HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2013-06-11Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, June 11, 2013 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 1 1 th day of June, 2013. Meeting called to order by Mayor Pinkham. Present: Also Present: William C. Pinkham, Mayor Eric Blackhurst, Mayor Pro Tem Trustees Mark Elrod John Ericson Wendy Koenig Ron Norris John Phipps Frank Lancaster, Town Administrator Lowell Richardson, Assistant Town Administrator Greg White, Town Attorney Cynthia Deals, Deputy Town Clerk Absent: None Mayor Pinkham called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and all desiring to do so, recited the Pledge of Allegiance. PROCLAMATION — "Bike to Work Day" — June 26, 2013. Mayor Pinkham proclaimed June 26, 2013, Bike to Work Day. Town Administrator Lancaster invited the community to participate in the event which will include breakfast and coffee from 6:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Visitor Center and opportunities to win a variety of prizes. PUBLIC COMMENTS. None. TOWN BOARD COMMENTS / LIAISON REPORTS. Trustee Norris and Mayor Pinkham both emphasized the importance of bicycling safety and the benefits of wearing helmets while riding. Mayor Pro Tem Blackhurst informed the community of the Estes Park Housing Authority meeting on Wednesday, June 12, 2013, at 8:30 a.m. in Town Hall Room 203; and the PUP Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 13, 2013, at 8 a.m. in the Town Board room. Trustee Ericson said a Tree Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 17, 2013, at 8:30 a.m. in the Engineering Conference Room; the Audit Committee will meet to review the December 31, 2012, financial statements on Tuesday, June 18, 2013; and the Transportation Advisory Committee will meet on Wednesday, June 19, 2013, at noon. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR REPORT. • Multi -Purpose Event Center (MPEC) — Johnson and Associates has been retained to work on a marketing plan for the MPEC. A meeting of the steering committee for the MPEC project is scheduled for Monday, June 17th, with marketing of the facility a high priority. A report related to progress on the MPEC project will be given at each Town Board meeting through the completion of the project, and monthly site visits will be scheduled. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Board ofTrustees — June 11`2V13—Page 2 1. Town Board Study Session Minutes dated May 28. 2013. Town Board Minutes dated May 28, 2013. 2. EU|ks. 3. Committee Minutes: A.Community Development/Community Services, May 23.2O13. 4. Tree Board Minutes dated Moy20. 2013 (acknowledgement only.) 5. Estes Valley Board of Adjustment Minutes dated May 7. 2013 (acknowledgement only.) O. Resolution #11 13 — Schedule public hearing date of June 25. 2013. for Change of Location for a Boor & Wine License held by Cheesy Leo'e Amazing Pizza LLC dba Cheesy Lee'o Amazing Pizza' from 861 Moraine Avenue to0OOVY.Elkhorn Avenue. It was moved and seconded (B|ackhurat/Phippa) to approve the Consent Agenda Items, and it passed unanimously. 2. LIQUOR LICENSE ITEMS: 1. NEW LIQUOR LICENSE — PARK THEATER MALL, LLCOBAHISTORIC PARK THEATER &CAFE,13O&132MORAINE AVENUE, TAVERN LIQUOR LICENSE. The C|orKu office received an application for a new Tavern Liquor License from Park Theater Mail, LLCdbaHistoric Park Theater &Caf6. The applicant requested a concurrent review of the application by the Town of Estes Park and the State of Colorado in order for the license to be isnued, and sales to begin, an soon as possible. All required paperwork and fees have been submitted. The applicant proposes to combine the addresses of 130 and 132 Moraine Avenue under one liquor license. CurronUy, separate business licenses are held by the Historic Park Theater located at 138 Moraine Avenue and the Park Theater Caf6located at132Moraine Avenue. The Town and the applicant have agreed to license the two addresses under one liquor license, however, at the point in time when a liquor license is relinquished or non - renewed, the addresses will again be considered an separate business locations requiring separate business licenses. Mayor Pro Tam B|aokhurst stated that the Board takes liquor law violations seriously and reminded the applicant that she and her staff are the first line of defense in upholding Colorado state liquor |owm and encouraged her to ensure that her staff rooeiwao proper training. Sharon See|ey, speaking on behalf of Pork Theater yNa||. LLC, stated that she has previously been TIPS trained and ioaware of the responsibilities involved in operating a liquor establishment. The Bound of Trustees finds that the reasonable requirements of the neighborhood are not met by the present liquor outlets in the neighborhood and that the daainaa of the adult inhabitants are for the granting of this liquor license, therefore, it was moved and seconded (Knenig/Norrin)to approve the new Tavern Liquor License for the Historic Park Theater & Caf6.and itpassed unanimously. 