HomeMy WebLinkAboutPACKET Light and Power 1987-10-12LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE ~~~~~~~ October 12, 1987 / 43 AGENDA 1. Potential Sale of Estes Park Cable Systems, Inc. 2. Street Light Damage Review - t:;~Ltite..gt 3. Residential Rate Demand Metered - Beck Study 4. Service Building Site Negotiations 5. Recreation District Seminar REPORTS Public Power Week FEMA Projects CpR Class „ , 7 4 014), 4 1 -kd.lu,) 9 04.~,C.,#»·,udI.J.2 Disconnects - 249" Other ' 1 (C) $400,000.00 from all other types of liability. : The limits of said insurance may be increased from time ./ to time upon the request of the Town in order to reflect i changes in coverage reasonably made necessary by inflation, statutory changes, and other factors. Section 42. Right of First Refusal. (A) Grantee hereby grants to the Town the right of first refusal of any purchase offer of the CATV system. If . the Grantee elects to sell the sytem and obtains an offer for purchase, it shall forward to the Town the terms and conditions of said offer. The Town shall have sixty (60) days from the receipt of said offer to elect to purchase the system under the same terms and conditions. In the event the Town elects to purchase the system, it shall notify Grantee in writing within the sixty (60) day period of said election. Upon said notifica- tion, the Town shall immediately proceed to purchase the system upon the terms and conditions specified in the offer. In the event the Town does not notify the Grantee within said sixty (60) day period or notify Grantee that it does not elect to purchase the system, the Grantee shall be free to sell the system under the terms and conditions specified in the offer. (B) Anything in this section or elsewhere in the Permit notwithstanding, Grantee shall continue to operate the CATV system pursuant to the terms hereof until control of such 'system is assumed by the Town or another permittee or until -24- FANCH COMMUNICATIONS 10[ 1873 South Bellaire Street Suite 1550 Denver, Colorado 80222 (303) 756-5600 October 12, 1987 Light and Power Committee Town of Estes Park Estes Park, CO 80517 Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: Robert C. Fanch operating as Fanch Acquisition Group hereby requests transfer of the Cable TV franchise, dated July 14, 1981, for the town of Estes Park Colorado from Cable Systems, Inc. to Fanch Acquisition Group or another entity controlled by Robert C. Fanch. Mr. Fanch hereby agrees to assume all obligations of the franchise and asks for no waivers from the current agreement. However, he desires to have confirmation that the franchise is in full force and effect and that no event of breach or default currently exists and that all obigations are current. Further, it is desired that permission to pledge the cable system as security for a mortgage be provided. Attached is an introduction to Mr. Fanch and the cable entities he controlls. Sincbrely, 16 IA. fL/31(JA, r21'WC./ 0 Dean Wandry '' FANCH COMMUNICATIONS, INC, AND ROBERT C. FANCH July, 1987 1 r . FANCH COMMUNICATIONS, 1NC. Currently operating the following systems: Location Basic Subscribers Micanopy, FL 6,000 Oxford, MI 3,100 Jefferson County, CO 1,400 South Sioux City/Wayne, NE 4,500 Azle/Hood County, TX . 