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PACKET Public Works 1985-05-16
PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MAY 16, 1985 AGENDA 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT TROPHY CASE- REQUEST TO PLACE IN LOBBY, 2, CEMETERY AGREEMENT- DISCUSSION 3. 1985 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM- REVIEW OF DETAILED PAVEMENT EVALUATION. 4, PROSPECT MoUNTAIN DRAINAGE STUDY- DISCUSSIN OF CONSULTANT, SELECTION, 5. RIVERFRONT.PARK- DISCUSSION OF CONSTRUCTION START DATE. REPORTS: 1. PUBLIC WORKS WEEK 2, CRAGS DRIVE BRIDGE 3. STREETSCAPE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ESTES VALLEY MEMORIAL GARDENS, INC. Catherine F. Haughey P.O. Box 2314, 1208 Rambling Dr., E.P. President 586-2708 D. Ned Linegar P.O. Box 4045, 340 Davis Hill, E.P. Vice President 58-9410 Helen B. Taenzer P.O. Box 4610, 520 Columbine Ave, E.P. Secretary 586-4152 Russell H. Hanson, MD 920 Ramshorn Drive, E.P. Treasurer 586-5564 Henry Baker P.O. Box 2826 586-5168 Walter A. Gurley P.O. Box 3243, 2301 Larkspur Dr., E.P. 586-6392 Charles F. Hamilton P.O. Box 3558, 1724 Dekker Circle, E.P. 586-6819 Robert H. Meyer P.O. BOX 2323, 430 Big Horn Dr., E.P. 586-8720 work, 586-2461 home Anne K. Moss 5769 Longs Peak Route, E.P. 586-6885 Henrietta J. Oetken Moraine Route, 1520 Sunnymead Lane, E.P. 586-5830 Elmer Ogren P.O. Box 1880, 321 Big Horn Drive, E.P. 586-5670 Billy C. Reed P.O. Box 3787, 150 Boyd Lane, E.P. 586-8735 home, 586-4793 Ch. of Christ Janet Romer 970 East Lane, E.P. 586-2454 home May 7, 1985 611 lixereise of Municip,il Powers 31-15-713 .Fainit the Inunicip,ility. no muller how valii- undet Inkings. Cily of Colorado Springs v. ;hle w'ch +et vice· iii,iv lie. und though the (201 i,v. 25 ('010. App. 46{), 139 P. 1031 ( 1914) .Afpl,r~ilit.,fi 1·clains Ilie re-lts thereof. City of (cli, All-rilig upilli u 11). 4,·,lot,tdo St,i·ings v. Conty. 25 (folo. App Ily IliN Aection the general :,Rembly did not •41. 1.19 1'. HI.11 (1')1-11. et,nleniplitle as ctiniing within iIN wovisions, 1 herr A mi appti,·ent 111•re%*ily lor exempting .14 to competitive bidding after adveilisement, *operimendent, 4,1 Clill,truction in,m the *tatti- any perwo employed by the city to render M , rulr , I,ecal,4( i 1 10 a muner i,f c *Immcin kivice* calling for ~,ecial Okill. knowledge, kn.,wledge ainong people who deal in Mich 01 c \Ilei icnce. City of Colurailo Spring. v. 4.illers thut :it'clmi·,10 imil engineer. of (.,m :,y, 29 ('i,|cl. App. 460, 13') P, 10.11(1914) untitiationed tihility und high repulation fre- (Conctit·ring Lirinion). Micntly. if not tivially. offer their services a. 14(,curement vic,lative of *eclion. Where it eperintendents of con>diticlion-upon a cily :Idopted without question the very fri.ent;,ge of the c imtract price, or upon dvtchy Und incomplete Arecific,itions submit- wme other Ii,i« . Jolii)*i,ii-Olnnted Retilly ted hy a development coinimny and the 4 o. v. City & County of Denver. 89 Clilli. development coinpany was in reality the only '41, 1 P.V 9211 0931 1. See City of COIc,r,ILIO bidder :ind obtained the contract. Mlch proce- ®ring< v. Conly. 25 Colo. App. 460. 139 P. ditre not (inly violates thih section requiring kill (1914). the wiuk to be given to the 'lowest respon- I hi0 xection has m) applic:,tion to vuch work *ible hidder'' itfter ''ample adverthentent'', • 14 pericirmed b> snlaried uilicerN under a but k contrary lo the plained dictate. of *1.imle or charter which provides thtit vuch pliblic blthine%% practice. Colorado Ce,It. Wlicers as the city engineer or his ashixtalliN Power Co. v. Monicipal Power Dev. Co.. 1 F. and deputies shall supervise and superintend. Supp. 961 (D. Colo. 1932). r.*citi,%e, the slatittes und charters are 1.1[ect 1,1 Detiver charter proviNions. linder cocustent und not conflicting. City of reitinent 1)eliver chinter provifionf, contracts Culoindo Spring< v. Cority. 25 Colo. App for orchilecturil servicew in ounteclion with 4Nt. 1.19 P. 11).11 (Ic)14). the erection of public |illill|1 110$ mliN| be Nor to cerlilit, tecli,Iical. eir., johN. The inutriled under compelitive bidding, otherwise Tenertil ;iN+embly dill mit intend. -hy tile they are void. and the continclor cittmot in.,clment of Illi# section. thal a mitnicipality Iecover for NerviceN rendered either under his th„ti|,1 ill|ver|iNe ful und iecei,e bitls for Nuch 04111:,ct Or 1,11 40,intllm Ineltlit. City & ircltibicid. pri,fe+*ional. or incidental assic- County of Demer v. Mounnim, 95 Colo. 111, :.mee ilA it may deem wiue to employ in gil,tril- U P hi 744 4 19,14), ing the hile,¢41 of the city :te,ling the neglect Applied in Corn ConV i. Co. v. Actn:t Cas. 01 Contractor. in the rerformance t,f their & Stit , Co.. 299 1.2d 61(.5 (1011, ('iii 1461). 3,1.: 1 5211-14,-w-i,r„~,,Arll4pril,lic_wock,-iglt.118!REE¢y:.(JUL|le-Ell'.ecllillg Doily of evich nuinicip,ilit¥ lins tlic. nower:_ lit)-ilg-G|~ut!11452&64Qf.-w-41,1 e tzwwk.v.-ditelies.. 1:,swt.,I*kf. ueuthermal U~teinh vill <pstain, electric light wolks. 01· c,Ilier public utilities. publi£ ,kiN(!ya..teL.Q.211~14!;EL.5,2SW.!kLIi:'1:k- UttreR,§£6406,10%.0.21!1£1;.mill Aul:4[&*4,15(1 ol. held toi. :lin tto~n)inent;il pili-i)i~4&.Ji%W064!U4~LeiWii'.IN. ,.12 Ul:-@iguic jb.(1ElUd.liil.141910 d.ll,ck Le u,1-dild.cvo44¢ 63 !~i<, ji_the.r Effr 221| be QI Ii,litillect..itt.:crumilar,' (ilt 41)eci.,1.duclic,n antl approved m the manner ,musillejuvULullmliz:, tino.,df.bot ide„d.i Lidub lerdiE;iG;C;jEUCCICISIOSCil. id). 7,ri-) To iell ; ind ®pohe of..11.v ordin.ince....,inv_olbetirea.Lestille. inclitilim; 1Ultjcqi:Fred Ii·,31'U!.LU.&1£gib=©Illineut. c,W lied bv the,Inunicipillit¥ 1,Don ~1 icil_Il:1;Ill> ill~L€j~i),Ii I,ie.11,h_:th,the..-*14)Zerili.ug.!212,]341~lil,%81!£#IM*G;i!,a.[el;Mli,r 2-Apectli;216-6-j · . Wil|, resreet to huch land aequited from the |t·deral gover,Iniclit. which lim| is located within or contigi lotls to the nmnicipillity, vich term< und condilicins shall he degigne,1 to rievent ipeculation imd assure 11,;it benelib acl'tile to the mnnicipality when the bale or ilispositioll of faid 1.ind is for numicipal exij,i:,3ion or re#iclenti;,1 purroves. Nollung iii this para- graph (11) 01 ill .ection 31-15-101 11) ··Imll he conrlrued to invilillitle the .t.Cepunice ul ledend lillic| by a nlillbILil),tlit j 01 the *ale and l|ihposal by a '7 .4, 31-15-714 Gm crnment - Municipal 611 mlinicipalily of land licquired fi'om the federal government, where ,u,h acceptance or disposal was coit,nintilated prior to April I, 1976, illill mull,c,· pal authority for any such acceptance or disposal is hereby confirmed, (c) To lease any real estate. together with any facilities thereon, ow'rd hy the inutitcipality when clecmed by the governing body to be in the b¢,4 interest of the municipility. Any lease for a period of more th:in one )w hhall be by ordinance. Any lease for one year or less than one year 31>41 be by revaition or ordinance. C) *Weases und ,deeds of o)nveyance executed and licknowledged bt tl~proper &,fficers-of such miti,icinalities and-purpl,rQ,16-t<j.have..been.in;tat- pursuant to the lirovikiB,is- i,f thik settion shall be cleenied prima facie ebl~ dencioulue-c,emp,11:14,¢c,.with.iill_(lie IN-quigments.of this section. (3) Any town holding title [o imy land settled und occupied as the 3,1, of stich town plirs,1.Int to und by virtue of the iici of coligress entitled '-Ac Act for the relief of the inhabilants of cities and towns upon the pubbc Itinds.", approved March 1 1867,43 U.S.C. sections 7114-723, und an a.1 of congress entitled '-An Act respecting the limits of reservations for 10•A sites upon the public domain,", 43 U.S.C. sections 725-727, and any ainen,1. ments thereto may dispose of and convey the tille to such land in the mannc, provided in this section. Source: R & RE. L. 75, p. 1130,§ 1;L. 76, p, 697, § 2. Cross references. For publication of legal con~yance waN :1.complialluil.with.lbe_?1401* notices, bee p,Irt I of ;irticle 71) of title 24. For filatuifilic-Term '·sell .„,!Ll!!32111,4 DC.4 "An Act for the relief of the Inhabitank of utectill-This-SniffitiATE,Trii M ggllii! i'f' 1,3 1,.. cities and towns upon the public lands", see tili-williTTiTTii]Iribili#~i,i•ilf-Wil interifiri~ INF 43 U.S.C.A, § § 718-723 (14 Stat. 541). For properly. to transter .md Convey th: PLY -An Act respecling the litnits of reseruitions Centenmal Pro jielfies Jlm, v, City d for town hitch upon the public domain'', see Einrat,KETK;A,l,to--191, 390 P.id 471 <IN,4, 43 U.S.C.A. § § 725-727. City of Idaho Springs v. Golden SUV. & 1.0•a Am. Jur. See 56 Am. Jur.]d, Municip.d Ahs'n, 29 Colo, App. 119,480 1'.2.d 847 (197(4 CorporationA. Etc., § § 512,549,55(). 11,11 a city could proiwrly convey real prop C.J.S. See 61 C.J.S., Municirid Corporn- erly, yet retain a possibilily of reverter to 4 , lions. § § 962. ')t,11,971,1043. , because poNbility of reveaer is merelY th, Annotator's note. Since § ll-15-713 is slitti·+ possibility thal the I,ind will come bi,ck to IN lar m repealed § 31-12-14)2, before the 1975 grantor, and the holder of a bare possibilit, 44 recodific,mon of this tille. relevant cases have reverter did not have a present -veitcd been inchided under this +ection. interest or ''ebtate" in the land. City ul IJabi, The u'lly Powerj,Enie~' pos'e,hed by a town Springs v. Golden Sav. & 1.oun A«n. 3 Dier-prillerly .,elie power .110.hell uninm~- Colo. App. 1 19,411(1 1'. 24 1447 ( 1971)). pose of" it 1,1,41 111!! !10£]ihg[1-gf~ju!£wd uf 31-15-714. Oil and gas leafe,5 - unit agreements. (I) '1'lie governing bod> of each municipality has the power: (a) To leabe any real extate or any interest therein owned by the mtinicip,st· ity for oil and gas exploration, development, and production pul'pOSeS, lipi,1, such terms und conditions as may be prescribed and comnicted by the gor. ertiing hoily in the exercise of ilx lie•,1 jill|!:inell! and its stich governing body deems Iii be in the bes, interest€ of the Illitllicipillity. Any Mich lease of od and gas right~ stuill be for a tenn not lo exceed len years ami as long there· after as oil or gits is produced and shall provide for a royalty of not le, than twelve and one-half percent of 811 oil or gus produced, savell, 1111,1 mill· keted or the equivalenl market value thereof, which royalty Inity be reduccit proportionately under appropriate provision in such lease if the interew 01 - ESTES VALLEY MEMORIAL GARDENS, INC. Design and Management Questions: 1. How much space ls needed for a cemetery to serve the Estes Valley area? Should there be room for expansion? 2. How large should the plots be? Individual? Family? Group? 3. Should whole body burials and cremated barials be separated or combined? 4. Should there be special sections? 1. e. Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, Children, Veterans. 5. Should there be an office and chapel building? Should there be restrooms? 6. If there is to be a mausoleum, how large should it be? 7. How should the roads be developed? To serve the total cemetery. 8. Should roads and utilities be developed first? 9. How much should be paid into the perpetual maintenance fund? 10. Do we do a design, and then search for the land? 11. After securing an option on land, do we a. Do a design? b. Do an environmental study? c. Do a geological study? d. Present the design/plan to the (1) Estes Park Planning Commission (2) Estes Park Town Board of Trustees (3) Larimer County Planning Commission (4) Larimer County Commissioners 12. Then begin the sald of spaces from the design. 13. How do we keep the Estes Valley Memorial Gardens, Inc., going financially in the meantime? 14. What is the desire of the Board about headstones and markers? 15. What kind of permanent file should we establish? 16. What do we do about families that cannot pay? 4 6 1,6 . AGREEMENT Estes Valley Memorial Gardens, Inc., a non-profit cemetery corporation formed for the purpose of providing a burial facility for the Estes Valley area, for burial for both whole-body and cremated remains, and open to all persons, and to those of all faiths or beliefs, on an equal basis, party of the first part, and the Town of Estes Park, Colorado, party of the second part, have on this date of , 1985 agreed as follows: Whereas first party seeks, as a non-pro fit corporation„ to perform a valuable service to the local area, and second party has a tract of real estate described as believed to be in all respect suitable for cemetery purposes of the type sought to be established and operated by first party, NOW THEREFORE, second party agrees to sell and convey to first party the real property described above for the nominal sum of $10.00, on the following terms and conditions: 1. That first party proceeds in a timely manner to obtain the approval of said premises as a site for a cemetery from all public boards and agencies having authority in such cases, 2. That such cemetery be perpetually available to persons of all faiths and beliefs and persuasions on an equal basis and for full body burials and burial or storage of cremated remains, and 3. That second party shall have, and hereby and in its deed of conveyance reserves for a period of years from the date hereof, the right to require a re-conveyance of the premises, and all improvements then located thereon, for the sum and consideration of $10.00 but only upon the express condition that second party would bind itsel f to the perpetual establish- Pri .t€ - ment and care of said cemetery substantially along the lines of its at that time "past" operation by first party. 4. Second party shall have the option of requiring a reconveyance from fist party if first party is unable to acquire the necessary permits and approval required to permit the use of said premises for cemetery pur- poses within years from the date of second party's conveyance of such property to first party. Signed this day of April, 1985. ESTES VALLEY MEMORIAL GARDENS, INC. By President Attest: Secretary TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO By MEMORANDUM TO: Richard Widmer FROM: Gregory A. White DATE: May 15, 1985 RE: Estes Park Cemetery This Memorandum is based upon the following set of circumstances. A Colorado non-profit corporation named Estes Valley Memorial Gardens, Inc. has been formed pursuant to Section 7-47-101, et seq, C.R.S. 1973. Said