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PACKET Town Board 2010-10-12
Prepared 10/1/10 fll,8 Revised TOWN or ESTES PARI© The Mission of the Town of Estes Park is to plan and provide reliable, high-value services for our citizens, visitors, and employees. We take great pride ensuring and enhancing the quality of life in our community by being good stewards of public resources and natural setting. BOARD OF TRUSTEES - TOWN OF ESTES PARK Tuesday, October 12,2010 7:00 p.m. AGENDA PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. PUBLIC COMMENT (Please state your name and address). TOWN BOARD COMMENTS. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: 1. Town Board Minutes dated September 28, 2010 and Town Board Study Session Minutes dated September 28, 2010. 2. Bills. 3. Committee Minutes - None. 4. Resolution #13-10 - Schedule public hearing date of October 26, 2010 for a New 3.2% Off-Premise Liquor License application filed by Safeway Stores 46, Inc. dba Safeway Fuel #920, 621 Big Thompson Avenue. 2. ACTION ITEMS: 1. REAPPOINTMENT OF JONATHAN FORD TO THE ESTES VALLEY PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT BOARD, 4-YR. TERM, DECEMBER 31, 2014. 2. APPOINTMENT OF JACQUELINE HALBURNT TO THE PLATTE RIVER POWER AUTHORITY, COMPLETING TERM OF R. BERGSTEN, EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 2010 AND EXPIRING DECEMBER 31, 2011. 3. REPORTS AND DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. NATIONAL PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE UPDATE. Grand Lake Mayor Judy Burke. 2. SIGN CODE UPDATE. Director Joseph. NOTE: The Town Board reserves the right to consider other appropriate items not available at the time the agenda was prepared. , ,..4 . 3. TOWN BOARD LIAISON UPDATES. Board Members. 4. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR REPORT. 5. MEDICAL MARIJUANA CENTERS. 4. ADJOURN. NOTE: The Town Board reserves the right to consider other appropriate items not available at the time the Ar,pnria wAR nrpngrpri Jackie Williamson From: Admin iR3045 Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 3:58 PM TO: Jackie Williamson Subject: Job Done Notice(Send) ***************************** *** Job Done Notice(Send) *** ***************************** JOB NO. 3502 ST. TIME 10/06 15:43 PGS. 2 SEND DOCUMENT NAME TX/RX INCOMPLETE ----- TRANSACTION OK 6672527 Greg White 5869561 KEPL 5869532 Trail Gazette 5861691 Channel 8 6353677 Reporter Herald 2247899 Coloradoan 6922611 EP News ERROR ----- 1 Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, September 28, 2010 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 28th day of September, 2010. Meeting called to order by Mayor Pinkham. Present: William C. Pinkham, Mayor Chuck Levine, Mayor Pro Tem Trustees Eric Blackhurst Mark Elrod John Ericson Wendy Koenig Jerry Miller Also Present: Greg White, Town Attorney 17 Lowell Richardson, Deputy Townd@mihistrator Jackie Williamson, Tow~C~k« Absent: Jacquie Halburnt, Town Administrator 1%'.4,1!4%146 i X Mayor Pinkham called the meeting to ordenat#7:00,43,~.and all demr~ig to do so, recited the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT. Johanna Darden/Town citizen commenteabn the loss Jft@es that would occur with the new Bond Park Master Plan. She ht~ted the trdes~vould>be replaced with pavers leaving less green space.6*hltown. I *u,*/ '\<> David Habecker/ToWn citizen requested trie Town Board refrain from reciting the 'Under God' pledge. 1 (~ f ~f TOWN BOARD COMMENTS. / Mayor Rihkham: reminddel-ttie community df the high fire danger and the fire ban in effectuntil further notice. 1. <e~SENT AGENDk:i \ f 1. Town Board Minutes dated September 14, 2010 and Town Board Study SAsion Minutds,hated September 14, 2010 and Joint Town Board, Larimer County. Comfilislion and Estes Valley Planning Commission Minutes dated August 30, 2010. V 2. Bills 3. Committee Minutes: A. Community Development, September 23, 2010. 4. Estes Valley Planning Commission Minutes August 17, 2010 (acknowledgement only). it was moved and seconded (Levine/Miller) the Consent Agenda be approved, and it passed unanimously. 2. LIQUOR ITEMS: Board of Trustees - September 28, 2010 - Page 2 1. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP - FROM PHILLIPS MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS INC. DBA SMOKIN' DAVE'S BBQ & TAPHOUSE TO 7522 RESTAURANT CORPORATION DBA SMOKIN' DAVE'S BBQ & TAPHOUSE. Town Clerk Williamson presented the application transferring the Hotel and Restaurant License to 7522 Restaurant Corporation. The ownership of the license remains the same and only the corporation/applicant name has changed. Mr. Oehlman commented on the transfer, and Mayor Pro Tem Levine urged Mr. Oehlman to comply with Liquor Laws, particularly avoiding liquor sales/service to minors. It was moved and seconded (Blackhurst/Miller) the Transfer Application filed by 7522 Restaurant Corporation dba SMOKIN' DAVE'S BBQ & TAPHOUSE for a Hotel and Restaurant License be approved, and it passed unanimously.. 3. REPORTS AND DISCUSSION ITEMS: 21 1. BOARD LIAISON UPDATES. fl Trustee Miller stated the newly formed Transf59Rtion Visioning Committee would meet on October 5th. The ad-hoc citizein committee would be supported by consultants and staff to provide techr~~~17#port. \~~h Trustee Koenig announced the AR04{top Rodeo Committeeielected new officers. Sister Cities would hold a.publfc meeting,o,n Novembet*~3~~010. i Mayor Pro Tem Levine reminded thobudness community of the Fall Celebration sponsored byithe Estes \*114 Partners of Commerce on September 30, 2010. \«\ 1 Trustee Ericson stated the Supporters Ofthe Performing Arts presented an update on fundraising efforts fo the lo€n'13@td.duhAg the study session. The group is devel6pingja-business *lan/for 2011/ The Larimer County Open Lands comnfitted reported sales tax 4 county wide. 6 Trustee Blackhurst cohimented thetneeds assessment for Lot 4 near Good Samaritan fia¢com64in- ov@rbudget,>and would be discussed at the next 1:106*ifig»Authodtyvmeeting. 44\...27 <f #Mayor Pinknam: stated4the Boy Scouts held their Centennial celebration at > dHermit Park ttlislbast Weekend. He thanked everyone involved and recognized ithe~forts of thdt*ecial E,tent staff. il j) 2. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR REPORT. . Debutj~300'n/Administrator Richardson reminded the public of the upcoh,ing bullget study sessions to be held on the first four Fridays of October>frdm 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 pm • The concrete is in at the fairground for the driveway and vendor pad. The fence will be completed shortly. • Staff attended a CIRSA training to provide a presentation on the Town's successful loss prevention program that saves the Town money on premiums. 4. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS. Items reviewed by Planning Commission or staff for Town Board Final Action. Mayor Pinkham opened the Public Hearing for all donsent Agenda Items. 1. CONSENT ITEMS: A. VESTING PERIOD EXTENSION 1. Development Plan 00-07, Lot 3, Marys Lake Replat, 2625 Marys Lake Road, Marys Lake Lodge Condominiums, Ram's Horn Board of Trustees - September 28, 2010 - Page 3 Development Co., LLC/Applicant. Item moved to action item per citizen request. 2. ACTION ITEMS: A. VESTING PERIOD EXTENSION 1. Development Plan 00-07, Lot 3, Marys Lake Replat, 2625 Marys Lake Road, Marys Lake Lodge Condominiums, Ram's Horn Development Co., LLC/Applicant. Mayor Pinkham opened the public hearing. Johanna Darden/Town citizen stated the vesting period should not be extended because the area has already been overdeveloped, and there are many issues that need to be addressed. The public hearing was closed. It was moved and seconded (Levine/Blackhurst) to approve an extension of the vesting period'' for three years ending September 20, 2013 for Development Plan 00-07,0,LAt 3, Marys Lake Replat, and it passed unanimously. 