HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Budget Study Session 2012-10-12 Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, October 12, 2012
Minutes of a Regular meeting of the TOWN BOARD BUDGET STUDY
SESSION of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado.
Meeting held at Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 12th day
of October, 2012.
Board: Mayor Pinkham, Trustees Blackhurst, Elrod, Ericson,
Koenig, Norris and Phipps
Attending: All
Also Attending: Town Administrator Lancaster, Assistant Town Administrator
Richardson, Finance Officer McFarland, Chief Kufeld,
Directors Chilcott and Zurn, Coordinator Winslow, and Town
Clerk Williamson
Absent: None
Mayor Pinkham called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.
Finance Officer McFarland stated after the discussion of the museum storage facility
funding at the October 5, 2012 budget study session, staff has revised the CRF to hold
the current set aside funding of $200,000 and not budget additional funding in 2013.
The department provides planning services for the entire Estes Valley and building
safety services for properties within Town limits. Planning has included the addition of a
Code Compliance Officer/ Planner I position for 2013; hiring a consultant to organize
and update geographic data to improve public access of information; analyze
population, housing, land use, economic date and trends to assist in future decision-
making; and continue outreach to enhance Planning and Building Safety services with
the assistance of a customer service consultant. Revenues have been increase slightly
in 2013 with an increase in development, and personnel costs increase with a
promotion of Planner II to a Senior Planner and the addition of the proposed position.
The division has a goal to answer questions within 1 to 2 business days, which currently
is not feasible with the current staff levels.
Protective Inspection (Building) has seen an increase in permit activity for the third
straight year with a corresponding increase in revenues for 2013. The construction
focus has been on commercial development, redevelopment and the continuation of
projects stalled during the economic downturn. The commercial construction has
moved away from condominium development for vacation homes. Personnel levels
decreased in 2012 with the vacancy in the Plans Examiner position earlier in the year.
The position was recently filled with a Senior Building Permit Technician. It was
determined the work performed by the Plans Examiner was more in line with a Permit
Technician. This change has shifted workloads in the department with the Chief
Building Official completing plans examines. O&M increases in 2013 to hire a seasonal
intern to assist with an increase in permits during the summer, fund improvements to
the Town’s addressing system and purchase of a color scanner to facilitate the creation
of digital files.
In past years organizations requesting funding through the community service grants
have been given the opportunity to address the Board during the budget study session.
This year the organizations have been directed to come to the first Budget hearing on
November 13th to provide comment. Finance Officer McFarland stated the grant
Town Board Budget Study Session – October 12, 2012 – Page 2
funding has remained flat in 2013 with a reduction in funding to Sister Cities and Estes
Park Housing Authority. Trustees Ericson and Koenig and Town Administrator
Lancaster met to review grant applications and reviewed each to determine the number
of people served and affected by the services provided. A few applications were denied
because it was determined local government should not fund other government entities
or faith based programs. The review team also discussed the continued funding of the
arts once the performing art theater has been completed. Specific funding by category
is outlined below with funding totaling $267,400 as follows:
The Board requested funding allocated for the EALA Winterfest event be moved
to the Special Event division in order to provide full funding in January during the
event versus the quarterly payments for grants awarded.
Trustee Elrod stated a number of items paid for through the Contingency line item in
Legislative should be included in the Community Services Grants such as the
sponsorship for Cultural Arts Council, Winterfest, American Legion Scholarship, Duck
Race sponsorship, etc. Mayor Pinkham stated a number of these expenses are not
known by the organizations by the time the Town is preparing the next year’s budget. It
was proposed the Contingency fund be renamed the Mayor’s Discretionary fund
as the requests are made directly to the Mayor. The issue would be discussed
further during the development of policy governance.
The Police Department includes services for Patrol, Support Services, and Community
Services divisions. Total revenue for 2013 of $222,567 has decreased due to the lack
of grants to offset the Restorative Justice case worker position. In 2013, the department
reorganization would include the reinstatement of a vacant Police Officer position
placed on hold since 2005, addition of a Communications Supervisor in dispatch,
reestablish sworn Sergeant in patrol and create an Administrative Sergeant position,
funding of half of Restorative Justice Case Worker not funded by grants, and reinstate
Arts & Education:
Art Center of Estes Park, $500
Chamber Music Society, $700
Cultural Arts Council, $500
Estes Park Repertoire Theater Company, $700
Estes Park Lodging Association, $5,000
Estes Land Stewardship, $250
Estes Valley Historical Preservation, $1,000
Estes Valley Library Foundation, $4,000
Estes Park Village Band, $1,000
Oratorio Society of Estes Park, $500
Special Transit, $28,500
Estes Park Housing Authority, $111,000
Habitat for Humanity, $5,000
Estes Park Learning Place, $3,000
Estes Valley Investment in Childhood Success, $30,000
Partners of Estes Park, $4,500
Food Tax Refund $17,500
Human Services:
Audio Information Network of CO, $250
Crossroads, $20,000
Estes Park Nonprofit Resource Center, $5,000
E.P. Salud, $20,000
Estes Valley Victim Advocates, $5,000
Sister Cities Int’l. Conf. Student Participation, $3,500 $3,500
Town Board Budget Study Session – October 12, 2012 – Page 3
fourth Community Services Officer during the summer. The addition of personnel
increases expenses as well as an increase in IT services, purchase of tablets for patrol
vehicles replacing the current laptops in an effort to lower worker compensation claims
seen in the industry, replacement of a number of vehicles, purchase of in car cameras,
and an increase in training for the officers. Additional changes include the removal of
funding from LETA in the future as they move toward providing departments with credit
cards to fund appropriate purchased throughout the year; the allocation for a
Community Resource Officer, however, the school has requested the officer not be
present until the School District can determine how to fund the position; and the review
of appropriate charges for special event services.
