HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Parks Advisory Board 2014-09-18 Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, September 18th, 2014 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Parks Advisory Board of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall Room 202, in said Town of Estes Park on the 18th day of September, 2014. Present: Dewain Lockwood Merle Moore Ronna Boles Chris Reed Celine Lebeau Also Present: Greg Muhonen, Public Works Director Kevin McEachern, Public Works Operations Manager Jen Imber, Public Works Administrative Assistant Bob Holcomb, Town Board Trustee Russ Franklin, Parks Supervisor Absent: Terry Rustin Kevin McEachern called the meeting to order at 4:04 p.m. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Three new members were welcomed to the board, with two of them in attendance at the September meeting. Ronna Boles and Merle Moore introduced themselves and gave a brief overview of their related experience and interest in the board. The third new member, Terry Rustin, looks forward to meeting the board at the October meeting. APPROVAL OF NEW BYLAWS The bylaws for the Parks Advisory Board were reviewed by members. Minor amendments were proposed to Section III, A and Section VII, A. A motion was made (Moore/Lockwood) to approve the bylaws with amendments, with all voting in favor. BUDGET APPROVAL FOR PURCHASE OF TREES Manager McEachern reported on 2014 Parks Advisory Board budget. One of the requirements for Tree City USA the Town must spend $2 per capita toward planting, care and removal of city trees. This budget must be tracked and spent appropriately by the Parks Advisory Board. Manager McEachern will provide a report of 2014 expenditures, as well as the proposed 2015 budget, at the October meeting. POLICY & PROCEDURE A priority for the Parks Advisory Board is the creation of an Art in Public Places policy. Director Muhonen led a discussion on the PAB’s responsibility in this process. PAB members felt it would be most productive for staff to research and collect sample policies to provide as examples. PAB members could then provide input on individual elements that would work well for the Town’s policy. Director Muhonen and staff will develop a schedule for completion, with the process resulting in an art ordinance and policy to recommend to the Town Board. The creation of a tree care ordinance is also needed, but less urgent, as policies currently exist that can be expanded on when needed. 511 W. ELKHORN AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS A townhome development along West Elkhorn has requested the Town-owned sidewalk area along their private property be improved. The new property owner is putting millions into redeveloping his property and would like the Town to invest in improvements for the area instead of keeping it in a natural state. Budget money would be needed for improvements and additional annual money for maintenance would also be required. The Town is seeking suggestions from the PAB on upgrades to this location. Bob Holcomb suggested adding it as a Town Board Study Session item if PAB Parks Advisory Board – September 18th, 2014 – Page 2 is in favor of these improvements. Director Muhonen asked PAB members to walk the area and consider options to be discussed at the October meeting. OTHER BUSINESS A new meeting time of 12:30 pm on the third Thursday of the month was proposed. A motion was made (Reed/Lebeau) to change the time of the meeting to 12:30 pm on the third Thursday of each month, with voting in favor. Manager McEachern spoke to the need of the Parks Advisory Board to elect a chair and co-chair of the board. All members were asked to consider serving in these roles, with an election of officers to be voted on at the October meeting. With no other business to discuss, a motion was made (Boles/Lockwood) to adjourn the meeting at 4:58 pm, with all voting in favor.