5. ACTION ITEMS: 1. RESOLUTION #11-10 RECYCLING THROUGH PRIVATE ENTERPRISE. Mayor Pinkham provided a brief histor+on the topic of recycling, inbluding the most recent discussion of providing sUpbort•for,brant funding of a cardboard compactor. The proposed resolution BoutliAes the Town's support and commitment to good steWardship:of the envirdnment and recognizes there are sufficient private enterprisei,;o~tion©agilable for#citizens and visitors in the Estes Valley and surrounding*onimunities. Board comments followed: all stated support for#recycling; r€c¢cled*,materialsdo riot end up in the landfill; the Town should/hot-cdmpete vOitk·'focal private >enterprise; and the Board recognized:ttle;6fforts ofthe Re&ycliAg committee. Attorney White stated the Town has'heVer been irivdlved in 2olid waste, which has been the responsibility of the count¢since the'l 960.S. 1 * Irene tittl€Cothair# of the League, of Women Voters Recycling Committee 4tatir the 'resolation4 does not address the concerns of the committee, 7 „ihcluding Atesparlbciti~ns using recycle centers paid for by citizens of other X #communities And applging#for grant funds to improve recycling in Estes Park. \She asked if th«bwn woold lease land to the League for a compactor. Corinne~)yer/Lgague of Women Voters Recycling Committee commented on the n&ed*for imprdvements at the transfer site to make it more user friendly through brant opportunities. She requested the town not hamper the efforts in applying ahd 'receiving grants. The Board stated grant efforts should be coordinated through the county and Waste Management. Jean Weaver/Recycling Center Co-Founder stated recycling saves the community money. David Habecker/Town citizen stated if recycling was profitable the cost of collection would go down. He commented there are times when government should get involved. It was moved and seconded (BlackhursVEricson) to approve Resolution #11-10, and it passed unanimously. 2. RESOLUTION #12-10 SURPRISE SIDEWALK SALE OCTOBER 9™ & 1001. Manager Winslow stated the shoulder-season event is open to all businesses in Estes Park from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The Resolution allows for outdoor Board of Trustees - September 28, 2010 - Page 4 sales during this event, which would otherwise be a violation in the CD - Commercial Downtown zoning district. Trustee Ericson requested staff insure the business owners are educated on the regulations, and staff enforces the outside merchandise space. Charley Dickey/Town citizen requested consideration of placing cones in the loading zones downtown to prevent possible accidents and allow tent signs. Manager Winslow stated closing off the loading Zones has been a concern with business owners in the past. The sign code is not being enforces at this time. After further discussion, it was moved and seconded (Ericson/Koenig) to approve Resolution #12-10 as written, and it passed'unanimously. 3. DESIGN ENGINEERING FOR BOND PARK PHASES I AND 111. Director Zurn reviewed the RPF for Bond Park desiO¢engineering Phases I and 111. Each submittal was rated in seven cdfegories by astakeholder committee: responsiveness to the needs of tlfe Town of Estes Park; the responsibility of the proposing firm and its expirieNZe ih.dealing with municipal governments in similar projects; the propo~hd'firm'sbeAgagement team; the degree to which the proposal meets or/ejeeeds the tefrn&#of the RFP; past performance of the firm; the firm's np¢tp-exceed cost; and'theifirm's ability to adhere to the deliverables described in,the RFP..The committee*recommends RG & Associates, and hoted thekiwere~ti'~ most, responsive to the requirements outlined in the RFP. TRe@00mitte6 requested staff /enegotiate the scope and fee with RG/& Associates.\~ (' Firm Name \ 194,~. \4€ 1-6cation Quote Drexel, Barrell & Co./Thorn Associatesi Bbulder $43,170 TST, Inc./Adonai/All Terrain 1 \ h \.Fort<Golljns $45,700 Cornerstone Engineering/Basik Archite'cturd*.E#tes Pbrk $52,650 JVA Incorporated/ThorA Associates/BHA Bbuloer $55,900 McDowell.Engineering/Russell+MiUs Studios Fraser $73,475 RG & Associates/Winston Associat@5 \ Denver $76,546 JHS Engihedring/Rusdell&Mills Studids \ Fort Collins $76,470 Britina Desihn Group/Loris*& Associates' Arvada $77,225 4Lindw6rks Deitign,·Inc./Tetra Tech« Denver $129,675 ~/ Design Conbepts/Olsson Associates Lafayette $154,550-$206,800 W X X. ~ <~/layor Pro Tem 1.evinef*Eressed concern with the renegotiation with one firm ~,pod not providing~the. same opportunity to all other bidders. Director Zurn st¢ted RG & Assbciates were determined to have the best proposal prior to the effo¢s-0 narrowihgl the scope and firming up the final price. The committee recommended£ledllcing the number of meeting, thereby decreasing the deliverdbl~~:~the cost. Johanna Dirden/Town citizen questioned what trees would be removed or damaged during the construction of Phases I & 111. Trustee Miller stated the project has not been designed, therefore, it is unknown what trees would be removed. Director Zurn stated the consultant would present the detail design to the Board and the public before final approval. After further discussion, it was moved and seconded (Elrod/Blackhurst) to renegotiate the scope of the contract with RG & Associates for the design engineering of Bond Park Phases I & 111 for $70,000 from #220-4600-462- 35-60, and it passed unanimously. 4. ORDINANCE #21-10 SMALL WIND TURBINE AMENDMENTS TO THE ESTES VALLEY DEVELOPMENT CODE. Planner Shirk reviewed the history of developing code requirements/regulations for small wind turbines. The proposed regulations contain a Conditional Use Board of Trustees - September 28, 2010 - Page 5 Process (CUP) that would be reviewed by the Estes Valley Planning Commission with appeals going to the Town Board or County Commission. The CUP process would include notification of the neighbors and specific review criteria. Every building permit application for a small wind turbine would be subject to a CUP, and failure of an applicant to apply for a building permit and commence construction or operation within one year of receiving approval would terminate the CUP. Review criteria would include but are not limited to visual impact, height, size, noise, shadow flicker, color, design and wildlife standards. Trustee Miller stated support for the CUP process; however, he questioned several of the items proposed including the submittal of a visual analysis, sound analysis, shadow flicker as it relates to the principle living quarters or occupied structure, allowing tower designs, height measure from the hub to be consistent with the county and a safety setback oyl)or 2 times from the principle adjacent structures and not less than tbe standard zoning setback. Other Board comments: all structures should/be 'included when reviewing shadow flicker; height should be measured tolhe-t8pj~he blade and not the hub; and the proposed regulations are 73Pated andltecessary. Johanna Darden/Town citizen spoke,in favor of the regulail~ts,and would not agree with the removal of proposedilavidw criteria. 1 Paul Brown/Town citizen stated a photo simulatiori should not be required. He also commented on an unrestrictive desig<no color requirements, a two time setback should be standarB 08.112 additioAal-requirements to ensure the noise ordinance has been met. 1, 4 .*t .\~ 4 4 -4#$144 \\ Bob Clements/County citize'Arltatedlthe*roposed regulations are heavy- handed and ovKrkill>'He statidkth€c6rreribd@Velopment codes adequately address concern's related to srhall<wind turbin@s. He requested the Board consider .a'sitb limit fot turbines, 'up¢o 85 square feet, that would be exempt from the t<,process,4nd allow tlirbibes to be up to 125 square feet. ¤on-Norris/Fianni~/66mihissionodhair stated the CUP process being tproposed ba~ nbt reviewed by the Planning Commission. The Commission / Nes align@d.on the* height requirement, measurement to the top of the blade 1% 44% & #j \.and 2 time setback. The: majority of the public input revolved around allowing \)he turbines with, Eegulationt. The Commission limited the size of the turbines to-85 square feet because of the lack of a CUP process. Attorney White.read the Ordinance into the record. After further discussion by the Board, it*as moved and seconded (Miller/Elrod) to approve Ordinance 21-10 with thdfollowing amendments 1.) Remove submittal requirements (2).a., (2).b. and (2).f.; 2.) Review Criteria (3).a. shall read ...structure to be located and sited ...; 3.) Review Criteria (3).e. shall read All towers shall be freestanding; 4.) Review Criteria (3).f. shall include the code reference Section 7.8; and 5.) Section (6) Size shall increase from 85 to 125 square feet, and it passed with Trustee Blackhurst voting "No". Whereupon Mayor Pinkham adjourned the meeting at 10:08 p.m. William C. Pinkham, Mayor Jackie Williamson, Town Clerk RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, September 28, 2010 Minutes of a Study Session meeting of the TOWN BOARD of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held at Town Hall in Rooms 202 & 203 in said Town of Estes Park on the 28th day of September, 2010. Board: Mayor Pinkham, Mayor Pro Tem Levine, Trustees Blackhurst, Elrod, Ericson, Koenig and Miller Also Attending: Deputy Town Administrator Richardson, Town Attorney White, Town Clerk Williamson Absent: Town Administrator Halburnt ~« Mayor Pinkham called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.mt' .1 SUPPORTERS OF THE PERFORMING ARTS*( OPA) 09, 44\ Stan Black/SOPA member reviewed a presetltalidn on the Supporters of the Performing Arts (SOPA) efforts during the summer sedsottj- He statdththe AMS stlkly'#howed the theater had the potential economic impact of*a~eas~$2.2'rnillion and up M $8 million. In 2009, SOPA formed a Publicity 92mmittee, fc..uked106 large donors, implementing a high quality website and hired a professional grantlvriter to help raise funds. The group saw small contributions, income 8ffset-B~expensek and grant commitments expire. Total fund balance at the end of 2009>includi?*Town *iteN)rep and FOSH funds, was $2.2 million. The 2010 goals for 501?A in6luded*re-ighititig local enthusiasm, add $800,000 to the building*flifid*and redffi}rn.Adliari€J-own support. As of August, SOPA has gained a .rldttdtal of $42,097, ir*proved and eipanded the website, continue donor solicitations,/initiated mdetfng with\LMD, confirmed approach with consultants, identified hurdles fard established'there are'n&Rainmakers. SOPA intends to complete a 2011 business plan by Dedember-1;.2~0,*bxpand Board and committees, expand and filter potential d~not#litt,/fbEhive coachitg on donor psychology, use available technologi#s,-invitd greate( participation I¥the Town and others, work more with the LMD,*forge new br improve, }E]ationships with financial advisers, Northern Colorado Commuhity FoundationX Sctiodl\~istrict and the Town officials and staff, create endoWrients for local ~performAyand theater maintenance and the creation of an Executive pil~tor positioh.~ SOPA stated€tfie Town'fco'uld help by rewriting the MOU agreement with stronger language and @xfend termination period to annually, show public support by attending functions and providing'quotes in the media, and transfer FOSH funds to SOPA. Discussion followed on what would happen to the funds raised to date if SOPA does not raise the necessary funds to build the theater as designed; the Town Board can not commit to more than one fiscal year; the Town has set aside two years worth of operating funds for the theater; a private entity would have built a theater in Estes if it were as lucrative as stated; become self sustaining through an endowment program could help raise funds; and government involvement in the project seems to be hampering fundraising efforts. SOPA representatives stated a smaller version of the theater may be built if funds cannot be raised to build the current design. Town government involvement in the project continues to be important in order to make the facility available to local groups. A solely private venture would be built and used by groups from the front range, and would not be available to the local groups or for education. After further discussion, the Board consensus was to retain the FOSH funds as outlined Me RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Town Board Study Session - September 28, 2010 - Page 2 in the agreement with the Friends of Stanley Hall. The Board requested SOPA present the business plan once complete. COMMITTEE STRUCTURE. The Board discussed the combining of four committees (Community Development, Public Safety, Utilities and Public Works) into two committees (Community DevelopmenVCommunity Services and Public Safety/Utilities/Public Works - PUP). Trustee Blackhurst expressed concern with the length of the meetings and the amount of time staff spends in the meetings. The Board consensus was to continue through 2010 and reevaluate after the first of the year. Trustee Ericson proposed a Finance Committee be formed to address asset analysis, review how monthly financial reports are created and work with groups like SOPA. He suggested they meet on an as needed bases. Mayor Pinkham requested Trustee Ericson write a formal statement on the need and benefits of fo~ing the committee. RETREAT. Mayor Pinkham stated the bi-annual retreat was not,Meld*ter the 2010 Municipal election because it was determined a retreat would bem*erpaff£ctive after the newly elected were in office for a period of time. He sugge*d the Boara consider a retreat in November facilitated by an outside source t~discuss commlihiq~tion and how the Board could function more efficiently. After discu'ssion, the Board consensus was to have a retreat to discuss the Mission, Visfin And Goals of the To*nin addition to communication. Mayor Pinkham requested th@%item be add*d to the nex¢s¢idy session agenda to confirm the process and the date of th#retreat./ BUY AMERICAN <~\ U Trustee Ericson proposed adding at~*American stateTent to the Town's purchasing policy. After discussion by the Boak/the-con¢ens~s was~h~ to add a statement that would make purchasing good~more difficult and cumbersome. There being no further business,<Mayor Pi~'ram adjourned the meeting at 6:40 p.m. \4»4124% Jackie Williamson, Town Clerk RESOLUTION # 13-10 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO: That the filing date of the application for a New 3.2% Off Premise Liquor License, filed by, Safeway Stores 46, Inc. dba Safeway Fuel #920, 621 Big Thompson Avenue, Estes Park, Colorado, is September 10, 2010. It is hereby ordered that a public hearing on said application shall be held in the Board Room of the Town Hall, 170 MacGregor Avenue, on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 7:00 P.M., and that the neighborhood boundaries for the purpose of said application and hearing shall be the area included within a radius of 4.09 miles, as measured from the center of the applicant's property. DATED this day of , 2010 TOWN OF ESTES PARK Mayor ATTEST: Town Clerk 2 TOWN oF ESTES PARIQ Memo Town Clerk's Office TO: Honorable Mayor Pinkham Board of Trustees Town Administrator Halburnt From: Jackie Williamson, Town Clerk Date: October 7, 2010 RE: Reappointment of Jonathan Ford to the Estes Valley Public Library District Board, 4-Yr. Term, December 31, 2014 Background: The Estes Valley Public Library District has requested the reappointment of Jonathan Ford to the Estes Valley Public Library District Board of Trustees for a 4 year term expiring December 31, 2014. Mr. Ford has spent is career dedicated to the church and serving the people. He has been involved in library activities in other communities and helped the Rotary Club of Estes Park with their 2007 project at the Estes Park High School. He is involved in Rotary and Crossroads Ministry. Mr. Ford is interested in serving the library to help it grown with the use of new technologies and to make the community aware of the services the library offers. Budget: NA Staff Recommendation: N/A Sample Motion: I move to approve/deny the reappointment of Jonathan Ford to the Estes Valley Library District Board with a term expiring December 31, 2014. ESTES VALLEY L I B 114% n v Claudine Perrault, Library Director 1/ I\- 1 cperrault@estesvalleylibrary. org www.estesvalleylibfary.or- September 27, 2010 Jackie Williamson Clerk, Town of Estes Park PLO. Box 1200 Estes Park, CO ·80517 Dear Ms. Williamson: Rev. Jonathan Ford will successfully complete a 3-year term on Decemb€¢ 31, 2010. Ihe Estes Valley Public Library District Board of Trustees recommends that Mr. Ford be appointed to a second 4-year term commencing January 1, 2011 and terminating on Detember 31, 2014. We believe that Mr. Ford has the education, career experience, and enthusiasm to make an effective and valuable Board member. The Library Board of Trustees respectfully requests that the Town Board approve Jonathan Ford's appointment as an Estes Valley Public Library District Trustee at its earliest convenience. Sincerely, GLAn W.*[<L Sarah Walsh, President Board of Trustees Estes Valley Public Library District 6» 970-586-8116 •fax 970-586-0189 5-/ PO Box 1687 • 335 Easl Elkhorn Avenue · Estes Park, CO · 80517 APPLICATION FOR LIBRARY TRUSTEE Name: The Rev. Jonathan T. Ford, Sr. (Jack) Mailing Address: 250 Courtney Lane, Estes Park, CO 80517-9051 Telephaae: (home) 970-586»5790 (work): N/A Birth Date: ~1~ E-mail: baptised[1938@msn.com Have yati e¥et' been convicted of a criminal offense: No. I assume you are not, a#ldng about traffic tickets; I was cited here in May and previously, once in Nebraska prior to 1997. Educaltoont History: B. S. int.Bacteriology, U of Maryland, College Park, MD, January 1962. M. Div„Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandri#,VA, May 1970. M. S. in Pastoral Counseling, Loyola College, Baltimore, MD, August 1981. Occupational Background: Februsly - June 1962, Harrigan Roller Co., Baltimore, MD, Salesman. July - September 1962, USAF Officers Training School. September 1962 - August 1967, Communications-Maintenance Officer, USAF. September 1967 - May 1970, Student, Virginia Theological Seminary June L970- December 1971, Assistant to the Rector, St.Martin's-in-the- Field, Sevema Park, MD. Janu*y 1972 - May 1983, Vicar, The Church of the Ttansfiguration, Braddock Heights, MD. June 1983 -December 1987, Rector, The Church ofthe Holy Spirit, Bellevue, NE. January1988 - September 1997, Rector, St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Kearney, NE. April 1998 - December 2005, Rector, Christ Church Episcopal, Beatrice, St. Luke's, Wymore, and St. Charles the Martyr, Fairbury, NE. Retired, December 31, 2005. Have you done any volunteer work for the Estes Park Public Library? If yes, please describe. None. Please describe any volunteer Work that you have done for other libraries. I helped to set-up and staff three ofthe semi-annual booksales at the Beatrice Public Library, Beatrice, NE. I helped the Rotary Club of Estes Park with their recent project at the Estes Park High School Library. . I I. . . Present CiVIC Activities: Paul Harris Chairman fbr the Rotary Club of Estes Park, July 2006- : Priest Associate, St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church, Estes Park, January 2006 - Crossroads Ministry, Inc., Board Member, July 2007- i Past Civic Activitiesi Frederick County Mental Health Association, Frederick, MD, Board Member, Vice-President, and President, 1975-1979. Sunrise Rotary, Kearney, NE 1986-87. The Rotary Club of Beatrice, NE 1998-2005, Board of Directors, 2000- 2003. N.B. This listing does not include my participation in the local ministerial associatidns in every community where I have served as pastor. Why are you interested in serving as a Library Trustee: 1. I use the library on an ongoing basis and I want to see it flourish and utilize the evolving technologies. 2. I want the community to become more aware of all that the library i offers in the way of resources. i 3. Reading is "in the genes," so to speak, e.g., My father was a voracious reader, a trait that I inherited. I worked in the library while I was a student at Virginia Theological Seminary. Our oldest daughter is the Puterbaugh Professor of Library Science at Oklahoma Stat6 University and an Associate Dean of the OSU Library. What ideas would you like to pursue during your term of Board Membership? If chosen, I come with no agenda other than a commitment to do my best to serve faithfully (no puh intended) and diligently. Other Comments: I believe that my education and experience have equipped me "to withstand pressures, prejudice, and provincialism that would.restrict or prevent equal library service to all." By signing, I am authorizing and understand that I will be required to successfully pass a Criminal Background Investigation. 1 1 ivEL« 3-4 60»% 1~ t. 3734, 7- ' Date Cj Signatdre -4.-WQ.m-- *O. ¥~-m A.~~A„--«mm* tmm" Re TOWN op ESTES PARIL Memo ~0 Town Clerk's Office To: Honorable Mayor Pinkham Board of Trustees Town Administrator Halburnt From: Jackie Williamson, Town Clerk Date: October 7, 2010 RE: Appointment of Jacqueline Halburnt to the Platte River Power Authority, Completing Term of R. Bergsten, Effective November 1, 2010 and Expiring December 31, 2010 Background: With the recent announcement of Director Bob Goehring's retirement in October 2010, the Town has begun to take steps to fill positions he held on Committees and Boards. Director Goehring currently sits on the PRPA Board with a term that expires on December 31, 2011. Utilities Engineer Reuben Bergsten was selected to fill the position on the PRPA Board in March of 2010 to bring him up to speed on current issues. In September, the Town completed an interview process for the Utility Director position and was not successful in finding a viable candidate. Brian Moek/PRPA Manager has suggested Town Administrator Halburnt replace Reuben Bergsten on the Board until the Director position can be filled. The appointment would be effective November 1, 2010. Budget: NA Staff Recommendation: N/A Sample Motion: I move to approve/deny the appointment of Jacquie Halburnt to the Platte River Power Authority Board replacing Rueben Bergsten with a term expiring December 31, 2011. . 19* TOWN or ESTES PARL .- I Memo TO: Honorable Mayor Pinkham Board of Trustees Town Administrator Halburnt From: Robert Joseph, Community Development Director Date: 10/07/2010 RE: Sign Code Update Background: The revised sign code is based on the accumulated effort of the Sign Code Task Force that met last summer and issued a set of recommendations (see "Sign Code Task Force Summary of Objectives"). These revisions are for the most part aimed at relaxing some of the current code standards. Staff has also made revisions with the primary purpose of implementing two broad objectives from the Task Force to improve the internal consistency, clarity and readability of the document, this involves some re- formatting and re-organization of the existing code language that is to remain in the code. Finally, The CD/CS committee has directed staff to make numerous revisions over the last few months as the committee has reviewed and refined earlier drafts. Highlights: • The task force recommended that illustrations be added to the code to make it easier to understand. The current draft includes these illustrations. • The current draft also provides new code provisions to address the temporary signage needs of local fund raising special events, such as the Duck Race. • A new section for non-profit (non-commercial) banners has been added. • The current draft includes a new process for Creative Signs that will provide flexibility in the application of the sign code. • The current draft sets up a new process for the hearing of variance requests by the Creative Sign Review Board. Budget: N/A Staff Recommendation: NA report only Sample Motion: N/A report only Sign Code Task Force Summary of Objectives High Prioritv Maior Revisions: 1. Create a Flexible Sign Permit review process that encourages and rewards superior design in settings where multiple businesses occupy a single lot. 2. Create a regulation allowing temporary Banners. 3. Provide a new process for staff-level approval of minor sign code variances. 4. Increase wall sign allotment from one to two per frontage 5. Clarify and strengthen enforcement of the sign code, including on-site citations for repeat violations , 6. Allow neon and other exposed light sources (LED, 'etc.), but strictly limit the brightness or intensity of the light based on an objective measure of intensity (e.g. lumehs or ft. candles). 7: Prohibit scrolling, programmable signs in the CD district and place restrictions on the time intervals where they are permitted in the CO district 8. Review wording in the sign code to make it more user-friendly Medium Priority Revisions: 1. Establish a measurable standard and code language that can relate to current sign technology forsign illumination 2. In the CO zoning district, increase the existing cap from 150 square feet to 200 square feet, but maintain the existing 1.5 square foot signage allocation per lineal foot of building frontage. Consider the differences between the Downtown and Outlying settings when revising the size regulations 3. Discuss Exemption (10)d and how it relates to future mass public transportation. Committee desires to leave this exemption in the code 4. Create a time frame for temporary signs (60-90 days), and consider restructuring the fee schedule to allow one fee if a temporary sign permit is issued while the permanent sign is being built 5. Consider changing the maximum size for temporary marketing/construction signs to four feet by eight feet (4' x 8') 6. Allow change of copy on existing permitted signs without a new permit 7. Revise the sign maintenance section to refer to structurally unsound signs as a trigger for coming into compliance 8. Provide diagrams and graphics to illustrate the intent of the code provisions 9. Allow flashing string lights only during the holiday season, and provide firm start and end dates for the season. Quick fix Housekeeping: 4 Revise the size allowance for election signs (150 square feet) in commercial districts to match the allowances for similar temporary signs 4 Delete the reference to "moveable" awnings 4 Clarify the distinction between a canopy and a marquee 4 Clarify size limit for exemption from permitting process for Joint Identification signs (different in the CD-Commercial Downtown and CO-Commercial Outlying districts) 4 Change the sign area computation formula by increasing 8 points to 12 points 4 Change the maximum number of permitted signs in single-family residential zoning districts from one per building to one per residence 4 Create a definition for "temporary" 4 Refer signs located at intersections to the Estes Valley Development Code (EVDC) 4 Place time limits on temporary exempt signs 4 Clarify the term "official filing" for subdivision signs 4 Clarify the definition of public right-of-way to exclude privately-owned public spaces that are enclosed on four sides by buildings 4 Delete Exemption (10)b that deals with signage on vehicles 4 Change the size limit to nine (9) square feet for temporary real estate signs to include riders 4 Broaden the exception for marquees to include other sign types that require frequent updating of information 4 Increase area allocations for Joint Identification signs 4 Housekeeping: 17.66.040 Definitions, (7)...organization orgf nations... (22)...and similar pmjeets projections 4 Housekeeping: 17.66.090 General regulations, (e) Permanent Signs which identify lands... 