HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2010-05-25Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, May 25, 2010 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 25th day of May, 2010. Meeting called to order by Mayor William C. Pinkham. Present: Also Present: William C. Pinkham, Mayor Chuck Levine, Mayor Pro Tem Trustees Eric Blackhurst Mark Elrod John Ericson Wendy Koenig Jerry Miller Greg White, Town Attorney Jacquie Halburnt, Town Administrator Lowell Richardson, Deputy Town Administrator Jackie Williamson, Town Clerk Absent: None A pre -meeting presentation by the Venture Crew 10 Scouting troop began at 6:30 p.m. The troop provided an overview of their recent visit to Costa Rica. Mayor Pinkham called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. and all desiring to do so, recited the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT Brooke Musick/Boy Scouts of America District Executive informed the Board the Boy Scouts would be celebrating 100 years of scouting on September 23-25, 2010 in Estes Park with approximately 3,000 participants. The main events would be conducted at Hermit Park with overflow camping at the Stanley Park fairgrounds. David Habecker/Town citizen reviewed his opposition to the recitation of the 'Under God' Pledge performed by the Town Board at the beginning of each meeting and requested the Board refrain from reciting it in the future. Sandy Lindquist/Town citizen read a statement from the Association of Responsible Development (ARD) commending and supporting the Board for reviewing the Comprehensive Plan. ARD appreciates the consideration of local historic preservation, improvements in the Town's status as a gateway community to RMNP and development of a coherent open space plan. Charlie Dickey/Town citizen thanked the Board for the recent involvement with the downtown business community. He encouraged more conversation on the proposed constitutional amendments on the ballot in November. TOWN BOARD COMMENTS Mayor Pro Tem Levine stated he had the privilege to award the $2,500 Pride Scholarship to Scott Wenzel. Mayor Pinkham commented on the events taking place on Friday, May 28th, including the open of Trail Ridge road, ribbon cutting for the grand reopening and 60th anniversary of the Copper Penny, and a ribbon cutting for the riverwalk connection Board of Trustees — May 25, 2010 — Page 2 through the Park Theater Mall property. He also recognized the memorial service held for George Hix and commented on the years of service he provided the Town. 1. CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of): 1. Town Board Minutes dated May 11, 2010 and Town Board Study Session Minutes dated May 11, 2010. 2. Bills. 3. Committee Minutes: A. Public Safety, Utilities and Public Works, May 13, 2010: 1. Utilities: a. L & P and Water Financial Plans, HDR - $21,005, Budgeted. b. Renew IGA for IT, GIS Services and Engineering with City of Loveland. 2. Public Works: a. Permanent Underground Utility Easements — Prospect Avenue Project: 1. A portion of Lot 19, Little Prospect Mountain Addition, 631 Prospect Avenue — Daniel R. Deblasio and Kathleen M. Kase. 2. A portion of Lot 19, Little Prospect Mountain Addition, 167 Stanley Circle Drive — George T. Edwards and Vivian L. Edwards. 3. A portion of Lot 19, Little Prospect Mountain Addition, 167A Stanley Circle Drive — Steve S. Miller and Ann M. Miller. 4. Estes Valley Planning Commission Minutes April 20, 2010 (acknowledgement only). It was moved and seconded (Levine/Miller) the Consent Agenda be approved, and it passed unanimously. Trustee Blackhurst thanked the citizens for granting the easements to allow the Prospect road project to move forward. 2. REPORTS AND DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. GRANDSTAND PROJECT UPDATE. Deputy Town Administrator Richardson reported 87% of the budget has been expended with a project completion date of June 14th. Staff continues to work with the contractor to resolve a bleacher system drainage issue, more specifically leakage of the system over storage areas. Tenant finish of the concession stand has begun. Trustee Miller requested the Town complete the external landscaping of the project within the same timeframe imposed on the private developer. 