3,100 Foreat Lake, ]IN 2,000 Cambridge, MN 3,700 Platteville/Gilcrest, CO 400 Columbine Valley, CO, 575 Hurricane/LaVerkin, UT 750 Green River, UT 225 Satellite Communications, CO 1,230 Joshua, TX 375 Glen Rose, TX 625 27,980 To be added soon: 34 Kiva Cable 2,700 71. 010 CSI 13,000 15,700 GRAND TOTAL 43,680 FANCH COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Fanch Communical.lons, inc., was founded in 1985 by Robert C. Fanc:h. it isa lot.ally se.li-suffic:tent cable television manageinent organization which provides Reneral manage.ment direction, linancibl administration, tax preparation, legal support and technical advice for the Cable T.V. properties owned or managed by Robert C. Fanch and his assoclates. These services are provided on a daily basis using the knowledge gained by employees in over forty (40) years of cable television experience. In addition, several system monagers have over. twenty (20) years experlence at t.he local level and serve as resources for the organization. ROBERT C. (BOB) FARCH, PRESIDENT Mr·. Fanch is experienced in all p}lases cd rable television operations, }Ils initial involvement in the industry began tn 1969 while employed by Coopers and Lybrand, a Big Eight accounting firm, in 1972, Mr·. Faric:h was employed by Amerlcon lelevislon and Communications Corp. as Manager· 01 Financial Annlysts and other positions which gave him opeiational experience. In 1975, lie formed Coaxial Analysts inc. and served as the President 01 the Finanotal Bervic·es Division for ten (10) years. Coaxial Analysts ts one of the largest onble television consulting firms with offices in Denver and London. 1}te Coaxial group of compantes included a construct.lon company, brokerage firm, satellite services, converter repair compnny, and a computer graphics software firm. Mr·. Fanch played a significant role in the development and operation of all thes:e it ir ins. in 1985, Mr, Fanch formed Fanch Communications, inc., for the purpose of acquiring and operating cable television properties. Mr. Fanch is a certified public accountant with a Bachelor of Bclence degree from Clarkson University and a Master of Science degree in Finance from the Unlveir sity cd Denver. lie is a former member of the National Association of Securities Dealers. .... r .1 A. DEAR WANDRY, VICE-PRESIDENT/GENERAL MANAGER A. Dean Wandry is a graduate of the University of Colorado with a degree in Economics. He also received four (4) years of communications electronics training and experience in the U.8. Navy. Mr. Vandry was employed by Bayly Corp. a multinational apparel manufacturer for fourteen (14) years, Upon his departure in 1981, he held the position of· President of the Sales and Marketing Division with sales of over $100,000,000 annually. Mr, Wandry then served as Vice-President of Balee and Marketing for Conquest Cable, a Cable T.V. construction firm and in 1982 formed Citation Cable Systems, Ltd., to iranchise, build and operate cable systems. Citation operates six (6) systems in three (3) states and le now part of the Fanch organization, . LOUIS E. El)MONDSON, VICE··I'RESIDENI ENGINEERING Mr. Edmondson has over twenty (20) years in the cable industry with strong experience in Cable T.V. design, system management, franchising and the technical