4 Housekeeping: Schedule of Requirements: Single-family Residential Zoning Districts Maximum Area per Sign Face, All Signs: 24 sf (to align with exemptions) 4 Define the term "premise" for the prohibition of off-premise signs Low Priority Revisions: 4 Remove outdoor display of merchandise from the sign code and create a land use code revision for this purpose (group opinion is this could be a safety issue in the CD zoning district) 4 Provide a content-neutral definition for flags 4 Provide for the expiration of non-conforming signs 4 Consider allowing signs on blank walls, possibly through a Flexible Sign Permit review process 4 Consider ways to accommodate special event signage needs. Policy and Administrative Issues: 4 Create an inventory of non-conforming signs which could trigger code compliance when a business license is issued 4 Create a pamphlet for new businesses to increase knowledge and compliance with sign code 4 Enforce the existing prohibition of off-premise real estate signs, with an exception for open house directional signs during the actual open house event occupied by the agent, representative or owner . 4 Enforce the existing prohibition of off-premise signs 4 Restructure fee schedule for temporary banners TOWN or ESTES PARIQ Memo TO: Honorable Mayor Pinkham Board of Trustees Town Administrator Halburnt From: Lowell Richardson, Deputy Town Administrator Date: 10/8/2010 RE: Medical Marijuana Public Comment Background:. The Town Board of Estes Park passed a moratorium to not allow any medical marijuana dispensaries or other affiliated activities to medical marijuana on June 22nd of this year in anticipation of the state modifying the medical marijuana laws July of 2010. This summer the Larimer County Commissioners passed a moratorium to not allow for the growing and dispensing of medical marijuana within the unincorporated areas of Larimer County. Though the state is allowing municipalities until July of 2011 to develop regulation for Medical Marijuana, the Mayor has asked to start the process to review and discuss this topic because of Larimer County's recent actions. The first step in the process is to take public comment regarding the subject matter. The Town's PIO provided a public announcement to the community for this issue asking for comment and encouraging citizens to attend the Town Board meeting on October 12th. To date the Town Clerk's office has received approximately twenty public comments that have been included in the Board packet. Budget N/A Staff Recommendation: N/A Sample Motion: N/A Jackie Williamson Fronn: .i.....= Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 2:57 PM To: Jackie Williamson ubject: Medical Marijuana public comment for October12 E.P.B.T. meeting October 7, 2010 TO: Estes Park Board of Trustees FROM: Johanna Darden, ~ IN RE: Public Comment on Medical Marijuana I ask you to "prohibit engaging in the sale or production of medical marijuana, as well as the issuance by the Town of business licenses, building permits or any other approvals for the establishment or operation of a medical marijuana facility in the Town limits". It is my belief that any person with an illness in need of marijuana is treated outside of Town. They are able to get a prescription from their physician or a physician associated with that physician near where they receive treatment. It will be difficult to police the legal use of medical marijuana. If someone is suspected of using marijuana not for medical purposes, will it be an infringement of their rights if a police officer asks them to prove they are using it legally? "There are currently no licensed medical marijuana facilities selling and/or producing medical marijuana within the Town." If it is grown in Estes Park, how can we be certain the seeds would not escape a facility and start growing wild outside the facility? is my understanding that currently there is only one physician in Estes Park who is licensed to prescribe medical marijuana. There is a business woman who spoke at the first Town Board meeting where public comment was accepted on medical marijuana. This person stated that she already has someone interested in renting her building who wants to sell medical marijuana. She stated that her reason for wanting Estes Park to lift the prohibition on medical marijuana is so she can make money renting her building. I don't think this is a decent reason to lift the ban on medical marijuana. I would hope you would think about the long-term consequences for the residents of our town. Please enter my comment into the Public Record and I thank you for considering my viewpoint. 1 Jackie Williamson From: John Miltenberge~~ Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 3:38 PM To: Jackie Williamson Subject: Medical Marijuana Ms. Williamson, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my views concerning the "legal" dispensing of medical marijuana within the city of Estes Park. I cannot think of a valid reason for supporting this "legality", try as I might, and as such I'm 100% against it. For that matter, I'm against it anywhere in the United States. Making legal the dispensing of marijuana is as stupid an idea as the "Please drink responsibly" logo in the beer commercials. It makes no more sense than the hot coffee warning litigated onto the sides of McDonald's coffee. Why does this country continue to pander to the idiot fringe at the expense of everyone else? Whatever happened to just baseline morality in this cduntry? What irks me is the need to even debate the issue. Even an 018-fashioned amount of average intelligence should reveal this idea at root is only another attempt to tear down the fabric of our once- great country. We drivers place ourselves in enough risk just sharing our streets with the drunks we have now. I can't imagine how much more of a roulette game itil be once we get the overly "medical:ed" driving too! Anyone who reads the police blotter every week should be impressed with the sheer concentration of drunk driving arrests that our police are involved with every daY; with the medically high added to the irresponsible legions, I can't imagine how they'll have the manpower or resources to keep abreast of the extra activity medical marijuana will cause. And for every arrest, there are about twenty that get overlooked! That's an old statistic - it's probably higher now. This is not a Democratic/Republican or conservative/liberal contest; it is right verses wrong. With the full-blown immergence of this issue, even a casual observer can see that not only is our society now considering the unthinkable, thinkable, but we are losing our anchor-hold with regards to the rights of t majority - once again. Jo}wu M atanbe4'0€4' Estes Park, CO 80517 1 Jackie Williamson From: VT~ Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2010 3:20 PM To: Jackie Williamson ubject: Medical marijuana I adamantly oppose any facilities (distribution or growing) associated with marijuana. I have watched the problems encountered in Denver and do not care to see Estes become a haven for drug distribution. I can't help but think this is the perfect market for expanding into other drugs. The thought of having a distribution outlet near my home throws me into a state of panic and absolute fear. I can understand and even support the use of medical marijuana; however, if it is truly medical, why isn't it distributed through a pharmacy or some other qualified outlet that requires a pharmacist to dispense it? It is more like a plague that has beset the metro area. Please continue to ban the distribution/growing in the Estes area. If someone who lives here needs medical marijuana, let's put together a delivery system or group of volunteers who will drive to the valley to pick up whatever anyone might need who is unable to drive there themselves. I cannot begin to express how much I oppose this. Vicki Tesar 1 - Jackie Williamson Fronn: tanja hilton ~ Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 3:06 PM To: Jackie Williamson Subject: marijuana dispensary Dear Town Board, I am very concerend about this issue. Raising children in a town where there are marijuana stores around was never in my parenting plan. How easy do we want to make it for our children to get their hands on the drug? I understand that it is supposed to be only for medicinal purposes but we all know that that is simply not the case in this state. It is easy to purchase and redistribute to others and I don't want my children around it. I feel like we should do all we can to protect the innocent and easily influenced minds of our children. We need to have a safe town to raise them in. Let's try to keep our beautiful Estes park drug free for our children's sake. Respectfully Tanja Hilton 1 Jackie Williamson From: .Ii-..