HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1935-06-2401 Cotun Of Coco Park, Larimer County, Colorado,. Ju" 34th 19 Minutes of a IJ, meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall On said Town of Estes Park on the ia.1t1a. day of.. j'''31e , A. D. at regular meeting hour. Meeting callled to order by Mayor„... Prank C. Bond Present: Mayor Fr An k 0. Bond Trustees:, 0 Byron Hail, 01 yda M. Lovp, Glen H, Pre st on , E. R- PAN ers and G . N. Roe kvie 11 Glor k Chas . E. Mix ; Absent Jo 1 s ore Minn tits s of re gul a r' meet ing he 1 d PM/1,y 13t3 , 1935 wAr A read en d a pproved au reed Tnro steel Rockme 11 mov od end Ttr. e e EIN ai se 0 ode d the mot ion, t hat the to 3„1...08,i9g bdlld be allowed an CIA rk be instructed to d r RW war ru s for same Bond k Co- , Inc Surveyldg Lloyd. Zeller , Labor Geo . Hall , Lob or Lou'i Hmlbbe 11, Lebo r Geri Larson, Labor Re yman d Hurt , Wages Ge( r 1 Hy al'ot Wa g eta 11 S Fogg Wagea Era nk 0 Bond, 6 u ry ey in g E Holto n , Mor shall HarryMaMehan Gle an in g Streets Lou: s Hubbell , Labor R, J Nettie t on , Coal Public Sery ide Conpen y ot 0 01 OT e do , El ectrici ty. Mine & Smelter Supply CO Ghl or in e and materials Hen ditle & Bolt hef f 3113 & Supply Co . Matel els Es t o s Park Lumbe r Go . , Lime Estes Fag k Drug Stella „ Mate rials Este s Par k Plural:mica , Plumbing and materials Seery's' Service Station, 0 1 Monahan Moto r Go Garage bill Brinkley Drug Co . Materiels Este s Par k. Trail , PuSd. 1913.303 and 5u pp lies a 77dwu 99 & Electric Shop , Ma te r i al 9 Geo . Hall , Lego r Carl. Lars on Labor C . F. Hoe c kel B B Liib . Go , Sup pl. ies Rooky Mount a i n Mbt or Go , Freight Mt . State s Tel . & Tel . Co . r e Ike H Tallant , Salary Lee H. Tel 1 nt E46one es to Man i cpu 1Lon gum: GAnvert ▪ Byo Ely , Salary Lee H. Tallent, Salary Go. t t Lobo r Ha r dxm 1 &4 Electric Sh r.an Mat eri el s Estes Park Tr11 1. , Publi sh in g Mon, ansan Mote r Go Oer a ge t ▪ t e Pori( Lumb er Co. , Mat a rA, elos Chn o Bast , Mat eriala Adagts Brother , Ins . Pipe, repairs Mt . States Tal & Tel . Co . , Service $16.50 9.50 51.00 77.00 66.50 96.25 .109.010 108.00 90.00 10.00 5.50 7.50 106.24 38.68' 14.46 4.29 1.76 7.57 7.50 73.87 2-10 4.85 42.27 5.1 . 7 5 81.75 21.19 1.91 87.50 15.00 30.00 87.50 6.00 3.65 4-60 6.18 2.54, 3.96 4, .67 Upon, r oll cell d mot on was ce 1 ip d by the following v ot e Yea , Trustee s , Hall Lou, 1. e 3 t 1.1. Riv or 5 8 nd ROC kwell- Nay , none . Mr , 5,1 Q SIR 7.."ember o f' tt)1. r Mt emVi y Beard from th is District, a nd Mi Oland e Vr rry nd LT , Fa y. E, Braina rd of the Es tes Park (i1,rn0 er of Co mm. er ce and his . Sa alix 1 Service oon d inoa Ea 1. Hon. dius c ramA, her ore ths me cting 11.1 d i se uss tne matter ot r o a 0 18, ovennnts in this community. . MA s u re, . F. J. Fr an c ,9 and 19 E . Gra oc ceum be f es o the meeting an d prs caret eda propos ed ordi rang A regulating the s 1) 11091i 1g end ol lac ti ng of f dame , negatives and other phet o gTe phi c materials trith in t e to wn WHERRUPON, said o rd inance was read and Trustee Rivera mov ed and Trustee Roc kwell o co n de.d the mht is n that sa idpro posed or dinan c e be s ent to the Town Attorney f or hi.s. opinion Up -on 3' (1 L 1 ci 1.1 1 so id. mot 1. n was wer ie 0 by the f oll ow ing v ote Yen, Trustees, Hell Loa.' Preston, 'Rivers ,1,191 Rs kwe 11 ; Nei, none 53 Colon of Cote% Park, Larimer County, Colorado, , 19 Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on The day of , A. D. 19 at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present, Mayor Trustees: Trustee Rockwell moved and Trusten Hall seo,nded the motion thout. RITlicatitn for liquor licono3d of Brinlley Drug Compony be approved— Ikon roll call seid motion wus cdrrind Lthe followinf vote: Yen, Trustees, Medi, Low, Preston, Rivers and Rockwell, Nay , non e TTu9 tee Rockwell moved eflt) Trustee Hall asonded the motion rct the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to buy a. new uonhform. fir Officer Fogg. Upon roll call sold motion wdo carried by the following vote: Yea , Tr 1h3 teea , Rail, Low, Pres t on , Rivera a.c) Rockwell. Nay, nUlle. There being .no forthgr builineso to come before. the meeting i1 wiz reguihrly molind, seconded. ann caoried f... 1 meeting Rdjouirn. ATTEST k