HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2013-07-09Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, July 9, 2013 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 9th day of July, 2013. Present: Also Present: William C. Pinkham, Mayor Eric Blackhurst, Mayor Pro Tem Trustees Mark Elrod John Ericson Wendy Koenig Ron Norris Frank Lancaster, Town Administrator Lowell Richardson, Assistant Town Administrator Greg White, Town Attorney Jackie Williamson, Town Clerk Absent: John Phipps, Trustee Mayor Pinkham called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and all desiring to do so, recited the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENTS. None. TOWN BOARD COMMENTS / LIAISON REPORTS. Trustee Ericson stated the shuttle ridership numbers for the 10 days in June were 8,763 and on July 4th approximately 3,600 up from 1,500 in 2012. The investment in the shuttle system, especially the trolley, has been worthwhile. Mayor Pro Tem Blackhurst stated the Housing Authority would hold its monthly meeting Wednesday, July 10, 2013 in Room 203 at 8:30 a.m. and the Public Safety, Utilities and Public Works Committee has been cancelled for the month of July as there were no action items to discuss. He reminded the community the America in Bloom judges would be in town on July 11 and 12 with a number of events planned during their visit. He commended Keri Kelly/Parks employee for her efforts in preparing for the events. Trustee Koenig reported on the Rooftop Rodeo activities including Wednesday night's theme of "Tough Enough to Wear Pink", the new rodeo flags on the light poles downtown, and the hard work and dedication of this year's local Rodeo queen Michelle Claypool. She thanked Western Heritage for the committee's efforts in developing a scholarship for the queens program to encourage local girls and boys to participate, and also stated Sombrero Ranch rents horses to participants. Trustee Norris commented the Visit Estes Park (LMD) approved $10,000 in funding for the Economic Development Council. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR REPORT. • Quarterly Town Project Update: • Light and Power continues to make progress with the undergrounding of the electric lines in the Stanley/Finley Court area and Big Owl Road. • The Water department has completed automation improvements of the Glacier Creek Water Treatment Plant. Staff continues to work on the design and replacement of the water main on Big Horn to improve service reliability. ■ IT has begun data collection of the network to determine the status of the system and to analyze future hardware purchases. • Moraine Avenue improvements are proceeding with the lanes opening during the weekend to accommodate the traffic. The new/improved sidewalks would Board ofTrustees — July S.2O13—Page 2 provide safety to the pedestrians. Staff has worked diligently with the affected businesses hominimize interruptions. • The Town continues to sat aside funds to completely overhaul Dry Gulch; however, potholes inthe roadway would befilled next week. • The resurfacing of Performance Park lot continues to be on hold until it can be combined with another project toreduce costs. " The Senior Center & Museum Master Plan has been accepted bythe Board and would come forward to a Board study session once the Community Wellness Recreation Center feasibility plan has been completed in November. • The current phase of Bond Park has been completed on schedule. Staff has started working nnthe design for thenext phase nfthe project. • Visitor Center upgrades and improvements have been completed. " The portable bleachers for the fairgrounds/special events have been purchased. • Installation of the irrigation system at the transportation hub was scheduled for completion byJuly 1", The work should bacompleted soon. = K1PECmarketing plan continues todevelop with recommendations from Johnson consulting. A meeting would be held with the consultants tofurther discuss their recommendations. Staff has been coordinating efforts with Visit Estes Park (L&1O)ongroup marketing ofthe facility. " The Town has been short listed for the Fodons| Lands Access Program (FLAP) grant. CDUT has requested a meeting with staff to discuss the project further and gain additional insist onthe proposed project. The Town would be notified inthe fall onthe final status ofthe grant. • Policy Governance — Performance Report. Town Administrator Lancaster provided the quarterly monitoring report and stated full compliance. ° Policy Update List and Inventory. Staff has been reviewing Town policies and has identified 107 current policies with 10 updated to the new standard format/numbering oohemo, approximately 25to be reviewed bythe Town Boavd, identified new policies to be completed, and anumbor ofpolicies that are obsolete and should be decommissioned. The goal would be to have all the policies updated and completed within the next 0to A months and once complete staff would come forward with on omnibus cancellation of the old policies that have been approved in the past but are no longer in effect. Policies would be made available on the intrmnet for staff and appropriate policies made available online tothe citizens. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: 1. Town Board Special Meeting Minutes dated June 25.2013.Town Board Pre - Budget Study Session Minutes dated June 20. 2013 and Town Board Minutes dated June 25.2O13. 2� EU|ks. 3. Committee Minutes: a. Community Development / Community Services, June 27.2O18. 4. Tree Board Minutes dated June 17.2O13.(acknowledgement on|y). 5. Estes Valley Board of Adjustment Minutes dated Juno 4. 2013. (acknowledgement only). It was moved and seconded (H|uokhunst/Kuenig) to approve the Consent Agenda, and itpassed unanimously. 2. REPORTS AND DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. COMMUNITY WELLNESS RECREATION CENTER. Executive Director Rorabaugh stated the Estes Valley Recreation and Parks District released the RFP for the feasibility study of the center on June 10. 2013 and received 8 Board ofTrustees — July B.2O13—Page 3 responses onJuly 3. 2013. The responses have been reviewed and scored with interviews to be held with the top proposals on July 15. 2013 and an award of the contract on July 19. 2013. The final report would bodue on November 11, 2013. The process would include o number of public forums and outreach to engage the community. The proposals submitted range from $40.000 to ovor$15O.0OO. The project has been backed financially bythe Town, School District, Library, Hospital and the Recreation and Parks District. 