sinntures of the Varor and niyself,as Clerk of said Town,se1ed with the cornorte seel of raid Town,signed and an;’ovo1 by tie Layor thereof,and re corded in the Bcok of Ordinenoes of said To”n kept for that pur pose in ny office, IN ITNS I hava hereunto t y hind end the seal of the Town of stes irk,Colorado,this_’Z day of 4,vU*1/ DO8LLLbt’-j-iQ5Øf. V V. I A L —1%—