HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1966-01-10 (2)aII It II est88 Park, Larimer County, Colorado,_____January. 10 , 19_66_, Minutes of a __ Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the loth day of January_ .. _ , A. D. 19_.66 ... at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor... Clarence A, _.Graves...,__ ................._._,............,.......,,_.. ,...,,_..._. Present: Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 12.12-2 (1) (f) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO, THE SAME PERTAINING TO SIGNS - DEFINITIONS, Trustee Carl Swanson seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, C. M. Hunter, L.Leo Martin, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. Whereupon Mayor Graves declared said ordinance duly passed and adopted on first reading, ordered it numbered 292, and published according to law. Trustee Leo Martin introduced the following entitled ordinance and moved that it be passed and adopted on first reading: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6.6, 6.28-1 AND 6.28-2 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO, THE SAME PERTAINING TO WATER TAPS AND RATES. Trustee Carl Swanson seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, C. M. Hunter, L. Leo Martin, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. Whereupon Mayor Graves declared said ordinance duly passed and adopted on first reading, ordered it numbered 293 and published according to law. The Clerk presented an application for a renewal of a retail fermented malt beverage license 3.2% beer only for J. G. Houston, Jr., dba Round -Up Grocery and Delicatessen, 362 Elkhorn Avenue, Estes Park, Colorado. Trustee Harry Tregent moved the application be approved. Trustee C. M. Hunter seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, C. M. Hunter, Leo Martin, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. The Clerk read the minutes of the Estes Park Planning Commission held December 21, 1965. In accordance with the request of the Estes Park Horse Show and Rodeo Committee, Mayor Graves made the following appointments for 1966: Dale VerStraeten El DuTeau Bill May Bill Hadden E. S. Erickson Ann Leonard Ned Linegar Orville Thomas George Lambert George Havens Robert Dekker Glenn Prosser Bill Finlay Jerry Brownfield Bill Hintz Lillian Banks Jerry Phillips Norbert Aldrich Trustee C. M. Hunter moved the above appointments be approved. Trustee Ronald Brodie seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, C. M. Hunter, L. Leo Martin, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. The officers for the 1966 season are President, Jerry Brownfield; Vice -President, Bill Hadden; Secretary, E. S. Erickson; and Treasurer, El DuTeau. estes Varkt Larimer County, Colorado,_ January_ 10 _, 19 66_. Minutes of a .13.e_enl,six meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the_ 10th day of January A. D. 19 66 _ at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor_ CaAr.i.mge.A— Gramaa__ _ Present: Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: Trustee Ronald Brodie, Chairman of the Light & Power Committee, reported on a meeting of the Light & Power Committee as itemized in their minutes of December 20, 1965, and moved that the minutes be approved and adopted. Trustee C. M. Hunter seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion unani- mously carried. In regard to the above mentioned minutes, the Clerk was instructed to check with the Colorado Department of Employment and obtain the costs and other pertinent information on a salary and wage study for all Town employees. Trustee Ronald Brodie reported on a meeting of the Light & Power Committee held January 10, 1966. Michael Marden, representing the Blue Jean Orchestra, appeared before the Light & Power Committee and requested financial aid in the amount of $653,26, The Board instructed the Clerk to write Mr. Marden a letter stating that the Board could not approve the above request and refer to a letter dated March 9, 1965 when a similar request was denied. The Board of Trustees examined seven bids submitted for a four wheel drive vehicle to be used by the Light & Power Department. In accordance with the Light & Power Committee recommendation, Trustee Ronald Brodie moved the low bid in the amount of $1,911.42 submitted by Garrett Motors, Inc., Loveland, Colorado, be accepted and the Light & Power Department be authorized to replace the damaged oil reclosure switch at an estimated cost of $1,928.00. Trustee C. M. Hunter seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, C. M. Hunter, Carl Swanson, Leo Martin, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. Trustee Carl Swanson, Chairman of the Utility Franchise Committee, reported on a meeting of the Utility Franchise Committee as itemized in their minutes of January 6, 1966, and moved that the minutes be approved and adopted. Trustee Harry Tregent seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. Trustee Carl Swanson also reported on the public meeting held at the American Legion on January 7, 1966. Trustee Leo Martin, member of the Water Committee, reported on a meeting of the Water Committee as itemized in their minutes of January 3, 1966, and moved that the minutes be approved and adopted. Trustee Carl Swanson seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, Leo Martin, C. M. Hunter, Carl Swanson and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. The Board of Trustees reviewed the previous action taken in regard to the Henry B. Landers property. After considerable discussion, the Board tabled a decision on the above matter until the next regular meeting. Mayor Graves will contact Town Attorney Ernest G. Hartwell for further advice on this matter. There being no further business, it was regularly moved, seconded, and carried that the meeting adjourn. // Town Clerk G%[ IIf Estes Park Larimer County, Colorado, January 10 eX0X0 19,,.66_, Minutes of a _..........,Re ylar ...... meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the.,.._..10ah............. _day of_ .........._.T.anuax r_ .. _ _, A. D. 19 66 .. at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor_. Clarence