HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board Special Meeting 1991-03-07Zvi= of 3Estes Park/ Larimer County, Colorado, March 7 19 91 Minutes of a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 7th day of March , A. D. 19.9.1-. at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor H. Bernerd Dannels Present: Mayor H. B. Dannels Trustees: Also Present: Gary F. Klaphake, Town Administrator Vickie O'Connor, Town Clerk 444i4,7iV Absent; Norbert L. Aldrich, David Barker, Milan A. Dickinson, Polly Garrett, David Habecker, George J. Hix Gregory A. White, Town Attorney Mayor Dannels called a special meeting of the Board of Trustees to order at 4:00 P.M. to consider preventive maintenance costs associated with the Glacier Creek Water Treatment Plant. In a memorandum dated March 7, 1991, Public Works Director Linnane reported that the underdrains and filters at said Plant must be repaired or replaced. Two alternatives were presented: (1) underdrains repaired or replaced with similar technology, with an estimated cost range of $71,000-$110,000 and life expectancy of 15 years (maximum); and (2) underdrain and filters replaced with state -of -the art technology, with an estimated cost for Phase I of $129,000 and Phase II of $40,000, with a life expectancy of 30-40 years. Staff recommended Alternate #2 with Phase I being performed in 1991, and Phase 2 being performed in 1992. Short-term costs may be greater; however, the long-term costs are less than Alternate #1. The total budget for water line projects in 1991 (excluding water lines associated with the Marys Lake Water Treatment Plant) is $221,000. The cost of Phase I (as identified above) can be supported from the 1991 Water Line Project Budget. Staff negotiated labor prices with two firms, and the associated costs supplied by Kitchen and Company have been included in their recommendation. The remaining $95,000 budget will allow partial construction for water lines identified in the 1991 Budget: Fall River III, Devil's Gulch and 1991 Water Loop Project. Timing is essential due to the anticipated length of time to receive the materials (10-12 weeks±) and the approaching summer season. It was moved and seconded (Aldrich/Hix) staff proceed with Alternate #2 as identified above and it passed unanimously. There being no further business, Mayor Dannels adjourned the meeting at 4:15 P.M. Mayor (0 (in . . . . Town Clerk