aspects of system maintenance. Mr. Edmondson has been employed by Daniels and Associates and American Televiston and Communication (ATC) where he received extensive experience, training and cable television knowledge. In 1980, Mr, Edmondson formed R. F. Analysts which is the second largest converter repair firm in the U.S., repairing over 200,000 converters annually. Currently, Mr, Edmondson is responsible for the technical operation of all Cable T.V. properties managed by Fanch Communication. - I 'l - I. 4.- .4 I LINDA BJORKLUND, CONTROLLER , Ms. Bjorklund holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and is a Certlited Public: Accountant. She serves aa controller for Fanch Communications, inct. , and he.ir· reE.:r,c,halt,ilit,lea include implementing accounting systems, tax preparation, payroll and banking at the local system level. All Fanch Communicalion personnel visit the local systems to provide. specific assist,ance, review budgets, set Rcials and plan activitlem. Thts provides the local operation with access to experience and knowledge not ordinarily available to a amaller eystem and it gives backup in t.imea of* problems. Legal assistance for Fanch Communication le provided by! Cameron and Mittleman 30 Exchange Terrate Providence, Rl 02903 (401) 331-5700 David Mayer, Esq. Audits and professional.tax counseling ig provided by: Harding and Illttesdorf Certified Public Accountants 600 Grant Street, Suite 504 Denver·, 00 80203 (303) 832-5700 Stephen M. Hit.tesdori, GPA 46 21-2 1.1.,4.1/ TOWN OF ESTES PARK 1% - 'Sly,4 ., „ \1 Light and Power Department . Robert L. Dekker Director -«?.94'if,/ 'f, >UY 2247 : . / :Ak .1 >bf 7 %:0. ~4484 ; emifi*«non»«~i - 144 '~i·,3 7-- : · -p#T-A.+34#*. .~- _~~_ Estes Park, Colorado 80517 *' .fuly-2 d-i~ 987 Mr. Bob Joseph ESTES PARK URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY P. O. Box 1200 Estes Park, CO 80517 Dear Bob: Enclosed is a copy of the accident report and Maintenance Work Order regarding the street light that was damaged by a Watson Freight Line truck on May 18, 1987. Jim Watson has offered to drive one of his trucks down Elkhorn Avenue as close as legally possible to the curb so you can see how many lights might be close enough to the street to be hit. It probably would be best for you and Jim to visit and set a mutually agreeable date and time. I have told Jim we will wait until this has been done before deciding whether or not he has to Pay for the damage. Your specific judgment at the southeast corner of Elkhorn and Wiest Drive will be the determing factor. Please let me know the results of your "test run". Sincerely, TOWN OF ESTES PARK Light and Power Department Robert L. Dekker Directcr CC: Jim Watson, Watson Freight Lines 9 1 : t• TOWN OF ESTES PARK - LIGHT & POWER DEPT. No 6713 MAINTENANCE WORK ORDER b,ntion 4)&151- El-'<HORN ** 84 -rom --re/h nare 5-/ir -77 Ch'. 1-0/ LOATBOU liRE)9HT LIUES / Description of Work to be Done: P. 0. 80 K b M E· A. Co/a , (-PlkE RE.-OR 4 R EFA; e. , .4 N b RPSET ST· L 16,#-t Tn Statement of Work Done STATEMENT OF COSTS ZINSIDE C:71' LICITE « NAME HRS RATE AMOUNT CAR MILES RATE AMOUNT ITEMS OF MISC. EXPENSE 1 G.44 *ARKA 1-1-10.<.44.6-1 4/. 1 1 3* 8 €0 4.DO 54. u i ,/41 // ..41 28 4 60 4 09 a-D HA/n P 10 9,0- 41.7 4 - G. 00 #Ic DougAL. 