HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2013-08-13Town of Estes Park, LarimgrCounty, Colorado, August 13.2013 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, LahnnerCuunty Colorado. Meeting held inthe Town Hall insaid Town of Estes Park on the 13' day of August, 2013. Also Present: William CFinkham.Mayor Eric Blaokhurst.Mayor Pro Tern Trustees Mark Elrod John Ericson Wendy Koenig Ron Norris John Phipps Frank Lancaster, Town Administrator LovvmU Riohordson, Assistant Town Administrator Greg White, Town Attorney Jackie Williamson, Town Clerk Absent: None Mayor Pinkham called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and all desiring to do so. recited the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENTS. None. TOWN BOARD COMMENTS /LIAISON REPORTS. Trustee Norris commented the Economic Development Corporation held their first organizational meeting with over 30 investors attending. The corporation would organize as a nonprofit corporation focused on business rotonhon, expanoion, and recruitment in the Estes Valley. He commented on the current opening on the Local Market District Board and encouraged interested individuals to apply. The Bear Education Task Force reminds people to du their part to protect the bears by keeping trash and other attractants away from bears. Waste K4anegemant, on their own initiative, replaced Lonigan'n dumpster with a bear -resistant dumpstor after o bear entered the establishment recently. Other examples ofbear awareness include over 80 local businesses signing o pledge to reduce conflicts with bears; yWooso|yT's is selling "Estes Cares About Baara" shirts with a portion of the proceeds going toward the purchase of additional bear -resistant containers downtown; and Rooky Mountain Chocolate Factory donated o1.5OOtosupport the Task Force. Trustee Koenig promoted the Rooftop Rodeo royalty tryouts for wranglers, attendees and the queen on August 25~. 9:00 a.m. a' the Fairground hosted by Rooftop Rodeo Queen Michelle Claypool. Mayor Pm T*m B|ookhuntstatod the Housing Authority would hold its monthly meeting Wednesday, August 14, 2013 in Room 203 at 830 a.m. Trustee Phipps stated the LahmerCounty Open Lando Board has completed a county wide survey to doh»nnino the acquisition of new lands and the purpose offuture purchaneo, i.e. recreational, open lands, etc. The final report would be completed later this month with apresentation 0othe Town Board inSeptember. Trustee Ehuoun reported the Audit Committee met and received a report from the Tovwn'o investment advisor outlining the Town continues to do as well in the market place as possible. The Committee also discussed the audit report and the findings. Board ofTrustees — August 13.2O13—Page 2 The Community Services committee meeting would beheld on August 22, 2013 at 8:00 a.m. in the Board room. Mayor Pinkham commented the Town Board and staff attended the topping off ceremony for the new stall barn last Friday. He commended the Town Board and staff for finally moving forward with a project that has been discussed for 30 or more years. The Mayor would attend the Mayor's Challenge in Grand Lake this weekend with proceeds from the event to benefit Estes Valley Investment in Early Childhood Success. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR REPORT. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: 1. Town Board Study Session Minutes dated July 23. 2013 and Town Board Minutes dated July 23 2013. 2. Bills. 3. Committee Minutes: Community Development / Community Services, July 25.2U13. 4. Estes Valley Board of Adjustment Minutes dated July 2, 2011(acknowledgement 5. Resolution #1413—Scheduling aShow Cause Liquor Hearing for Caf6dePho Thai Inc., dba Caf6de PhoThai. 225 W. Riverside Dhve, Tavern Liquor License onSeptember 10.2013. 6. Resolution #15'13—Scheduling aShow Cause Liquor Hearing for EPResorts Inc., dba Marys Lake Lodge, 2625 Marys Lake Road, Tavern Liquor License on 7. Resolution #16-13 — Scheduling a Show Cause Liquor Hearing for Everest Kitchen LUC, dba Famous EaatadoGrooereo. 381 S. St. VrainAvenue, 3.2% Beer Off Premises Liquor License nnSeptember 1O.2013. 8. Resolution #17-13—Scheduling aShow Cause Liquor Hearing for Rocky Mountain Pharmacy ofE.P, Inc., dba Rooky Mountain Pharmacy ufE'F!. 453 E. VVondomiew Avenue #1. Liquor Licensed Drug Store Liquor License on September 1U.2O13. 