HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1952-09-08189 1rotnn of Cote er County, Colorado,7.P.i.?t a....................... 1952 Minutes of a __rtf lliar.......rneeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Latimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the ----_8 th day of September A. D. 19._32 at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Clarence A. Graves_ Present: Mayor Clarence Graves Trustees: G.E. Casey, Henry Daikiels, Chas. Herzog, Bert McConnell, George Watson. Also Present: Lee H. Tallant, Supt. of Works Verne H. Fanton, Town Clerk Absent: Trustee Jess Poling. Minutes of the regular meeting held on August 25th, read and approved AS read. Trustee Watson moved that the following bills be allowed and paid and that the Clerk be authorized to draw warrants for same: Trustee Herzog seconded the motion: Chilson & McCreary, services, Hendrie & Bolthoff, supplies Bert McConnell, fees Andy Jones, premium Bradford Robinson Printing Co. supplies Hospital Specialty Co. supplies Light & Power Dept. service E.P. Hardware, supplies E.P. Lumber Co. supplies E.P. Plumbers, service Sherry Motors, service Conoco Service station, service seybold Service Station, service Western Oxygen Co. supplies Scientific Supply Co. supplies E.P. Garage, supplies E.P. Signs, service Wages & salaries, Water Dept. operating expenses Light & Power operating expenses 109.25 27.65 2.00 4.40 55.00 5.65 186..54 9.28 116.77 2.00 110.39 5.70 12.55 6.50 36.85 18.40 18.50 1,97k.57 1,201.75 10,517.26 Upon roll call said motion carried by the following vote: Those voting "Yes" Trustees Casey, Darnels, Herzog, McConnell and Watson. "No" none. In discussing the unfinished business before the Board, Trustee Casey moved that the Board not vote on the re -zoning of lots 1 and 2 of Little Prospect Addition, until the full board was present. Trustee Herzog seconded the motion. Upon roll call said motion carried by the following vote: Those voting "Yes" Trustees Casey, Dannels, Herzog, McConnell and Watson. "No" none. George Nytes appeared before the Board making application for a license to operate a "Good Humor" cart on the streets and side walks. The Board declared this to be in violation of Ordinance and rejected the application. Mr. B.C. Smith appeared before the Board, and stated that the County Commissioners were considering zoning the area North East of the Town, and ask the Board to reaffirm their support of a proposed air -port in this area, as stated to the C.A.A. during July, 1950. The. Board agreed and informed the Clerk to so nofity the County Commissioners. Mr. Richard T. Davis appeared before the Board asking support and approval in the forming of a public improvement district in accor- dance with State law, for the purpose of installing sewers in Buenna Vista Sub Division. The Board stated that if the law could be com- plied with, they would support the proposal. Mr. Davie also stated that a fence had been constructed across the Town street known as North Davis Street, by Mrs. E.J. Walsh, and requested the Town to have it removed. The Clerk agreed to so notify Mrs. Walsh. of COttO Larimer County, Colorado, 4 Minutes of a .meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town. of Estes Park on day of — , A.. D. 3.9.— at regular meeting hour,. Meeting called to order by Mayor. - Present: Mayor Trustees Captain Nielson and Patrolman Fegruson of the Colorado St te Patrol appeared. and expressed their sincere aPpreciation to the Town for th» splendid cooperstion this p_st season between the Town and. the Patrol In discunsing Town rights of way, the Board authorized Lee Tallant to have the area East of Trouthaven surveyed and marked. Trustee Watson asked permission for the use of the Council room in the Town Hall for a Public Utility Commission hearing on the 2tth of September. Permission was granted. The Clerk presented the 3.27, Beer liceese application of iM. Nagl, for renewal. Trustee Casey moved. that it be approved. Trustee Watson seconded the motion. Upon roll call said motion carried by the follwoing vote: Those voting "Yes" Trustees Casey, Dannels, Herzog, McConnell and Watson. No none. Trustee McConnell tntroduccd the foliwoing entitled Ordinance and moved that it be passed and adopted: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 102 ENTITLED "AN oRBINANCE FIXING ND A PTING A SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR THE SERVICE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY BY THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK AND PRESCRIBING AND ADOPTING RULES AND REGULATIONS THEREFOR", PASSED AND ADOPTED DECEMBER 15, 1944 Said Ordinance was then read in full. Trustee Dannels seconded the motion. Upon roll call said motion passed by the foll ing vote: Those voting "Yee" Trustees Casey, Dannels, Herzog, McConnell and Watson. Those voting "No" none. Whereupon Mayor Graves declared said Ordinance duly passed and adopted, ordered it numbered 134 and published ecording to law. The Board authorized. Lee Tallant to lower a water main crossing Avenue A in Country—Caub M nnor. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was regularly meved, seconded and carried that the meeting adjourn. „„. Attent: