HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1955-07-11321 Tobin of Cotez Park, Larimer County, Colorado, ..... ... ....... regular Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the llth day of July , A. D. 19 55 at regular. meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Clarence A. Graves Present: Mayor Clarence Graves Trustees: Henry Da nnels, A.G. Fisk Charles Herzog, Jess Poling, George datson. Also Present: Verne H. FRnton, Town Clerk Absent: Trustee Ronald C. Brodie Minutes of the regular meeting held on June 27, read and approved. Trustee Herzog moved that the following bills be allowed and.paid, and that the Clerk be authorized to draw warrants for same: Trustee Watson seconded the motion. Acme Sanitary Sup,ly, supplies Chilson & McCreary, services Colorado State Patrol, services Conny's Motor Co. services Continental 011 Co. supplies Chamber of Commerce, supplies E.P. Garages, service E.P. Hardware, su,p,lies E.P. Library, budget, E.P. Lumber, supplies E.P. Plumbers, services E.P. Signs, services E.P. Trail, printing V.H. Fanton, expenses Clarence Grave, supplies Hendrie & Bolthoff, sup lies C.F. Hix, premium Warren Hurd, services Conoco Service Station, service Kistler Stationery, supplies Log Cabin Agency, premium Luckett Oil Co. supplies Mobil Service Station, service Telephone Co. service Murray Motor Co. service Noyes & Son, service Park 011 Co. supplies Seybold Service Station, service Silver Spruce Pharmacy, supplies Colorado University, supplies Western Oxygen, supplies F.W. Wolpert, services Wages & Salaries Water Dept. ef,pennes Light & Power Dept. expenses 85.58 162.70 7.69 16.97 208.76 67.38 37.09 41.71 800.00 48.07 75.03 12.50 119.38 150.00 30.55 67.08 35.00 68.80 43.24 272.32 16.50 168.48 19.15 26.73 44.70 15.00 36.65 18.17 3.40 4.00 34.40 1,327.50 3,473.00 1,976.51 14,239.08 Upon roll call said motion carried by the following vote: Those voting "Yes" Trustees Dannels, Fisk, Herzog, Poling, Watson. "No" none. Mr. Fred Clatworthy, Al Shideler and Ralph Reed appeared before the Board representing the Estes Park Recreation Committee. Mr. Clateorthy reviewed the work and accomplishments of the committee to date, re- garding the establishment of the Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Recreation District. Mr. Clatworthy stated that the committee was now ready to have legal petitions signed to present to the District Court, to officially form the District, and ask the opinion of the Board of Trustees regarding the past and future actions of the committee. After considerable discussion, Trustee Dennels moved that the Board approve the action of the committee, together with their plans for the legal formation of the recreation district. Trustee Fsik seconded tl-rmotion. JZZ 9 erg MobIU of Cato Park, Larimer County, Colorado, , 19 Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Lorimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the. day of , A. D. 19 at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor —. Present: Mayor Trustees: Upon roll call said motion'csrried by the following vote: Those voting "yesn Trustees Dannels, Fisk, Herzog, Poling & Watson. "No", none. Mr. Ralph Reed further discussed with the Board the application for water service t& serve the scenic tramway operations located on the Crags Hotel property. Mr. Reed asked that water service be declared available for a period of one year, and if at that time a petition for annexation had not been filed, that service be discontinued. The Board discussed ghe proposal, Trustee Herzog moved that no exception be made to the existing policy of the Board and that permission to use municipal water not be granted until'the property involved was included within the corporate limits.Trustee Dannels seconded the motion. Upon roll call said motion carried by the follerwkng vote: Those voting "Yes" Trustees Dannels, Herzog, Poling and Watson. Those voting "No" none. Those not voting, Trustee Fisk.' The Clerk presented three bids for the painting of the outside of the 60 new stalls'at Stanley Park. The bide were filed with the Clerk by Trustee Brodie. Trustee Herzog moved that the low bid of Bill Hite, in the amount ofofl 125.00 be approved, to be paid by the Rodeo Association. Trustee Dannels seconded the motion. Upon roll call said motion un- animously carried. The Clerk presented an application for the installation of a swimming pool, 30 x 50'feet, made by the Lake Estes Motel. Trustee Fisk moved that the application be approved. Trustee Poling seconded the motion. upon roll call said motion unanimously carried. The Clerk was instructed to insure the new barns at Stanley Park in the amount of $ 6,000.00 with the agent or agents that now insure the balance of the improvements. At the request of Mayor Graves and Trustee Brodie, the Clerk presented a written legal opinion by Chilson & McCreary, atateing that Stanley Park could not be used for the construction of a church sanctuary be- cause of deed°restrictions on the land. Trustee Poling reported on the operation of the city dump, and was authorized to'have a fence installed along the East side of the property. In accorda.nce'with a request from the County Commissioners, Mayor Graves appointed Chan. F. Hix to serve on a proposed County Planning Commission. The Board approved the appointment. Trustee Watson introduced the following Resolution and moved that it be passed and adopted. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The Town of Estes Park is solely dependent upon the traveling public and the vistor for its economy; AND WHEREAS, the vistor expects and is entitled to enjoy the peace and quiet of an orderly village; AND WHEREAS, a very few indivivals, on occasion, disregarding the rights of the majority, unlawfully engage in intoxication and c cresting a disturbance; AND WHEREAS, such action by these few individuals, causes ir- reparable damage to the economy and reputation of the village; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by The Board of Trustees, that we express our appreciation to the Police Magistrate for his action in abating this nuisance, and commend the Court for the enforcement of this Ordinance in the past and in the future. Mot= of Cotel‘ ark Larimer County, Colorado, 19 Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the. day of ........ .... ...... A. D. 19 at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present: Mayor Trustees: The Clerk reported that he had received complaint about signs erected within a Town right of wey for streets, between the So. St. Vrain and Fort Morgan Colony. The Board ordered the signs .removed from the right of wey. There being no further business to come before the mee ng, it was regularly moved., seconded And carried that the ing Adjourn. Attest: