HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1974-08-12N?23 Joftrn of tcs ]jiarh,Larimer County,Colorado ?..2.19.7!’... Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Pork,Lorimer County,Colorado Meeting held in the Town Hall in sold Town of Estes Pork on the ...i..Zt.h doy of &ig.u.S.t A.D.19.74.at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Moyor ...k1PTFX . Present:Mayor Harry B.Tregent Trustees:Robert E.Burgess)H.Bernerd flannels,N.T.Petrocine,Glenn Prosser,Rollen Sutter,Robert E. Wagner Also Present:Town Administrator and Clerk Dale G.Hill and Town Attorney Ernest C.Hartwell Absent:None Minutes of a regular meeting held on July 22,1974,were read and approved as read. Trustee Robert E.Burgess moved the following bills be allowed and paid and the Clerk be authorized to draw warrants for same.(A Certified copy of the bills read and allowed are on file in the office of the Town Clerk under this date and made a part of the record of these proceedings by reference thereto.) Trustee Robert B.Wagner seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes.Those voting “Yes”Trustees Robert E.Burgess,H.Bernerd flannels,N.T.Petrocine,Glenn Prosser,Rollen Sutter,Robert E.Wagner,Those voting “No”none. Ms.Elaine Goldberg appeared before the Board representing the National Organi zation For Women (Now)and requested the group be allowed to use Bond Park on August 31st and September 1st for an Art Exhibit.Ms.Goldberg also requested the entries be allowed to sell their exhibits in the park.After a short dis cussion of the past uses of Bond Park,Trustee N.T.Petrocine moved the requests be granted.Trustee Burgess seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. Mr.and Mrs.John Green of Greeley appeared before the Board requesting they be allowed to set up an “Auction Business”inside the Estes Park Town limits. The Greens stated their auctions dealt with antiques,art works and various other higher quality merchandise,and that they would not be in the business of auctioning off any type of TTjunk”merchandise.Because the Estes Park Municipal Code does not provide for zoning of an “Auction Business”,Mayor Harry B.Tregent referred the matter to the Planning Connuission for recommendation. Trustee N.T.Petrocine,Chairman of the Administrative Committee,read the minutes of a meeting held on July 30,1974,and moved the minutes be approved. Trustee Robert E.Wagner seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion unani mously carried. Trustee N.T.Petrocine,Chairman of the Light &Power Committee,read the minutes of a meeting held on July 31,1974,and moved the minutes be approved. Trustee Robert B.Burgess seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion unani mously carried. Trustee N.T.Petrocine introduced and the Clerk read in full the following entitled ordinance and Trustee Petrocine moved the ordinance be approved on first reading: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 13.12 OF ThE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO,THE SAME PERTAINING TO THE LIGHT AND POWER RATE SCHEDULES CONTAINING CHARGES FOR THE SERVICE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY BY THE LIGHT AND POWER DEPARTMENT OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO. Trustee Robert B.Burgess seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes.Those voting “Yes”Trustees H.Bernerd flannels,N.T. Petrocine,Glenn Prosser,Rollen Sutter,Robert E.Wagner,Robert E.Burgess. Those voting “No”none. N?24 oftrn of istes 1arh,Larimer County,Colorado,.....&‘..?H.19?. Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado Meeting held in the Town Hall in sold Town of Estes Park on the day of A.D.1 9....at regular meeting hour. Meeting coiled to order by Mayor Present:Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: Trustee Glenn Prosser,Chairman of the Water Committee,read the minutes of the meeting held on August 5,1974,and moved the minutes be approved.Trustee H.Bernerd Dannel seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. - Town Attorney Ernest G.Hartwell advised the Board of the current status of the Six Cities Water Allotments and reviewed with the Board a letter dated August 9,1974,from Hammond and Chilson,Attorneys at Law,regarding the Six Cities Water Problem and five points which the municipalities should be aware of concerning the water allotments.After the explanation by Mr.Hartwell,it was decided the Board take a vote on the five points brought out in the letter. Trustee Glenn Prosser moved the Board answer “Yes”to all five questions.Trustee Rollen Sutter seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. Trustee Robert B.Wagner,Chairman of the Advertising and Public Relations Committee,read the minutes of the meeting held on August 7,1974,and moved the minutes be approved. Trustee H.Bernerd flannels,Chairman of the Public Works Committee,read the minutes of the meeting held on August 7,1974,and moved the minutes be approved subject to the deletion of the paragraph regarding the James McIntyre Road. Attorney Joe Jenkins appeared before the Board,representing Mr.Frank Williams in his petition for Town maintenance of James McIntyre Road,and requested the Board delay any final ruling as recommended by the Public Works Committee until such time that further evidence could be furnished the Board on behalf of Mr. Williams. Town Attorney Ernest G.Hartwell also advised the Board that a final decision should not be made until information is received from the State Highway Depart ment concerning their abandonment of the road and the status of the road at that time. Trustee Glenn Prosser seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. The Clerk submitted a letter from Village Maintenance Service and a proposed Janitorial Service Contract for the Board’s consideration.The new contract calls for a net increase of $.02 per square foot due to the increasing cost of living expense.After deliberation,Trustee N.T.Petrocine moved the new contract be accepted.Trustee Rollen Sutter seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes.Those voting “Yes”Trustees N.T.Petrocine,Glenn Prosser,Rollen Sutter,Robert B.Wagner,Robert B.Burgess, H.Bernerd flannels.Those voting “No”none. Trustee Robert S.Burgess,Chairman of the Public Safety Committee,read the minutes of the meeting held on August 9,1974,and moved the minutes be approved. After discussion of the various items contained in the minutes,Trustee Rollen Sutter seconded the motion.Upon roll call the notion unanimously carried. Trustee H.Bernerd Dannels introduced the following Resolution and moved it be passed and adopted: N?25 ‘fl5Jfl Of 9$IC5 liJarit,lnrimer County,Colorado.19. Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Lorimer County,Colorado Meeting held in the Town Hall in sold Town of Estes Park on the day of A.D.19...at regular meeting hour. Meeting coiled to order by Mayor Present:Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent: RESOLUTION WHEREAS,unforeseen conditions have developed within the Revenue Sharing Fund,and; WHEREAS,said conditions will continue unless additional funds are provided in the budget for the year 1974,and; WHEREAS,sufficient funds for a “Rubber Tire Loader”were not provided in the 1974 budget,and; WHEREAS,the Board of Trustees believes an emergency exists which could not have reasonably been foreseen at the time of the adoption of the budget for the year 1974,NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO: That the sum of $23,000.00 for a “Rubber Tire Loader”be expended for the Revenue Sharing receipts of 1974. Trustee Glenn Prosser seconded the notion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes.Those voting “Yes”Trustees Glenn Prosser,Rollen Sutter, Robert E.Wagner,Robert E.Burgess,H.Bernerd Dannels,N.T.Petrocine.Those voting “No”none. Trustee Rollen Sutter introduced the following Resolution and moved it be passed and adopted: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO: That the Mayor is hereby authorized to request permission from the Division of Local Government to levy a mill levy that will return $50,000 to the Town of Estes Park in the year 1975. Trustee Robert E.Wagner seconded the motion.Upon roll call the motion passed by the following votes.Those voting “Yes”Trustees Rollen Sutter,Robert E. Wagner,Robert E.Burgess,H.Bernerd Dannels,N.T.Petrocine,Glenn Prosser, Those voting “No”none. Engineer Van Horn appeared before the Board in reference to a letter from Dr.S.Lucille Hatlestad,owner of Rocking Chair Crafters.Ms.Hatlestad’s concern is the legality of an operation by Scott Designs located beneath her gift house.In her letter,Ms.Hatlestad called the Board’s attention to ordinances pertaining to the storage of inflammable liquids and toxic fumes. Mr.Van Horn stated that both he and Mr.Baranway,the Building Inspector,had visited the Scott Designs premises at several unannounced times and had not found the operation to be in violation of any ordinances. Mayor Harry B.Tregent asked Mr.Van Horn to continue to monitor the situation and advise the Board of any further developments. N9 26 ‘tnftin of 52151C5 1Urk,Larimer County,Colorodo .19. Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Lorimer County,Colorado Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the day of A.D.19....at regular meeting hour. Meeting called to order by Mayor Present:Mayor Trustees: Also Present: Absent, The Clerk advised the Board of a new Youth Service Bureau to be established in Estes Park.Space for the Bureau will be provided by the County and Town in the County Health facility located on the second floor of the Municipal Building. The Bureau will consist of a Youth Director and Secretary and will be advised by a Committee consisting of the Estes Park Clergy,youth,County Commissioner Bill Lopezand a member of the Board of Trustees.The Bureau is set up to assist any person or persons with problems such as drugs,health,etc. Mayor Harry B.Tregent appointed Trustee Robert E.Burgess as the Board’s member to the Advisory Committee. The Clerk read a letter to the Board from Film Director John Vasey,stating that due to arising proplems,he will not be continuing plans for the filming of a twenty minute film in Bond Park the latter part of August.Mr.Vasey hopes to be able to shoot the film in Estes Park next summer. There being no further business,it was regularly moved,seconded and carried the meeting adjourn. Town Administrator and Clerk