HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1989-11-14Zoion of 7,:is1rs Larimer County, Colorado, Minutes of regular November 14 , 19 89 meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park 14-th on the hour. November day of , A. D. 19P.9.. at regular meeting Meeting called to order by Mayor H. Bernerd Dannels Present: Mayor H. B. Dannels Trustees: Also Present: Gary F. Klaphake, Town Administrator Gregory A. White, Town Attorney Vickie O'Connor Town Clerk Absent: Norbert L. Aldrich, David Barker, Milan A. Dickinson, Polly Garrett, David Habecker, George J. Hix Mayor Dannels called the meeting of the Board of Trustees to order at 7:30 P.M. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Approval of Town Board minutes dated October 24, 1989. 2. Approval of bills. 3. Liquor Licenses: A. B. C. American Legion Estes Park Post #119, 850 N. St. Vrain Ave., Club License - Renewal. China Town Super Seafood, 160 S. St. Vrain Ave., Hotel & Restaurant License, includes Extended Hours - Renewal. Estes Valley Recreation and Park District, dba ESTES PARK GOLF CLUB, 1080 S. St. Vrain Ave., Beer & Wine License - Renewal. D. Old Plantation Restaurant, Inc., 128 E. Elkhorn Ave., Hotel & Restaurant License, includes Extended Hours - Renewal. E. Park Wheel Co., dba THE WHEEL, 132 E. Elkhorn Ave., Tavern License, includes Extended Hours - Renewal. F. Timberline Steakhouse and Lounge, 451 S. St. Vrain Ave., Tavern License, includes Extended Hours - Renewal. Trustee Aldrich moved the consent calendar be approved. Trustee Hix seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Minutes of October 26, minutes be motion and 2. Minutes of November 6, minutes be motion and the Public Safety Committee meeting held 1989 were read. Trustee Garrett moved the approved. Trustee Aldrich seconded the it passed unanimously. the Administrative Committee meeting held 1989 were read. Trustee Hix moved the approved. Trustee Aldrich seconded the it passed unanimously. Board of Trustees - November 14, 1989 - page two 3.A. Upon Planning Commission recommendation, Trustee Hix moved the public hearing for the Stanley Condominium Concept Plan, 800 Rockies, Inc./Applicant be tabled indefinitely. Trustee Garrett seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. B. Mayor Dannels opened the public hearing on the Seifert Addition Annexation. Public Works Director Widmer, representing the owner, spoke in favor of the request. Hearing no further comments from the audience, Mayor Dannels declared the public hearing closed. Attorney White introduced Resolution 24-89 and read Ordinance No. 11-89, whereupon Trustee Habecker moved Resolution 24-89 and Ordinance No. 11-89 be adopted. Trustee Garrett seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Trustee Hix moved the zoning be continued to December 12, 1989. Trustee Aldrich seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. C. Mayor Dannels opened the public hearing on the Barlow Subdivision, Final Plat, Barlow, Inc./Applicant - 332-348 East Elkhorn Avenue. Planner Stamey noted the final plat divides two existing lots into three lots. Proposed improvements are being coordinated with EPURA's riverwalk design. Lou Canaiy noted there is no additional parking planned for patrons of this development. Town Administrator Klaphake stated there is no present requirement for developers to provide additional parking, but future plans may include structured parking at the Municipal Building parking lot. Hearing no further comments from the audience, Mayor Dannels declared the public hearing closed. Trustee Habecker moved the Barlow Subdivision, Final Plat, Barlow, Inc./Applicant be approved. Trustee Aldrich seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. D. Mayor Dannels opened the public hearing on Special Review Request #89-4 Barlow Plaza, Barlow, Inc./ Applicant - 332-348 East Elkhorn Avenue. Roger Thorp, representing the owners of Barlow Plaza, presented a revised site plan. Hearing no further comments from the audience, Mayor Dannels declared the public hearing closed. Trustee Barker moved Special Review Request #89- 4 Barlow Plaza, Barlow, Inc./Applicant be approved, subject to Planning Commission conditions, including installation of a fire hydrant on the northern portion of site and provision for either a sprinkler system or fire lane for the two buildings. Trustee Hix seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 4 A. Minutes of the Board of Adjustment meeting held November 7, 1989 were read. B. Attorney White reviewed terms of the Conference Center Lease Purchase Agreement with the Board of Trustees and read Resolution No. 25-89 as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 25-89 WHEREAS, the appropriate officials of the Town of Estes Park have negotiated the Conference Center Lease Purchase Agreement (the "Lease") between the Town of Estes Park, Colorado and the Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority; and WHEREAS, the terms and conditions of the Lease provide for the acquisition, construction and equipping of a conference center on a particular parcel Board of Trustees - November 14, 1989 - page three of real property (the "Site"); and WHEREAS, the appropriate officials of the Town of Estes Park have also negotiated a proposed Ground Lease for the leasing of the Site by the Town of Estes Park; and WHEREAS, following the execution of the Ground Lease, the Ground Lease will be assigned by the Town of Estes Park to the Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority; and WHEREAS, in order to finance the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Conference Center, the Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority has authorized the issuance of the Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Series 1989; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Town of Estes Park to authorize the execution of a General and No Litigation Certificate as a part of the proceedings for the issuance of said Bonds; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park has determined it to be in the best interest of the Town of Estes Park to take the following actions with regard to the aforementioned documents. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Colorado: 1. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park hereby authorizes the execution, delivery, and performance of the Conference Center Lease Purchase Agreement dated as of November 15, 1989, between the Town of Estes Park and the Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority in substantially the form presented to the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park on November 14, 1989. 2. In order to enter into the Lease, it is necessary for the Town of Estes Park to negotiate and execute a Ground Lease for the Site, and for the Town of Estes Park to assign the Ground Lease to the Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority (the "Assignment of Ground Lease"). The Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park hereby authorizes the appropriate officials of the Town of Estes Park to negotiate the Ground Lease and Assignment of Ground Lease in order to fulfill the terms and conditions of the Lease. 3. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park hereby authorizes the Mayor and Town Clerk of the Town of Estes Park to execute the General and No Litigation Certificate in the form as presented to the Board of Trustees on November 14, 1989. Mayor ATTEST: Town Clerk Board of Trustees - November 14, 1989 - page four Trustee Aldrich moved Resolution No. 25-89 be adopted. Trustee Hix seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. C. Town Administrator Klaphake referred to a letter from Violette Steiner requesting the Town accept a bronze sculpture donation entitled Mother Beaver and Pups by artist Greig Steiner to be installed by the Town within Riverside Plaza. Trustee Hix moved the Town accept this donation. Trustee Garrett seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 5. Mayor Dannels opened the public hearing on Change of Location for RAMS, Liquor Store License, from 415 W. Elkhorn Ave., to 366 E. Elkhorn Ave. Hearing no comments from the audience, Mayor Dannels declared the public hearing closed. Trustee Hix moved the Change of Location for RAMS be approved. Trustee Aldrich seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Following completion of all agenda items, Mayor Dannels requested comments from the audience. Lou Canaiy congratulated the Town on its anticipated conference center construction. Richard Barlow/Barlow Plaza, thanked all Town agencies for their assistance. Mayor Dannels noted the Board of Trustees will conduct one (1) meeting in December (December 12, 1989). There being no further business, Mayor Dannels adjourned the meeting at 8:30 P.M. Mayor Acting Town Clerk