HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Public Safety, Utilities, and Public Works Committee 2013-02-14RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, February 14, 2013 Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the PUBLIC SAFETY/UTILITIES/PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE of the Town of Estes Pork' Larinner County' Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Pork on the 14mday mf February' 2013. Committee: Chair Blaohurst.Trustees Koenig and Phipps Attending: Chair Blackhurst, Trustees Koenig and Phipps Also Attending: Assistant Town Administrator Richardson, Chief Ku&eld, Dir. Bergsten, Dir. Zurn, Supt. Fraundorf, and Deputy Town Clerk Deats Absent: Town Administrator Lancaster Chair Blaokhuntcalled the meeting toorder at8:OOa.m. PUBLIC COMMENT. None PUBLIC SAFETY. REPORTS. Reports provided for informational purposes and made a part of the proceedings. 1. Estes Valley Victim Advocates (E\yVA) Annual Report — EV/A Director [Nary K4esmpian reported that EVVAnomod 094peop|o inthe community during 2012. This number includes advocate oa||n, counseling and support, as well as serving over25O people during the Woodland Heights and Fern Lake fires. She noted that a new, bilingual advocate has been added tothe Latino Outreach Program. 2. Verbal Updates — Chief Kufa|d reported that Julie Sullivan was selected for the position of Communications Manager; and noted that members of the Police Department and P|O Rusch attended an in depth national incident management system training at the YMCA during the first week ofFebruary. |naddition, Kimberly Culp will be presenting information about the Nev Generation 011 system following the PUP Committee meeting. REPORTS. Reports provided for informational purposes and made a part of the proceedings. 1. VVutur Leak Adiustmort Policy — Dir. Borgston presented e draft policy related to adjustments made to utility bills for water charges incurred during u water leak. Current practice provides a 10096 credit for excess water consumed as a result ofu large water leak. The policy being proposed would equally split the cost of the leak between the customer and the Town with the intent of encouraging due diligence on the part ofwater customers. Assistant Town Administrator Richardson noted that the Town in researching an elective utility line insurance policy that would cover leaks in the service line after the water meter. Chair B|aokhurst said the policy contains significant changes from current practice and requires further discussion. The Committee requested the topic be discussed bythe full Board during mfutunn Town Board Study Session and asked for data no|utod to the number ofincidents of this type occurring per year. 2. Revisions to Sections 1320'13.38 of the Municipal Code — In reviewing business opanydonu' Utility Department staff, with Attorney White's invn|vement, in in the process ofrevising language inthe water section ofthe Municipal Code. Most ofthe revisions do not change the intent of the noction� howmver, staff is requesting RECORD oFPROCEEDINGS Public Safmty8Jt|bies/PubyioKVorks Cmmmdtem—Pabrumry 14, 2013—Page 2 direction from the Board on Section 13.31040 Discontinuance, termination and abandonment of service. Discussion of the proposed revisions to the Municipal Code including forfeiture of taps, and expectations that, when pumhasod, waters taps are attached to specific pmportiea, will be scheduled for afuture Town Board Study Session. 2. Verbal Updates — o Line Replacement Pmqram — Dir. Bargaton said a capital improvement plan exists for 10096 pipe replacement and noted that an effort to identify and prioritize the replacement, as well as to determine the financial impact of replacement will be looked at as part of financial planning and master planning. In addition, the Tovvn'o raw water supply, how to aocoao it, and counter measures that would need to be put in place will also be addressed. Arequest for proposal (RFP)for general engineering services related to the study will be going out soon. Assistant Town Administrator Richardson noted m comprehensive master plan on water treatment and infrastructure was done in the mid 1980n and said it is time to update the master plan. Chair B|aokhurstquestioned the accuracy cf the information that has been provided to the Board based on more recent studies. Trustee Koenig said asituation exists where reality iochanging and the focus that drove more recent studies may have changed. She said even though the Town has an adequate water supp|y, with changing staff, weather patterns, and risk scenarios itiagood tobeproactive. o Water Dispenanr— The Committee requested information related to the use of the dispenser including: number of vehicles per day, the noise level, and the times ofday the dispenser inaccessed. o Utility Loans — Finance Officer McFarland said he is researching the possibility of refinancing existing utility loans. He said he will report back to the Committee on the costs and possible pona|Uou associated with refinancing utafuture PUP Committee meeting. PUBLIC WORKS. GEORGEHCX MEMORIAL On behalf of the George Hix family, Gory N]aphako and Harry Hutcherson informed the Board of the tomi|y's desire to rename Confluence Park and locate a momnho| to George Hix in Riverside Plaza. The memorial would honor Mc Hix'a service to the community and his involvement in the ouooeonfu| completion of numerous improvements and projects in the Town of Estes Park. Over the years, Mr. Hix served onthe town board, the planning commission, the recreation district board and was an EPURA commissioner. The family is proposing the name George Hix Park at the Confluence. A modest pedestal would be erected in the plaza to provide information about Mr. Hix and, in addiUon, the family would donate $25.000 to the Town for renovation of the benches in the park. The Committee expressed interest in the idea and said the full Board needs to discuss its philosophy on memorials and donations and create a process to address this type of request. Mr. K|aphako asked that the Committee consider the idea and provide input and counterpoints to the proposal. HARMONY PARK MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. The Parks Division is requesting approval to purchase an inUanauUvo, handcrafted musical instrument to be installed along the Rivonwm|k near Kind Coffee. Staff has so|odad an instrument called the Manta Ray as the first piece of interactive art. The instrument emits pure and soothing tones and can be played by anyone; musical knowledge is not necessary. The instrument is built to |ast, withstand rigorous play in high -use anoao, and weather the elements of nature. The Committee recommends approval of the purchase of the Fneeno0oe Manta Ray musical instrument at cost mf$5ODOfrom account #1U1'528D'452-2G'23budgeted, tobeincluded onthe consent agenda atthe February 2O.2013,Town Board meeting. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Public Safety/Utilities/Public Works Committee — February 14, 2013 — Page 3 COMPACT EXCAVATOR FOR STREETS DIVISION. The 2013 budget includes $45,000 for the purchase of a new compact excavator for the Streets Division to be used primarily for maintenance of the water ditch drainage system. Bids were solicited with the following results: Bobcat of the Rockies Windsor, CO Colorado Machinery — John Deere Fort Collins, CO Wagner Equipment — CAT Windsor, CO $43,398.84 $53,800.00 $45,710.00 Staff recommends purchasing from low bidder, Bobcat of the Rockies which offers the compact excavator through a rollover program that allows trade-in for an updated piece of equipment every two years at a minimal cost to the Town. The Committee recommends approval of the purchase of an E35 ZTS Bobcat Compact Excavator from Bobcat of the Rockies at a cost of $43,398.84 from account #101-3100-431- 34-98 budgeted, to be included on the consent agenda for the February 26, 2013, Town Board meeting. REPORTS. Reports provided for informational purposes and made a part of the proceedings. 1. Update on RFP and Schedule for Parking Garage — Due to a lack of time, this report was not heard and will be moved to the agenda for the February 26, 2013, Town Board meeting There being no further business, Chair Blackhurst adjourned the meeting at 9:22 a.m. Cynthia eats, Deputy Town Clerk APPROVED FEB 262013 TOWN OF ESTES PARK BOARD OF TRUSTEES