HomeMy WebLinkAboutLETTER Rim Joist 1442 Matthew Cir 2020-02-20Town of Estes Park
Department of Building Safety permi亡#:
170 MacGregor Ave
Suite 230
Estes Pa「k CO, 80与17
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Descriptio唖ぐしceR`両前fo“S定串淀o生高時ttJLc'C\封‘ht i占u揖吋・長・〆高…叫odβ手鞠函 一`きざ( ●(シ♂′」 .のrヽ ヽ
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ContactName:S↑u食f「/,憎,^主e子 巨maiI:訪い-ぐで@人′爪.ふれ私人高山
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1 宇山三品「帥もれ11云 諸方・刀)才、ハスつる 尋幽魂@」任つタ、ゼうんノ払,Y旬乍ヌ濃
2 a t 有∴∴r
ScluareFootage Main戸lr: NeworTenantFinishOniv Commercial
βes肘en亡iαl She=OnIy
AddFlrs: OneFamiIy ○○_葛__丁enantFinish
Basement: Muiti-FamiIy: Remodei/Addition
CrawIspace: #ofUnits: NewBuilding
Decks: Hotel,Motel,Dormitory: Sign
CoveredPorch: 椿ofUnits SprinkIer:□Yes □ No
Garageこ Garage Occupancv
Othe「: Attached/Detached CIassificati0n:
棚is七色看鵜a門eous Patio ConstructionType:_
Plumb i噂 Gas A龍a6hed/DetaGhed Sepa輪ted/Non-Seperated
Mechanicai Roof Basement:Partia /戸u= ConstructionTvDe
Grading Soiar Finished/Unfinis hed W○○d
Windows Other FirepIace StructuraiSteeI
_Firepa Ce Othe置 Masonry
Demolition #ofBedrooms: Other
SitePian: #Fu=Bath: Valuation:
StatePermit: AsbestosPermit: #1/2Bath:_腿/4Bath: TotalFees:
A師CantSignatu.c,」ナ多彩" AムzfZ.±ィ 。a,e.アユ侵。
Bu囲ingOff iciaiSjg露ufr4’〆 7 Date:
書、千{ ̄
2-1 9-2020
Ms. Ca「oi P「ince.
1441 Mathews Circie’
Estes Park, CO 8e517
巴O: Box 3666 ・
Estes Pa「k, CQ 80517
970-577-1070 ph/fax
Re: Outside Wa= Rim Joist‘ Displacement / Replacement, Recoi壷nendations.
fo「 Stabilizing the Watl at 1442 Mathews Circte.
Dear Ms. P「ince:
The Visible p「oblem‘ with.the disp!acement of the top of the t「uss’joist used as
す「i而「Oist’th証has bent;O「 ̄so ̄that軸eioist ̄is ̄nO〆longe「_Ve轟ida! andihus〇°-一一- -一 ̄∴一一-
puShes the exte「ib「 siding outwa「d, is that.the top. of th6’foundation wa11 has
been pushed inwa「d atthe top. This displacement is one’inch叶S at its
丁he existing foundation wail was const「ucted as a wood foundation’Set On a
conc「ete footing. Wood foundations ofthis type aie Cpde Approved.
H.oweve「, that.wa旧S On the end of a house p巾ection, gable end, With the
¶oo「・joists 「unning pa「訓e上to the wa=, thus there is ma「gina∥ate「争l suppo直
at the top ofthe wa= in’queStion" The ea皿P「eSSu「e, Which buiids with time,
due [o exte「io「 moistu「e. in the so帖nc「easingiy pushes against the
foundation wa!l. With margina=ate「al rest「aint, the top of the wall has been
1t is d櫛cuIt, and costly, tO attemPttO 「ealign the’WaI看・ The movement can be
stabili2ed’hpwever. l w帥OutIine a stabilization method’fu血he「 ●in this report
丁he existing rim joist must be’rembved and be rep看aced with a solid 「im.
Once 「epIaced ,-theexte血o題堅a= ``b山ge笠印蝿ed-丁頓sL埋j知sg_
.st「engthen the Iowe手exterio「 waii a「ea and preclude the. possjb皿y of the
movement causing d「ywall cfacking ahd inte「io「軸Shesfrom. being effected〇 ・
l 「ecommend tha=he lowe「 2 to 2-1/2 feet ofthe outside wa= siding and
. sheathing Pe removed, eXPOSing the walt studs for the軸! 29 feet.len如of
the wa旧n quesfron. Then, the wa旧n’6-8廿SectiQnS, be supported and the
existing 「im be 「e叩OVed.and 「eplaced with a double 9-1/2 x l-3竹mic「O広m
い/L insta=ed in its pIace. The.doubIe width makes it easie「to insta= plus, in
o「de「 to 「emove the visible bowing ofthe eXisting waI! at the botfom, i・e"
taking up the l inch ho「izOn[aI dispiaceine吋there.would’be su醐ent
bearing Qn the exi?ting bottom p!ate for the wall stability. This p「OCedure
would be followed along the WaI!, CO「ne「 tO CO「ner. Afte「 being comp!eted, ・
Electrical Systems, Foundation and Structure Design & Construc噺on Management
the sheathing that had been removed would be 「epIaced and the siding
丁he exte「ior p「essu「e on that foundation wi= continue to buiId, and since it
does not p「esent!y have much Iate「al 「est「aint, it may continue to displace
the exte「io「 wa= at the foundation levei. The new 「im wi= offer some
additional 「est「aint, but it is not Iikeiy going to stop the eventua看additional
movement if it is not ar「ested.
i 「ecommend that the floorjoists be ``bIocked” f「om the exte「io「 wali plates /
rim, at the % points (app「OXimately 7-1/2 ft. f「om the outside co「ners), aC「OSS
t幅Width of the-in-P!ace一冊oo「ioists-unt旧he-blocking -reaChes-a-SOlid-StOPPing
POint・ That could be eithe「 the opposite foundation wa= o「 an existing
St「uCtu「a! beam that supports joists 「unning in the opposite (90 deg「ee)
di「ection. This wi= provide additiona=ate「aI support for the foundation wa旧n
question and prec!ude additiona! wa= movement.
The biocking between the joists would be 2 x 8’s, Cut tO冊with a short
section of2 x 12冊ed f「om the iastjoist to the top piates ofthe foundation
Wal!, nOtChed fo「 a physicat 「est「aint in addition to na軸g・
With the above items instailed, the issues with the exte「ior wall, above the
foundation as wel! as stab帥zing the foundation wa11, W川add「ess the p「esent
PrOblems with the house wa旧n question.
Please advise if the「e a「e questions 「egarding the recommendations.
You「S truiy,
Steige and Associates’lnc.
Walter E. Steige, P.E.
c/copy: Stuart Wenige「, Kingswood Home Services