2 /O.39 .9 5.78 93, DO .: 2595 63.20 119.00 Total Man Nrq In + lorin Labor Cost Total Mile.g. Mileage Cost ... 6 00 Total Length Ft Material Cost ..........¥ Meter Order N. Misc. Exp. .............$ , -2 90 Reg. Nos. TOTAL COST .....T f 0.- · U 5--20.57 Date Completed Sigijed (Foreman) '-P¢. 01 1-inue . - , '' ACCIDENT RECORDS INVESTIGATOR'S :HEET-OF ~ ' SHEETS , 4201 t A,Un..An. D-,r. Colo. 00222 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT RA££12~[.|&~*;~~~~~~~ - "'-"-"·YE.tA,uy.1,24*521%231·~M.t jewy<*443:dieraer.*41*21••eL,~aam~'0'1~Nf#U~0.3,NAs,9555.e~mizir,.~228#*AM#*A#,2 #91#14Ff&af:*e,;i*i#*aniuM -0&~PMVE,aW*5™42?41•,2, 1,1,#IN-Jim»,pwl/Iwin/Mt-ariImEldfiSKgSELLk: DATE Of ACCIDENT TIME | DAY OF WEEK 1 COUNTY 1 05-/A R 7 1099-6 1 NeL,DAY 175-Ars fhek 1 6» 2 f #wa LOCATION: ROUTE. STREET, ROAD OF ROUTE. ST, RO, MILEPOST ...JEET ..._S ....W LOG l€T .~AT INTERSECTION Wrn, E C c le,eju TOTAL W•BER NUWatlt RAILROAD CONIT. WILD PUBLIC PMOPERTY OR PRIVATE INCOMPLETE VEMICLES C KILLED ~ INJURED ~ CROSSING ZONE GAME PUBLIC EMPLOYEE ~ PMOPERTY REPORT DATE NOTIFIED TIME DATE ARMIVED TIME INVESTIOATIO PHOTO DISTRICT i D OF ACCIDENT AS-/ R Al CAS (o ATICENE 69 (867 12) 1 AT SCENE >r TAKEN NUMIER OFACE. SIONATURE OFFICER SIGNATURE D€7 Al L _1 NU..EM 7,7 0.-u n 11, _6.0~ PAII NUMBER DATE 00 LAW EN,b*cudip#T CODE RE,Oar 0<nAR7 AGENCY 94+1 AA f D I REVIEWING OF/ICEM VEM Il OR - PARKED - PEDESTRIAN 0 - VEH •2 OR - PARKED - PEDESTRIAN 0 - •••E FIRST LAST NAME FIRST .1 Flm WACTS-LAAg A LY bet. c bEAO & 215* ST.EET ADOMESS - RES PHONE STREET ADDRESS RE..PWONE 8153 SAADY ZAJ FO AX 266 3-KA- 4,54 ZIP CODE .US. PHONE crry STATE ZIP CODE .US. PHONE Emp#* pet 2%% A)-21 9%(. - 4(,M- ABIVER UC. NO. DRIVER Llc. NO. STATI .Ex AGE DATE OF BIRTH D Alo /5- S~E ~ ~ AGE 321~%'K VIOLATION(•) VIOLATION(S) VIOLATION CODECS) CITAnON HUMBER{81 COMMON COOE(•) VIOLATION COOECS) CITATION NUMBERS) COMMON CODE(S) h YEAR I.*KE MODEL .OOY TYPE YEAA MAKE MODEL BODY TYPE Ii...*.I g- 1 (A>TBC.0 Al-10"A l Teper?o £ 7977 REG~TRATION NO. STATE VEH. IDENT. NO. REGISTRATION NO. STATE VEH. IDENT. NO. LU O 690. (06 60 € 5- - VEM. OWNER RST /1 VEM. OWNER ~* FIRST W LAST .u.E u)*Asou Cr,?'16Et 4 - LAIT *LAME 1 111- -6-- ST"78.Ek 689 eAs Apt 27% 23 *rMEET ADDRESS err, STATE ZIP CODE VEHICLE TOWED IY VEHICLE TOWED IY - ij <I ;1 ~I DAMAGE SEVERITY: DAMAGE SEVERITY: -1€141 1-OUGHT :4 :S .. .7 0. 1.UGHT . 2-MODERATE C=n.C== ..... 24*ODERATE - i-J-rEDIC L=~ l__, ::-- A,O *+*TTo~66 -----HC *----I----1 19.:r. 1! MXTMENE i 111 1 W 2,• 1,# i,; 1,2 : .*r..- ~ 1 $ i |• i " i " i :0 u....c..r:.0.- O'n'"MOF LAST NAME FIRST .1 OWNEM OF LAST NAME MAST - ---="°'. 'ro U>k) AF t'STKA PAet DAMAGED P.OP.- L.D- ((,6 MeGroew-- 31»:. Pnek UE '421 ADD- crry STATE Z]P COOE -~~-=-' OESCA-1 ACC/INT VEK * 1 MAOr A rl jk+ tor,) ou·4 211:\Amew AuD ru€ -=--11 ~8-hiL,Z-2 013 1-us 1/p Mict_P STRO/.Ic A e. ve\, 1<-r f.27-T / IZMT. bA,~1~ 40 +AM Lijkt fouqi€+ED af 4,0 k,~A bc,U~ 1£-Leck-„a .1 7 Z.¥,<~i -~rtjA +4= pog.-~ .1 ~ mOICATE Dal™ Ir AMOW 11 11 ! W#Sf l 10 33 1 1 '; 1 i 1 1 11 1 1 1 . 1 1 ' 18' ! .1 i -- 4 . , .. i PA- ~ 1 %-1-?4 1 1 1 i - 1 rl-l \ 1 -k >4 t rx - 1 ' 1 , . 4 - 6-l R Hot,J ~ 1 . 11 i - . r 1/ , 151 M 1-1 14] F] Fl 1--1 1011----1 ..- 1~~1 F---I13---1 1:11]1 BRADFORO PUBLISHING CO. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Light and Power Committee - August 6, 1987 - Page two CITIZEN REQUEST FOR RELIEF IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENT INVOLVING STREET LIGHT - DISCUSSION: Director Dekker advised an accident, involving Watson Freight Line, oc- curred May 18, 1987 when Watson's trailer struck a street light located at the intersection of Elkhorn Avenue and Wiest Drive. The Town's cost to repair and reset the light is $125.00; Mr. Watson is appealing the charge because, in his opinion, several lights have been placed too close to the street making it difficult to avoid damaging them. In reviewing the "traffic accident report", the Committee observed if vehicles remain on the roadway damage to street lights should not occur. Discussion followed with the Committee recommending Mr. Watson be advised the invoice in the amount of $125.00 is due and payable. R. W BECK AND ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS PLANNING BANNOCK PLAZA BUILDING GENERAL OFFICE DESIGN SEATTLE WASHINGTON 660 BANNOCK STREET Telephone: 206-441-7500 RATES ENVIRONMENTAL DENVER, COLORADO 80204 Telex: 4990402 BECKSEA ECONOMICS Denver, CO Telecopier MANAGEMENT TEL: 303-623-8166 303-629-0580 FILE NO. DD-2027-ER2-AX September 15, 1987 Mr. Robert L. Dekker Director Light and Power Department Town of Estes Park Post Office Box 1200 Estes Park, Colorado 80517 Dear Bob: In accordance with your request and our subsequent phone discussions, we have proceeded to develop a computer model for the residential demand customers and to assess the effect on revenue to the Town if certain modifications to the Residential Demand Rate were to be made in the future. Our model covers the period July 1986 through June 1987 and we were pleased that application of the existing rate results in computed revenues within 1/10 of a percent of actual revenues (99.903%). We have run three rate modification cases on the model and following are descriptions and results for these cases: 1. Drop the minimum demand charge requirement for the months where a customer used no kW and kWh. Annual revenue loss based on the rate effective June 1987 was $8,383 out of $413,965 total revenues or a 2.0 percent reduction. 2. Drop the minimum demand charge for all customers during the months where applicable. If no usage occurred, customer is billed the customer charge. Annual revenue loss based on the rate effective June 1987 was $15,813 out of $413,965 total revenues or 3.8 percent reduction. 3. Reduce the demand ratchet to 40 percent from the 60 percent ratchet now included in the rate. Annual revenue loss based on the rate effective June 1987 was $7,791 out of $413,965 total revenues or 1.9 percent reduction. Seattle. WA • Denver, CO • Phoenix, AZ • Orlando, FL • Columbus, NE • Boston,,VIA • Indianapolis, IN • Minneapolis, MN • Sacramento, CA • Austin, TX • Nashville, TN Mr. Robert L. Dekker -2- September 15, 1987 In addition, you indicated interest in two more cases. You wanted to know the effect on revenues if the Town gave those customers heavily affected by the ratchet and the minimum demand charge, the opportunity to choose (a) between the Residential Demand and the straight Residential Rate or (b) between