HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1985-03-12tn1UU Of ZtC Larimer County,Colorado,•Ji.içh 12 19. Minutes of a requlr meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Lorimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the ..12t day of A.D.19.at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor r.ii.Ic JaineJ-.s Present:Mayor H.B.Dannels Trustees:Norbert L.Aldrich, Mark T.Brown, Byron L.Graves, George J.Hix,Also Present Town Administrator Paula L.Laing,Dale G.Hill Richard A.WoodTownAttorney Gregory A.White Absent:None Minutes of the regular meeting held February 26,1925 were submitted and approved. Trustee Laing moved the bills,as presented,be allowed and paid and the Clerk be authorized to draw warrants for the same.(A certified copy of the bills presented and allowed are on file in the Office of the Town Clerk under this date,and made a part of the record of these proceedings by reference thereto).Trustee Hix seconded the motion and it passed by the following votes: Those voting “Yes”Trustees Aldrich,Brown,Graves,Hix,Laing and Wood.Those voting “No”none. Mayor Dannels awarded Certificates of Appointment to the Senior High School Students who participated in Municipal Government Day on February 27,1985.Mayor Dannels thanked the Optimists Club, Lions Club,Elks Club and the American Legion for sponsoring this annual counterpart program. Mr.Jim Ellis,Area Manager/Holstein Association,appeared before the Board of Trustees requesting approval to conduct a Holstein auction sale at the Holiday Inn July 31,1985.Mr.Ellis alsorequestedapprovalfortheuseofatenttohousetheanimals. Declaring a potential “conflict of interest”,Trustee Brownstatedhewouldnotparticipateinthediscussionorvote.Mr. Ellis stated the concept of the “Rocky Mountain Rendezvous ‘85”Sale was conceived in Colorado as an opportunity to share the West’s finest vacation area with the West’s finest Holstein breeding stock.The advertising theme will be a “spin off”of the old Mountain Man Rendezvous’that were held in the early 1800’s.The cattle would be housed under a tent from July 28th through August 1st on the Holiday Inn property.On July 31st, the animals would be led individually into the south entrance of the Holiday Inn Banquet Room to be sold.The total sale will last approximately two hours.Mr.Ellis will be in charge of and responsible for a 15—man crew that will set-up,clean-up daily, groom,sell the animals and complete clean-up following the sale. Cattle has already been consigned from thirteen states.A New York advertising specialist has been hired to promote the sale. Discussion followed regarding the Municipal Code requirement of an “Auctioneer’s License”and Bond.Trustee Hix moved the Holstein Auction Sale and use of a tent be approved.Trustee Wood seconded the motion and it passed by the following votes: Those voting “Yes”Trustees Aldrich,Graves,Hix,Laing and Wood. Those voting “No”none.Those “Abstaining”Trustee Brown. Minutes of the Stanley Park Committee meeting held March 4,1985 were read.Trustee Wood,Chairman of the Committee,moved the Board of Trustees —March 12,1985 -Page two minutes be approved.Trustee Hix seconded the motion and itpassedunanimously. Trustee Hix moved the Mayor be authorized to sign the followingHorseShowContracts: Colorado Arabian Horse Club Colorado Pony Of The Americas,Inc. Mountain and Plain Appaloosa Horse Club Northern Colorado Quarter Horse Association. Trustee Aldrich seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Trustee Hix moved the Mayor be authorized to sign the Estes ParkHorseShowandRodeoCommitteeBylaws.Trustee Brown secondedthemotionanditpassedunanimously. Minutes of the Water Committee meeting held March 7,1985 wereread.Town Administrator Hill read a letter received from Mr.Jess C.Nielsen dated March 8,1985 regarding his appeal for a 1”service line extension in lieu of the required 6”main extension.Mr.Nielsen submitted three alternative solutions.Water SuperintendentRichardsadvisedtheBoardofTrusteesthearea(Lot47,Grand Estates Addition)was 75%developed.In a discussionwiththeMcLaughlinWaterEngineers’Firm,who is currentlypreparingtheMasterPlan/Urban Growth Study,the firm recommendedinstallingtwo8”water mains in Grand Estates Addition andtyingtheexisting4”water lines together.SuperintendentRichardsfurtherstatedhewouldnotobjecttotheinstallationofa4”main.Trustee Hix moved the Water Committee minutes beamendedtoreadasfollows: installing a 4”main to Lot 47 over the 216.2’routeandtheTownwillpaytheextracostofmakingtheinstalla-fltiona6”main.Mr.Nielsen will also pay the tap fee of$2,435.00.” Joan Van Horn and Eleanor Casler,representing Quota Club ofEstesPark,appeared before the Board of Trustees requesting aSpecialEventsLiquorLicensetosponsoraFoodFestival—“TasteofEstesPark”April 26,1985 located at 1110 Woodstock Drive.Trustee Laing cited a “conflict of interest”and stated she wouldnotparticipateindiscussionorvote.Trustee Aldrich moved theSpecialEventsLiquorLicenseforQuotaClubofEstesParkbeapproved.Trustee Hix seconded the motion and it passed by thefollowingvotes:Those voting “Yes”Trustee Aldrich,Brown,Graves,Hix and Wood.Those voting “No”none.Those “Abstaining”Trustee Laing. Trustee Hix moved the following Liquor License renewals beapproved:Big Horn Cafe,P.S.Flowers,Beverly Hill’s FamilyRestaurantandMountainManRestaurant.Trustee Wood secondedthemotionanditpassedunanimously. RoxAnn West and Jack Rumley,representing the Estes Park VolunteerFireDepartment,were present seeking a “Use Permit”forBondParkLaborDayWeekendAugust31standSeptember1st,1985tosponsorafundraisingbazaartobenefitMuscularDystrophy.The event will feature 50 booths for a Craft Show,music andfood.Trustee Aldrich moved the “Use Permit”for Bond ParkrquestedbytheEstesParkVolunteerFireDepartmentLaborDayWeekendbeapproved.Trustee Brown seconded the motion and itpassedunanimously. Trustee Hix moved the Mayor be authorized to sign an agreementbetweentheEstesParkPublicLibraryBoardofTrusteesandtheTownofEstesParkregarding$15,630 being designated for theEstesParkPublicLibraryBuildingFund.Trustee Brown secondedthemotionanditpassedunanimously. Board of Trustees —March 12,1985 —Page three Town Administrator Hill read a.n “Addendum To Lease”whereby the Estes Valley Recreation and Park District was exercising their option to renew the Golf Course Lease to the year 2017.Attorney White reviewed and approved the addendum.Trustee Wood moved the “Addendum To Lease”submitted by the Estes Valley Recreation and Park District be approved.Trustee Hix seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr.Doug Abrames,President/Estes Park Jaycees,appeared before the Board of Trustees requesting assistance in financing the annual fireworks display;receipt of the guaranty of $500 which was approved by the Board of Trustees in 1984 and a $500 guaranty for 1985.Trustee Hix moved the Jaycees’request to receive the $500 guaranty approved in 1984 be allowed,and that $500 be guaranteed for 1985.Trustee Brown seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr.Al Marranzino,along with Mr.Charles Whiting,commended the Town Board,Staff,Optimists Club,Elks Club,Lions Club and the American Legion for sponsoring this year’s Municipal Government Day.Trustee Laing commended the High School Students for their participation in this very worthwhile program. Town Administrator Hill stated the Town of Estes Park had re ceived the 1984 Franchise Tax receipts from Mr.Merle Abrames, Manager/Public Service Company,in the amount of $20,975.08. There being no further business,the meeting adjourned. JL,J Town Clerk i