HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2008-04-08Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, April 8, 2008 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 8t" day of April, 2008. Meeting called to order by Mayor John Baudek. Present: Also Present: John Baudek, Mayor Bill Pinkham, Mayor ProTem Trustees Eric Blackhurst Dorla Eisenlauer Richard Homeier Chuck Levine Wayne Newsom John Ericson, Trustee Elect Jerry Miller, Trustee Elect Jacquie Halburnt, Town Administrator Lowell Richardson, Deputy Town Administrator Jackie Williamson, Town Clerk Absent: Attorney Greg White Mayor Baudek called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and invited any person desiring to participate to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT Paul Fishman/Town Citizen congratulated those elected and stated he had learned a lot through the election process. TOWN BOARD COMMENTS Trustee Blackhurst reminded the public that the Estes Park Housing Authority would meet Wednesday, April 9t1 at 8:30 a.m. in Room 130. Trustee Homeier stated the Utilities Committee would meet on Thursday, April 10th at 8:00 a.m. Town Administrator Halburnt commented the source of the water contamination in Alamosa was the storage tank and/or cross connections. Alamosa does not use chlorine to disinfect their water; however, the Town does use chlorine. The Water Department has stated an outbreak similar to Alamosa would be unlikely. 1. CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of): 1. Town Board Minutes dated March 25, 2008. 2. Bills. 3. Committee Minutes: A. Public Safety, March 27, 2008. B. Community Development, April 3, 2008: CVB 1. 2008 Parade Schedule and Road Closures: Board of Trustees — April 8, 2008 — Page 2 a. Rooftop Rodeo — July 8, 2008. b. Scottish Highland Festival — September 6, 2008. c. Catch the Glow — November 28, 2008. 2. Street Closure — MacGregor Ave. from Bus turnout to Park Ln. for Coolest Car Show on July 4, 2008. 3. Additional 2008 Rooftop Rodeo Committee Members. Senior Center 1. Policy Manual Adoption. It was moved and seconded (Newsom/Homeier) the Consent Agenda be approved, and it passed unanimously. 2. ACTION ITEMS: 1. WILDLIFE HABITAT STUDY. Dir. Joseph stated the proposal would retain the service of a wildlife biologist to prepare a wildlife habitat scoping, mapping and habitat protection study (prioritization). Staff received four separate proposal and all companies are well qualified to do the work. He reviewed the costs, a matrix of the strengths and weakness, experience and the timeframe for completion of a study. Staff recommends either EDAW or Walsh. The project would be funded by the Larimer County Open Space Fund. This study would provide a foundation to further inform all the processes at the local government level and most importantly land use issues for the protection of wildlife habitat and open space. The more expensive studies would provide additional contacts and more time on the ground to verify the data collected. Comments from the Board are summarized: A public forum should be held after the completion of the study to review the results and methodology used; the study could be an addendum to the Comprehensive Plan; a valley wide study is needed to address issues of development; it would be important to meet with the consultant during the study to understand the direction of the study and have an opportunity to shape the results; a meeting with the Community Development Committee to express issues to the consultant prior to the study moving forward; a firm price should be established to provide the public forum prior to signing a contract. David Habecker/Town Citizen stated a true and accurate study of wildlife should be done over a year and not within a couple of months. He questioned the intent of the study and what it would encompass and what type of properties, i.e. developed land, vacant land, etc., would the study address. He also questioned if the study would provide mitigation for issues raised. Sandy Osterman/Town Citizen stated assumptions have been made that wildlife adapt to development. She request the Board consider a study that includes new information on the negative affect of development on the wildlife It was moved and seconded (Newsom/Levine) to enter into a contract with EDAW for a wildlife study, and it passed unanimously. 2. SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT GUARANTEE/INTEREST ON CASH DEPOSITS — FINANCE POLICY MANUAL. Town Administrator Halburnt recommended a policy be adopted to address the accrual of interest on cash deposits for subdivision improvement guarantees. The interest would be accrued at the rate set by the local money market fund. The accrued interest would be disbursed when the deposit is refunded minus BoardofTrustees-Apr O.2VO8-Page 3 the appropriate administrative fees. The policy would beretroactive toJanuary 1. 2004. It was moved and seconded (Eimon|muer/P nkhom) to approve the policy as outlined, and it passed unanimously. 3. APR1L1.2OODELECTION REPORT. Town Clerk Williamson reviewed the Official April 15' Election Report: FOR MAYOR: Absentee Polling Place Total Votes Cast ^B|LLP|NKHAM 274 518 792 SUSANLDOYLEN 147 251_ 390 LARRYPESSES 228 215 393 *Elected tu4-yr. term FOR TRUSTEE: Absentee Polling Place Total Votes Cast PATRCKQPDLLA 270 402 672 ^]CWNER|CSON 315462777 ^JERRY[N|LLER 222 459 681- PAULF|OHKxAN 164� 329 493 °CHUCKLEV|NE 290 602892 A.VV.(ARUBLUME 203 309 512 *Elected to4'yr.terms BALLOT QUESTION: Absentee Polling Place Total Votes Cast Before any sale of any property owned by the Town of Estes Park mjdxim the Stanley Historic District, shall the question ufsuch sale and the terms and consideration thereof be submitted and approved at a regular or special election? £38 7I6 1144 Total Registered Voters = 4.313 Number ofAbsentee Votes Cast = 509 Number ofPolling Place Votes Cast = 098 TOTAL VOTES CAST = 1.567=36.394 As all invoices have not yet been received, the Election Expense Report will be distributed to the Town Board in the near future. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RETIRING MAYOR JOHN BAU8EK AND TRU8TEEVVAYNE NEWSOM. Mayor Buudakpresented Trustee Newsom with aTown Plaque commemorating his service tothe community. and "Resolutions ofRespect" honoring his active participation on the goals and achievements of the Board of Trustees during his terms ofoffice aaTrustee. Board of Trustees — April 8, 2008 — Page 4 Trustee Newsom commented that each of the Trustees currently on the Board have served the Town with integrity and made decisions with only the best intentions for the Town's future. Mayor ProTem Pinkham presented Mayor Baudek with a Town Plaque commemorating his twelve years of service to the community, and "Resolutions of Respect" honoring his active participation on the goals and achievements of the Board of Trustees during his terms of office as Trustee and Mayor. Larimer County Board of Commissioners wrote a letter thanking the Mayor for his years of service. Brian Moeck/Platte River Power Authority General Manager presented Mayor John Baudek with a Resolution for his service on the PRPA Board of Directors. Mayor Baudek serviced on the American Public Power Association as a member of the Policy Maker Council and lobbied for the rate payers of Northern Colorado. He stated it was a pleasure serving with Mayor Baudek. Vaughn Baker/Rocky Mountain National Park Superintendent presented Mayor Baudek and Trustee Newsom with a gift. He stated it had been a pleasure working with the Town on Wilderness legislation, establishing the shuttle service and the joint fire station on Mills Drive. Mayor Baudek reviewed his time serving the Town. He stated it has been an interesting and rewarding experience. The Town has a great team of employees and volunteers that have served our community to complete some worthy projects including the establishment of the Convention and Visitors Bureau, expanded trail