0. Resolution #18-13—Scheduling uShow Cause Liquor Hearing for Deer Ridge Inc., dba National Pork Village South, 900 Moraine Avonuu, 32% Boer OM Premises Liquor License unSeptember 1O.2O13. 10. 10. Resolution #19-13 — Scheduling a Show Cause Liquor Hearing for Safeway 8bonma 48 Inc., dba Safeway Store No. 920. 451 VVondorviemAvenue. 3.296 Beer Off Premises Liquor License on August 27, 2013. 11.Ruso|ution #20-13 — Scheduling a Show Cause Liquor Hearing for Bowl Fort Collins LLC dba Chippers Lanes Estes Park Center, 5558, St. Wain Avenuo, Tavern Liquor License onAugust 27.2U13. 12. Resolution #21'13 —Appointing Jerry Roselle to Perform Show Cause Hearings related to compliance checks conducted on July 25, 2011 13.Pork R-3 School District School Resource Officer Agreement for2O13-2O14 Board of Trustees — August 13, 2013 — Page 3 Trustee Elrod requested the removal of Consent Items 5-12 for further discussion. It was moved and seconded (Norris/Phipps) to approve the Consent Agenda Items 1- 4 and 13, and it passed unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 5-12. Trustee Elrod stated the items are related to Show Cause Liquor hearings for liquor establishments that have failed a recent compliance check and the hiring an attorney to prosecute the hearings. Last fall the Board, as the liquor licensing authority for the Town, requested the administrative action for liquor violations be handled locally rather than by the state. He stated in order for the Board to have more control the guidelines currently in place need to be retested and reviewed. He commented the current guidelines are not a policy and that a policy on how to address violations and stipulation agreements should be developed to provide staff with clear direction. He suggested all 7 violations should be brought forward as Show Cause hearings in order to treat each licensee the same and render a decision by the Town Board. Trustee Koenig stated the individual selling to the underage operative is cited into County court in addition to the penalties served by the liquor establishment. She commented the Board directed staff in the fall that future violations were to be reviewed by the Town and not the state in order to take a vital role and be proactive in addressing violations locally. The stipulation guidelines are a policy and the Town needs to offer the licensee the option to stipulate. Town Clerk Williamson clarified the current guidelines provide staff to option to negotiate a stipulation agreement with a licensee, and it has been the Board's desire in the past to have first offenses negotiated and a stipulation agreement presented for consideration. It was staff's decision to offer the opportunity to negotiate a stipulation agreement with 5 of the 7 licensed establishment as it was their first offense under the current ownership or the first offense with the Town in some time. Trustee Phipps agreed a new policy should be developed and reviewed by the Board and he would recommend addressing the current violations before developing a new policy. Mayor Pro Tenn Blackhurst concurred the Board should address the current violations with the policy/guidelines in place and develop a new policy over the next several months. Trustee Ericson agreed the main issue was timing with the process of the violations and the timing of when violations were served. Norris expressed his concern with the number of violations and repeat violations. Trustee Elrod questioned if the Board could require the Licensee to serve a penalty in July the next year, and could the cost of hiring an outside attorney be passed on to the Licensee. It was moved and seconded (Blackhurst/Koenig) to approve the Consent Agenda Items 5-12, and it passed with Trustee Elrod voting "No". 2. REPORTS AND DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. MULTI -PURPOSE EVENT CENTER & STALL BARN CONSTRUCTION UPDATE. Director Zurn reported the final elements of the structural steel for the stall barn was placed in a topping out ceremony. The project moves forward with the installation of exterior panels to begin closing in the barn. The foundations for the MPEC are moving toward completion and the structural steel has started to arrive on site. The project continues to be on schedule for delivery in February and on budget. Assistant Town Administrator Richardson updated the Board on the marketing efforts for the MPEC, stating Johnson Consulting recommended an outside agency be used to market the facilities at the fairgrounds and the conference center. An RFP continues to be developed by Johnson Consulting with a timeline of 6 weeks for the completion and submittal of proposals. The outside Board ofTrustees — August 13.2013—Page 4 consultant would be used moving forward to market the facilities. Director Winslow stated the goal remains to have an event in the facility by April. Mayor Pro Tern B|ackhunst confirmed with staff that anopen house has been budgeted to invite the community and front range communities that may be interested in using the facilities. 2. VISITOR CENTER TRANSIT (PARKING) STRUCTURE PLANNING PROCESS. DiectorZum stated the $4.6 million project funded by grants and Town matching funds has obtained the proper environmental demnsnoe, therofone, the project can move forward to the design phase. The Board approved an accelerated review process at the July 0. 2013 meeting. The public pmcoao would be inclusive and open to public input throughout the pnooeoe, would provide the Town Board with immediate information for decision makinQ, fast -track the approval prooaun, involve stakeholders in the design phase early and make the facility available for use by the public sooner than the current review process used for development. A 3 day design ohonette meeting would be held on September 4. 5 and 0. 2013. The facilitator would develop a detail schedule of the public process; at the and of the 3 day pmoeno a schematic design would be presented to the Town Board for approval; a preliminary design would be developed and submitted to the Planning Commission for review and approval; once approval has been received the final construction documents would be developed; o construction RFPwmu|d be submitted; an award of contract would be approved by the Town Board; and construction would begin. The 3day public process would include onday 1 the determination ofbuilding uses, physical constraints, and possible configurations; day 2—public and stakeholders would be invited to comment on schematics during the morning eeooion, selection of optiuns/a|turnahvao, and formal public comment would be received by the end of the day; day 3 — consultants would narrow down schematics to one option, provide schematic, elevations and floor plans, and ameedng inthe evening would allow the Planning Commission an opportunity to provide a formal opinion onthe schematic tothe Town Board. The meetings would botelevised for the public toreview the process. Tmo$*a comments have been summarized: Mayor Pro Tom B|ackhurst and Trustee Koenig raised oonoam of the time commitment required by Trustees and Planning Commissioners; Trustee Koenig stated the intent was to have the public help design the building and the current process does not allow them input until after the building is designed; the board requested allowing the public input on day one during the design of the building with respect to aesthetics; an outlined agenda with dmeframea an to when the Board and Planning Commission would need to attend the three day meetings; and the formal decision on the schematic design would take p|000 at the regular board meeting onSeptember 1O.2O13. 3. PRO -CYCLING CHALLENGE UPDATE. Director Winslow provided a review of the nano oourse, aid ntakunn, water stadona, positioning of police and lire pensonno|, parking areas (Lot4 behind 3ofowmy), family viewing area, ahutt|eo, road dosunon. Bond park avnntn, timing of the ryce, and other events during race day. He stated the event would bring significant exposure Vz the Town from over 180 countries inwhich the race would be broadcast. He reiterated the road o|onuren, d*0ouro, inova000d security, and large crowds of spectators for the entire day. with many arriving the days in advance of the race to stake out prime viewing opportunities. 3. ACTION ITEMS: 1. ESTES VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT.. Director Board ufTrustees — August 13.2013—Page 5 resignation of Commissioner Tucker. The position was advertised and interviews were held. The interview team recommends the appointment of Charley Dickey to oomp|ohy Commissioner Tucker's term. It was moved and seconded (Ehoaon/B|aokhurst) to approve the appointment of Charley Dickey to the Estes Valley Planning Commission for a term expiring December 31.2U15.and itpassed unanimously. 2. U0DINTERVIEW COMMITTEE, ESTEGPARK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CQQPORAT|ON, NORTHERN COLORADO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION &COMMUN[[Y SERVICE GRANT REVIEW COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS. Administrator Lancaster stated the Board policy states the full Board shall approve the designation ofany trustee ordesignee serving on behalf ofthe Bound on any outside committee or board interview committee. The Board needs to approve the inkanimm committee for the upcoming vacancy on the Local Marketing District Boand, positions on the newly formed Estes Pork Economic Development Corpnmdon, the review committee for the 2014 Community Services Gnunts, and an ex-offioio representative on the Northern Colorado Economic Development Corporation duo to the financial support provided bythe Town tothe group. It was moved and seconded (Brod/B|ackhurst) to approve the appointment of Trustee Norris, Trustee Phipps and Town Administrator Lancaster to the Local Marketing District interview committee' and it passed unanimously. Grog Roaenor/Town citizen and Economic Task Force member commented the Economic Task Force and three cfthe major Economic Development Directors inColorado recommended the appointment oftwo members bythe Town tothe Estes Park Economic Development Corporation. bwas moved and seconded (Bmd/Ehcson)toapprove the appointment of Mayor Pinkham and Town Administrator Lancaster to the Estes Park Economic Development Corporation, and itpassed unanimously. It was nnoxod and seconded (Norris Elrod) to approve the appointment of Trustee Koenig' Trustee Ericson and Assistant Town Administrator Richardson to the Community Smn/icao Grant review comm|ttee, and it passed with Trustee Koenig abstaining. kwas moved and seconded (Bmd8(nonig)boapprove the appointment of Town Administrator Lancaster as an ex-officio member to the Northern Colorado Economic Development Corporation, and itpassed unanimously 3. ORDINANCE #11'13 PROHIBITING MARIJUANA ESTABLISHMENTS — TESTING FAC|L0EG, PRODUCTION FACILITIES, RETAIL STORES & PRIVATE MARIJUANA CLUBS. Attorney VVhihm reviewed the passage of Amendment 04thot legalizes the personal posneoaion, use, and limited home - growing of marijuana by adults 21 years of age and o|der, and authorizes the operation of marijuana establishments which include marijuana cultivation facilities, marijuana product manufacturing facilities, marijuana testing facilities, and retail marijuana o0mmo. Amendment S4authorizes local governments to prohibit the operation of marijuana establishments by adoption of on ordinance. The proposed ordinance would prohibit the operation of marijuana entob|iahmen<s, including private marijuana clubs. Those speaking in favor of Ordinance #11'13 Neil VVood|ey/Town citizen, Charley Dickey/Town citizen and business owner. and Chris Duubin/County resident. All stated the establishments would negatively impact the community, which continues bnbnafamily friendly destination. Board ofTrustees — August 13.2013—Page 8 Erin Curran/Chapter leader of Estes Park Noma for Marijuana spoke in opposition of Ordinance #11-13 reading from a prepared statement included in the Board packet, She stated marijuana inless harmful than alcohol, the least toxic recreational drug, established marijuana businesses would dhwa the black market and drug dealers out of town limits, and the businesses would provide additional tax dollars for the local schools. Trustee Elrod stated the Board has received comments from constituents on why the Board isnot supporting the Amendment passed by the electorate. The review of the local *|ondon results demonstrates the passage of the mooeun* in Estes Park was extremely close. He contends marijuana businesses continue tobeinconflict with Federal laws and money laundering laws. It was moved and seconded (Norris/Phipps) to approve Ordinance #11'13 Prohibiting Marijuana Centers, Optional Premises Cultivation Operations and Marijuana Infused Products Manufacturing, and it passed unanimously. 