HomeMy WebLinkAboutSITE PLAN 1240 Holiday Ln 2018-05-22Project No. 1240HOL|DAY Address: 12/io Hotidoy Ln, Estes Pork, co 60517 IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE TO:Title lhm.Locotioncortificoteisnotolondsuru€yplotorimprov.ment8urysy.plot' ond th;t it is-not to bc rclied upon for th€ estoblishmcnt of fence, building, or othcr futurc improvemmt lims. i tu*frsi cerilfu thot the improveinents on the her€on d€scrib€d pqrcel gn th€ dote shom hereon, excePt utili9I further certlfi thot the improveinents on the her€on d€scrib€d porcel on the dote ehom h:*tl' :i::4-1qi9- connections, oie ontirely witiin the boundorica of the Porc€l,.sxcept os shown, thot there orc no encroochm€nts ir.iri-irti otslriu& onimlaee by ihJrweminti on onv'odjolning piomises, excoPt os lndimted, ond thot thero i6 ;51p;;;;i;;;""5'ii i,l'"lr iiyiJii.i"t "-"sins 6r buioinine ony port'of Eoid pqrcot, scept os not€d. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 8, Esquire Acres Subdivision of Lot 8, South St. Vroin Addition to the Town of Estes Pork, County of Lorimer, Stote of Colorodo.+ NORTH sc"cl."E l' - Jo ' IEGEND: {}-- _---- wooD FENCE -RDEUTY NA'Tlof|AL IIILE COMPANY RLE NO: 580-F0610o64-382-CF2 NO'TICE: ACCORDINC TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUSI COililENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED uPoN ANY DEFECT lN Tl-lls S{JR\€Y WIIHIN IHREE YEARS AFTER YOU nlST DISCoIER-SUCH DETECT. lN ON evENT MAY ANY ACTION BASED UP9! 4r OEFSCT lN lHlS SUR\EY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN IEN YEARS FORM 'ITIE OAIE OF THE CER'IRCAIION SHOWN HEREON. Dote: 5/22/2018,Jeon A.Dooud P.L-S- 37946 AZIMUTH SURVEYTNG, INC CONSTRUCTION BOUNDARY . CADD DMFflNG BROoMFIELD, COLORADO 800J8 o (3OJ) 450-5455 (PH) (503) 450-5,$5 (FAX) HOLIDAY LANE(osPholt) 5U r-O.W P.O.BOX 528