HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1934-10-29town of COMO Park, Larimer County, Colorado, October 29th, 34. Minutes of a, regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, ColotadoMeeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 29th day of October A. D. 19.34,at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayer Frank C. Bond Trustees: Hall, Preston, Rivers Present: Mayor Frank C. Bond and Rockwell; Clerk, Chas. F. Hix. Absent, Trustees, Jelsema and Low. Trustee Rivers moved and Trustee Rockwell seconded the motion that the following Resolution be passed and adopted: "Whereas, Mr. Ronald Brodie having recently resigned ae Chief of the Eetes Park Fire Department, and, therefore, the Board hereby extends to Mr. Brodie their sincere thanks and appreciation for the very effecient manner in which he conducted himself ae Chief of that Department? The above Resolution was unanim- ously passed and adopted. Trustee Preston moved and Trustee Hall seconded the motion that,so far as the Board of Trustees was concerned, Garry E. Casey, Assistant Chief of the Estes Park Fire Department be recognized as acting Chief, having the full powers of the Chief of the Department. Upon roll call said motion was carried by the following vote: Yea, Trustees, Hall, Preston, Rivers and Rockwell. Nay, none. Trustee Hall moved and Trustee Rivers seconded the motion that the Custodian of the Post Office be authorized to purchase the new equipment or Post Office.fixtures as per the recent request of Joseph B. Sella, Post Master. Upon roll call, said motion was carried by the following vote: Yea, Trustees, Hall, Preston, Rivers and Rockwell. Nay, none. Trustee Hall introduced an Ordinance entitled as follows: "An Ordinance making appropriations for the expenses and liabilities of the Town of Estes Park, beginning April let, 19351 whereupon said Ordinance was read in full. Trustee Preston moved and Trustee Rivers seconded the motion that said Ordinance be passed and adopted and published according to law and that said Ordinance be numb red 72. U_on roll call said motion was carried by the following vote: Yea, Trustees, Hall, Preston, Rivers and Rockwell. Nay, none. Trustee Preston introduced an Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance in relation to taxes for the year 19347 whereupon said Ordinance was read in full and Trustee Rockwell moved and Trustee Hall seconded the motion that said Ordinance be passed and adopted and published according to law and that said Ordinance be numbered 73. Upon roll call said motion was carried by the following vote: Yea, Trustees, Hall, Preston, Rivers and Rockwell. Nay, none. There being no further business to come before the meeting it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that meeting adjourn. ATTEST: eilkand ReoOrder