HomeMy WebLinkAboutDOCUMENTS Hood Suppression Specs 1600 Fish Hatchery 2012I, EXTINGUiSHING AGENT ANSULEX Low pH Liquid Fire Suppressant (1 .5 gallon —Part No. 7969 or 3.0 gallon —Part Nc.79372)is a potassium-based solu tion designed ton fast knock-down and suppression of grease- related fires.The agent is shipper)in pLasbc containers which pro vide one complete tank charge.(Retento Section V,Page 5-2.1,for maximum agent fill capacity.)Agent storage life expectancy is twelve years.The distributor must record the batch numbers and date of shipment receipt to be filed with each installation record. ANsuLE>T LOW pH LIQUiD FIRE suPPREsSANT SECTION III —SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX,3470 ULO CEx747 Page 3-1 4-1-06 REV.5 REGULATED RELEASE ASSEMBLY (MECHANICAL) Tne ANSUL AUTOMAN Regulatec Mechanical Release Assembly (Part Nc.429853)contains Inc reguated release mecnanism, expeliant gas hose for agent lank hookup,and enclosure knock outs to facilitate installing actuation piping;expeliant piping;defec tion system:and additional equipment.This regulated release assembly is used in single,doubie.and muttipie-tank systems and mus:oe mount c to a rigiD surface.The release mechanism can be used to interconnect botn the actuation and expelian:gas lines as reouirec pe:system oesign.The reguiato is designed to allow a constant flow of gas into the taft:at 110 psi (759 kPa)when the system is actuated.The agent tanic must be ordered seoarately. In.singie,oouhie,anc multiple-tanK sysiems,the orovided expeL an:gas hose connects toe agent tank to toe bottom outlet 0’tOe regulato:.In double and muftipie-tank system configUrations,the back outiet of the regulato is used as an exoellant gas feed ton one aoclitionai lane-enclosure o”tanK-Oracxe:noocuo.Toe enclo sure contains Inc renuirec;K000Koutn to facilitate trus connection,, I’a pressure switcn is to be attaciec to tOe rr4pu:ato:.aaditiona Ii: tings are repuirec. The tani:is mou-itec witii-Inc enclosure OF runt.contains an adaptor/tune assembly with a ours disc union.The ours:disc Swipe oreven siphoninci o’toe anen:uc tno nine ouc to sionihcan: tomtie:aiuIE fiuctuations ir the arec woere the tam:is ocatec.Te tc’ir is plus stee and.•jnue:no-ins oonciitions reajires nyorosta tic testing every twelve years The oetectior and udditiona eaLilOment reauires oe:s\’siem design are connected to the eieasE mechanism.Tne enclosLire contains knockouts to tacilifaict defection ann additional hookups The system can he actuated automatically or manually.Automatic actuotton occurs when a fusiblo link within the nlotoction systcm seporatos in a tire condition.Manual actuation of the system occurs when perSonnel pull on tOe remote manual pull station pLill rug. REGULATED RELEASE ASSEMBLY (ELECTRICAL) The ANStL AUTOMAt<Regulated Electrical Release Assembly (Part No.429856)is identical to Inc mecnanica version excep:it also contains a factory installed 120 VAC soienoid and electrica switch. The soenoid is usec to provide eiectrical actuation of the reiease mechanism.The electric switok is usec to orotect the soienoic ny opening the circuit to the soienoic once the system is fired. Aoditiona electrica switches car oe adoed as reouired for auto matic eouipmen:and gas shu-ofi accessories,as we)as initiating audible and visual alarms “ANSJL AJTOMAN REGLkATET RELEASE ASSEMBIX (EECTRlCA NOTE A2EN’TAN:M’JS’cc OROEREO SEPARATEL’ 0’SEE PAGE : “ANSUL AUTOMAN”REGULATED RELEASE ASSEMBLY (MECHANICAL) NOTE’AGENT TANK MUST BE ORDERED SEPARATELY OR SEE PAGE 3-4 3.0 GALLON SHiPPiNG WT 35 LB.116 kgi aioi 3 1.5 GALLON SHIPPING WT.19 LB.10 kg ODO13 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 OO1B REGJ.ATOFfl; SHiPPING WT.34 LB.115 kg) SW FD SOLENDE FIGURE 3 (i00h1’ NOTE:ANSnJL AUTOMAN Reojualer:Diecirica!Fokiese,Pan No,429855 is no! SECTION III —SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX.3470 ULC CEx747 Page 3-2 REV.5 4-1-06 REMOTE MECHANICAL RELEASE The Remote Mechanical Release,Part No.433485,is used to actuate up to five (5)R-102 regulated actuators.The remote mechanical release utilizes a 101 -t0 carbon dioxide cartridge as the actuation pressure to operate the regulated actuators,The release is housed in a stainless steel enclosure. SINGLE TANK ENCLOSURE ASSEMBLY The Single Tank Enclosure Assembly (Part No.429870)is used in oouble and multiple-tank systems and must be mounted to a rigid surface near the regulated release or regulated actuato assembly its expelient gas line will be connectec tc. The enclosure is designed for mounting eithe’a .5 gallon (Part No.429864)c’a 3.0 gallon tank (Part No.429862)in a minimum amount ot space. ENCtOSURE ASSEMBY RED PAINTED BRACKET ASSEMBLY The Bracket Assembly (Part No.429)3713 is used in double and multiple-tank ystems and iLiuSt be mounter)to a rigid surface near the regutated release assembly or regulined actuator assembly that its expeliant gas Isie w7 be connemect to. The tank bracket is constructed of mild steel and painted red.It is designed for mounting the tank in a minimum amount of space. The Bracket Assembly can only be utilized with 3.0 gallon tanks (Part Nc.4298132). BRACKET ASSEMBLY REGULATED ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY The Reaulated Actuator Assembly (°art No.42985D)contains the regulator,pneumatic actuator,expelian:gas hose for agent tans nookup,and enclosure knockouts to facilitate installing expellani pip ing.This assembly is used in multiple-tank systems and mus:be mounted to a rigic surface. The reguiator contains two outlets 135°apart.One outlet is used to interconnect the expellant gas hose to the enclosed agerr tank. The othe outlet connects an .expellant gas line to an aodituoria enclosure or bracse assembly.The reguiator is designed to aluow a constan:flow ot nitrogen inic each agen:tans connected (two tanks maxumurn a:110 ps (759 50a). Te pneumatic actuator is riesignec tc Drumure toe excellan:gas cartrides sea:uoor rceVjfl riressriis trnrr tee reguualert reiease nssemo’v actuacoru doing.Tee enclosure contains a knoocou to tacili:ale dlstrlDutio’.niolno rmosutr. RELEASE MECHANISM SHIPPING WEIGHT. 20 LB (9 1 kg) FIGURE 4 OO42C SHIPPING WT.7 LB (3 kg) FIGURE 6 NOTE AGENT TANK MLIS CF OIDERE’) SEPARA]ELY Lu SEE °A9F 3- MOJNTING ENCO5URE SHPP)NG WT 13LE 15kg. AtThL\TOF AS3Eiui.Y HOrS AGENT TANK MUS”BE ORDERED SEPARATED’ OR SEE PAGF F- FIGURE 5 PNEUMATIC ACTUATOP ASSEMBLY HFGULAFDI] SHIPPING WT. 19 LB.(9 kg) FIGURE 7 000’43 SECTION III —SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX.3470 ULC CEx747 Page 3-3 4-1-06 REV.8 AGENT TANK ASSEMBLY The agent tank shipping assembly (3-Gallon,Part No.429862, and 1 .5 Gallon,Part No.429864)consists ot a stainless steel tank and an adaptor/tube assembly,The adaptor/tube assembly con tains a burst disc.The burst disc prevents agent leakage due to significant temperature fluctuations in the area where the tank is located.Under normal conditions,the tank requires hydrostatic testing every twelve years.The dale of manutacture is stamped on the tank nameplate. The tank is shipped uncharged and must he filled with only ANSULEX Low pH Liquid Fire Suppressant during installation. OEM RELEASE/BRACKET ASSEMBLY (FOR OEM IN-CABINET USE ONLY) The OEM Regulates Mechanica Release/Bracke:Assern ,Part No,79493,contains tne same regulated release mechanism.as the standard ANSU AUTOMAI\Regulated Release Assernhiy Tne OEM Reulated Eiectrica Release/Bracke:Assembly Par: No.Lt8O5’,is identica to the mechanica:versior except it con tame a factort’installed 120 VAC solenoid and electrica switcr, These release/bracket assemblies must be instaliec in a suitabie eoulpmen:enciosure eithe:nor:zo’rtaliy or vertically.They contair a)the necessary mountinç anc conouif holes neenec to tuts instal:the assembly.The agent tarn:is inslalies senarately and need no:oe oracseted onse it is piped and fillec.Note:OEM Reiease/BracKe:AssembV must be installed hrgr’.enough in can- net so tna:there is sufficient room to Instat anc:remove cartrlage NoIe OEM RequaIec Erecirica AeleaselBracee:Assembi Dart Nc.41 8(5)1 is no:imenciest to be user wills electric oeleclior. OEM REGULATED ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY The OEM Regulated Actuator Assembly,Part No.418691, includes the regulator,pneumatic actuator,expellanf gas hose and OEM bracket.Also available is an OEM Regulated Actuator Assembly with all the above mentioned components except for the bracket.This assembly is Part No.419522. TWO TANK ENCLOSURE ASSEMBLY The tank enclosure is designed to mount in a minimum amount o’ space 3 GALLON sHiiNG WT. 7 LE.(2 kg: 1.5 GALLON SHIPPING w 5 LB.(2 kg) N ASSEMBLY AGENT TANK SHIPPING WT.4 LB,(2 kg) FIGURE 10 002225 FIGURE 8 Toe Two lank Enclosure Assembly,Part No.429872,consists o1°°°‘twc expekan:gas hoses,two grommets,and the mountinc enclo sure.Toe assembly is used in 9 gallon systems.It car be coupled with a 3-gallon regulated release assembiy 0:a 3-gallor regulates actuato’assembly to give a lotat o’9 gallons ot agent.Agen:tanks must be oroerec separately. SHI’5PINO WI 26 LBS )12kg rr 0 J 1106 MD.iI’!TINL HKACKE SHi,,rING W rOLE.15 0L FIGURE 11 02??2’ FIGURE 9 SECTION III —SYSTEM COMPONENTS IJL EX.3470 ULC 02x747 Page 3-4 REV.7 4-1-06 24 VDC REGULATED RELEASE ASSEMBLY (ULC APPROVED ONLY) The 24 VDC Regulated Release Assembly,Part No.429859,is used where electric,thermostat detection is required via the use of a releasing control uni:.This assembly consists of a 24 VDC ANSUL AUTOMAN li-C regulated release mechanism,expeTlant gas hose,and enclosure knockouts to facilitate installing actuation piping,expellant piping,detection system,and additional equip ment.Agent tank must be ordered separately. The system can be actuated automatically or manually.Automatic actuation occurs when the control panel receives a signal from the detection circuit.The panel then sends an electrical signal to the 24 VDC regulated release,causing ii to actuate.When actuation occurs,the gas cartridge is punctured,pressurizing the agent tank and discharging the agent through the distribution piping.Manua actuation of the system occurs when personnel pull on the remote manual pull station pull ring. NOTE:AGENT TANi MUST BE ORDEPEO 5EPARATEL SHIPPING ‘NT 34 LB.(15 kg) ADDITIONAL SHiPPING ASSEMBLIES Several complete shipping assemblies are available containing both the release or actuator mechanism and the agent tank.When ordering a complete shipping assembly,order the following part numbers: Part Nc.Description _________ 430299 3.0 Gallon Mechanical Release Shipping Assembly including: 429853 Mechanical Regulated Release Assembly 429862 3.0 Gallon Tank Assembly 430300 1 .5 Gallon Mechanical Release Shioping Assembly including: 429853 Mechanica Regulated Release Assembly 429864 1.5 Gallon Tank Assembly 430309 3.0 Gallon Regulated Actuator 36 (16) Shipping Assembly including: 429850 Regulated Actuator Assembly 429862 3.0 Gallon Tank Assembly 430316 1.5 Gallon Stainless Steel Enclosure Shioping Assembly including: 429870 Single Tank Mounting Sox Assembly 429864 1 .5 Gallon Tank Assembly 418511 Hose Assembly 430317 3.0 3alior Stainless Stee Enciosure Snipping Assembly including: 429872 Single Tank Mounting Sox Assembly 429862 3.0 Galion Tank Assemoiv 418511 Hose Assemoiy 430324 6.0 Galior.Stainiess Stee Enclosure Snipping Assembly including: 429872 Two Tarn:Mounting Bx Assembly 429862 3.0 Galin 2ani:Assem:kv (2 430332 3.0 Galim Moun:inc 3racKe:Snimync• Assemv nciudng 429879 3.0 Gallon l.jiountinc 3mzKn: /\ssemhly 429862 3.0 Golior,Tank Assemolv Shipping Wt. lb.(kg) 33 (15) 30 114) FIGURE 12 oci2,! 18 (8) 20 (9) 40 (18) SECTION III —SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX.3470 ULC CEx747 Page 3-5 4-1-06 REV.6 Nozzi SlampiflO 01Ev 00011110 or aodEiono lottE”irl(BDflhill(.9 venoo I codc SILICONE LUBRICANT Dow CornIng Compound 111,Part No.78112,is avakable in a 5.3-ounce tube.Compounc has excehen qualities,for sealing and lubricating system components. NOZZLES There are 11 types of discharge nozzles each designed to distrib ute the liquid agent in a uniform pattern throughout the hazard area 1.1W Nozzle 2.1N Nozzle 3.1/2N Nozzle 4.3N Nozzle 5.2W Nozzle 6.230 Nozzle GAS CARTRIDGES The R-102 system uses gas cartridges to store nitrogen or carbon dioxide expellant gases under pressure until the system is actuat ed,at which time the cartridge seal is punctured and the released gas expels liquid agent from one or more tanks through the dis charge piping and out the discharge nozzles. Four nitrogen gas cartridges and three carbon dioxide gas car tridges are available as shown in Figure 13. Cartridges noted as TC/DOT are both Transport Canada (TC)and Department of Transportation (DOT)approved.Cartridges noted as DOT are Department of Transportation approved only. Cartridge selection options are provided in Section IV under lank and Cartridge Requirements. NITROGEN GAS CARTRIDGES 77/0IN ‘ (20 cm)‘10 1/2 IN.(28.9 cm)(27 cm) ,14 5/6 I$.JJ (37.1 cm) 21/2 IN.3 6.4 cm)I 2 1/2 IN 4 3’16 IN (6.4 cm)(10.6 cm) 30/16 IN. (9 cm) 7.245 Nozzle 8.260 Nozzle 9.290 Nozzle 10.2120 Nozzle 11.lFNozzle Although these nozzles are similar in appearance and have certain common parts,tile tip of each nozzle is designed for a specific application and must only he used in those areas,See Nozzle Application Chart in Sectio)1 IV —System Design,for individual nozzle usage. 3/6—16 NPT FEMALE THREAD INTERNAL cup STRAINER INSIDE RECESS FOR ELOW OFF CAP LOOP VENDOR CODE )IF PRESENT) FIGURE 14 000001 LT-20-R LT3O-F DOJELE-TANI.LT-A-i01-30 NOZZLE CARTRIDGE CARTRIDGE CARTRIDGE CARTRIDGE STAMPING PART ND.423421 PAR”140.423435 PART ND 423497 PAR NO.42349: (TO/DOT))TC/OOT))TC/DDT)(TC/DDT( 010)41 000)4).001)14?000141’ CARBON DIOXIDE CARTRIDGES I Nozzle Identification Chart A .-——--—Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle’iov’ ,lype Par No.Stamoi’ic Nc Nozzle identifiCatIon 9114 . 77/bIN —-———.-.——.-..———- (22.6 cm (20 cm ‘ ,1W Nozzle 419336 1W 1 Cnrome-Platect Body 11 511/IN ,(20.5cm’iN Nozzie 419335 iN Chrome-Plated Body i/2N Nozzie 1933L 1/2N 1/2 Cnrome-ated Body)•,__‘“—‘-,Meoi blow.oS caps ar no:a)iowec will the 1/214 nozzlE cm 3N Nozzle 419338 3N 3 Chrome-PlateS Body . 