A. Graves Present: Mayor Clarence A. Graves Trustees: Ronald Brodie, C. M. Hunter, L. Leo Martin, Carl Swanson, Harry Tregent Also Present: Town Clerk Dale G. Hill Absent: Trustee Henry Dannels Minutes of the regular meeting held December 13, 1965, were read and approved as read. Trustee Harry Tregent moved the following bills be allowed and paid and the Clerk be authorized to draw warrants for same. (A certified copy of the bills read and allowed are on file in the office of the Town Clerk under this date and made a part of the record of these proceedings by reference thereto.) Trustee C. M. Hunter seconded the motion. Upon roll call said motion unanimously carried. Mrs. Maria Runz and Mr. Joe Church submitted a plat of the proposed subdivision named Ponderosa Subdivision. This plat was approved by the Estes Park Planning Commission on August 17, 1965. Mr. Paul H. Van Horn, Town Engineer, approved the plat on December 27, 1965. Trustee Carl Swanson moved the plat be given preliminary approval subject to the compliance of the following requirements: 1. Water system installed as approved. 2. Power system installed as approved. 3. Town Attorney's approval of the plat. 4. Streets constructed and approved. 5. Drainage approved and installed. 6. Checking fee of $30.00 paid. 7. Attorney's certificate as to legal owners of the land. Trustee L. Leo Martin seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, C. M. Hunter, L. Leo Martin, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. A letter was read to the Board of Trustees from Mr. G. Wayne Ballah, President Big Thompson Meadows, Inc., requesting an approval for annexation of the pro- perty known as Joe Mills Pond (15.42 acres) and also requesting zoning approval for C-1 Commercial. After considerable discussion, Trustee C. M. Hunter moved the Town of Estes Park approve annexation of the above described property and that Mr. Ballah be informed the Board of Trustees are in favor of a zone no more restrictive than C-2 Restricted Commercial or C-1 Commercial if the required public hearing would indicate this zoning would be acceptable to the surrounding property owners. The Board of Trustees compared the present zoning--Larimer County Tourist --to the Town's C-2 Restricted Commercial zone. The Board of Trustees proceeded to conduct a public hearing for the zoning of the Dekker Addition as published in the Estes Park Trail on December 17 and 24, 1965. The Clerk read the proposed ordinance zoning the Dekker Addition R-1 Residence District. There were no persons present objecting to the proposed zoning. Trustee Ronald Brodie introduced the following entitled ordinance and moved that it be passed and adopted on first reading: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 12.4-1 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO, THE SAME PERTAINING TO BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICTS AND ZONING DEKKER ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO. Trustee Harry Tregent seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, C. M. Hunter, L. Leo Martin, Carl Swanson, Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. Ears jark Larimer County, Colorado, January 10 966 Minutes of a Regplar meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall insaidTown of Estes Park on the_ 10th _day of_ Janua_r_Y , A. D. 1966 at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Present: Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: Whereupon Mayor Graves declared said ordinance duly passed and adopted on first reading, ordered it numbered 289 and published according to law. The financial report for the Estes Park Ambulance Service for the period from 4-1-65 to 12-31-65 was reviewed in detail by the Board of Trustees. After considerable discussion, Trustee C. M. Hunter moved the report be accepted. Trustee Harry Tregent seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed unanimously. Mayor Graves reviewed the Ambulance Service as to future requirements and some of the problems that will be faced in the future. The Board of Trustees discussed the naming of the street now called "Devils Gulch Avenue." After a short discussion, Trustee Harry Tregent introduced the following entitled ordinance and moved that it be passed and adopted on first reading: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 238 OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO AND THE STREET MAP OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO, AS THE SAME PERTAIN TO DEVILS GULCH AVENUE. Trustee Carl Swanson seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, C. M. Hunter, L. Leo Martin, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. Whereupon Mayor Graves declared said ordinance duly passed and adopted on first reading, ordered it numbered 290 and published according to law. Mayor Graves suggested that the Board of Trustees give serious consideration and acknowledge some of the prior citizens by changing or adding street names in their honor. Mr. Ernest G. Hartwell, Town Attorney, has submitted a proposed amendment to the Town Code which is necessary because of an amendment of a state law. The adoption of this amendment would make the Town ordinance comply with the state law. Trustee Ronald Brodie introduced the following entitled ordinance and moved that it be passed and adopted on first reading: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 19.2 (4) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO, THE SAME PERTAINING TO RESTRICTIONS ON TIRE EQUIPMENT ON STREETS. Trustee C. M. Hunter seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes. Those voting "Yes" Trustees Ronald Brodie, C. M. Hunter, L. Leo Martin, Carl Swanson, and Harry Tregent. Those voting "No" none. Whereupon Mayor Graves declared said ordinance duly passed and adopted on first reading, ordered it numbered 291, and published according to law. Trustee C. M. Hunter, Chairman of the Building Code Committee explained the need for establishing a definition of the words, "curb line," in relation to the Sign Code. Trustee C. M. Hunter introduced the following entitled ordinance and moved that it be passed and adopted on first reading: