HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2018-01-09Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, January 9, 2018 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 9th day of January, 2018. Present: Also Present: Todd Jirsa, Mayor Wendy Koenig, Mayor Pro Tem Trustees Bob Holcomb Patrick Martchink Ward Nelson Ron Norris Cody Rex Walker Frank Lancaster, Town Administrator Travis Machalek, Assistant Town Administrator Greg White, Town Attorney Kimberly Disney, Recording Secretary Absent: None Mayor Jirsa called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and all desiring to do so, recited the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA APPROVAL. It was moved and seconded (Walker/Koenig) to approve the Agenda, and it passed unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENTS. Garrett Faillaci/Town citizen spoke in support of using the current senior citizen location at 220 4th Street for an infant and toddler childcare center. She has lived in Estes Park for seven years, and commuted to the valley for work. She has struggled locating childcare in Estes Park suitable for infancy and toddler ages, and would appreciate the Town's ability to provide a childcare center. Maisie Greer/Town citizen understood the Town would be receiving proposals for potential uses of the current senior center at 220 4th Street. She expressed her hope the Board would see this as an opportunity to provide a childcare center. She noted using an existing structure would allow for an easier transition and for families to live and work in the town. She requested the Board remember the minimal options available for childcare in Estes Park. TOWN BOARD COMMENTS. Mayor Jirsa recognized January 9, 2018 as Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, and encouraged citizens to show their support for Law Enforcers. He thanked Sergeant Rick Life for his service. Trustee Norris stated the Estes Valley Planning Commission would meet January 16, 2018. The Family Advisory Board (FAB) met on January 4, 2018, they have completed the Community Resource Guide, available on the Town's website. The next proposed focus area for FAB would be on childcare in Estes Park. Trustee Martchink requested citizens help Estes Park local Quinn Brett by attending Hand Stands for Quinn on January 13, 2018. Quinn Brett suffered a severe spine injury while climbing in Yosemite National Park in October 2017. The event proceeds would go directly towards Quinn's rehabilitation and the mental and physical barriers she now faces. Mayor Jirsa agreed with Trustee Martchink's sentiments and encouraged those not able to attend the event visit handstandsforquinn.com and participate in the silent auction. Board of Trustees — January 9, 2018 — Page 2 Mayor Pro Tem Koenig stated the next Sister City meeting would be held January 10, 2018. Trustee Nelson announced he would be running for a second term as Trustee during the April 3, 2018 Municipal Election. Trustee Holcomb stated the next Visit Estes Park Board meeting would be January 10, 2018. The Economic Development Corporation (EDC) would hold a housing forum January 10, 2018 to discuss the need for affordable and workforce housing in the town. He also announced his candidacy for re-election as Trustee. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR REPORT. Town Administrator Lancaster met with the R-3 School District regarding the recently passed mill levy and their intentions to build a facility for vocational education. In consideration of the limited land for building, the District proposed building on a section of Stanley Park land across from the Estes Park High School. The identified land is deed restricted, held by the defunct and unrepresented Estes Park Development Company (EPDC). In order to proceed, the Town would apply to the court for a quiet title of the property. He requested the Board's opinions on continued discussions with the School District and further staff and attorney efforts to apply for the quiet title. Attorney White noted a quiet title was previously attempted on the 17 acres owned by the EPDC. This process was not completed due to citizen's fears of the land being sold. With the quiet title the Town would have the option of selling the land to the School District or entering into a long-term lease agreement. Trustee Nelson voiced his interest in the quiet title; however, he would appreciate an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) to control the use of the land. Administrator Lancaster confirmed an IGA would be done if the Town maintained ownership. It was agreed that the Town would proceed in acquiring the quiet title. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: 1. Town Board Minutes dated December 12, 2017 and Town Board Study Session dated December 12, 2017. 2. Bills. 3. Committee Minutes - None. A. Audit Committee Minutes dated December 14, 2017. 4. Family Advisory Board Minutes dated December 7, 2017 (acknowledgment only). 5. Parks Advisory Board Minutes dated November 17, 2017 (acknowledgment only). 6. Transportation Advisory Board Minutes dated November 15, 2017. 7. Resolution #31-17 — Fair Housing (Continued from December 12, 2017 meeting). 8. Resolution #01-18 — Public Posting Area Designation. 