HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1991-06-11Zeitat Minutes of a arlt? Larimer County, Colorado, regular Park, Larimer County, Colorado. on the hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor H. Bernerd Dannels June 11 19 91 meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park June llth day of Present: Mayor H. B. Dannels Trustee Also Present: Gary F. Klaphake Town Administrator Gregory A. White, Town Attorney AI/4 ►l Vickie O'Connor, Town Clerk Absent: None , A. D. 19.9.1. at regular meeting s: Norbert L. Aldrich, David Barker, Milan A. Dickinson, Polly Garrett, David Habecker, George J. Hix Mayor Dannels called the meeting to order at 7:31 P.M. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Approval of Town Board minutes dated May 28, 1991. 2. Bills. 3. Liquor License Renewals: A. Ahmad Zaina, dba BEAVER POINT QUICK STOP GROCERY, 3.2% Retail Beer, 911 Moraine Ave. B. Snowdance Properties, Inc., dba FRIAR'S RESTAURANT, Hotel & Restaurant, 157 W. Elkhorn Ave., includes Change of Corporate Structure and Extended Hours. C. Robert C. Houseman, dba GASLIGHT RESTAURANT, Hotel & Restaurant, 246 Moraine. 4. Board of Adjustment, June 5, 1991 - Acknowledgement of minutes. It was moved and seconded (Hix/Aldrich) the consent calendar be approved, and it passed unanimously. ACTION ITEMS: 1.A. Minutes of the Light and Power Committee meeting held June 6, 1991 were read. It was moved and seconded (Aldrich/Hix) the minutes be approved, and it passed unanimously. A.1. It was moved and seconded (Hix/Aldrich) the Agreement with M. E. Kiburz and Associates to perform an Electric Rate Study be approved, and it passed unanimously. 2.A. Traeger Subdivision of Tracts 92, 93, 94 and 95, Fall River Addition. Mayor Dannels opened a public hearing to consider the aforementioned subdivision filed by Gerald and Lois Traeger/Applicant. Paul Kochevar reported that the Applicant desires to combine 3 tracts into 1 tract consisting of a total land area of 3 acres. All four (4) conditions identified in the Planning Commission minutes dated May 21, 1991, have been accomplished and the Applicant has agreed to provide a 10'-wide public access easement along Fall River. Community Development Director Stamey confirmed that the conditions cited by the Planning Commission had been met. There were no persons speaking in Board of Trustees - June 11, 1991 - Page 2 "opposition" to the plat, thus Mayor Dannels declared the public hearing closed. It was moved and seconded (Garrett/Hix) the Traeger Subdivision of Tracts 92, 93, 94 and 95, Fall River Addition be approved, and it passed unanimously. B. Amended Plat of Lot 38, Prospect Mountain Subdivision. Mayor Dannels opened a public hearing to consider the above - mentioned amended plat, a Portion of Tract A, Prospect Estates Addition, Don Spomer/Prospect Mountain Development, Applicant. Bill Van Horn advised that the Applicant is proposing to divide Lot 38 into two (2) lots. Existing zoning is E-Estate P.U.D. and access is from Marcus Lane. The Prospect Mountain P.U.D., 7th Filing was approved in November, 1986, and at that time, the Concept Plan proposed a similar lot configuration; however, the final plat identified Lot 38 as one lot. Director Stamey confirmed that all seven (7) conditions identified in the Planning Commission minutes dated May 21, 1991 had been met, and that this proposal reduces the density. As there were no persons speaking in "opposition" to the amended plat, Mayor Dannels closed the public hearing. It was moved and seconded (Garrett/Habecker) the Amended Plat of Lot 38, Prospect Mountain Subdivision, a Portion of Tract A, Prospect Estates Addition be approved and it passed unanimously. C. Amended Plat of Lots 3-5. Block 5. Second Amended Plat of The Town of Estes Park. Mayor Dannels opened a public hearing to consider the aforementioned amended plat, Lee and Molly Kemper/Applicant. Trustee Hix declared a potential "conflict of interest" and stated he would not participate in discussion nor vote. Paul Kochevar stated that the Applicant is proposing to combine 3 lots into 1 lot; both conditions identified in the Planning Commission minutes dated May 21, 1991 had been met, which included a note on the plat pertaining to encroachments that overhang on the west property line. As there were no persons speaking in "opposition" to the amended plat, Mayor Dannels declared the public hearing closed. It was moved and seconded (Garrett/Habecker) the Amended Plat of Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 5, Second Amended Plat of the Town of Estes Park be approved, and it passed by the following votes: Those voting "Yes" Trustees Aldrich, Barker, Dickinson, Garrett and Habecker. Those voting "No" none. Those "Abstaining" Trustee Hix. 3. Marys Lake Water Treatment Plant. Ass't. Administrator Widmer commented that the Town has been planning the construction of said treatment plant for a number of years. George Clausen/Rocky Mountain Consultants, thoroughly reviewed the need for the plant, why the Marys Lake site was selected, and complexities of the design. Mr. Clausen reported six firms submitted bids, and the lowest bidder, Jennison