HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1962-01-08if Ears Vark Larimer County, Colorado,_ Januar/ 8 , le_ 62 Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 8th day of_ Janua ry , A. D. 19_6_2_ at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by.Mayor Clarenge_A._Grame Present: Mayor Clarence A. Graves Trustees:Ronald Brodie, Henry Dannels, William Grove, John Ramey, Andy Jones, Richard Snart Also Present: Verne H. Fenton, Town Clerk Absent: Minutes of the regular meeting held on December 11, 1961 and th.e special meeting held on DeceMber 21, 1961 read and approved as read. Trustee Jones introduced the following Resolution and moved that it be passed. and adopted: HTION WHEREAS, the people of this community have, been fortunate in knoedng, and having as one of its citizens, Herbert F. Miller; AND WHEREAS, Hobert F. Miller has been. a capable and faithful Official of the Town of Estes Park; NOW,THEREFOREBE IT.RESOL ,,that the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, hereby declare their deep sorrow in his passing, and extend their sincere sympathy to his faudly and loved ones. Trustee, Brodie moved that the following bills be allowed and paid and that the Clerk be authorized. to draw warrants for same. (A, certified copy of the bi...11s read and. allowed are on file in the office of the Town. Clerk under this date and made a part of the record of these proceedings by reference thereto.) Trustee Ramey seconded. the motion. Upon. roll caul. said motion unanimously carried. With the approval of the Board, Mayor Graves announced that he had. appoieted Mr. Frank Starkey, Attorney at Law, of Loveland to represent the Town on a temporary basis. Following a lengthy and. detailed discussion regarding the proposed construction of a Municipal Incinerator at the city dump and. ways andmeans of financing the same, Trustee Jones moved that the Town charge an annual. fee from. all persons and properties both within and without the corporate limits using the town dump, with any net proceeds from the dump operation. to be ear- marked for future dump improvements. Trustee Dannels seconded. the motion - Upon. roll call said motion carried by the following vote: Those voting "yes" Trustee Ronald Brodie, Henry. Dannels, William Grove, and Andy Jones. Those voting "nee Trustee John Ramey, and Richard Snart. Following further discussion, Trustee Jones presented an itemized schedule of fees and moved that they by adopted as read. Trustee Dannels seconded the motion. Upon roll call said motion carried bythe following vote: Those voting "yes" Trustee Ronald Brodie, Henry. Dannels, William Grove, and Andy JonesThose voting "no" Trustee John Ramey and Richard Snart. 00 0 Larimer County, Colorado,__ .Ja171)."r2 _8 19_ 62. Minutes of a reEular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the ___day of_ Jazgary_ , A. D. 19 62 at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Clarence A. Graves Present: Mayor Alen Present: Absent: Trustees: Further discussion was, held regarding the financing and construction of an incinerator. Trustee Jones moved that t e follor?d.ng question be placed. on the ballot at the regular Town election to be held. on April 3rd, 1962; should the Town issue General Obligation Bonds, in an amount not to exceed $118,000.. to be redeemed over a 15 year period for the purpose of constructing an incinerator. Trustee Dannels seconded the motion. Upon roll call said. motion carried by the following vote: Those voting ,flyes", Trustee Ronald Brodie, Henry Dannels, William. Grove, and. Andy jones. Those voting no John Ramey, and Richard Swart. There being no further business, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the meeting adjourn. Attest: rown Cle /