corporation has approached the Town with the idea of purchasing a portion of the Town's property for a nominal sum. The property is a portion of the real property acquired by the Town from the Public Service Company of Colorado when the Town acquired its electrical system. Questions: 1. Can the Town sell said property to the cemetery corporation? Section 31-15-713 (1) provides that the Town can sell real property it owns if the property has been deemed to be part of a public utility or held for any governmental purpose. The question of the sale and the terms must be submitted to the voters. It is my opinion that the Town most likely must submit any such sale to the voters. 2. Can the Town sell the property for less than fair market value? Article XI, Section 2 of the Colorado Constitution provides that the Town cannot give any aid to a public or private corporation. Any sale of the property for less than fair market value to the cemetery corporation would be in violation of this Section of the Colorado Constitution. . It is unclear from the statutes whether or not the terms of the sale were put to vote whether the voters could over- ride the constitutional provision. 3. It would be necessary for the cemetery corporation or the Town, prior to the conveyance, to have the property subdivided and rezoned since the property lies in the County. In the event that the Town would retain title to the property, the Town has to follow all procedures in the County for all subdivision and rezoning, but does not need to abide by the final decision of the County. 4. Section 31-15-713 (1) (c) provides that the Town may release any real estate under the terms deemed to be in the best interest of the municipality. The Town could lease the property to the cemetery corporation. However, it is my opinion that the lease payments must be fair market value so not to violate the above constitutional section. 5. As the above comments indicate, a sale or lease of the property to the cemetery corporation for less than fair market value appears to have legal complications. The Town might consider retaining title to the cemetery property and contracting with the cemetery corporation to provide the administration, maintenance, and day to day operation of the cemetery. -2- .,t , 4,1 y : ~35 2&44,·c TOWN OF ESTES PARI< 1¥40%9-j Richard D. Widmer il. 6 / Public Works Department 'f,i .9 4 1' G 4 ,-----1-- - Dir(,cti) r - -~544¢.t, •' .0..,5, a .7 /,4*«thi.h · 22 2 -:* - I 'R.A.4· St}}+ 0 3 .>.A '>44,4 ='. -- - I-- - :76- ,6 q · · k,BA '/44,1/'614~23*...·.'~-~.9- 4 4- b Z ph, 5 'i /4\A L > - --*A\~441 4. y.<,1 ': .. -'..4 ~~bjz'31#44*a, 6.1~-1 - ll*< -T 'ikts 4,4 #-2»..''RM« Estes Park, Colorado 805i7 5 / ... N ' - * May 14, 1985 MEMORANDUM TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Richard Widmer, Director of Public Works ~ RE: Revision of 1985 Street Improvement Program As authorized last month, a detailed Dynaflect-based pavement evaluation has been completed for several streets on this year's street improvement program. As a result, the following changes are recommended: Street Section Change Cost Savings - 1. Northridge Lane Overlay not required $12,800.00 2. Aspen Avenue Reduce overlay to 1 1/2" 6,500.00 3. Grand Estates Drive Reduce overlay to 1 1/2" 3,700.00 4. Pine Lane Reduce overlay to 1 1/2" 2,100.00 Total Savings $25,100.00 Pavement Evaluation Cost 2,400.00 Net Savings $22,700.00 With over a 9:1 savings/cost ratio, detailed pavement evaluation appears to be well worth the effort. P O. 111)\ 12(11) Tilt·i)lic,ne C $03) 3 86-5 141