2W Nozz)e 19337 2W 2 Cnrome-°lated Body (0.4 cm)230 Nozzie 419339 230 2 Chrome-Plated Body tWiG CARTRIDGE 1D/-2OCAIITR/DGE 101-30 CARTRIDGE 245 Nozzle 419340 245 2 Chrome-Plated Body PAFI NC’423435 (IC/DOT,.PART NC 42344’PART NC 423447 PAR’INC 15850 )DDT (TO/DOT))TC/DOT1 260 Nozzle 4193-1 260 2 Chrome-°iated Bob) 001)14)000)0 001))?290 Nozzle 41 9342 290 2 Cnrome-P)ated Body FIGURE 13 2120 Nozzle 419343 2120 2 OnromEDiated Bobs ,1 F Nozzle 419333 1 F 1 Chrome-0IaleS Sort)’ L SECTION III —SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX.3470 ULO CEx747 REV.5 4-1-06 SWIVEL ADAPTOR The Swivel Adaptor Assembly,Part No.41 8569,consists of a swiv el nut,swivel body and swivel ball.All are chrome-plated.The swiv el adaptor allows any nozzle to be rotated approximately 300 in all direotions.Swivel Adaptors must be ordered as a Swivel Adaptor Shipping Assembly,Part No.423572,which contains 25 Swivel Adaptors. RUBBER BLOW-OFF CAPS The Rubbe:Blow-Off Cap,Part No.77676,help keep the orifice of the nozzle free of grease or other substances that could interfere with agent distribution.A retaining strap attaches the blov/-ofi cap to the nozzle.Rubber Blow-Off Caps must be orderec as a Shipping Assembly,Part Nc.77695.,which contains 50 blow-off caps,or Par:No.77411,which contains 12 biow-oft caps. METAL BLDW-DFP CAP Two types of meta)hiovof caps are available as omions to the standard rubber caps The meta cap can be used in.unusualiy high heal conditions,ge oraliy over 400 °F )20L “C).The meta biow-off cap is attacOec to tre nozzie by means of a stainless stee wire whicr;prevents it from tallinc into the ano once curing dis onarge.Shipping Assericly Par:No.79745 contains 16 meta Oov’-oI’caps iD use on sianaarc,non-swive nozzles anc SCipoing Assembly Par:No.415555 contains 10 meta.iow-o0 caps to”use on.swve ‘nozzies NOTICE If metal blow-off caps are requireD for ucrigh:oroi er or salamande’protection,use (2)two 1N noz zles (Part No 4193351 instead of i/2N nozzles. CB METAL BLOW-OFF CAP FOR CHAIN BROILERS The CB Metal Blow-off Cap,Part No.433208,is used for all chain broilers protected overhead with the 2W nozzle in high tempera ture environments.The metal blow-off cap contains a special 0-ring placed inside the cap which integrates with the 2W nozzle to create a seal and to help hold the blow-off cap in position. The CB Metal Blow-off Cap Assembly,Part No.433208,contains 10 blow-off caps. CONDU1T OFFSET ASSEMBLY The conduit offset assembly,Part No.79825.is used to change direction of the wire rope on detection,mechanical gas valve,and remote pull station lines.The conduit offset assembly can only be used in the area where the conduit attaches to the regulated release assembly Wnen using the conduit offset assembly,the maximum number of pulley elbows is stil allowed.The Conduit Offset Shipping Assembly,Part No.79825,consists of 6 conduit offsets. _________ cneouir /1 coNDu:T I coNNeozop FIGURE 18 0UO15 Snic;Iflg Assemoly Hole S;ze Size Par:No.Cry Reouired 1/4 ir:.78195 21 3/4 in. 3/8 in.‘‘285 2 1 1/8 in. 1/2 In.77287 24 1 1/8 in, 3/4 in.77289 24 1 3/8 in. Page 3-6 3/8 —18 NPT FEMALE THREAD 30 DEGF ROTATION 3/8 —18 NeT MALE THREAD FIGURE 15 Q0000 “QULK-SEAL’ADAPTOR FIGURE 16 Tne “Duik-Sea”abacro’isa listen mecoanna•ojlKneac fitting toat nrnouces a liouic-coht sea arounc anti o:st’ihuoe’pining and oeiectior cnnouit wnicrl runs through restau:ant hoods and cucts. The “Ouii;Seai”ananro’acceptr fhreoaeh pipe o co:lduit.The aoaolor is avaiiahE for 1/4 in.(Part Ne.701 95),3/8 in.Part No. 77284),1/2 in.(Far:No.77286),o 3/4 in.(Par:No 77289)nine ni conduit sizes.When usiric with EMT coriniul:,a conoult connectoi must be installer;in each end a;the adnioto Tar ‘Ouik-Sea)” Aaareo Shiopiig Assemolt must us :)ire/ic3c;as starch below; STAiN SOS s’rEOI.WillS METAL CAP [Z2i -—CDM2RESS1ON NUT ADAP ron eam’ GASKET ‘‘-*-.z’ NUT ______ FIGURE 19 0005 FIGURE 17 “COMPRESSION-SEAL’ADAPTOR “‘ULLE ELBOV 501 PARr C)ASS5MBL LISE ONL’1 PULLEY ELBOW, PAR NC.42325) SECTION IH —SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX,3470 ULC OEx747 Page 3-7 4-1-06 REV.5 This adaptor is a mechanical bulkhead tilting that produces a liquid-tight seal around pipe and cDnduil when installing distribu tion piping and detection conduit through restaurant hoods and ducts,The “Compression-Seat”adaptor is a straight-through design requiring no cutting or threading of conduit or pipe.The adaptor is available tor pipe sizes of 1/4 in.(Part No.79148),3/8 in.(Part No.79150),1/2 in.(Part No.79146),and EMT conduit size of 1/2 in.(Part Nc.79152).Each “Compression-Seal”Adaptor Shipping Assembly must be ordered as stated below: Shipping Assembly Hole Size Size Part No.Qt Required 1/4in.Pipe/1/2in.tube 79149 24 3/4in. 3/8 in.Pipe /5/8 in.tube 79151 24 1 1/8 In. 1/2 in.Pipe 79147 24 1 1/8 in. 1/2 in.EMT Conduit 79153 24 1 1/8 in. FIGURE 20 000155 “HOOD SEAL”ADAPTOR ASSEMBLY This adaptor is a mechanical bulkhead fitting that produces a hq uio-tight seal around 1/2 in.EMT conduit when installing the detec hon line through restauran:floods and duct.The adaptor accepts a high temperature pulley elbow and.when used,correctly posi tions the elbow or conduit in line with tne condul:adaptor hole in the oetecto:bracset.The Hood Sea”eiiminates the need io mul tiple elbows when penetrating the top ot a hood wnen Installing the detection line “Hooc Seat”Aoaptors are available in ouantities 0” 6 as ShippIng Assembly Part Nc.423255. CZJ AOAPTOP BODY GASKET _____________________ LOCK WASHER ___ NUT SEAL nOD” SEA..NUT WASHER FIGURE 21 000151 SECTION lii —SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX.3470 ULC CEx747 Page 3-S REV.7 4-1-06 DETECTORS The detector consists of three basic components:the bracket,link age,and fusible link.(Fusible links are not included and must be ordered separately.)The bracket holds the entire assembly to the mounting surface.The linkage is used to support the fusible link. The fusible link is designed to separate at a specific temperature and release the wire rope,thereby actuating the regulated release mechanism. There are three styles of detectors available:the clip-on style,the hinged style,and the scissor style. The cIi-on style allows the wire rope to be strung completely thrDugh the detection system conduit and brackets first and the detector linkage assemblies are then clioped on later. The hinged style detector requires the wire rope to be strung to the detector bracket,and then threaded”through the linkage assem bly before continuing to the next detector bracket. The scissor style allows the wire rope to be strung completely tnrough the detection system conduit and brackets first and the detector linkage assemblies are then clipped on later. Each style of detector consists of two types of assemblies: The Terminal Detector (Part No.56838,15375,or 417368) includes a test link and is placed last in a series o detectors.This detector is sometimes referred tD as the end-of-line detector anc is tius named because it is at the point at which the wire rope ‘ter minates,’or is anchored at the detector bracket.Only one termina detector is required per detection system. The Series Detector (Part No.56837,15373,or 417369)is any detector located in-line between the regulated release assembly and the terminal detector. When using Part No.56837 anc 56838 style detectors,a tOtal of 12 detectors can be in one detection system:11 series detectors, Part Nc.56837 and I termina detector Pa’t No,56838. Woen usinc’Par:No 15373 anc 15375 stye detectors,a rota Of S detectors car be in one oeieotion system 4 series detectors,Par: Nc.15373 anc I termina aetecto:,Par:Nc I535. W:len using Par:Nc.17368 ann 4 736P styis neteciors,a Iota, o 15 detectors oar be ii one aetecuor-system 14 series detec tors,Par:No.47369 anc.1 terminal deleclo:Pun No.417366 CLiP-ON STYLE —PART NO 56637 AND 56838 PULLEY ELBOWS 000157 000050 000150 FIGURE 22 There are two types of ullev eloows used to change the direction ot the wire rope by 9Db.ANSUL recommends for temperatures not in excess of 700 °(371 OO Par:Nc.415670 nas socice:enos wjtc set screws for 1/2 ir,.conoui:,anc Par:No.423250 has coic oression ring ends also for 12 in.conaui:.Pulley eloows must be ordered in cuantities of 50 as Shipoing Assembly °ao Nc.4156 socse end iyDe anc °ar:No 42326i icomoiessio eric vne’ PAR N(’‘‘smc 000I6 FUSIBLE BRACKET LlNKAGE / HINGED STYLE —PART ND 15373 AND 15375 SCISSOR STYLE —PART NO.417368 AND 417369 BRACKE PA’l NO 423251 071016 FIGURE 23 SECTION III —SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX.3470 LJLC CEx747 Page 3-9 4-1-06 REV.4 PULLEY TEE The Pulley lee (Part No.427929>is used to change the direction of two wire ropes by 90’.It must be used in areas where the tem peratures are within the range of 32 °F to 130 °F (0 °C to 54 00). Pulley tees can be used in mechanical gas valve actuation lines and remote manual pull station lines.Pulley tees cannot be used within a detection line. Part No. 55598 55601 55604 FIGURE 24 55607 OOO44 55610 25937 25938 The 1/16 in.stainless steel cable is run from the terminat detector. through condui:,alt series detectors and pulley elbows,and into tOe regulated release mechanism trip lever.When any fusible link separates,the tension on the caOle is relaxed,ano the trip lever actuates the regulated release mechanism,The cable can also be used for mechanical gas valves and remote manuat put stations. The cable is available in 50 ft.(15 m)(Part No.15821t and 500 ft. (152.4 m)(Part No.79653)lengths. REMOTE MANUAL PULL STATION The remote rnanua pul.station (Par:Nc.4835 or Part No 54011) is required for manual actuation o the regulates release assembly. Tne remote manuat put station should be mounlec’at a point of egress and positioned at a height determined by the aLthori(y navinq jurisdictbn.Trim rings,Part Nc.427074 (pad,0’10),are avaijabie. MECHANICAL GAS VALVES The mechanical gas valves are designed to shut off the flow of gas to the appliances upon actuation of the regulated release assern bly.The valves are available in sizes of 3/4 in.,1 in.,1 1/4 in.,1 1/2 in.,and 2 in.ANSUL style:and 2 1/2 In.and 3 in.Asco style.The valves are rated for natural and LP gas.Both styles are UL Listed and includes the air cylinder,tubing,and fittings for connection to the release mechanism. Maxim urn Operating Pressure 10 psi (.69 bar) 10 psi (.69 bar) 10 psi (.69 bar) 10 psi (.69 bar) 10 psi (.69 bar) 5 psi (.35 bar) 5 psi (.35 barSTAINLESSSTEELCABLE Description 3/4 in.Gas Valve (ANSUL) 1 in.Gas Valve (ANSUL) 1 1/4 in.Gas Valve (ANSUL) 1 1/2 in.Gas Valve (ANSUL) 2 in.Gas Valve (ANSUL) 2 1/2 in.Gas Valve (ASCO) 3 in.Gas Valve (ASCO) A B in.(mm)Valve Size 3/4 in. 1 in. 1 1/4 in. 1 1/2 in. 2 in, 2 1/2 In, 3 ir.. 3 3/4 3 3/4 4 7/8 4 7/8 5 7/8 7 1 3./1 6 7 25.’32 (95.3) (95.3) (123.8) (123.8) (149.2) (198.4) (197.6) in.(mm) 63/8 (161.9) 63/8 (161.9) 7 3/8 (187.3) 7 3/8 (187.3) 7 7/8 (200.0) C in.(mm) 5 1/2 (139.7) 5 1/2 (139.7) 63/8 (161.9) 63/8 (161.9) 611/16 (169.9) 9 1/16 (230.2) 8 1/16 (230.2) PART NC 4035 (WITHOUT cAB_E PART ND,5401 (WiTH 50 FT OF CABEi ——‘-—A ———.. —————--‘E 2 1/2 IN THRU 3 IN FIGURE 26 3/6 IN THRU 2 iN MEiA 5TAM0EC 00120/’ FIGURE 25 SECTION IH -SYSTEM CDMPONENTS UL EX.3470 ULC CEx747 Page 3-10 REV.3 4-1-06 ELECTRICAL GAS VALVES The eteotrical gas valves are designed to snut off the flow of either natural or LP gas to the appliances upon actuation of the regulat ed release assembly.The valves are available in sizes of 3/4 in. 1 in.,1 1/2 in.,2 in.,and 3 in.The valve is held open by an ener gized solenoid and upon system actuation,the switch contacts in the regulated release assembly open,thus de-energizing the cir cuit to the gas valve solenoid,causing the valve to close.Valves are available in 120 VAC and are UL Listed. Part Max.Operating Na Description Pressure 13707 3/4 in.Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO)25 psi (1.7 bar) 13708 1 in.Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO)25 psi (1.7 bar) 550360 1 1/4 in.Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO)25 psi (1.7 bar) 13709 1 1/2 in.Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO)25 psi (1.7 bar) 13710 2 in.Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO)25 psi (1.7 bar) 550363 2 1/2 in.Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO)5 psi (.35 bar) 17643 3 in.Solenoid Gas Valve (ASCO)5 ps (.35 bar) in.(mm)in.(mm) 3/4 in.3 5/16 (81.0)35/8 (92.1) I in.5 (127.0)6 27/32 (173.8) 1 1/4 in.7 13/16 (198.4 7 29/32 (200.8) 1 1/2 in.5 (127.0)5 19/32 (142.1) 2 in.6 3/32 (78.6)5 15/16 (150.8) 2 1/2 in.7 13/16 (198.4)7 29/32 (200.8) 3 in.7 13/16 (198.4)7 29/32 (203.8) FIGURE 27 (10421(. MANUAL RESET RELAY Tue Maniuc Peso Relay,Par;No 42615t.s w:ie.us;:io a’elecr:lca gas va’ve slijt-Df system.Afie’tie eiectrlo gas va’ve uas cioseC,eithe nue K’systerr actualio’0 powe lailue,tie valve cannot oe re-openec aliowioc cas to tow.unti.toe rese: re;ay outtor.s manjaly pressec re-energ:zlnc tne circuit.The rese:relay IS ava;iacie 120 VAD The manua.race:reav Is a;sc: recommenoec to:eiectrica.sob:cowr. ELECTRICAL SWITCHES The electrical switches are intended tor use with electric gas valves,alarms,contactors,lIghts,contractor supplied eiectric power shut-off devices and other electrical devices that are designed to shut off or turn on when the system is actuated. Switches are available in kits:One Switch Kit,Part No.423878, Two Switch Kit,Part Nc.423879,Three Switch Kit,Part No. 4238B0,and Four Switch Kit,Part No.423881.Mounting hardware and 12 in.(305 mm)long wire leads are provided with each kit. Each switch has a set of single-pole,double-throw contacts rated a:: ALARM INITIATING.SWITCH FIGURE 2 00161 The Alarm lnitiatino Switcn Kit,Part No.428311,can cc fielo mounted within the ANSUL AUTOMAN release,This switco musi be used to close a supervised alarm circuit to the building main fire aiarm pane when the ANSUL AUTOMAN release actuates.Tnis action wit signal the fire alarm cane;that there was a sysTem actu abon in the kitchen area.The swito t:i:contains al.necessary mounurc components alonc witn a mountnc inslructicr snee: Tne sw;tch is rates 50 mA.28 VDC. SPACEF WHEN SPICHi NN: ewrr:;ARI:‘RO’.’i’’ MO:JNTHL.r’ic;.)IVIDFE MUST BE 3EW’E El’THE N C 1,00 N C.:OlE/ //‘ .7 -NC Valve Size UL/cUL/CSA Rating 250 VAC,21A Resistive 250 VAC,2 HP 125 VAC,1 HP A B ENEC Rating IE4T1 05Li Approved 250V,21A Resistive BA Motor Load COMMON NC. O)vVARD ASSU. A,OMAN A,.ARIV ;TIATIN: SWOON FIGURE 30 004890 FIGURE 28 000080 SECTION II?