2. VISITOR CENTER TRANSIT (PARKING) STRUCTURE PLANNING PROCESS' DinoctorZum stated an RFPwms submitted for the design of the structure and 5 proposals were received. A stakeholder committee would review the prupuna|n, select the most qualified firm and negotiate a fee in accordance with federal guidelines. Federal processes must be followed as the project is a grant funded project. The consultants would facilitate the project development through Program Development Phase/Site Master Plan Phaoo, Schematic Design Phose, Design Development Phaae, Final Design/Construction Document Phaoe, Bidding Phase, and Construction Management /Somiooa Phase. A new method of project development and approval has been outlined to fast -track the approval pmoeoa, an inclusive pnnoouu to allow for quick decisions and approvals by including entities with oppnuvu| authority and community involvement throughout the entire project progression. The consultant shall be responsible for coordinating and documenting a new community pmueou of design and approval of the project as follows: the Town Boord, Planning Commiooion, staff and the public would attend all wmrkuhopn, and the Board ofAdjustments would attend if decisions and variances are required during the design development. These workshops are jrtandad not only to direct the dooign, but also to establish a]oint approval from Town staff, Planning Commission and Town Board as the design develops through various phases. All workshops would be open to the public in order to satisfy the public hearing requirements. The new process would serve as the Planning Commission's review and Town Board approval. The consultant shall present a structure to facilitate these meetings for approval by the stakeholders in order to have productive meetings and ultimately gain community support and approval from the Town Board for the proposed project. Board discussion foUuvm*d and has been summarized: TmnKeo Elrod questioned whether or not grant funds can be used to add technology options outlined by the Transportation Visioning Committee; Trustee Norris stated support of the proposed process and requested staff document the process for possible use in other planning and construction processes in the future; Mayor Pro Tam B|uckhunst aiagod the current review process works and saving 3 months in the review process for a structure with u life span nf50 to 00 years does not make sense. He also ote<ad the Planning Commission's role is to make recommendations tnthe Town Board and the Board ofAdjustment's role is to make impartial decisions on variances which would not be accomplished with the proposed process; Trustee Koenig commented the programming for the structure should be straight forward and would not support new process. She commented on the need for public restnoomo in the structure aethe Visitor Center rostnuoma are not sufficient; Trustee Ericson supported a new process on e simple project and stated the pnnoeon in innovative. He also would support funding any IT solutions to the parking issues and vnstrooms; and Mayor Pinkham stated support for the current process; however, he could envision on initial meeting with all the stakeholders to discuss their involvement in the process. After further dioouoeion, it was moved and seconded (B|ookhurst/Koenig)tmfollow the current planning process for the Visitor Center Transit (Parking) Bt,outune, and the motion failed with K4eynr Pro Tern B|aokhurot and Trustee Koenig voting "Yes" and Trustee Phipps absent. Board of Trustees — July 9, 2013 — Page 4 1. MULTI -PURPOSE EVENT CENTER & STALL BARN CONSTRUCTION UPDATE. Director Zurn updated the Board on the projects stating the foundations for the stall barn are complete, structural steel building components are being fabricated, structural components are scheduled to arrive by the end of July with erection of the structure beginning shortly thereafter, excavation of the MPEC foundations has begun, and underground electrical service and main power installation has begun. Both projects are moving forward with Public Works challenging both the contractor and designers to work together to identify value engineering opportunities such as a harder floor for both buildings. The design team has installed a drain at an additional cost to address the water table where the sewer line has been installed. Reductions have been made in restroom finishes in an effort to reduce costs. The contractor has requested additional time be added to the schedule. 3. ACTION ITEMS: 1 TREE BOARD APPOINTMENTS. Director Zurn presented the recommendations of Dewain Lockwood and Chris Reed to fill two vacancies on the Tree Board. Staff advertised and received two applications for the vacancies. Interviews were conducted and the interview panel was impressed by both applicants' backgrounds and qualifications. It was moved and seconded (Ericson/Koenig) to approve the Tree Board appointments of Dewain Lockwood and Chris Reed with terms expiring December 11, 2015, and it passed unanimously. 2. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT POLICY. Assistant Town Administrator Richardson stated the policy was reviewed by the Town Board on May 14, 2013. The policy has been updated to include the suggestions/recommendations of the Board. The policy guides staff in the development of a capital planning process for capital acquisitions, capital improvements and new capital projects. The definition of a capital investment has been increased to $50,000; therefore, the procurement policy would be changed to reflect the increase. The planning development timeline has been outlined as 5 years and could be modified. Section 305.1 Waivers should be modified to require approval by the Town Board and not a majority vote requirement. The Board requested the policy be updated from Capital Improvement Policy to Capital Investment Policy. The acronym IT would be spelled out to accurately reflect Information Technology. It was moved and seconded (Norris/Blackhurst) to approve the Capital Investment Policy with the revisions as recommended, and it passed unanimously. 4. REQUEST TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION: It was moved and seconded (Blackhurst/Koenig) to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing a personnel matter; not involving any specific employees who have requested discussion of the matter in open session; any member of the Town Board (or body); the appointment of any person to fill an office of the Town Board (or body); or personnel policies that do not require discussion of matters personal to particular employees under C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(f) to complete the annual review of Town Administrator Lancaster, and it passed unanimously. Mayor Pinkham called a break at 8:35 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 8:40 p.m. to enter into Executive Session. Ma or F)inkham reconv ned into regular session at 9:02 p.m., whereupon he adjourhed, a meetin m. iliiam C. Pinkham, Mayor Jac1 ie Williamson, Town Clerk