2. SALES TAX & FIRST QUARTER FINANCIAL REPORT. Finance Officer McFarland provided an overview of the first quarter financial report. Sales tax for the first quarter trails the budget by 8% and if the trend continues collections could come in at $6.56 million, down from the budgeted $6.9 million. Indicators used by staff to predict 2010 sales tax indicate a collect range of $6.56 to $6.78 million, a shortfall of $120,000 - $340,000. Town staff has begun to identify items in the 2010 budget that may be cut if the trend continues. Enterprise fund revenues are at 43% of budget with expenditures well below 33%. The fire pension fund has been transferred to the Estes Valley Fire District. 3. ESTES VALLEY FOREST ISSUES FORUM. Board of Trustees — May 25, 2010 — Page 3 Jim Austin/Forum member stated the Forest Service funded a study conducted by CSU to provide a community self assessment on how they relate to the Forest Service management practices. Four meetings were held in Estes Park during June through November 2008 to gather information. Dick Edwards/USFS provided an overview of the forum whose mission is to provide a communication link between land management agencies and Estes Valley residents for the exchange of information and ideas in managing forest resources. The community study identified specific issues including forest health and fire mitigation, lack of communication and limited USFS presence. The forum would like to identify and resolve issues, share information and become a venue for communication. To date the forum has developed a working group membership and structure, distributed a newsletter and set up a public email at forest.issues.forum(cillive.com. Mr. Edwards requested the forum provide the Board with an annual update, participation by Town Board members or Town staff and asked the Board to forward any ideas they would like the forum to address. The Board recommended the forum provided two updates per year. Mayor Pro Tem Levine was appointed as the Town representative on the forum. 4. TOWN BOARD LIAISON UPDATES. Trustee Elrod stated the Estes Valley Planning Commission (EVPC) would be forwarding proposed regulations for small wind turbines to the Town Board. These recommendations do not include a special use/review process as requested by the Town Board. The EVPC would begin reviewing PUD code language next and encouraged the public to provide input on the process. Trustee Ericson stated the Supporters of the Performing Arts (SOPA) are in the processing of interviewing fundraising companies to help move the project forward. Trustee Blackhurst stated the Estes Park Housing Authority (EPHA) vacancies are down for 2010. Rita Kurelja/EPHA Executive Director, the Loveland Housing Authority and John Hancock have been working to move the general partnership from the Loveland Housing Authority to the Estes Park Housing Authority. This process may take up to two years and may also include the transfer of two Loveland employees to manage properties in Estes Park. Trustee Koenig reported the Rodeo Hospitality Committee continues to collect donations from the business community for the hospitality gifts for the cowboys and their families. Trustee Miller reported the state -by -state response summary report compiled by the LMD demonstrates an increase in responses from states that have shown little interest in the past such as Arizona, Washington DC and Idaho. A lodging report continues to be developed. 5. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR REPORT. • Citizens can call the Trail Ridge Road hotline at 586-1222 to determine if the road is open. • Helping Hands Committee provided 2 scholarships to Kelley Doggett and Elizabeth Fonken. • Highway 34 would be closed Wednesday, May 26th to complete rock fall mitigation. 3. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS. Items reviewed by Planning Commission or staff for Town Board Final Action. Mayor Pinkham opened the Public Hearing for all Consent Agenda Items. Board of Trustees — May 25, 2010 — Page 4 1. CONSENT ITEMS: A. PRELIMINARY AND FINAL CONDOMINIUM MAP 1. Hall Condominiums, Lots 39 & 40, Hupp Addition, and Resubdivision of Block 6, Town of Estes Park, and a portion of a Metes and Bounds parcel, 160 W. Elkhorn and 154 Wiest Drive, Charles B. and Christine Hall, Applicants. B. AMENDED SUBDIVISION PLAT 1. Amended Plat, Portions of Lots 1 & 2, Block 2, 2nd Amended Plat, Town of Estes Park, 167 E. Elkhorn Avenue; 167 East Elkhorn, LLC/Applicant. Applicant requests continuance to June 22, 2010. As there were no comments, the Mayor closed the public hearing and it was moved and seconded (Koenig/Levine) the Consent Agenda be approved with Staff conditions of approval, and it passed unanimously. 