HomeMy WebLinkAboutREPORT 2024 Strategic Plan ESTF Implementation Progress1 Environmental Sustainability Task Force Implementation Progress Report September The following objectives are what staff is pursuing based on the work of the 2021 Environmental Sustainability Task Force. This list of objectives was adopted by the Town Board. Objective Responsible Party Timeline On Track Behind Schedule Hold/ Tabled Done*% Complete Comments As a component of Development Code, Municipal Code and Building Code review and updates, consider new regulations and/or incentives associated with: wind generators, solar power generation, energy-efficient homes (low flow toilets and showers, appliances, etc.), reduction in gas hook-ups, electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure (for all residential and commercial building types), and requirement for lodging facilities, including short-term rentals, to provide recycling bins. Steve Careccia One-Year 100%The Board approved the 2021 IBC codes on May 23rd, 2023, including the Colorado Model Solar Ready and Electric Ready Code. The Town is positioned to take advantage of all helpful building and energy codes to help achive goals. Incorporate sustainability and resiliency as key themes of the Comprehensive Plan.Steve Careccia One-Year 100%Comprehensive Plan is complete, and contains these themes with goals, policies and actions corresponding to each chapter. Evaluate and implement reduced year-round residential electricity rates for offpeak usage (this will be a multi-year effort in collaboration with Platte River Power Authority). Reuben Bergsten Multi-Year 60%The Town Board approved a rate increase at the August 13th Town Board meeting. Discussion of reduced rates for offpeak usage is likely to come at a later date in conjunction with discussions with PRPA. Organize and invest in distributed energy generation and storage (this will be a multi-year effort in collaboration with Platte River Power Authority). Reuben Bergsten Multi-Year 90%The GRIP grant proposal was invited to move to the application stage. Work continues, including video-production efforts for the application. A DOLA application for Grid Resiliency was submitted. Consider creation of parking incentives for EVs.Greg Muhonen (DK) One-Year 5% A Study Session was held on June 11th to discuss the Board's guiding policy regarding the relative roles of the Town and the private sector in implementing the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure & Readiness Plan. The Town Board indicated a preference for the Town to provide the parking infrastructure and access to electric infrastructure necessary for a private provider to own and operate the charging stations. A private provider will be selected through a Request for Proposal (RFP) process when the Town's charging data indicates that more electric vehicle charging infrastructure is needed. Management Analyst Simpson will record this direction in an implementation document for future reference. Disucssions of parking incentives to follow. Advocate for the installation of additional EV chargers around Town.Travis Machalek One-Year 95%Current utilization levels do not support the installation of additional capacity. Management Analyst Simpson is drafting an implementation document that will articulate the Town's approach to installing additional public charging infrastructure. Plan for implementation of the Colorado Plastic Pollution Reduction Act, which among other things will prohibit stores and retail food establishments from providing single- use plastic carryout bags at the point of sale. Jason Damweber Multi-Year Ongoing Internal team met in advance of 2023 to interpret the legislation, identify impacted businesses, develop a system for those businesses to remit their revenues, and ensure those businesses were aware of the new requirements. Outreach was conducted ahead of 2024, which has more strigent regulations, and is still in process, as businesses are able to use inventoried supplies of bags and polystyrene. Informational webpage created. Revenues have continued to be used to purchase reusable grocery bags, produce bags, and reusable silicon bags, which have been distributed at various events and locations. Assist with educational efforts associated with recycling, home energy-saving, and other sustainable practices (such as promoting the use of reusable bags, straws, water bottles, etc.), including sharing information from the County on recycling practices and composting. Kate Miller Ongoing Ongoing Methods to date: Social media (recycling info from Larimer County), utility bill inserts (general Efficiency Works info and refrigerator recycling), mailers (Efficiency Works contractor recruitment), email subscribers list and social media (new nonreusable bag fees promoting reusable