HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1967-09-25&lbTg of gistEs VttTit, Larimer County, Colorado,___.__Se_Rtember 25 . 1967__. Minutes of a ___r_egulaz___ meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 25th day of September_ ., A. D. 19_.67 _ at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor_._C.Lazence_A__Graves.._,_-__..___.._____.._ Present: Mayor Clarence A. Graves Trustees: Ronald Brodie, Henry Dannels, William Grove, N. T. Petrocine, Carl Swanson, Harry Tregent Also Present:Town Clerk Dale G. Hill, Town Attorney Ernest G. Hartwell Absent: None Minutes of the regular meeting held September 15, 1967 were read and approved as read. Mayor Graves proceeded to conduct a public hearing on the application of Paul F. and Dorothea Mutchler for a new liquor license at 1200 MacGregor Avenue, Estes Park, Colorado. Mr. Lynn Hammond and Mr. John Chilson were the at- torneys representing Paul F. and Dorothea Mutchler. Attorney Hammond con- ducted the case for the proponents of the liquor application. The follow- ing persons spoke in favor of the application: Mrs. Dorothea Mutchler, Gloria Mace, Charles Mace, Joe Miller, J. R. McKelvey, Robert Bigler, Pris- cilla Chambers, Edith Dodge, Arnold Axell, Vera Axell, Nettie Way, Floyd Way, Neil Rosener, Alice Wissenburg, Edith Engel, Harry Leibfried. The proponents submitted a petition marked Proponents Exhibit "B" signed by 30 persons in favor of granting the above mentioned license. Mayor Graves asked for the opponents of the application, and no one was present in opposition to the application. The Clerk read a letter from Mabel L. Clatworthy, the C. W. Fishes, and Helen M. Clatworthy opposing the issuance of the license. Mayor Graves declared the hearing closed. Trustee N. T. Petrocine moved that the Board of Trustees finds that the reasonable requirements of the neighborhood are such that a hotel and restaurant liquor license should be granted and that the license is granted. Trustee Harry Tregent seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, Henry Dannels, William Grove, N. T. Petrocine, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. The Board of Trustees proceeded to conduct a public hearing on the Town Budget for 1968. The Clerk read the worksheets from which the budget, mill levy, and appropriation ordinances were prepared. Trustee William Grove introduced, and the Town Clerk read in full, the fol- lowing entitled ordinance, and Trustee William Grove moved it be passed on first reading: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGIN- NING ON THE 1ST DAY OF JANUARY, 1968, AND ENDING ON THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1968, ESTIMATING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY BASED ON THE SAID BUDGET SO ADOPTED; ESTI- MATING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY TO BE DERIVED FROM OTHER REVENUE SOURCES; AND SETTING FORTH THE TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FOR EACH FUND. Trustee Henry Dannels seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, Henry Dannels, William Grove, N. T. Petrocine, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. Whereupon Mayor Graves declared said ordinance duly passed on first reading. Trustee Carl Swanson introduced, and the Town Clerk read in full, the fol- lowing entitled ordinance, and Trustee Carl Swanson moved it be passed on first reading: rtittln f Ests rk, Lorimer County, Colorado,_ September 25 -, 1967, Minutes of a regular _ meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Lorimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 25th _day of_ September , A. D. 19_63 at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor •Clarence A. Graves Present: Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1968, TO DEFRAY THE COSTS OF MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANU- ARY 1, 1968, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1968. Trustee Ronald Brodie seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, Henry Dannels, William Grove, N. T. Petrocine, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. Whereupon Mayor Graves de- clared said ordinance passed on first reading. Trustee N. T. Petrocine introduced, and the Town Clerk read in full, the following entitled ordinance, and Trustee N. T. Petrocine moved it be passed on first reading: THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE: APPROPRIATING SUMS OF MONEY TO DEFRAY EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO, FOR THE TOWN'S FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1968, AND ENDING ON THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1968. Trustee Henry Dannels seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, Henry Dannels, William Grove, N. T. Petrocine, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. Whereupon Mayor Graves declared said ordinance passed on first reading. Drs. Harry L. Schroeder and Harry A. Schroeder submitted an application for a change of ownership in the restaurant liquor license No. G 1155, Gartner Haus, 1350 Big Thompson Avenue, Estes Park, Colorado, to them- selves from John W. and Alice Schlendorf. The Clerk read the applica- tion, the letters of reference from Harold E. Hafer, John W. Schlendorf, and Eugene Green, the articles of co -partnership, and a certificate of the contract of sale. Trustee Carl Swanson moved the application be approved. Trustee Ronald Brodie seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, Henry Dannels, William Grove, N. T. Petrocine, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. Trustee Henry Dannels introduced, and the Town Clerk read in full, the following entitled ordinance, and Trustee Henry Dannels moved it be passed and adopted on first reading: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT TO THE NORTHERN COLORADO WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT AN AGGREGATE SUM OF MONEY EQUAL TO SUCH SUM AS WOULD HAVE BEEN PRODUCED BY SAID DISTRICT'S AD VALOREM TAX LEVIES AGAINST THE VALUATION OF PROPERTY IN ESTES PARK, COLORADO, IN THE YEARS 1937-1966, BOTH INCLUSIVE. Oralirit II �sirs Vark Larimer County, Colorado,___._September_25___, Minutes of a ___regular___ meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the_.. _. 25th ,.,__day of _ .. .. September A. D. 19 67.., at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor,.. Clarence ..A..... Graves_ ....___.................._....._............_........_._. Present: Mayor Also Present: Absent: Trustees: Trustee Carl Swanson seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, Henry Dannels, William Grove, N. T. Petrocine, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. Whereupon Mayor Graves declared said ordinance duly passed and adopted, ordered it numbered 330 and published according to law. Town Attorney Ernest G. Hartwell explained the procedure that will be followed in regard to the sale of the bonds that will be issued for the Little Prospect Mountain Sanitary Sewer District. Trustee N. T. Petrocine, Chairman of the Police Committee, reported on a meeting of the Police Committee as itemized in their minutes of September 20, 1967 and moved the minutes be approved and adopted. Trustee Harry Tregent seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion unanimously car- ried. Trustee Ronald Brodie explained the need of Revision No. 1 of Exhibit A for the Town of Estes Park contract No. 14-06-700-6157. Trustee Ronald Brodie moved the Mayor and Clerk be authorized and are hereby instructed to sign the above mentioned revision. Trustee Harry Tregent seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, Henry Dannels, William Grove, N. T. Petrocine, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. Trustee Carl Swanson, Chairman of the Public Buildings & Parks Committee, reported on a meeting of the Public Buildings & Parks Committee as item- ized in their minutes of September 25, 1967 and moved the minutes be ap- proved and adopted. Trustee Harry Tregent seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. Trustee Harry Tregent, Chairman of the Civil Defense Committee, announced the 200 bed hospital unit will be moved from its present location at Harry Miles' motel to the Bureau of Reclamation Power Plant. This move will take place the week of October 1. There being no further business, it was regularly moved, seconded, and carried that the meeting adjourn. Attest: Town Clerk f Estes � Minutes of a 6- Laruuer County, Colorado_ ___�_ - meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Pucu Lurmor County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Tvvm DuU in said ronu of Estes Park uoUm_ _--darvf__- _ ___ , A. D. zV_- at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by &1uvu,-----_--_--_-_ rrv000t: Mayor Also Present: Absent: Trustees ;