—SYSTEM COMPONENTS UL EX.3470 ULO CEx747 Page 3-11 4-1-06 REGULATOR TEST KIT The Test Kit Assembly (Shipping Part No.56972)is required to test the regulator setting and nitrogen flow during 12-year maintenance examinations.This will ensure that the regulator is functioning properly. FUSIBLE LINK Select cDrrect UL Listed fusible link(s)for installation in detector(s) according to the temperature condition chart below: K STYLE usible Link To Be Used Fusible Shipping Where Link Assembly Temperature Temoerature Part No.arNa Ratinc Does Not Exceed 415739 (1)415739 (1)165°F (74 °C)100°F (38 00) 415740(1 415740(1)212°F(100°C)150°F (66°C) 415741 (1)1574 (25)280°(138°C)225°F(107°C) 415742(i)415745(25)360°F(182°C)290°F(143°C) 415743)415746(25).‘150°F(232°C)360°n(182°C) ML STYLE usibie Lini:To Be Used Fusible Shipping Where Link Assembiy Temperature Temperature ParINQ °artN Ration Dues No:ExcegD 550368 (1)551522 (10)165 °F (74 00)100 °F (38 °C’ 550365 (1)551523 (10,212°F (103 °O)150°F (66 00) 550366 (1)55524 (10)260°Z (3F °‘)225 °F )107 00; r 550005 (1)551525 (13)363°F (182 00\290 °(143 °0t 550387 (1)5552E (13)450°F )23 °C)363 °(182 °0( 56816 (1)55152 (10)533°F (263 °C)403 °F (20 °C) 56816 (1)73867 (25 500’°(260 00)40.0°F (204 00’ The Maximum Regisrerrng The:mmdc:,Part No.15240.is used to H’irjlcrite the highest normal raninerurure for the protected area. Once this is ostablishec.the correct ‘uteri fusible link can be chosen. The Hose/Grommet Package,Part No.418511,consists ot a 24 in. rubber hose and 2 (two)grommets.This package is required when mDunting an AUTOMAN Regulated Release (or Regulated Actuator)and a tank enclosure (or tank bracxet)side by side in either a manifolded system or an independent piping system. BURSTING DISC The R-102 Bursting Disc is installed in the tank adaptor assembly. The bursting disc eliminates the siphoning of the agent up the pipe during extreme temperature variations.The bursting discs are available in packs of 10,Part No.417911. FIGURE 33 ODDt7 NOZZLE AIMING DEVICE The Nozzle Aiming Device,Part No.431992,is available to prop erly aim each nozzle to the correct aiming point.The device clamps to the nozzle and emits a small lase-ugh:tnat reflects on the surface that it is aiming at.The nozzle can then be rotated to point at a precetermined aiming point and then tightened to hold that angle The aiming device adapto attaches to the nozzle.The shipaing assembrv consists at the aiming oevice and The adaptoc. The Stainiess Stee’Actuation Hose is usec tc cDnnec:Inc aotua hon line commessio tees aetween eaca pnejrnatic antualo:.The hose has the same threes 7/16-23 as tie fittiaps.Tna actuation hose aliows trexiblirri Derweer the ALITDMAN anc eacc regulates actuator Hose Part No.Length Couplings 31805 ‘16 in.(41 cm)7/16-23 x 7/16-23 Females 32335 23 in (51 cm)7’16-23’x 7/16-20 Females 32336 24 in.(61 nra 7/16-20 x 7/16-20 Femares 430815 42 in.(107 cm 7/16-2(emcle x 1/4 in.NPT Descriptior Mare Ebow (7/16-20 >:1/4 Ic:.kT’ Male Tee (7/16-20 x 7/16-20’x 1/4 in.NPT) Tee (7/16-20 x 1/8 in.Male NPT x 1/8 in.Female NPT) MaIn Straight Connector’(7/16-20 x in.NPT) 1/4 in.Check Va1ve HOSE/GROMMET PACKAGE FIGURE 31 aoo”: ADATOE NCZZL.E AIMING 05 \‘ICir STAINLESS STEEL ACTUATION HOSE FIGURE 34 0US2U 01) STYLE 0OI7(. TEMERATURE IRATIN:.STAIvIPOL)ON 7rUSIBLE LIN)<BODY M.STYLE o:,o,7 MAXIMUM REGISTERING THERMOMETER Fitting Part No. 31810 3BllFIGURE32 323313 25627 &ZZZLj 0 .0 SECT)ON III —SYSTEM COMPONENTS LJL EX.3470 ULC CEx747 Page 3-12 4-1-06 NOTES: SECTION I\’—SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX.3470 ULO CEx747 Page 4-1 4-1-06 REV.6 SYSTEM DESIGN The ANSUL R-i02 Restaurant Fire Suppression System may be used on a number of ditterent types of restaurant cooking appli ances and hood and duct configurations.The design information listed in this section deals with the limitations and parameters of this pre—enqineered system.Those individuals responsible for the design of the A-i 02 system must be trained and hold a current ANSUL certificate in an R-102 training program. The A-i 02 and the PIRANHA systems ise compatible agents and components,theretore,they may be Lised together for cooking appliance,hood,and duct protection.The primary ANSUL ALITOMAN Release can be either an R-102 or a PIRANHA ANSUL AUTOMAN Releese and can actuate up to two additional R-102 or PIRANHA Regulated Actuators.In systems utilizing a 101 remote release,any combination of the maximum number ol regulated actuators can be used •Both systems must actuate simultaneously. *Each system must be designed and installed per its appropri ate manual. •Adjacent appliances requiring protechor must be protected with the same type of system,either R-1 02 or PIRANHA, unless the center-to-center spacing between the adIacent R-i02 and °IRANHA nozzles is no less than 36 inches. When appliances are protected with R-102 nozzles,the hood arid connecting duct above those appliances cannot be pro tected with PIRANHA nozzles. •Mixrnc systems rn a.common.plenum is not aliowec One of the key elements to resrarranr fire protection is a correc: s\’sten’oesigr..This section is divioec into ten sub-sections No: zte Pacemen;Requirements Tapir Quantity Requirements AcTs’ orion and Expellan’Gas Uns Reouirenients.Distribution Pipint’ inepuirements.Detectio’System Reouirements,Manua PLiI Sb: non Reonrements Mecnanrca Gas \‘alve Reous emenle.Eieotrr ca Gas Verve Reourremenis Eiecrr,cat Swhch Reciuiren’ienfs ann Pressure Switct-Renuirements.Eacs o’tdrese sections must be conloreiec.netore attemptins any installation.System oesign seerones 50000 on maoe of al aspects of oesicjr to:reference crurinc’mnsaliabor. NOZZLE °LACEMENT REQUIREMENTS This secuor gives gumcielines to”nozzie type.nosirmonir,.and ciuantitt’or ciLic:.pienLim.ant.mndivioua.auoi;anne nroiecrron.Tni section must be compierec Lerore’determininc land cuantity srr in Pitniric reciuiiemenis, Duo:°rotection —Single Nozzie Al:aunt protection it ‘j listen withosi’limitation of maximun:CiLict lenptl’(uniimireo length.T0i inciuoes alt varieties o-ciLiorwoniss ootr:rioi’izontat and verOna:iriciriornic cructs that run at sniper to ira:zonlat and ouch-v’rfr tiC ecriored I ErflCiS. Tnr Fr-i 03 sYstem uses difreren:OUCh no:zles ciepencinc or (lie size o duct oernn l:iorecreci GENERAL INFORMATION Nozzles must be located 2-8 in.(5-20 cm)into the center of the dLicl open ring.discl’iargincj up.Seer Figure 1 FIGURE 1 IlU(J17 2.In installations where a UL listed damper assembly is employed,the duct nozzle can be instailect beyond the S in. (20 cm)maximum,to a point just beyond the damper assem bly that wilt not inter-tere with the damper.Exceeding the maxi mum of S in.(20 cni(in this way will not void the U_listing of the system. 