3. REPORTS AND DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1� VISITOR CENTER TRANSIT (PARK|NG)STRUCTURE UPDATE. The Visitor Center Transit Structure project has a total budget of$4.003.000 consisting of $3 million Federal Transit Administration grant. $738.000 in Colorado State CMAO and Faster funds, $805.000 from the Town's Community Reinvestment Fund, and will contain roughly 30O parking spaces. Dir. Zurn presented the Board with a new concept for design and approval of the structure that would integrate approving agencies and the public in the design and development of the project and potentially shorten the pnoject'o timeline bythree hofour months. ARequest for Proposal (RFP)was issued for Board of Trustees — June 11, 2013 — Page 3 a design consultant for the project, with proposals due by June 17, 2013. The selected consultant would be responsible for coordinating and documenting the new community process which would consist of frequent work sessions with a goal of having a final design and construction drawings ready for bidding by October 2013. The Trustees discussion related to the new process is summarized: the Town funds for the project are currently set aside in the Community Reinvestment Fund; would like to see a timeline and meeting schedule for the design and development process; propose inclusion of smart parking technology in design of structure; concerned about modifying the development process and setting a precedent for modifying the development procedures; and staff would evaluate the merits of the new process. 4. ACTION ITEMS: 1. RESOLUTION #12-13 — APPROVING THE ASSIGNMENT OF THE CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE AND POLE ATTACHMENT AGREEMENT FROM BAJA BROADBAND, LLC TO TDS BAJA BROADBAND LLC. In March 2013, the Town received a request from Baja Broadband, LLC to transfer the Cable Television Agreement dated December 11, 2013, from Baja to TDS Baja Broadband, LLC (TDS Baja). The transfer is requested in connection with a purchase agreement between Baja and TDS Baja Broadband with a prospective closing date of August 1, 2013. In addition, a transfer of the Pole License Agreement dated December 11, 2013, was also requested. Attorney White stated that there are no current defaults and/or liabilities under the terms and conditions of the agreements that need to be addressed prior to considering consent for the transfers, and added that language included within the agreements states that consent to transfer the agreements cannot be unreasonably withheld. He noted that Resolution #12- 13, if adopted, grants consent to transfer the agreements as of the closing of the Asset Purchase Agreement between the two parties. Debbie Hernandez, office manager in Baja Broadband's state office, who attended the meeting, provided her contact information to the Board and offered to answer questions on the topic. It was moved and seconded (Koenig/Norris) to approve Resolution #12-13, and it passed unanimously. 2. PERSONNEL POLICY — COMPENSATION & BENEFITS POLICIES SECTION 300.4.1 — 300.1.3.13. This agenda item was rescheduled and will be included on the agenda for the June 25, 2013, Town Board meeting. 3. BOARD POLICY GOVERNANCE — BOARD/STAFF LINKAGE. The third policy section of the Town's Policy Governance Manual concerning Board/Staff Linkages was reviewed and discussed by the Board at a previous Town Board Study Session. Administrator Lancaster noted that the document had been revised based on the comments heard at that meeting. In addition, Section 2.2.3 was added to provide clarification related to the Town Administrator's official job description which is incorporated within the Employment Agreement between the Town of Estes Park and the Town Administrator. The policy speaks to the responsibilities and limitations of the Town Administrator. It was moved and seconded (Norris/Phipps) to approve the Board/Staff Linkage Policy, and it passed unanimously. Whereupon Mayor Pinkham adjourned the meeting at 7. 0 p.m. William C. Pinkham, Mayor tit A"., . r CO- a Deats, Deputy Town Clerk