Construction, submitted a bid of $2,994,568.00. The engineer's estimate was $2.1 million. Due to the magnitude of difference between the budgeted and the actual bid price, the Town requested RMC to review alternative scenarios for proceeding with the project. Five (5) alternatives were prepared, which included input from Town staff. Each option was discussed, and, based upon RMC's evaluation, the firm is recommending the Town proceed with the construction of the 2.0 MGD Marys Lake Water Treatment Plant. Ass't. Administrator Widmer and Public Works Director Linnane concur with RMC's recommendation. In a memorandum dated June 11, 1991, staff explained the funding options to finance the additional $1.2 million. A July bond sale is being prepared by the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority (CWR) in which the Town could participate. CWR provides the opportunity for Board of Trustees - June 11, 1991 - Page 3 municipalities to pool their bond needs together, resulting in a larger issue, a savings of issuance costs, and, hopefully, a more attractive interest rate. The Town participated in such a bond issue with CWR in 1990. The deadline to execute a "commitment letter" is June 21, 1991. Mr. Clausen and staff verified that the bids were carefully scrutinized, and that Jennison's references had been verified. It was moved and seconded (Dickinson/Aldrich) the Marys Lake Water Treatment Plant Project proceed, with the Mayor being authorized to execute the commitment letter in the amount of $1.2 million joining a bond sale with the Colorado Water Resources Power Development Authority, and it passed unanimously. It was also moved and seconded (Dickinson/Aldrich) Jennison Construction be awarded the contract for a bid in the amount of $2,994,568, and it passed unanimously. Town Attorney White commented that additional bond documents will be considered for approval by the Board of Trustees in the near future. Trustee Habecker stated that the best course of action was taken; as indicated in staff's memorandum, debt service may be financed by reducing the projected five-year plan capital expenditures and increasing water revenues as appropriate. Staff advised that the details of the reductions/increases will be accomplished by revising the 1990 Financing Plan; however, several financing options are available, and an increase in water rates is one of those options. 4. Special Election August 6, 1991. Ballot Title. It was moved and seconded (Hix/Garrett) the following ballot title be approved, and it passed unanimously: Should the initiated ordinance for the implementation of the Stanley Historic District be adopted Yes No Resolution #11-91. Town Attorney White read the resolution in full. It was moved and seconded (Aldrich/Hix) a resolution setting the polling place in the Board Room, use of voting machines, and authorizing the Town Clerk to appoint the Judges Election be approved and it passed unanimously. 5. Top of the Park Liquor Application. Mayor Dannels opened a public hearing to consider a new Beer and Wine Liquor Application filed by Kenneth J. Gritzman, dba TOP OF THE PARK RESTAURANT, 145 E. Elkhorn Ave. Mr. Gritzman presented a petition containing 12 signatures in favor of the license, and stated that the request to provide malt and vinous liquor is intended to serve as a convenience to his customers. Town Attorney White reviewed all application documents. There were no persons speaking in "opposition" to the application, and Mayor Dannels declared the public hearing closed. Trustee Aldrich stated that the reasonable requirements of the neighborhood are not met by the present liquor outlets in the neighborhood and that the desires of the adult inhabitants are for the granting of this liquor license. Based upon the above findings, Trustee Aldrich moved the license be granted. Trustee Habecker seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Following completion of all agenda items, Mayor Dannels requested comments from the audience. Louis O'Riordan remarked on there being no place for citizen input on the Agenda, lack of action on the affordable housing issue, requested the Special Events Liquor License for the Library District be revoked, occupation license fees for small accommodation operations, sales tax on food, and definition and lack of enforcement on non -conforming buildings. Louis Canaiy questioned the outcome of the sidewalk sale requested by Richard Barlow, when the Conference Center would be dedicated, and the expected life of the new water treatment plant. Staff advised that the request to modify the zoning regulation as it Board of Trustees - June 11, 1991 - Page 4 applies to containment (sidewalk sale) has been taken under advisement by the Planning Commission; the conference center will be dedicated August 24, 1991; and that the life expectancy of the new water treatment plant is 40 years. There being no further business, it was moved and seconded (Dickinson/Aldrich) the Board adjourn to executive session to confer with Town Attorney White on the gasoline leak issue, and it passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:59 P.M. Mayor Town Clerk