9. Resolution #02-18 Setting the Public Hearing date of January 23, 2018 for a New Beer & Wine Liquor License filed by Trendz at the Park, 100 E. Elkhom Avenue, Estes Park, CO 80517. BoardofTruoteea—JanuarV,2O18—Page 3 It was moved and seconded (Koenig/Walker) to approve the Consent Agenda Items, and itpassed unanimously. 2. ACTION ITEMS: 1. APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING THE NORTHERN COLORAOO REGIONAL TOURISM AUTHORITY (NCRTA). Town Attorney White presented the |GA between the City of Love|and. Town of Windsor, Town of Estes Park. and Lahmer County. Colorado to formally establish the NCRTA as a nonprofit artih/, a n*uu|t o/ "Go NOCO^ The NCRTAwmu|d receive and distribute Regional Tourism Authority (RTA)funding tofour projects in Northern Colorado, including The Stanley Film Center. The |GAwnu|d be governed by 15 board members with yWayorJiea and Mike Abbiatti acting as representatives of Estes Park. K8ayorJiroa noted grant funds were beginning to be received. It was moved and seconded (Martuhink/Ho|oomb) to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement Establishing the Northern Colorado Regional Tourism Authority, and it passed unanimously. 2. AWARD AUDIT CONTRACT FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEK08ER31, 2017 THROUGH DECEK0BER 31, 2021. Director Hudson pn*oon0*d the recommendation to appoint Anton Collins Mitchell LLP (ACM) as the Town Auditor. A previous recommendation of Swmnhorst & Company LLC, was presented and approved bythe Board onNovember 28.2O17.Confidence in the Town Auditor, by the Bomnd, would be integral to o successful collaboration. The previous selection of Swanhonot & Company LLC did not display that confidence from all members of the Buand, thus the Audit Committee reevaluated its recommendation tnthe Board. Director Hudson elaborated on the factors that contributed to the recommendation of SwonhoraL These included software capabi|iUno, government auditing oxperienoo, and pricing structure. When it was determined ACM had the capability to work with the Tovvn'nsoftware the Audit Committee felt itappropriate to recommend ACM. Background checks showed positive feedback on all potential auditors with ACM having the least detailed experience with government auditing. Trustee Nelson questioned why ACM was not recommended initially and voiced uonmym that the audit contract was being revisited based on two negative votes overruling 5 positive votes when awarding the audit contract to Swanhorst. [WayorJima explained that trust from all members of the Board in the Town Auditor iocrucial to a productive audit. Trustee Holcomb and Mayor Pm Tom Koenig seconded Trustee Nelsons concerns regarding the previous vote however; Mayor Pm Tam Koenig also acknowledged trust in the auditor as acrucial component. Trustees Holcomb and Nelson stated they would support the motion though they did not agree with the reasons for revisiting the audit contract. Trustee Norris requested staff alert the Board if any issues with ACM were noticed. It was moved and seconded (Kuonig8Na|kor)toAward the Audit Contract to Anton Collins Mitchell LLPfor the years ending in Dncmmbmr31. 2017 through December 31. 3021. and it passed with Mayor Pm Tern Koenig abstaining. 3. APPOINTMENTS TOTHE COUNTY REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION TASK FORCE. Town Administrator Lancaster introduced the County Regional Transportation Task Force for the purposes of coordinating regional transportation ioeuoo and funding. The County requested a trustee be appointed to the task force as m representation of the Town, Trustee Holcomb has volunteered for this position. It was moved and seconded (Nelson/Norris) to appoint Trustee Holcomb tothe County Regional Transportation Task Force, and iLpassed unanimously. Board of Trustees — January 9, 2018 — Page 4 4. CHANGE TO FAMILY ADVISORY BOARD FOCUS AREA. Assistant Town Administrator Machalek explained FAB bylaws require a recommended focus area to direct FAB efforts, approved by the Town Board. The current focus area was to define gaps in family support services which were defined in the Community Resource Guide. From the guide, FAB indentified childcare as a critical issue for Estes Park families, and selected it as the next focus area. FAB would await the results of the Childcare Needs Assessment currently being conducted. Jodi Roman/County citizen expressed her belief that the best use of the current senior center at 220 4th Street would be for childcare. This would benefit more citizens in Estes Park then museum storage or a second senior center. Charley Dickey/Town citizen appreciated the new focus area and inquired about the level of collaboration that would occur with the Childcare Services Committee of the EDC. It was moved and seconded (Norris/Holcomb), to approve the 2018 Focus Area on Childcare for the Family Advisory Board, and it passed unanimously. REQUEST TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION: It was moved and seconded (Holcomb/Martchink)-to enter Executive Session for a conference with the Town Attorney for the purposes of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions per Section 24-6-402(4)(b), C.R.S., and it passed unanimously. Whereupon Mayor Jirsa adjourned the meeting at 7:57 p.m. to enter into Executive Session. Mayor Jirsa reconvened the meeting to open session at 8:34 p.m. whereupon Mayor Jirsa adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Todd Jirsa, Ma Kimberly IDisney, Recording Secretary or