3.Previously listed 3 flow number and 5 flovi number duct pro tection detailed in cadre’published manua.Par Nm 8087- 06 can also Stil:icy utilized. DUCT SiZES UP TO 52’IN.(127 cmi _PERIMETER’16 IN.(41 cm:DiAML:TER •One 1W nozzie (Part No.1 0336 =one fiov numne •5C;in.(127 cn’i pe:’mere’maximLirr •16 ri.(41 cm ,diamere’niaxiiytum D’JO SZEF UP TC.10Cr IN.(254 cm, PERIMETER 32 IN.(81.3 cm DIAMETER One 2W Nozzle.(°ar”No 419337;=two ftow nte’norr”s •103 in.f25 cm nerimere’maxiniu’i •32 rn (81.3 cm dramerer maximum •A 2WH nozzle (Par:Nc.78078(must on suostitirted to:a 2W nozzle to’any instrilaria usir’rc’Dotior 2 of tOe 1 .6 patio’see ten coveraoe lOLiC and piciun protection oriry,.A 2W’-rozzie is Immired Ic a maximuns of 75 in.(19Cr cmt perimeie o’&max mum diameter of 24 in (61 cm of co\’eraqe. Tne.coast pelpcn snowe toe niaxmnirrry pmorectior ErvuiahJir ft’on cacti OUCh nozzle 3.2’Gallon 1.5 Lerlior’ Descriotnor ‘1:Sysien Systetr 2Vv No:zme 419337 lvluxtmLim MaximLirl 100 it’i .(25t cm I 100 ri.(254 cm) Perimeter Pen in: ‘1W Nozzle 419336 Mnr:irruriiyi Maxirninri 50 inn (127 cmii)50 in.(1 2’7 cm) Perimeter Perimeter 2—ii ii’ (5—2ii cnn LL FIGURE 2 xarnoe Proiection is reojirec for a ouc:ma:nas an A aimen sion of 8.0 In.(20 cm)wioe anc a E dimensior of 55 in,(140 cm long Reterrinc to the table in Fioure 2.if tne A’dimension is 8.0 in (20 cm)the ‘9 dimension mus;not exceed 56 5 in,(146 cm).In tflis examnie,the ‘B aimension is 55 in.(140 cm,tneretore.tnis DUD’ car,be protec:eh with a three flow aoolicat;on Read ove from the 8.0 in.(20 cm)line o tic table to toe IV\ k4oduie column.At that point,the chart shown that the ‘B’module length for the 1W nozzle can he 22.0 in.(56 cm).Center the 1 IA! nozzle iii that module.The 2’V module can now lo cunte:ed with in the rornoining module. SECTION IV —SYSTEr1 DESIGN UL EX.3470 ULO CEx747 Page 4-2 REV.4 4-1-06 Duct Protection —Multiple Nozzle DUCT SZES UP TO 135 IN.(343 cm)PERIMETER —3 FLOW OPTION -•One 1W NDzzle (Part No.419336)and one 2W Nozzle (Part No.419337)=three flow numbers •135 in.(343 cm)perimeter maximum •No round duct ootion available •Follow design table in Figure 2 to determine maximum module size for each nozzle ‘1W Module 2W Module Side A Side B Side B Side B Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum in.(cm in.(cm)in.(cm)in.)cm 4 (10)60.0 (1 52)23.0 (58)37.0 (94) 5 (13)60.0 (152)23.0 (58)37.0 (94) 6 (15)59.5 (151)22.5 (57)37.0 (94) 7 (18)59.0 (150)22.0 (56)37.0 (94) 8 (20)58.5 (149)22.0 (56)36.5 (93) 9 (23)58.0 (147)21.5 (55)36.5 (93) 10 (25)57.0 (145)21.0 (53 36.0 (91) 11 (28)56.0 (1 42)20.5 (52)35.5 (90) 12 (3d)55.5 (141)20.0 (51)355 (93) 13 (33;54.5 (138)16.5 (53)35.0 (89) 14 (36)53.5 (136)18.5 (47)35.0 (89) 15 (38)52.0 (132)18.0 (46)34.0 (86) 16 (41)51.0 (130)17.0 (43)34.0’(86) 17 (43)49.5 (126)16.0 (41)33.5 (95;8 (46t 47.5 (121)14,5 (37 33.0 (84; 19 (48 46.0 (17;13.5 31 32.5 (83; 20 (51)43.5 (:1’23 (31t 3.7 (81) 21 (53;41.0 (104)100 (25)31.2 (75; 22 (56;38.0 (97)7.5 (19)30.5 (78’ 23 (55)33.5 (85’4.0 (10;29.5 (75.’ 4 -SieB .* Side A SECTION IV —SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX.3470 ULC CEx747 Papa 4-3 10-1-02 RE\’.4 Duct Protection —Multiple Nozzle (Continued) DUCT SIZES GREATER THAN 135 IN.(343 cm)PERIMETER Ducts over 135 in perimeter must be modularized using 2W nozzles (Part No.419337) •No round duct action available •Follow the design chart to determine maximum module size loi each 2W nozzle •When delerminino number Dl nozzles FALIi ed.it is sonletimeE ar advantage to check the chart usincr the shortest side as Side “A’and then recheck it using the longest side as Side ‘A.This comparison may reveal a need tar a lesser quantity at nozzles one way versus the other way. CHART NO.1 Wherr working with Chart 2,one halt ot the quantity ot nozzles determined must be equally positioned in the top halt at the area at the dLIct and the remainincl halt ot the nozzles must be pose honed in the bottom hatt at the duct area. Example The duct to be protected has a Side “A’at 40 ri.and a Side “B”at 6Cr in.Relerririg to the aesigr chart.this duo:requires 4 nozzles.One loll at 4 =2.Theretore,2 nozzles must tje equally positioned in each at the Iwo duc:areas.See Figure 3. SIDE “B’ 31’IN.i75 hiP)])31]iN 71 mm; (Simm;I SIDE I ‘iii IN——.-.—.—— •I FIGURE 3 DHARND 2 / e .— —‘005 N,Z,E u,/”n ‘‘is’JSTE[’I’c.,an ,,J,,B :u,i’_’,’on’Ij::uT5 J’n 3 10 —1/,’,335 I.’ __ --rzt ___ Etz ZZ* When working with Chart 1,the quantity at nozzles determined nlList be equally divided within the duct area. C A •••,SIDEB __________ 60 IN ii 52 nm, 7]’ Sins “A ,;_- ---—--—__H--------5 I .2 zjzLZ__L1 I H 2 1’ iF ,,,,r I’EzZEZEr H SECTION IV —SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX,3470 ULC CEx747 REV.6 4-1-06 Transitions are proiected at a point in the transition wnere the perimeter or the diameter is equai to or less than the maximum size duct that can be protected.The nozzle must be located in the center of the transition opening where the maximum perimeter or diameter begins.See Figure 4. Electrostatic Precipitator Protection FIGURE 4 OD 7 Some restaurant ventiaiing Ducts nave an electrostanc:preCiDit2- to:installec at o nsa the case.These precipitatos are used ic am in tne cleanmnc of exriaus:air. Normal,y eecnrostau:D’ecgi;ato’s cc no:sours protection ot snoumc tne’“aatrmotvnaving ijrsdc:ior’reouire :Y’otector,use toe tolDwinc •cjmoehnes. Ducts w;t p”ec!ocalors Doaten at n’nsa’the case ca ne crc tented using ouc:nozze(s,above tie prespital’,i arid /2N’rio: dc(s)(Part Nc.419334)tmthe cieoiuitaion One /2N nozzie mis: oe used to each ccl DeI:icprcleciec.This nozzle tin is stanoec witr 1/2N,inDicating t”ie:it is a 1/2-flow nozzle and mis:be count ec as 1/2 fiow riumbe:’. When.pmfecrlnc ducts enuippec Who r eciniaors,tOe duo:rloZ me(s)must Dc instalied above toe oeciohato’unc aimec in ds coerce Cownstream.If tie amnu scovo tOe erercinitalo’is e nun:tic OCZZ1C(S’,mis:be pesitionec.eccorniing tO rust Diolcistion OLson lines,1 eri area conve tie flrecri::Erti’is n trcirisiflo’’too transition DJiDeIir’mcs mus:ins foliowec The 1/2N nozzle (Part No.dl 9334)must be centered 10 to 26 in. (25 Ic 66 cm)below the precipitator and aimed to discharge al the center of each precipitator celL However,if it is physically impossi ble to mount the nozzle at 10 to 26 jr.(25 to 66 cm)due to pre cipitator placement,the nozzle may be mounted closer than 10 in. (25 cm).See Figure 5. IF H”SiCAiY NmossI5E A”1C TO 2i Il\2E TO SE cmi.NoZZLE MAY 35 MD’J,T ED CLOSER ‘VHAi it,IN I25 cmL lGUR5,5 OOCI” Note:Fo 99D used in °ljtio’’Oon:ro.cots.costac’.Ansu Teonnina Se-v’ses io rccy’-’imenbec anoticatmon. Page 4-4 Transition Protection DUCT TRANSITION DUCT NOZZLE PRECiPITATOR SEE DUCT FOR TRANSITION PROTECTION SECTION IV —SYSTEM DESIGN UL 5>0 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4-5 4-i-OS REV.4 Plenum Protection The R-l 02 sysien:uses the 1W Nozzle (Part No.419336)oi the iN Nozzle (Part No 419335)101 OlenLim prolecuon.The 1W noz zle tip is stamped wit!1 Vt’and the 1 N nozzle tip is stamped with iN indicating they are one-flow nozzles ano mus;be counted as one flow number each.When protectin a plenum chamber,the ents e chamber mLlSI be prolecled regardless of fillet length. \‘ERTICAL PROTECTION —GENERAL One 1W nozzle will proiecf 4 lineai tee!