system, infrastructure improvements, affordable housing through the Estes Park Housing Authority, Sister Cities, Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority, senior center, expanded museum, shuttle system, funding for civic organizations to support their missions, Stanley Fairground improvements, Town picnic area, Town flag, Catch the Glow parade, expanded Elkfest, and the Dannels Fire station. He expressed how proud he is of Town staff, the appointed committees, the elected Board, the volunteers and the citizens of Estes Park that have made Estes Park what it is today. He thanked his wife and family for their support. He wished the new Board success. Concluding the presentation, Mayor Baudek announced a recess at 7:55 p.m. Mayor Baudek reconvened the meeting at 8:05 p.m. 4. SWEARING -IN CEREMONY FOR NEWLY -ELECTED MAYOR AND TRUSTEES. Municipal Judge Brown conducted a Swearing -In Ceremony for the following: Mayor William C. Pinkham Trustees: John Ericson, Chuck Levine and Jerry Miller Mayor Pinkham welcomed the new Board members and thanked the entire Board for their commitment to the community. 5. MAYOR PRO TEM. It was moved and seconded (Blackhurst/Eisenlauer) Trustee Levine fill the position of Mayor ProTem, and it passed with Trustee Levine abstaining. 6. APPOINTMENTS. Town Clerk Williamson announced the following appointments: Board of Trustees — April 8, 2008 — Page 5 Community Development Committee Trustee Levine, Chair, Trustee Eisenlauer & Trustee Miller Rooftop Rodeo Liaison — Dorla Eisenlauer Advertising Committee Liaison —Jerry Miller Estes Valley Planning Commission — Richard Homeier Utilities Committee Trustee Homeier, Chair; Trustee Blackhurst & Trustee Ericson Public Works Committee Trustee Blackhurst, Chair; Trustee Levine & Trustee Miller Public Safety Committee Trustee Eisenlauer, Chair; Trustee Ericson & Trustee Homeier Fire Code Review Committee (International Fire Code Review): Scott Dorman Will Birchfield Dorla Eisenlauer Administrative Staff Jacquie Halbumt, Town Administrator Jackie Williamson, Town Clerk Cyd Deats, Deputy Town Clerk Steve McFarland, Town Treasurer/Town Clerk ProTem Gregory A. White, Town Attorney John P. Frey, Assistant Town Attorney Wes Kufeld, Police Chief Gary R. Brown, Municipal Judge John W. Easley, Jr., Assistant Municipal Judge Scott Dorman, Fire Chief Daryl McCown, 1st Assistant Fire Chief Robert Hirning, 2nd Assistant Fire Chief Building Code Board of Appeals, 2-yr. Terms, Expiring 04/10 Karl Ertl (Re -appointment) Steve Lane (" ) Kerry Prochaska (" ) Firemen's Pension Board Mayor William Pinkham Steve McFarland, Treasurer Jackie Williamson, Secretary Scott Dorman, President Jon Landkamer, EPVFD Member Will Birchfield, EPVFD Member Policemen's Pension Board Mayor William Pinkham Steve McFarland, Treasurer Jackie Williamson, Secretary Wes Kufeld, Police Chief Tree Board, 4-yr. Terms, Expiring 04/12 Trustee Levine (Trustee Liaison) Board ofTrustees — April D.2V08—Page 6 Wendell Amos Russ Franklin Miscellaneous Appointments Audit Committee: Mayor William Pinbham Trustee John Ericson, Chair JacquieHa|bumt.Staff Steve McFarland, Staff North Front Range Water Quality Planning Association BobGoahhng Platte River Power Authority Board ofDirectors Mayor William Pinkhom.4/12 Bob Goohhng.12/11 Windy Gap Greg White Bob Goehring, Alternate Colorado Municipal League Policy Committee Chuck Levine LarimerCounty Open Lands Advisory Board William Pinkhmm.0/3012 Itwas moved and seconded (Levine/B|ackhurst)the Board of Trustees ratify all appointments as listed above, and the motion passed unanimously. 7. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. The Committee aohodu|o has been modified as follows with all Committee meetings beginning at8:OUm.m.inthe Board Room: � Community Development— 1*Thursday � Utilities —2ndThursday � Public Safety —3rdThursday � Public Works —4!^Thursday Whereupon Mayor Pinkham adjourned the at8:28p.m. William C.Pinkham.Mayor J*kaVViUimmson. Town Clerk