4. ACTION ITEMS: 1. BOND PARK MASTER PLAN DESIGN ENGINEERING PHASES I & III. Administrator Halburnt provided a brief history on the development of the Bond Park Master Plan, and stated the funding for the implementation of the plan would come from the Larimer County Open Space fund. The cost of the entire plan completed in one phase has been estimated at $1.8 million versus $2 million to phase the project in 6 phases. Trustee Blackhurst provided a brief description of Phases I & III that would include a complete renovation of MacGregor Avenue and Park Lane to move all festival activities out of the park and on to a hard surface. The Committee discussed the type of hard surface (colored concrete versus pavers), the need to access utilities in the future, and the maintenance of the area. The Committee recommended completion of an RFP for engineering of both phases due to drainage issues and utilities in the area and begin construction in the fall on Phase I. Charlie Dickey/Town citizen requested the Board consider a 10% local contractor preference for the project. Frank Theis/Town citizen voiced concern with the amount of money being spent on this project, and suggested the funds could be put to better use. He stated concern with the one-way of MacGregor Avenue. After further discussion, it was moved and seconded (Blackhurst/Ericson) to approve the allocation of $70,000 from the Larimer County Open Space fund #220-4600-462-35-60 to complete design engineering for Bond Park Master Plan Phases I and III, and it passed unanimously. 2. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPOINTMENT. Director Joseph stated an interview process was conducted to fill one Town position on the Board of Adjustment. During the interviews it was determined that both applicants were highly qualified. The interview committee recommends Pete Smith be appointed to fill the Town vacancy for a 3-year term beginning June 1, 2010 and appoint Jeff Moreau to fill an alternate position currently held by Bruce Grant for a 3-year term beginning June 1, 2010. It was moved and seconded (Levine/Blackhurst) to approve the appointments of Pete Smith and Jeff Moreau to the Board of Adjustment for 3-year terms expiring May 31, 2013 as listed above, and it passed unanimously. Board of Trustees — May 25, 2010 — Page 5 3. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE RECOMMENDATIONS. Director Joseph reviewed the final recommendation report from the Comprehensive Plan Review Committee and the status report on Chapter 7 Action Plan that outlined the items that have been completed and ongoing, partially completed or underway, partial progress or no progress and items identified as no longer relevant. Planning Commissioner Norris stated the Committee noted the original plan adopted in 1997 and statistically updated in 2008 continues to be a valid document. The Committee stated the importance of informing the citizens on the existence of the document, how it is used and what has been accomplished to date. Five items were identified by the Committee that were either not addressed fully by the original plan or were not included: 1. Continue to promote community diversity. 2. Provide improved guidelines for infill development and provision of open space. 3. Provide guidelines to promote sustainability of the community. 4. Continue work to implement a viable long-term transportation plan for the valley. 5. Provide guidelines for historic preservation in the valley. The EVPC requests feedback on the report from both the Town Board and the County Commissioners. The EVPC would develop a public input process and a communication plan with the Town Board Liaison to facilitate information to the Board as the process moves forward. Board discussion has heard and summarized: significant discussion has occurred regarding open space; add the word attract to item #1; economic sustainability should be the main focus of item #3; the report needs to be reviewed by the Board at a study session; the need to take a long term view for the issues listed; and the action plan should be reviewed yearly; questioned if the Committee discussed the items listed under partial progress or no progress to determine the reasons or prioritize the items. After further discussion, it was moved and seconded (Blackhurst/Miller) to accept the Comprehensive Plan Review Committee Recommendations Report dated May 17, 2010 for further discussion by the Board, and it passed unanimously. Whereupon Mayor Pinkham adjourned the meeting at 9:07 p.m./ i William C. Pinkham, Mayor Jackie Williamson, Town Clerk