(1.2 m)of plenum.Tite maximum disfance from the end of flie hood to the firs)and las! nozzle must be no more than 2 ft.(.6 m).After the firs!nozzle,any additional nozzles must be positioned at a maximum of 4 ft.(1.2 m) apart down the entire length of the plenum.The plenLim width must not exceed 4 ft.(1.2 m).(The 1W nozzle cat-:be used on single or \/-banl:filter arrangements.)See Figure 6. FIGURE 6 (5)b:-p rolenu nc pienums w:fL tns Vt!no:zie iws opt:oris 01 ccv e:age are avai;atme Optior 1:The I W nozzle mus:be on tne came’line ot fti single o’“V oen::bIte:ann.posnuonec.witO:c 1 -2(1 in )2.5-5i cm)aoove f ie lop cope ol file (tIle:Sac— —icure i. Ufli 1 iN.12 5 cu) I!II’1 1(1 Option 2:The 1W nozzle must be laced perpendicular.8-12 in (2030 cm)fl-Dill the face of file filter and angled to the center of the filler The nozzle ti!:must be within 2 ri. (5 cm)front the perpendicutai center ide of the fillet See Figure 8 IHN - (10 ciii) NOZZLE TIP MUST BE WITHIN THIS AREA HORtZONTAL PROTECTION —OPTION I ,“.12 iN 130 cm) MAXIMUM 11 IN (20 cmi MINIMUM FIGURE 8 (11l02111 jf\:NOZZLE —PART NO z19335 -SINGLE SANN PROTECTION One iN nozzle wiB protec:10 linen’lee:(3.1 m)0i single jibe-bans plenum.Toe nozzle(s)must he mou’llec tile plenum.2 Ic’In. (5 m 10 cm.from the face o tie tilie;.ceniered betweer.the ftlte heipi dimensIon.anc atmed dowc fne-length.The nozzle mjsl Oc pDslt:Oned (i-S N.(Cl-i 5 cm)trOT tne cnn o t:ie noon to the tiP 01 ftie ‘lo:zie See —icure S l)1111211 2 FT (.6 Ni1 Ml/iXiMUl,1 FT (1.2 ii__,,.i—— MAXiIi4Uiil .E in) Mfu:lMuM-I FIGURE 7 SECTION IV —SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX.3470 ULC CEx747 REV.5 4-1-06 Plenum Protection (Continued) I- HORIZONTAL PROTECTION —OPTION 2 1W NOZZLE —PART NO.419336—‘V’BANK ROTECTlON One 1W nozzle will protect 6 linear feet (1.8 m)of “V’bank plenum. The nozzle must be mounted horizontally,positioned 1/3 the filter height down from the top of the filter.Nozzles can be located at 6 ft (1 .8 m)spacings on longer plenurns.The nozzle must be positioned 0-6 in.(0-1 5 cm)from the end of the hood to the tip of the nozzle. See Figure 10. 1W NOZZLE (1.2 ml MAXIMUM N NCZZE —PAPT NC.1.19335 —“!‘3Nt<RO3C1D\ Two IN nozzies VAI orOteD C ‘one cc (3 n C wide ot “\I’,e1ur..Th nrzios mjs uemo’iec iF tOE 2 Ic 4 r..(5 Ic lE c—”from.too 10CC o’too fe:.cenle:eo be:wee roe fihe’reign:di’oeisor,ant arnec bow ion 9fl010 The no:zo oizs:he pcisitiooec 0-6 in.(0-15 0Th f’ort t”eon 0 100 “loot’V’m tot 0’to&-o:oz’n oEt.icum ‘1 -1. ‘cci For a plenum,either single or “V’bank,with a linear extension ionge than 10 feet (3.1 m),each bank may be protecteo using one iN nozzle every 10 ft.(3.1 m)or less depending on the overall length of the plenum.See Figure 12.The nozzles may point in the opposite directions as long as the entire plenum area is protected, and the lOft.(3.1 m)limitation is not exceeded.See Figure 13,The nozzle positioning shown in Figure 14 is not an acceptable method of protection because the plenum area directly under the tee is not within the discharge patfern of either nozzle. lGURE 12 ODD2O EIC’URF .fP Page 4-6 10 Er.(3.1 m) MAXIMUM 10 FT.(3 rn) MAXIMUM FIGURE 10 12F0rClm 10 i’.AXl0’.UiO ‘I, I’2—41N (1 —1(3 “<n “<3j ,. V C ‘;3. FlGUlE .14 0002013 SECTION IV -SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX.3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4-13 4-1-06 RE\’.6 Range Protection 1-Flow Nozzle The R-102 system uses five different nozzles for the prolechon of ranges.Two of the design ophons require a one-flow nozzle and three of the design options requite two-flow nozzles. NOTICE A 13 in.(33 cm)diameler wok pan is the largest wok size that can be Protected on ranges. When prolectinçj hot lop ranges,the entire cooking surface must be protected. Range Protection (1-Flow Nozzle) Single anct multiple burner ranges can be protecteci using a tN nozzle,Part No.419335.The nozzle tip is stamped with IN.indi cating If tat this is a one-ft ow nozzle and must he counted as one flow numbet. When using this nozzle tor range protection,the maximum length ot the burner grates being protectect with a single nozzle must no: exceed 32 in.(81 cm)and the maximum area of the burner grates must not exceed 38Z sq.in.(2477 sq ciii)per nozzie. When protecting a range.the 11 nozzle must be located a maxi mum of 10 in.(25.4 cm)trori cacti burner grate centerline arid must be armed at the center of the cooking surtace.See Figure 26, 31’iN \\/ 171,cm j/, c. When this type of hazard is equipped with Et back shelf located above the range top.two protection options are availafile:One requires a iF nozzle,Part No.41 9333,and the other option requires a 260 nozzle,Part No.419341. Option 1:1 F Nozzle:When using the 1 F nozzle for range flrotec don with or with out back shelf,the maxirnuni length of the burner grates being protected must not exceed 28 in (71 cm)and the maximum aret:of the hurrier grates must riot exceed 336 sq.in.(2168 sq.cm).See Figure 27 tor nozzle location details. iF NOZZLE FIGURE 27 0002T Dption 2:260 Nozzte.\‘\‘uez.usrnc the 260 no:zfe to rancre pro iectiun witn o WitriDit baci:sbel:the maximum enpti’. of bu:ne:grates heinz.protester-must not exceec 32 in (81 cm air tue maximum ares o’thr bumne’ g:’aies mus:nor exceec 384 sq in.(247 sq cm). Nozzle must or-rocrited on Inc hoot edge of toe nurs e’ormes ant aimed a:a [Dii’1 C in.(20 cm trots the t:tazi eceu€’D toe Ourne’orates.Nozzle.ti-lust Lie mount ed 30 tnt 40 in.(76 Ic 102 cm above t:’is t’tczarc sLir’ tace See 6iguts 2ff. 5i-EL’CAN ovEni-iciio BuRl’JERiS 01’A MAXiMUM OF 11 IN (25 CIflit 45 II’. 107 cm, )2 iN (305 cii):- Mr,xreje’FRONT 10 REAR CENT ERUNE 6’. 3Sf’cm, MAxlMur iF NOZZLE LOCATED OIlER RDNT EDGE OF BURNEF GRATE AND ORIENTOD SC’NOZZDI TIF’F:j,Tt:ARE 2ArIALL:RITH BURNER GRATE FRDN’TC,REAT CENTEA,.iNE AND SHAD.BE ArMED e THE CENTER O THE COCHEiND SURFACE 261’NDZJ. lit ii\, ci.CI r,i/,tiieius: 15’-- NOZZLE — 11’ 37 iN ill’cii, iv1AXIMUI, SHED’DAN Cl\’501-IAt’IU EILIRNIRO1 BY A IEFX(1s41(IH C)”11 rI.(21 ci,, 31 4)’(I’, 7’-Ui’cm /iiIsilN, liI6’li- ill 64. (25 Ciii, (3ACI’c (IF EEl 7 Ft ill!rr FIGURE 28 FIGURE 26 SECTION IV —SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX.3470 ULC CEx747 REV.5 10-1-02 245 NOZZLE TIP LOCATION CENTERLINE OF COOKING SURFACE 5DIN (127cm) MAXIMUM HEIGKT O245 1 NO:ZE TP MINIM.JIV -IEISH (TI Qooa L__‘F 245 NOZZLE TIP — LDCATION CENTEF.OF / COOKING SURFACE OR 113/8 IN 129cm) MAXIMUM PROM CENTERLINE OF NOZZLE TO CENTER OF ANY BURNER GRATE 245 NOZZLE TIP LOCATION CENTER OF COOKING SURFACE ,‘ OR 3/F II\129 cm MAXIMJN’RO8/ CYNTE,RLINE ONDZZK TO CENTE D ANY BURNEF GRATE COOKING AREA NOTICE Fou Durie:orales snoW:FIGUrE 30 For si IE U OOJOI/rOLYflC CJ;AISZ IUCa(3 SIOZZIE a cente or COC)KIUC sunane m 11 3/In.