4. ORDINANCE #12'13AMENDING MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER Q.28DRUG PARAPHERNALIA &00ARUUANA. Attorney White commented the passage of Amendment 04 legalizing the personal poa000nion, use and limited home - growing of marijuana byadults 21 years ofage and o|dor, requires revision hothe Town'oMunicipal Code. Ordinance #12'13amends Chapter 028ofthe Municipal Code to address the provisions of Amendment 64 which prohibit the enforcement ofany municipal ordinance which prohibits the poeoosnion, use and display of one ounce or |ooa of marijuana by a person over 21 years subject to certain nenthohnnu an set forth in the Ordinance. He stated Police Chief Kufo|d has agreed to the provisions outlined in the Ordinance. Any additional regulations may be brought forward at a later date as naeded, such oarestricting the growth nfmarijuana inresidential areas. Town Administrator Lancaster stated LohmerCounty continues to review the issue but may limit the number of dispensaries to 2 in the unincorporated area. Thera are currently 2 medical marijuana facilities that would be oonvertod, thereby meeting the limit and not allowing any additional facilities in the unincorporated Larimer County. |twas moved and seconded (EhomnnX{oenig)toapprove Ordinance #12'13 Amending Municipal Code Chapter 9.28 Drug Paraphernalia with a revision to the ordinance to consistently state "over the age of 21^. and it passed unanimously. 5. MULTI -PURPOSE EVENT CENTER & STALL BARN CIVIL SITE VVO0{ CONTRACT. Engineer Ash stated Public Works advertised the RFP in July for construction services to oump|ata the underground utilities and concrete walkways for the Multi -Purpose Event Center and the stall barn. Staff received one response from Cornerstone Concrete, Inc. for abid of$35A.845.20. Staff evaluated the submitted bid and recommends the fee is appropriate for the proposed nonpo of norvioao and Cornerstone Concrete, Inc. is o qualified respondent to the RFP. Staff therefore recommends the Town enter into a contract with Cornerstone Concrete, Inc. for$350.84520 with u contingency of 10%for the execution ofthese services. The project would bomanaged bythe Public Works staff. It was moved and seconded (Norris/Koenig) to approve a construction budget of $395.829.72 and approve the contract with Cornerstone Concrete, Inc. to complete the civil sitovvorb for the K8PEC and Stall Barn for the fee of$35S,745.20.and itpassed unanimously. 6. VISITOR CENTER TRANSIT FACILITY PARKING STRUCTURE DESIGN CONTRACT. Director Zunn stated the Town has obtained environmental Board ofTrustees — August 13.2013—Page 7 facility. AnRFPwas advertised and five proposals were received. After close review ofthe proposals by the stakeholder group and an interview process, Walker Parking Consultants was determined to be the most qualified team for the project design. Staff negotiated a fee of $010.887 for the design and construction oversight of the project with Walker Parking Consultants. The Dmo would also conduct the public pmonnn for the fee outlined. After further diocueoiun, it was moved and seconded (8|aokhurst/Nonio) to approve a design and construction oversight budget of$Q81.875.00and approve the contract with Walker Parking Consultants to complete design and construction of the Visitor Center Transit Parking Structure for the negotiated services and fee of$O1&'OU7.UO.and itpassed unanimously. it was moved and seconded (B|ackhurst/Ericson)toextend the meeting to 1O:1Sp.m,and itpassed unanimously. 7. STRATEGIC PLAN ' ADOPTION OF 5-7 YEAR GOALS & 2014 OBJECTIVES. Town Administrator Lancaster presented the strategic plan, including 5'7 year goals and objectives for 2014 developed during aevons| study sessions in late May, Juno and July. The goals and otjoohwyo have been refined during subsequent meetings to clearly articulate each item. The goals and objectives provide clear guidance to staff in the preparation of the upcoming 2O14budget and work plans, omwell aacommunicating tothe public the key areas the Board has identified on important. After approval from the Boand, staff would be educated onthe strategic plan. Mayor Pro Tern B|ankhunst stated unnoem with the number of outcome areas and the possibility the Board and staff could lose focus on the issues. Trustee Ericson complemented Town Administrator Lancaster on the process. Jean McGuire/County citizen and Ann Morris/County citizen and League of Women Voters Recycling Committee spoke tothe need for the public howeigh in on the Tovvn'n proposed goals and requested the item be tabled to a future meeting. They requested the Board add o specific goal to address recycling and the purchase and installation of additional dual trash/recycle containers. |twas moved and seconded (Norhu/B|ackhurst)toadopt the revised Town Vision and Mission statements, key outcome mnems, gwm|o and 2814 objectives aspresented, and itpassed unanimously. Whereupon Mayor Fqnkhomadjourned d�o et1O� ~WiUiat�Ci Pinkhan\ Mayor