the Residential Demand and the Commercial Rate. I thought we could run these two cases with our model but I find we cannot in its present form. As you will recall from our discussions, we had some problems assembling the data for the model due to the shear volume of data and the fact that it was necessary to eliminate some duplications in the data. Therefore, we were looking for ways to simplify and keep our time charges down. In order to run the first 3 cases we needed to enter individual demand data but we could get by with total energy or kWh data. Consequently, we did not take the additional time to enter the individual energy data and match it up with the individual demand data. The result is that we do not have the ability to select the individual customers who could benefit by choosing between rates as envisioned in the last two cases (a. and b. above). In order to run these last two cases we would need to spend a few more hours entering energy data and match such individual customer entries with the corresponding demand entries. We estimate this would probably take another two days of Sharon's time to enter this data and run the cases. Inasmuch as we have already exceeded the budget, I thought I should explain the problem to you and we can discuss it further at your convenience. With more than 400 customers involved and twelve months and several entries per customer per month, the time involvement is just more than we originally envisioned. After you have had a chance to think about this I would appreciate the chance to talk to you about it further. Also, should you have questions or be interested in more details we would be pleased to meet with you at your convenience to review with you the details of the model and the cases run previously. Sincerely, R. W. BECK AND ASSOCIATES Al.J € 44,~~0_ - / Stuart C. /*dan Associatb/and Assistant Manager Denver Regional Office SCJ:dfs 9092D 91. 9-1-3-77 --00; 'MY __ Bat De L- ie -V b<'-re c-1-W li#11 - And 90£0€-1 De FE ESTEs fA «- _ Co Le«n- 40, Wori-1- ~IK _749.-427}ed - 10 1112_ diltliES,trvl e V __5090 71 -U foy, 5,7. _ -7/963'z' ___27__ ~~_ Cooi LA _ 5e LL 77~ 4 omp 9,«- 115-060- O C.) + A -t¢ke- l/ 6-2-6~ k.4-n A- Ll-- ftc--, e-DC 5?A '* Faa 0-08_- . t-*6 2- Ae-641-e_#RAL AL#ast _- A-~ A-G -re 9/1/ *7.-tt5- 11/0,1.1,4 give 'Pne_,4 147 _1.-095. T WfuLd - 144«e _c-·-redi-7_-_-__9-0.z-/-_--/05 -_F it-Ter e /1 11 VAL- tre- ULTE __Tlt/8 --74 W 4-1,e~-l- 77* tob Or *c-re fee-E- 0 6-_1/6-7-3.91 -Th e_ Sevue-/ <Afs, 0-46 6 029»1 772 JWO 4 -4 RUZ24JVA C le 0 0 L d _-7 2 -in A L w ,-11 176 e {40 '732.- - 71Ae -f e U- A-re- 117& e Dee J-5 (bvolvect. 1-4 05 0 6-Fe 4 f s 5,10 4-1 U}h --T-0 ro-3-97. -·:-- . 71(Fed. 1 1-al ALL 5 4 L 6,4-yE RT3- 47-5 An d 1 1-64 5 To -rd loc 4-7-e- . 4 440 ©67-21 V A-r k 6) · 5<0 5 1-7 6 trr-L t KAI *344 4-1 4.7 3 6,£,3-Xes s j¥:e-~1_ 53$' 4- 11 -3 a 17 %9 #A 33< =% F.k CO 0 U --1 0. CO G) 0 0- , 0 0 4 O 1 0 0 1 •r-1 O . a) 0 Ul A I A co - 4 0 + 0 fr 00 Lrl ..... - 01-- (N - - --ry .r - - 1 cres Purchase Site Building Total Preparation Estimated $170,000 $300,000 $470,000 203,600 300,000 688,600 OOE'IED' 000'00E 00£'IEI 000'SLS 000'OOE 000'51 000'092 000'SL9 000'00E 000'09 000'SEE Potential tes and Estimated Costs tember 4, 1987 2.75 $217,500 116,700 300,000 634,200 000'GIL 000'00£ 000'OP 000'SLE 99'Z FRANK WILLIAMS' PROPERTY - Counter Offer Residence $125,000 1.2 acres vacant 25,000 Rental house ($45,000 tax credit) 1 $150,001 Lot with trailer house 22,500 TOTAL $172,501 In addition, the seller would want credit in future for water taps, CBT water and fixture units now owned by him. His estimated value for this is: $ 10,734 TOTAL CASH .AND CREDITS $183,235 TOTAL CASH AND CREDITS 22~1*L1L-qprAC),1 ~#~4£Lil .