=I- Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 1:31 PM To: Jackie Williamson ubject: Marijuana Facilities in Estes We are writing to tell you that we are strongly opposed to having marijuana dispensaries in Estes Park. We love the fact that Estes Park is a small, safe town to raise our children in and do not want to bring drug accessability to the neighborhood. Thank you for taking our opinions on this matter! Nathan and Dierdre Kinley, 13 year residents 1 Jackie Williamson From: Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 11:19 AM To: Jackie Williamson Subject: Medical Marijuana in Estes Park Jackie, The EP News article on the subject says you are collecting the community input. Here's ours: I have no issue with people needing marijuana for medical purposes but from what I hear it is not hard to get it legally for other purposes as well. I don't know about you but I don't want the kids in Estes Park growing up with marijuana stores around. How easy do we want to make it for our kids to get the stuff? I of course want to respect everyone's opinion on the matter but, let's be realistic about this wolf in sheep's clothing. • Who is going to police the action of these so-called businesses? Just what our fine police department needs. • How many legitimate prescriptions for pot are now being written by our EPMC and Timberline physicians? 1'11 bet not many. • Is it all about money (tax revenue implications)? If so, has anyone balanced any potential revenues against the social costs for our community? We say, let those who "need" pot for their ailments go down to the valley for it. Don't bring it up here. Regards, Neil and Sue Woodley 1 Jackie Williamson From: Mia Warner~ Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 1:30 PM To: Jackie Williamson ubject: medical marijuana dispensaries tachments: -static--intheclouds_b.jpg; -static--intheclouds_It.gif taaegiab:-919·:·... 1 ·(%*05/1 . 4% .. . .... 9...9.- .- 4/li . 1:411. ..... . ·497-99 . . 1 .. U.. 1 Jaekie, My husband, Doug, and i ate against'MMD's." It would never tr stop at just the MMD; it would be abused, and now we would have .4- 4 moreproblems. How do I know? Because we had a family member usirig for 8 years, and became a dealer. It leadd to other drugs as-well , -4,22*i and:the problem escalates. It hever starts out "pure and simple;" it would ma:* ~22 open doors to other things as well,-Been there, done that, and not ~ wanting to be around it again. thfinks forlisfening. mia and doug warner. . ·' 9 4*£24.6·, - ' .%,r.te-aa 1 + lk,4-- .. . 1 + . . it .rn + •t 9 GE..- + .. y 912~t'k ,%71/01/9.r . Dal 1 . i...' 41 $ Jackie Williamson From: Marshall, Daniel S Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 6:59 AM To: Jackie Williamson ubject: medical marijuana dispensaries Dear Jackie and the Estes Park Town Board, I understand that a Town Board Meeting will be held next week at 7pm to discuss allowing or prohibiting medical marijuana dispensaries in Estes Park. First of all, thank you for taking the time to listen to the community who will be directly affected by the decision. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend. I hope that even being a resident of Pinewood Springs, because it is not in the limits of Estes Park, you will consider my request to not allow medical marijuana dispensaries in the town of Estes Park. My wife owns her own business in Estes Park and I do much with the community of Estes. I also work in Boulder and I am very disappointed that on just about every corner in downtown Boulder, a medical marijuana dispensary is present. I ask myself "why"? Was it really that hard to get or was competition for cheap medical marijuana so fierce that there had to be so many dispensaries? 1 understand from my Primary Care Physician that if he was to prescribe medical marijuana to someone, the pharmacy would provide it for the individual just like any other drug or narcotic. Why should marijuana be so different that it should have its own store? Estes Park has the feel and personality of a down-to-earth, relaxing, and conservative community. Allowing medical marijuana dispensaries to "grow" would only turn this atmosphere into another party town just like Boulder for no reason from what I can see. I know you will have differences of opinion and I hope you take mine as just an opinion as well and will respect everyone's opinion on this matter. ank you, an Marshall 1 Jackie Williamson From: Linnig Caro Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 6:13 AM To: Jackie Williamson Subject: medical marijuana dispensaries To the Town Board: Vote NO on medical marijuana dispensaries. That is a slippery slope to even get started on. There is still not even medical agreement on the benefits of marijuana use for health reasons, let alone the illegal use of it. Keep it out of our community! Thank you. Carol T. Linnig 1 Jackie Williamson From: Ken Hendren~ Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 10:34 PM To: Jackie Williamson ubject: Medical MJ in EP Dear Jackie Williamson (Town Clerk, Estes Park, CO), I am a home owner in Estes Park and I am writing to register my extreme opposition to medical marijuana dispensaries being allowed to operate in Estes Park. First and foremost, Estes Park is a tourist town that caters to families. These families come to Estes Park to get away from their homes to a fresh environment that is welcoming to all both old and young. This environment js represented in the cookie and candy and ice cream and t-shirt and clothing and book shops and restaraunts that line Elkhorn Avenue. Imagine the possibility of one dispensary inserting itself among these businesses, and imagine the impad on tourists from other states and other countries. Furthermore, municipal laws across the state of Colorado are, to put it mildy, in flux. Every city has a different outlook and agenda on the subject. Estes Park is currently in a unique position in that no dispensaries are currently operating. I assert that if and when the floodgates open there is no way to turn back. While I empathise with those few who may have an established need for medical marijuana it is clear that they have many options. There are dispensaries operating in Loveland, Longmont, Fort Collins and Boulder. Estes Park is a small town and everyone who lives here has had to head down the hill for one thing or another at some point, and medical marijuana should be no different. We live in a small town for a reason. If we didn't acknowledge and choose the trade- offs of small town living we'd be in a city or suburb somewhere where every whim could be adressed within the radius of a few miles. Estes Park is special. It doesn't need to be like everywhere else and it doesn't need to try. We need to preserve what makes us what we are and what keeps people coming back, because people coming back is the life blood of the town. The day we become like every place else is the day that our lives as residents of Estes Park change forever. Please consider my comments and do not allow medical marijuana dispensaries to operate in Estes Park. ost sincerely, Ken Hendren Estes Park, CO 1....../...lili 1 Jackie Williamson From: Jim Cope~ Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 1:13 PM To: Jerry Miller; Bill Pinkham personal; Cynthia Deats; Jacqueline Halbumt; Greg White; John Ericson; Mark