bags). PW Facilities staff continue to partner with Larimer County and the library to deliver battery recycling events. The Public Information Office has utilized the Town's portion of the single-use bag fee revenue to purchase reusable bags and other products to encourage a reduction in waste and single-use plastic, providing these products to the community at various Town and partner events and public contact points. Encourage and support sustainability efforts of the Estes Park Schools and Estes Valley Library. Travis Machalek Ongoing Ongoing TA Machlek has contacted both the School District and the Library District to ask how the Town might be of assistance in supporting sustainability efforts in these organizations. Discussions are ongoing. This link provdes an update Prepare an effectiveness report as outlined in the Complete Streets Policy (which would include the number of projects completed, number of projects incorporating complete streets infrastructure, actual infrastructure added, number of transit and non-motorized users, and community attitudes and perceptions). Greg Muhonen (JB) One-Year 100% The effectiveness report for 2023 was prepared and presented to TAB in January 2024. Discontinue purchasing of bottled water using Town funds.Duane Hudson One-Year 95% Directives have been issued throughout the town to discontinue the purchasing of bottled water for town functions. We will evaluate working this prohibition into our purchasing policies moving forward. A purchasing policy prohibition on purchasing bottled water will be considered when the Town updates our purchasing policies. Provide more recycling bins in Town facilities, especially where there are larger gatherings of the public (such as the Visitor Center and Event Center).Greg Muhonen (RS) One-Year 100%Five bins installed in Town Hall December 2022. Four additional bins installed at Trail Blazer office, Visitor Center, Museum, and Events Complex. Create zero-waste guidelines for event organizers holding an event on Town property, and work with private groups and event venues to implement zerowaste practices into their own activities. Rob Hinkle One-Year Ongoing Scraps LLC provided services (recycle, compost and trash) for the 2024 Big Foot Days event in Bond Park. Staff is evaluating the results from this event in order to decide how to approach future events. The Town was also awarded a Front Range Waste Diversion Mini Grant of $45,398 to purchase 4 water fill stations, 5 three stream waste cans and 1 storage container. These items have been purchased and should be delivered by November. Continue to work with partners (Fire District, Larimer County, Boulder County, Watershed Coalition) to promote yard debris and slash removal and management that does not involve the landfill. Jason Damweber Ongoing Ongoing Staff coordinated initial meetings about the Meeker Sort Yard with representatives of the Fire District, Larimer County, and Boulder County in 2023; it was determined that the likelihood of creating our own local slash/sort yard is unlikely due to high costs. Discussions will be ongoing and included in larger conversations about solid waste management with Larimer County. Trustee Lancaster reached out to Boulder County in September 2024 and confirmed there are no plans to require Boulder County residency to use the yard for the foreseeable future. Monitor the old Estes Park landfill at Moraine Avenue and Elm Road for methane emission and research the feasibility of capturing methane gas for energy use.Greg Muhonen One-Year Ongoing Stewart Environmental has been retained to prepare and submit this report annually to CDPHE. Install additional water refill stations in Town facilities.Greg Muhonen (RS) One-Year 100% Installation completed at Town Hall, PD, Museum, Broadband office, Decker Electric shop, Water shop, Visitor Center and Events Center. Exterior fill stations to be included during remodeling. No plans to equip Performance Park or Elkhorn outside fill stations. Cost is $8,500 each. Continue staff participation and involvement in Climate Smart Larimer County efforts. Jason Damweber Ongoing Ongoing Town staff is currently serving on the Climate Smart Future Ready (CSFR) Executive Committee. The plan has entered its implementation phase, which can be tracked through the County's interactive dashboard. Consider “green fleet and equipment” policy, where internal combustion engine vehicles and equipment are replaced with “greener” options as they are replaced.Jason Damweber Ongoing Ongoing Several departments and divisions, including Parks, Streets, Mobility Services, PD and Power & Communications are all either actively using and/or exploring alternative-fueled vehicles and equipment. * for multi-year projects, DONE refers to the portion of the project planned for the current year.