Mayor Pinkham called for a five minute break at 9:35 a.m. and resumed the meeting at
9:50 a.m.
• Buildings – Manages 20 Town owned structures and maintenance contracts for
janitorial services and other systems. The division would add a Facilities
Manager in 2013, increase janitorial services for both Town Hall and public
restrooms, conduct a system wide facility assessment, and design and
construction oversight of Public Works and Utilities office remodel. Revenues
increase with the addition of the Rocky Mountain Park Inn food and beverage
concession funds moved from Community Services. The Board requested staff
review building rents to ensure rates reflect fair market value.
• Engineering – Projects for 2013 include the development of a standards manual
compatible with Larimer County to be used by consultants and contractors
working on Town projects; public education for the development of alternative
funding methods for the sustainability and maintenance of public infrastructure,
streets and storm drainage; funding pavement index update; development and
implementation of Elm Road leachate; and the design for the reconstruction of
Dry Gulch in 2014. The Board requested information on the street
conditions and funding needed to reach 80% street index rating by 2017.
• Streets – In 2013 revenues are estimated slightly lower than 2012 levels with
decrease in expense as STIP projects and funding are moved to CRF. The
division has budgeted for the purchase of a mini excavator for small projects,
purchase of a hydraulic snowblade attachment for parking lot snow removal, and
purchase of replacement vehicles. Director Zurn stated the mandate to replace
street signs with reflective signs was removed and changed to a
recommendation. Staff continues to change out signs that are damaged or worn
out with proper signage. Staff would review the appropriateness of
purchasing the excavator from the Vehicle Replacement fund. Discussion
followed on the appropriate level of funding for the STIP, whether or not the fund
balance should be decreased to 25% to fund STIP at $800,000 to $900,000, and
the need to fund the STIP to meet the Board objectives for 2013. The Board
requested staff review options and present proposed STIP funding for
• Parks – The division’s expenses increase slightly in 2013 with a slight increase
in personnel costs with O&M remaining flat. Staff would continue to work on
Bond Park landscape areas; assist in the design and development of the next
Bond Park phase; and oversee design and construction of the irrigation system
at the fairgrounds and continue to investigate and mitigate trash issue as it
relates to bears. Staff has also proposed a new Art in the Park program in 2013
along the trail system. Administrator Lancaster stated a public art policy would
be forth coming in the near future to outline the type of art that would be
accepted by the Town and how art would be maintained. Mayor Pro Tem
Blackhurst questioned the addition of funding for a children’s play area in the
next phase of Bond Park as the Stakeholder Committee had requested the
Town Board Budget Study Session – October 12, 2012 – Page 4
removal of the item because it reduces the flexibility of the area and would date
the improvements to the park.
2013 transfers from the General Fund include a $800,000 transfer to the Community
Reinvestment Fund, $435,000 to CRF for STIP funding, $35,000 to CRF for Public
Works and Utilities office remodel and $1.9 million to the Community Services Fund.
This fund contains revenues from the State lottery and is used to fund bark beetle
management, weed mitigation and tree replacement for Arbor Day. The capital includes
the family play area in Bond Park which will be reviewed to determine if it should be
included in the budget.
The Open Space Fund reflects the Town’s portion of a one-quarter of 1% sales tax
increase that was passed by Larimer County voters in 1996. The funds are for trails
and open space purchases and maintenance; the Fund will sunset in 2018. Revenues
in the amount of $260,000 are estimated for 2013, with expenses totaling $262,561.
The budget for this Fund contains expenditures of $225,000 for Bond Park
The Board discussed the proposed format for 2013 with comments summarized: Mayor
Pro Tem Blackhurst contended the fund was developed to address funding for new
capital projects requiring long term financing and not maintenance items; it was
suggested a separate fund for capital maintenance be developed rather than lumping
them into the CRF; Trustees Ericson and Norris stated placing all capital improvements
in one fund has improved the visibility to the Board and the public on the overall capital
needs of the Town and aids in the Boards prioritizing items; Trustee Norris suggested
subheading be placed in the fund to identify the projects that are required legally,
community reinvestment projects, capital versus maintenance, etc.; Mayor Pro Tem
Blackhurst stated routine and maintenance items from individual department funds have
been moved into the CRF and the items don’t belong in the fund; and Trustee Koenig
stated the fund has lost its integrity and the flow of money is difficult to discern.
Administrator Lancaster recommended staff continue to develop the fund with the Board
suggestions, while maintaining the integrity of the fund, and viewing all capital projects
in one fund.
The Board discussed the request by the LMD for 2013 and is summarized: the Town
should invest in street and fairground improvements; the LMD has seen an
approximately 19% increase in revenues; the LMD has spent $75,000 of its emergency
reserves that could be replaced by the Town; the LMD has chosen to write a deficit
budget and the Town should not cover the additional expenditures; Town provided
funding in 2012 to complete branding with the understanding additional funding
requests would not be forthcoming; and the $50,000 funding would be for the new
website. The Board consensus was to provide no funding in 2013.
There being no further business, Mayor Pinkham adjourned the meeting at 12:05 p.m.
Jackie Williamson, Town Clerk