Elrod; Wendy Koenig; Eric Blackhurst; Jackie Williamson; Chuck Levine; Gr White Subject: Medical Marijuana Attachments: Medical Marijuana in Estes Park.doc Dear Friends -- I attach a statement I have sent to Town Clerk Jackie Williamson on the subject of medical marijuana. I hope you may find time to download and read it. But, knowing the number of things you haee to do (thank you, ever so much) here is the gist: There are many documented and on-going problems with medical marijuana in other jurisdictions whichwe really do not need in our lovely town. But, what is the patient in Estes with a legitimate need for it to do, if the Town does not license dispensaries? The answer: legitimate, licensed and regulated mail order services -- not in Estes Park. They are readily available aind deliver on a timely basis via the US-Postal Service. This is how I obtain most of my prescription drugs, including controlled substances, and it is quite satisfactory. Thank you for considering my views and for the thoughtful way you are handlingthe question of medical marijuana. Sincerely, Jim Cope 1 Medical Marijuana in Estes Park: What Should We Do? Statement for the Record Submitted by: James D. Cope ---t Estes Park - We have a thorny problem. There seems to be a valid medical use for medical marijuana and we may have, or may in the future have, citizen/patients who could benefit from it. But - what is the best way for them to legally receive it? Given all the problems other jurisdictions are experiencing from allowing retail dispensaries to provide marijuana, it seems to me that we should stay out of that thicket. Crime, costs associated with enforcement, and other documented and on- going problems are not an attractive option for our little mountain village. But - how are people in need to legally and safely obtain their marijuana? There is a readily available answer: Licensed and regulated mail-order services. Such businesses are in place, have a proven track record of service and safety and - they are not in Estes Park. But their services are and medicines arrive conveniently and on time via the US Postal Service. The addresses of such businesses are readily available. I use mail order pharmacies for most of my prescription drug needs -- including controlled substances. It is convenient and quite satisfactory. With such service readily available to the citizens of Estes Park, let us make the wise choice and stay out the medical marijuana morass. Sincerely, Jim Cope Jackie Williamson Fronn: jerry stevenson~ Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 9:28 PM To: Jackie Williamson Subject: Spam: Medical marijuana dispensary I am opposed to the idea of a so-called medical marijuana dispensary in Estes Park. The whole idea of a medical dispensary for marijuana is ridiculous to begin with. There is no need for it and there is no control of it. The recipient can resell it or use it. This is just a way to legalize the use of marijuana in my opinion. Jerry L. Stevenson Patricia J, Stevenson 1 Jackie Williamson From: Douglas Voile-~Ii.,1-I=-I'=6 Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:58 PM To: Jackie Williamson ubject: Estes Park Marijuana Dispensaries 09/29/10 Re: Estes Park Marijuana Dispensaries We do not want or need pot stores in Estes Park. Based on newspaper police reports, we have enough drunk drivers on the road without enabling hop-heads to join the group. If anyone has a legitimate need for medical marijuana, I'm sure they can find a dealer in the the Peoples Republic of Boulder. Doug Voiles 1 Jackie Williamson , From: Douglas Van Westen~ Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 8:11 PM To: Jackie Williamson Subject: Dope Stores in Estes Park What type of message does this send to our young adults and teenagers? I would suggest you check with a parent that is currently spending +$40,000 to try and save their child in rehab. No one just becomes a heroin addict. It starts with alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, meth and finally heroin. Any liberal Dr. will prescribe this junk to anyone with a hangnail that causes discomfort. I believe that is the problem in Denver. The genie is out of the bottle and our brilliant state government can't figure out how to get it back in. Just like expanding liquor sales on Sunday. Just what our society needs, more opportunities for our citizens to become intoxicated. We already have the least informed electorate in our history. Stupid and lazy is no way to go through life. I do not want to live in town that wants to look like Nederland or Boulder. What's next, city sponsored needle exchanges in Bond Park on Saturday afternoons? This medical marijuana for discomfort is the biggest scam since man- made global warming, are we that clueless? 1 Jackie Williamson From: Dave Engelhardt -IMM~ Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 3:25 PM To: Jackie Williamson ubject: Medical marijuana dispensaries Dear Ms.WIlliamson, I would ask you to forward my comments to the Mayor and the Town's elected officials while they consider the issue of regulating medical marijuan dispenaries. I would strongly encourage the Town to take a position to prohibit medical marijuana dispensaries. My wife and I moved to Estes Park 3 yrs ago and make the community our home. I retired after 30 yrs with the Iowa Department ofPublic Safety - Division ofNarcotic's Enforcement (obviously spending my career in the area of drug enforcement). My position is based on 2 important issues: #1 - I have never seen a credible medical report with any foundation stating (or drawing a scientific conclusion) that marijuana is the only drug available for treatment of a given medical condition - being prescribed (or used) in lieu of other currently approved medically accepted treatment options. #2 - Consider the motivation of those individuals who are in favor of either growing or operating a dispensary - once you get past the politically correct comments about compassion, etc, etc, it will come down to one thing the enormous profits to be made. Having been in law enforcement I'll tell you that the issue will create enforcement nightmares for the local -olice Dept., send a message to everyone who lives in Estes Park (including our children/young people) about ig use, run counter to Federal drug laws (including the enhanced penalties for sales around schools, playgrounds, etc) and degrade the quality of life here in Estes Park. Best regards as you folks tackle this issue, Dave Engelhardt Estes Park 1 Jackie Williamson From: Dale Andrews WilliIl~~0Il~ Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 10:08 AM To: Jackie Williamson Subject: Spam: medical 420 Hello, We wanted to voice our strong objections to the City allowing any 420 stores within the City. For those who truly need the product for medical purposes, Lyons has multiple stores that sell the product so there would be no hardship for those who need it medically. Thank you, dale and Sandy Andrews 1 Jackie Williamson From: D. Burr~ Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:06 AM To: Jackie Williamson bject: Comment in favor of medical marijuana Attn Town Board: My wife and I live in Estes Park and we are in favor ofmedical marijuana. Though we have no need of medical marijunana ourselves, if you do some study on this topic you will find that medical marijuana has real medical benefits for a number of medical conditions. Thank you, David Burr Estes Park, CO 80517 "Written comments to the Town Board regarding medical marijuana dispensaries will also be accepted by Town Clerk Jackie Williamson before 5 p.m. on October 7. Comments may be e-mailed to jwilliamson@estes.org, delivered to the Clerk's o®ce in Room 150 of Town Hall or mailed to the Town Board at P.O. Box 1200 in Estes Park, CO 80517." 1 Jackie Williamson From: Coni Householter ~ Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 4:01 PM To: Jackie Williamson Subject: Medical Marijuana Dispensaries I would vote NO on allowing Medical Marijuana Dispensaries or growing, etc. I do not feel that having that type of business in Estes Park would be good for our community. They have them in Nederland and that is close enough for anyone who would need it. Just my opinion. Thanks, Coni Householter EP, CO 80517 i~Sonte Jucceed, becaude they are, ded¢Ened, te; but most-succee,6 beca«de the:y aze detannuled, 22*. 