(29 nm maxImum ro nozzle Dentprhne to center 01 any Djner grate. Page 4-14 Range Protection 2-Flow Nozzle High Proximity Application (2-Flow Nozzle):0 in.to 50 in. (102 cm to 127 Cm)above tne cooking surtace. This high proximity application uses tne 245 nozzle,Part Nc. 419340. The nozzle tip is stamped with 245 indicating this is a two-flow nozzle and mus:be counted as two flow numbers. One 245 nozzle will eroieo a maximum cooking area of 672 sq.in. (4335 sq.cm)with a maximum longest dimension of 26 in.(71 cm). When using this nozzle for range protection,the nozzle must be pointed vertically down and positioned as shown in Figures 29 and 30. A COOKING AR5 FIGURE 30 FIGURE 29 SECTION IV —SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX,3470 ULC CEx747 REV.6 4-1-06 Page 4-24 Gas-Radiant/Electric Char-Broiler’Protection The R-102 system uses the iN nozzle,(Part No,419335)for gas- radiant/electric char-broiler protection. The nozzte tip on the iN nozzle is stamped with a 1N indicating that this is a one-flow nozzle and must be counted as one floe’ number, One IN nozzle will protect a hazard with a maximum length of 36 in.(91 cm)and a total cooking area which does not exceed 864 sq.in.(5574 sq.cm).The nozzle tip must be located 15 to 40 in.(38 to 102 cm)above the hazard surface.Wrren using this nozzle for gas-radiant/electric char-broiler protection,the nozzle must be positioned anywhere along o:within the perimeter of the maximum cookrnq area arid shalt be aimed at the center of the cooking surlace.See Figure 51. A // icr cm AXiILiI /‘/,,is IN 131.cm MINiIiLli’ __1 FIGJRE 5 Overhead Chain Broiler PrDteztion (Continued) SECTION IV —SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX.3470 ULC C5x747 Pace 4-23 4-1-06 REV 7 Example No,1 —Inlernai broiler size is 24 in.lonq x 2C)in.wide (61 x 51 cm),with an opening of 16 in.x 16 in (40.6 x 40.6 cm). To determine minimum opening size,multiply the internal length and the internal width by 0,6: Length ot opening —24 in.x 0.6 14.4 in. (61 cm x 0.6 36.6 cm) Widlh of opening —20 in.:0.6 =12.0 in. (51 cm x 0.6 30.5 cm) The minimum allowable 000nirig to:overheud protec tion WoLlid be 14.4 in.r 12,0 in.(36.6 x 30.5 cm). This exampic would be acceptable to:ovei’head pio tection. Example No.2 —lnlerna bioile:s:ze is 30 in.long x 24 in wide (76 x 61 cm)with an opening of 22 in.x 12 in. (56 x 30 cm) To determine minimum opening size.multiolv internal length anc inlerna.w;dth by 0.6: Length of opening -30 ins 0.6 =16.0 in (76cm):0.6 45.7 on Width of opening —24 ir.x 0.6 =i in.. (61 cm s 0.6 35.6 cm: Mioin’iu:i aowanoo 0)300 10 overneac oroieo:icr wood be 16 r:)L 4 in.f45.7 s 36.6 c:Y. Secause th:s orouc has a-opening Di 22 in.1 i::. toe 12 in widi:’is oeiov.the minimum aliowc:no ca ojaleSi O:mensOn 0’4 in.(36.6 cm)anc tcersto-e wou:c ncr cc acceclace ion ovenneac orcecoon ooriphciSoian’rnnde—Bro:e:Pm:ectio: R-1 05 Ppt/:’,’C-::‘S::m’ins Svs:er’user cnn 1 N Nc::ie Part No 410335.Ins upnh :rn:cii’n:c:’iDe 301cr prolecin. The ncmzie t:o::slannocin wit iN,inci:o:itir’Iris:tIns in C oro—tov 0:Rn sc:’im wi :1::::r’n:C!iiJrn.nEi.Ca:C.cc:inic:r.:1: e ciamoer Dh 16 in (4 cm uee s 25 ii (74 cm)vii:. Tne sinicin iN’nozzie rn::Li:cots::Oiinctiv ii lair wit’:sik i: me isa.anus a:lbs n)rc)Ii::unn:,’c.in.(it cm)10 13 ui.35 i’on’Of trim;onic:.a::P i:in 12 in.(3)on’s 0:0’s tie’0355 too Duile.Tl’ie rio:sc moo:no a:mW ot 13:coop:n f:: coo inc Ses Fipur 49 v,si to’,,Eiccr 0’ENIN: Upright/Salamander Broiler Protection The R-102 system uses two 1/2N Nozzles (Part No.419334)ton alt uoright/salamande:oroiiei protection.The nozzle tip is slamoec 1/2N,indicating that this is a halt-f iow nozzle.A pair of these noz zles will equal one flow number. Two i/21\:no:zies wilt oroteot a maximum hazard area (internal broiler chamber)ot 30 in.x 32.5 in.(76 cm x 82.5 cm).These noz zles must always be used in pairs on an upright/salamander broil er.One nozzle must be positioned above the grate and pointed at the hack opposite corner of the bi’oile:chamhei.The second noz zle must be pointed dowi’i into t:ne center of toe drip oan through the open slot.See Figure 50. Note:It metal 1)10W-Ott caps are requ:red for upright broile:’o sale mandei broiler proloclior:,use (2)two IN nczzies Par:No. 419335,instead ot 1/2k nozzles SALAMANOER BROiLER 1)01 --._- Ii iN Ns2:O: PAR NC’‘IiS)35 r —.L cicmr:os ZDN :3:cmi ‘a ii.it Scm V._.._..I._ —..-—.—.1 ]i\ ii:,cii ‘AIM Al ci:x I AilS A cENTEP O 113:P 0 CR01.55 0’ENiNC ‘0)5 U FICURIi)50 FIGURE 49 SECTION IV —SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX 3470 ULC CEx747 Pane 4-17 10-1-02 REV.5 Griddle Protection 1-Flow Nozzle The R-1 02 system uses jour difleren:nozzles io the protector of cjridcliez.One of the applications requires a 1-floe.nozzle and three of toe aolicatinns require a 2-flow nuzzin High Proximity Application:35 in.Ic)40 in.(95 to 102 cm)above the cookincj surlace. This high proximity application uses the 1 N nozzle.Part No 419335 Tlie nozzle tip is stamped with iN indicatinq this is a one-flow noz zle and must be counted as one flow number. One 1N nozzle wilt protect a maximum cookiny area o 1080 sq. in.(6968 sq cm)with the maximum longest side of 36 in.(91 cm). When usln this nozzle for griddle protection,the nozzle must be positioned aiong the cooking surtace perimeIe to a maximun i of 2 in.(5 cm inside the perimeter,and aimed Ic the midpoint of the cookinc surrace.See Figure 35 and 36. NOTICE VVnec usinc thIS type ot ctriode ororection.only 5 how numbers are aliowed DC C 1.5 saIlor’sys tern and one’11 flow numbers are alioweo or.c. 3 oalion system. ——IMI3’C)I’’Dr CODeINe SU)’IFACS H ‘ 1).N3:zL OzATEc ALONC Al’!”SIDE OF GRIDDE sURFAcS WITHIF’I’—C’ye ie —5 cn or CCIOKIN,T SURACP EDGE NDzZJ MUST 85 AwE:)A’I mow’:o CUUI)INC SURFACE t i’IOZZi.E LocATine 1 A I I II —2 iN ((I —I,cm I ‘INSIDE PEFIIMETEF)/I 41)iii C.—UI’COCiNC)suer-cor /I 118:’cm I ‘I ‘MAXIMUM I ‘I ‘I-lEIGH] //NOZZLE TIP I ,.I E,r iF)(il_I Cli)) t I //I MINiMUM I I //HEIGHT EDGE I I ‘/OF iN OF -l I //No:zLE TP’ COUK1NCF I I i // I I sURFAcE Li V’I L FIGURE 36 OLID’Ir C’:DDKIN::SIJRFACE EDGE FIG URE,35 SECTION TV —SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX.3470 ULC CEx747 REV5 10-1-02 50 (K 12?cml MAXIMIJIs! OF 29Cr NOZZLE TIP LT.J ///iN )Lcm) /MAXIMLIE’J / CENTER OF GRIDDLE SURFACE OR A MAXIMUM DIMENSION or 20.6 I1 52 cm)FROM NOZZLE CENTERLINE TO URTHESi CORNER OF GRIDDLE Paoe 4-18 Griddle Protection 2-Flow Nozzle Option 1 —Nozzle Center Located Hiqh Proximity Application:30 in.Ic.50 in (76 cm Ic 127 cm) above the cooking surface. This high proximiTy appscation uses the 290 nozzle,Pal Nc. 419342. The no:zle tip is stamped with 290 indicating this is a 2-flow noz zle and must be counted as two flow numbers. One 290 nozzle will protect a maximum cookino arcs o’720 so.in (9290 sq.cm)with a maximum dimension of 30 in.(78 cmf When using this nozzle for high proxinhity apglications.the nozzle must he positioned within 1 in.(2.5 cm)o4 the center of the cook Inc suriace and pointed vertically down.See Fioure 38 and 37. CENTER ONE 0”GRIODLE SURFACE 1 IN.0 cc,)IN ANY DIRi?CTIDIs NOZZLE LOCATION COOKING AREA 1 IN.(0cm) 000KINC ARE?. FIGURE 38 OOO77 I 3(JN )(75cm) I MFJIMJE’ I .•029L Inc l3URE 37