HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Parks Advisory Board 2017-07-20 Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, July 20, 2017 Minutes of a regular meeting of the Parks Advisory Board of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Executive Board Room of the Estes Park Events Center on the 20th day of July, 2017. Prese Carlie Bangs Terry Rustin Celine Lebeau Merle Moore Vicki Papineau Also Present: Craig Soderberg, Estes Arts District Greg Muhonen, Director of Public Works Brian Berg, Parks Division Supervisor Kevin McEachern, Operations Manager Karen Thompson, Community Development Executive Assistant Patrick Martchink, Town Board Liaison Absent: Ronna Boles, Dewain Lockwood Chair Lebeau called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENT Craig Soderberg provided an Estes Arts District (EAD) update. He stated the First Friday Art Groove is held from 5-8 p.m., and they are trying to get galleries and participants to use the networking they have in place. They are promoting art as an economic driver and wanting retailers to collaborate. A map of this event is on the website. The Dick Orleans music festival was in June, and one of the goals from that event is to encourage performers and musicians to see how they can be part of the community. Snowy Grass is coming this Saturday to Baldwin Park. The kids’ program starts at 10am and performances will be from 11am-5pm. EAD and Partners for Commerce are collaborating on a regular event that replaces Business After Hours on the third Thursday of each month, and will be held at The Barrel this month. Soderberg stated there is a sculpture map on the EAD website. Member Papineau would like the Arts District to give some of their printed maps to the Visitor Center. Co-Chair Moore would like to see a link to the Arts District on the Town website. Soderberg will contact Megan Van Hoozer to request the link be added to the PAB web page. The EAD is also working with the gallery in Allenspark to let people know it’s more than just Estes. GENERAL BUSINESS It was moved and seconded (Papineau/Bangs) to approve the June 15, 2017 meeting minutes and the motion passed unanimously. DOWNTOWN LOOP UPDATE – Corey Lang Parks Advisory Board – July 20, 2017 – Page 2 The Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) has been received. The acquisition and Right-of-Way phase of the Downtown Loop project has begun and CDOT is initiating conversations with the seven affected property owners. The design phase of this project has reached 30% completion. Lang brought maps to the meeting for the Board to review. Comments included, but were not limited to: - An additional pedestrian crossing will be placed on Moraine near the Davis parking lot. - The existing Riverwalk by Baldwin Park will remain, and will tie into new sidewalk. - The small parking area directly south of the Post Office would be replaced with a picnic and plaza area. - Sidewalk will be widened to 10 feet beside Post Office parking lot. - There is the possibility of a pedestrian bridge at Ivy Street. - In moving plaza area between Baldwin Park and the Post Office, they would transplant what they could and also recycle existing materials and put them in the new location. - Member Bangs stated it would be nice to see some splash pads in that area – possibly near the playground, and recommended the group visit the new river area in Lyons, paying special attention to the family-friendly areas. She is hesitant to remove the playground area near the restrooms at the confluence. Something “extra” at Baldwin Park directed toward kids and families would be beneficial to community sentiment. - There was discussion about the natural areas that are existing, and whether or not to remove or manicure them. Additional seating in the natural areas would be nice. - A member suggested moving the pedestrian crossing by the existing restrooms closer to Elkhorn. - There was discussion about shuttle stops along the new Riverside Drive and the potential of making a shuttle stop near Picadilly Square to benefit those businesses and the Tramway. - Director Muhonen stated ideas would be welcomed regarding a streetscape opportunity at the southwest corner of Elkhorn and Riverside. There will be some parallel parking along Moraine Ave heading out of town. - Member Papineau would like to see the children’s park area expanded to include picnic tables. - Soderberg stated signage and art can go together near the roundabout and in children’s areas. There are several communities that merge wayfinding and art (Salida did it). Director Muhonen requested that Soderberg talk to the Downtown Plan people about that idea. - Member Moore recommended making sure there is electrical conduit placed in those areas for future use. - Trustee Liaison Martchink would like to see continuity in the railings. Also using the same colors/materials as the parking garage; using the same type of planters, seating areas, etc. to keep the continuity. PARKS DIVISION UPDATE Supervisor Berg stated the Parks crew is finishing up the Knoll-Willows property; including closing access to the user-created trails by placing dead wood there. All is on track for the August 5 (80517) grand opening. A large 45-sq. ft. centennial logo will be stenciled on the grass at Bond Park. Parks Advisory Board – July 20, 2017 – Page 3 Veteran’s Monument shelter update: The Sanitation District needs to do some work under the river this fall so the Parks Department will not be doing any work there until that has been completed. There was discussion regarding the existing picnic shelter near the highway, and whether or not it would be worth moving across the river. Comments included asking a civic organization to fund a new shelter; not enough room to have a full park, but two shelters would be great; suggested to tie in the shelter design with the shelter at Bond Park. Supervisor Berg stated he was hoping more would have been done with the bank stabilization project across the river from the Visitor Center. Comments regarding sidewalk art included, but were not limited to: if the process becomes too cumbersome then some creativity will be lost and people won’t contribute; a three-month process for sidewalk art is too long; revisions may be needed to the application; the policy had to be rewritten because of multiple “kinks” that prolonged the process; some additional preliminary information from the applicant would be helpful. Member Rustin congratulated Director Muhonen on getting the parking garage completed. OTHER BUSINESS None. With no other business to discuss, Chair LeBeau adjourned the meeting at 10:02 a.m.