1 Jackie Williamson From: Charlotte ~ Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 8:57 AM TO: Jackie Williamson ibject: medical marijuana dispensaries - NO I strongly oppose the Town allowing medical marijuana dispensaries to be approved within the Town of Estes Park limits. We have enough problems with the illegal use in the Town of Estes Park and do not need legal facilities which elsewhere have created fraud, misrepresentation, break-ins and related crimes. Please prohibit engagement of any business in the sale or production of medical marijuana, as well as the issuance of business licenses, building permits or any other approvals for the establishment or operation of a medical marijuana facility in the town limits. Charlotte H. Lloyd 1 Jackie Williamson From: ..Il.- Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 2:40 PM To: Jackie Williamson Subject: Marijuana Shops I am concerned about the possibility of such shops being open here in town. I have seen enough stories and read enough stories to know that there are way too many people who have prescriptions for medical marijuana, who really have no need for it, but have managed to get a prescription from a doctor. I believe that there are truly some people who can benefit from medical marijuana, but they are a lot fewer than the masses that seem to think they "need" medical marijuana. I work at an office that as an open office space next door. A gentleman came and said he was exploring the option of opening a shop here. We certainly wouldn't be excited about that business being next door-seeing a potential of people hanging out there, the potential of robberies and what that could mean to our patients coming to andleaving ouroffice. There is enough trouble with marijuana available to young people in this town-we don't need to go to another level to make it acceptable. It seems as though it's been like opening Pandora's Box in other towns that have allowed such shops. I hope that the Tciwn of Estes Park will continue the moratorium well beyond 2011. Thank you for your and consideration of this matter. 1 Jackie Williamson From: 4 Seasons Inn ~ Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:36 PM TO: Jackie Williamson ubject: MORATORIUM Hello! Here is how we would like to express OUR thoughts on the "medical marijuana" issue in Estes Park, Colorado... NO WAY IN HELL!!!!! We (my wife and myself) do not want the related issues that come along with these dispensaries! It would be an absolute shame to have a marijuana "shop" located in Estes Park, NO MATTER WHAT the REASON!!! "Medical"...my ass! If there are people that need it for medical necessity, they can go elsewhere to purchase it but NOT IN ESTES PARK! This needs to be a PERMANENT moratorium! I know this email sounds a bit "harsh" and my wife has already asked if it were necessary to use the foul language...1 decided to leave it in my email. We are OPPOSED to marijuana and the problems that Estes Park will inevitably inherit IF these shops were to be allowed here in town. Thank YOU for your time AND for allowing us the right to speak our voice on this and other issues! Scott & Patty Eldridge /=Il~lill~lll- Estes 1 , OCT 5 2010 ~ 4*6143, 20/6 6B-IL 6 ; 1: 661,144= 6-4, :e-£ f*" *.'*d=:zy zt f;,297' 224 .54* &,45'<- WAK U-ka ild A.u•~.-t.~ tr--1...._ ,rn U• 0.16 ¢041. ~AA.k /y~ a.... 69.4 Chk ·14 4-Ut'·£ 0-1- ht_ d'MAMO<+64-25, 1 1,#t W. ate .24*3 44 2'"£CA ' Aw ,«414 af gLZe&6 +~9-- S /»taAL a. AMe- 4%4.-21 date. 6712- tiuct Wal 994£ 1.-r 10 OXL *6~6 WA 61. \ 004* " A-.u-',· 2.£-,ct. ..~r~-2, g ,_ 4 66.ULLK Wlut 2.2 1% a '"43 -6,8 4 a.n U.ta=3 /*0,£ 3-9"£4 h & fAOL AU,14,4.- An•~~~_ »e, r 46.- bu.*1. 161 & PY#&46* ba· ,- Lt J * ..0. AMA.1 4*17 /C-- - t --- Al•16- te-*U,-11 ·44· dutuL.t,-...t ..$ dia 250£-- 09 /64 miu /luu:c ---. I r"+U /64£-4 .£6+AM//MAL A.4 *t.61_ 1 4 MQJ€- 040 1."u- 4- /VU 46£ 4.L /Yl.te £ 9~04 Ait . 77)443' -~ 404-1444- 26£4 Auu 44 -4521&649&0#ettite .J. 00 .653.4 ~P£ 604AL Li• Ate. M.~4· ,~d t *46 *'t -£•04•L .2.41LL WL, PE .20 ALUO / * a QUA. 76.•t,4 a- cl 6~40- A.e /M - U 2.4-l- A a d *444AL a AL<*kt-it#Lit.L,£61 V UU* 12-£ "* /14 dul GEL.l,uell.£? 'V 4 + *9/74 Li *G_U. Ar€-6 1- AL A~ 7[-t G EARMOLA- 2•44€-'64 1£& -3 f- a 4.-243 ,y-, _ r.L *61, 4447 6142-t A A-NULE. 7* 40•U- 68.4*;L 46.2# .IF.. /114=64 : >EL-& 85 3 a- 0 - 146 £8%1 64'LA -- loa*-£ 11 14 Atu.,dute £ ¥ »el„7 r * 91€ a.,5/,4:e- ID J OCT 5 2010 U By --- October 2, 2010 Estes Park Town Board P.O. Box 1200 Estes Park, CO 80517 Dear Board Members: We are writing regarding the topic of medical marijuana dispensaries in Estes Park. It is our belief that the establishment or operation of medical marijuana facilities would be a sad day for Estes Park. Medical marijuana is nothing but a misnomer for legalized marijuana. If this were to come to pass, there would be hundreds of new back aches and various other pains. What about the despicable people who supply our youth with liquor? Would they not also supply them with marijuana? We believe there is enough of a drug prob- lem without adding marijuana facilities. Sincerely, t*~nfic UrWA Mtil Charles F. HaMilton 04 i , r / 1/. Gf - 1, t \ 44<q L.'«42_.c £.Ufn,Z) Lavdrne A. Hamilton Jackie Williamson From: Annette MArshall [annettelmarshall@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 10:59 AM To: Jackie Williamson Subject: Spam: medical marajuana outlets I vote no on outlets/distribution within the city or vicinity of Estes Park. These types of establishments drastically reduce the quality of a town because o f the clientele they attract. It also sends the wrong type of message to our youth population ... all they need is a prescription to legally obtain an illegal substance. 1 '® E * LE El W LE r OCT 8 2010 . L.1 By To: Town Trustees I live in the county - but Estes Park is my home and workplace. I really hope we do NOT allow medical marijuana here!! We are a small town and a nationally recognized family vacation destination. Medical marijuana shops would certainly detract from the top notch vacation destination we are for any age group! I hear the argument that legal medical marijuana is a sales tax generator. However, you don't hear of the costs involved such as increased law enforcement and taking care of the problems generated from people using marijuana. A Larimer County deputy told me that contrary to popular opinion, people using marijuana (medical or not) can be just as combative as those who have been drinking alcohol, and their judgment is impaired for driving and other actions. And there have been instances in this county where growers were robbed of their "grow" so many of them hide. Medical marijuana dispensaries would also be targets for robberies. This summer In the Denver Post an article said banks no longer want to fund MMJ operations. One MMJ grower/dispenser said he had tried over 100 banks and still hadn't found someone to fund his operation. So that was "forcing him to be cash only." How would that be tracked for the sales tax dollars? It all sounds a little more suspect and underhanded. I also think this is a temporary fad. Shops will open and close rapidly. Another situation that should not be supported locally. MMJ is available just down the hill in Loveland, Fort Collins, Denver and many other locations. Those "needing" it have access already. Please just say "NO" to medical marijuana in Estes Park! ! Thank you for your consideration, guadfuu~ Carol Hillerson 901 Whispering Pines Drive Estes Park CO 80517 577-9724 Statement by Jim Cope to the Town Board of Estes Park - October 12, 2010 Medical Marijuana in Estes Park: What Should We Do? Medical marijuana is a sticky wicket and I think you are approaching it in a very thoughtful way. There seems to be a valid medical use for medical marijuana and we may have, or may in the future have, citizen/patients who could benefit from it. But - what is the best way for them to legally receive it? Other jurisdictions are experiencing problems from licensing medical marijuana dispensaries. Crime, costs associated with enforcement, and other documented and on-going problems - some probably yet to be discovered -- are not an attractive option for our little mountain village. But - how are people in Estes Park who need it to legally and safely obtain their marijuana if we do not license dispensaries? There is a readily available answer: The cities and towns all around us who have licensed dispensaries - Denver (big time), Ft. Collins, Longmont and, closest of all, Lyons, with four (4) licensed outlets. Even more convenient -- Federal Express. FedEx, unlike the USPS and UPS, will accept medical marijuana from licensed establishments for shipment to an individual. With such convenient service readily available, I believe the wise choice for us would be to stay out the medical marijuana morass. Jim Cope 631 Findley Court 586-4684