\\ - Trk' ;r :r. Li-JET *-#-#-,1, ) )-(~<- 2 1 1 7\ It j) \ r.- C--t-0--JJ 1/ /1- -4 - 1\ 1 I kf 3.- 4-fif R; 9/ X ---- l/ l-air/0 V/) \ \ 031// P 103 -1~ 05 LF- 1324 / x ~1 (It,ft ~) / 44 Fi-T 3- r- i 1 / so , 0 60 1„ , 1 9130 ...li 111 1 1 X 772t. 3 t 1 G lilli 11 It 14'!!i 1 1 ij f 1 /f -[ C",4 d, , *9 . ' /i:/ill) \L\\ -1 f J /41)31\ C J+4~ 10 C 4 AP). 4 cr ff, fa I. 1- 1 \IN /42 fl~»77*m) St- «37« iti d -. -lffift}~y ~~~ X 77;15~~~~ 1 -1 / \ tool ) ..2 4/04 - - - 2 / f - 1 14 j \41) \ \\<ki 7 7 x 7731.8 17-- I..... I.I.-'. Il.- I..-* VAL 0 »J In , \\ H Ij»«3~~h) Al \»i>j'llult.LUI 43- 1- 1 '' S=323 7-r/ 17779-- ~SE::~ \ c.fi- -939 ~U< .24. 22«U *77257 \ 'lf //lk /) tx , c f *.i.rSti:'..:2' ....Il//&IJITFT.4.-- 4.90 2 - 1/14¢44( 4 6 5.49 -4> A - = 0311 \ \ 49»« a -4 I i - 1-/r 1449 .X 7721.3 1-1 1 (Mt 23 . )0~ ~ 993 ) 1\ 2 /· t l.kli /2-9\- 1 9\ 440~ /1,/91 7710.3 hi li) 19 ~~~ «3--0 f € \»1 mii / \ 6 \ 4 / ////14 .0. \\ 0.- i e , e N*«7 -*b . \<\ 4 -1 91 19 4 U \\ L 1\\\.\ 42 - 1<1 b.\ 1 1 / / \ 11.1- - 4 - 0 / 1 4 l 11 040 2 14 11 v 9 11·33,1 c,31 VERMONT PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY AUTHORITY DRAFT For Review / Discussion Purposes Only September 28, 1987 ESTES PARK LOAD MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES MEETING TIME: 9:00 AM, October 30, 1987 MEETING PLACE: Room 100, Estes Park Municipal Building AGENDA 1. INTRODUCTIONS 2. SHARING OF EXPECTATIONS BY PARTICIPANTS 3. GENERAL PRESENTATION ON LOAD MANAGEMENT How and why does load management work Where are costs and benefits derrived from Holli are costs and benefits apportioned Customizing load management programs Potential dangers and drawbacks 4. SPECIFIC OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE TO ESTES PARK review of Estes Park system structure energy savings capacity savings distribution system savings 5. LUNCH 6. WORKSESSION ON DEVELOPING A CONTRACT FOR ESTES PARK identify specific controllable laods determine control pattern and strategy determine metering requirements determine potential costs and benefits apportion costs and savings I. 000.0 ..ee .0000 . PUBLIC POWER WEEK - October 4-10 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Date Item or Event 9/25/87 Municipal Memo - Public Power Week Information. 9/28/87 - 10/2/87 Additional paper articles, radio ads. Prepare exhibits for Municipal Bldg. Municipal Memo. Publish Public Power Week Resolution. 10/5/87 Set up exhibits in Municipal Building. Registration for drawing. Tours, radio ads. 10/6/87 Exhibits, radio ads, tours, registration. 10/7/87 Same as above - feature story in paper. 10/8/87 Exhibits - radio ads - tours. Equipment display on MacGregor. Lunch for employees. 10/9/87 Newspaper article - radio ads. Drawing for registration prize. Remove exhibits from Municipal Bldg.