HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2019-01-08 Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, January 8, 2019 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 8th day of January, 2019. Present: Todd Jirsa, Mayor Cody Walker, Mayor Pro Tem Trustees Carlie Bangs Marie Cenac Patrick Martchink Ron Norris Ken Zornes Also Present: Frank Lancaster, Town Administrator Travis Machalek, Assistant Town Administrator Kimberly Disney, Recording Secretary Absent: Greg White, Town Attorney Mayor Jirsa called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and all desiring to do so, recited the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA APPROVAL. It was moved and seconded (Cenac/Norris) to approve the Agenda with the addition of the Local Marketing District Board Reappointment of Sean Jurgens and Local Marketing District Interview Committee Appointment, and it passed unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENTS. Nancy Almond/County citizen and Director of Estes Valley Investment in Childhood Success (EVICS) provided an update on childcare facilities in Estes Park. She stated the two full day childcare centers reached capacity and have been short staffed which has limited the number of children able to be enrolled. A home licensed childcare provider, the only type of childcare provider for infants in Estes Park, recently had a family emergency which affected five families with infants. The Childcare Assistance Program remains on a two year wait list, and EVICS has provided scholarships for 11 children who should be recipients of the Childcare Assistance Program. EVICS anticipates receiving a Community Innovation Grant from United Way of Larimer County. She thanked Trustee Bangs for her work and contributions at EVICS. TOWN BOARD COMMENTS Trustee Bangs thanked Nancy Almond and EVICS for the opportunity. The Childcare and Workforce Housing Ad-Hoc Task Force met, and had preliminary discussion on potential stakeholders, partners and communication with the Board and community. The Transportation Advisory Board met and discussed trails, connectivity, safe streets along Graves Avenue and Highway 7 and different technologies to be used with the Parking Management Plan, such as license plate recognition systems. Trustee Norris stated the Estes Valley Planning Commission would meet January 15, 2019 and would discuss holding meetings in the late afternoon to early evening. The Family Advisory Board elected Laurie Dale Marshall as Chair and Rachel Balduzzi as Vice-Chair, three FAB Board openings would be posted soon for appointment. He also spoke on the Childcare and Workforce Housing Ad-Hoc Task Force stating criteria would be presented to the Board regarding focus areas, funding options and plans for public engagement and outreach. Board of Trustees – January 8, 2019 – Page 2 Trustee Zornes would be attending the first meeting of the Larimer County Mental Health Initiative Policy Council, and the Wasteshed Regional Policy Advisory Committee would meet January 18, 2019. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR REPORT. Town Administrator Lancaster stated the Leadership Team has discussed responses and contingency plans to the government shutdown. The economic health of the Town has been tied to Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) and it would be prudent to examine revenue impacts to the Town. They discussed the options of placing a hold on capital purchases, capital projects not funded by grants, and new hiring. They also discussed the impacts the shutdown would have on the community and RMNP employees; and option of waiving late charges and interest fees on utility bills. CONSENT AGENDA: 1. Bills. 2. Town Board Minutes dated December 11, 2018 and Town Board Study Session Minutes dated December 11, 2018. 3. Family Advisory Board Minutes dated November 1, 2018 (acknowledgement only). 4. Parks Advisory Board (PAB) Bylaw Update. 5. Resolution #01-19 Public Posting Area Designation. It was moved and seconded (Bangs/Walker) to approve the Consent Agenda, and it passed unanimously. ACTION ITEMS: 1. ORDINANCE #01-19 AMENDMENTS TO THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE (IRC). It was moved and seconded (Walker/Norris) to Continue Ordinance #01-19 to January 22, 2019, and it passed unanimously. 2. LOCAL MARKETING DISTRICT BOARD APPOINTMENT – SEAN JURGENS, REAPPOINTMENT, TERM EXPIRING DECEMBER 31, 2022. Mayor Jirsa presented the reappointment of Sean Jurgens to the Local Marketing District (LMD) Board. It was moved and seconded (Jirsa/Cenac) to reappoint Sean Jurgens to the Local Marketing District Board for a 4-year term expiring December 31, 2022, and it passed unanimously. 3. LOCAL MARKETING DISTRICT INTERVIEW COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT. Mayor Jirsa presented the appointment of two Board members to the LMD Interview Committee and suggested himself and Trustee Cenac be appointed. It was moved and seconded (Walker/Norris) to appoint Mayor Jirsa and Trustee Cenac to the Local Marketing District Interview Committee, and it passed unanimously. Whereupon Mayor Jirsa adjourned the meeting at 7:19 p.m. Todd Jirsa, Mayor Kimberly Disney, Recording Secretary